How To Use Gambler In A Sentence

  • Each gambler is subjected to a battery of psychological tests prior to the treatment program, and again at the completion of the program.
  • Learn about regular vs. high low strategies in stud poker in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • This friend - who in an ironic twist of fate, appears in the film not as a gambler, but as the casino manager - would sneak down to the casino, after hours, and start playing with feverous intensity.
  • Bush the gambler is betting that he will come out looking like President Reagan, whose deficits bought economic reforms and a stronger national defense. The Budget Debate, IX, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There was an element of ill luck, but every so often, as gamblers would tell us, long odds do come off.
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  • Online gambling and spread-betting are now the highest risk areas of addiction for problem gamblers, according to a survey published yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The case may establish for the first time that bookmakers owe a duty of care to compulsive gamblers. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are more than half a million problem gamblers and calls to the country's leading helpline rose by more than a third in the last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set in Los Angeles of the 1930s, it depicts a dark and uncertain world, a world of pornographers and gamblers.
  • Mr Benjamin complained of Mr Russell of the 'Times' for holding him up to fame as a "gambler" -- a story which he understood Mr Russell had learnt from Mr Charles Sumner at Washington. Three Months in the Southern States, April-June 1863
  • Learn how to deal Texas Holdem in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • I thought that given a better part he could have fulfilled the promise he showed but not as the stereotyped gambler with a heart, which has so littered the American musical scene since Gaylord Ravenal applied for a job on a showboat.
  • Over by the bar a good-looking boy in the dusty clothes of a trailhand just in from Virginia City and his oxlike older brother had gotten into a vociferous argument over a girl with a dark-haired gambler, their voices rising higher and higher over Ishmael's quiet instructions to Jason. Ishmael
  • But the absence of the traditional enemy didn't spoil the fun for assortment of enthusiasts including gunslingers, gamblers, and their womenfolk.
  • The Vegas audience of polyester-clad gamblers and middle-aged couples contrast starkly with the fag-puffing, beer-swilling crowds at home.
  • The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.
  • Cockfighting, also known as "cocking," is a bloodsport that dates to colonial times in the United States and has offered gamblers a venue for betting around the world. Cracking Down on Cockfighting
  • This was more in the character of the Irish itinerant gambler, called in that country a ` ` carrow, '' than of the Scottish beggar. The Antiquary
  • A few years ago, Fremont Street was choked with cars, cabs, exhaust fumes and even a few gamblers.
  • I didn't spend my entire time in Vegas sitting amongst gamblers and preaching the puritanical virtue of self-restraint.
  • A gambler would probably ask how many zeroes need to be added to the donation for all traces of morality to disappear.
  • Since his arrest he has been to Gamblers Anonymous sessions in Bristol in a bid to kick the spiralling habit.
  • He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.
  • The drama played to his vanity as well as his instincts as a political gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iam the daughter of a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have been wagered by gamblers like Donna (who won $900 at a casino in Redding, Calif.) and unselfishly given to charities.
  • Learn about high-low strategy in Omaha holdem in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • Add to that: vain, an inveterate breaker of promises, a gambler and a lover of alibis, and the picture becomes ever more confusing.
  • The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.
  • Because young men who read instead of gamble are known to be "steadier" than the gamblers, and because children who read on Sunday make less noise and general row than those who will play tag in the neighbors 'front-yards, there has grown up this notion, that to read is in itself one of the virtuous acts. How to Do It
  • Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.
  • Another spin on the roulette wheel for the gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • A generation ago over two thirds of chronic gamblers bet on the horses, only one in five played on the poker machines.
  • Watch an example of a round of the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • Learn when the wild card changes in the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • Daylight still engaged in daring speculations, as, for instance, at the impending outbreak of the Japanese-Russian War, when, in the face of the experience and power of the shipping gamblers, he reached out and clutched practically a monopoly of available steamer-charters. Chapter X
  • Unwilling to churn out a quickie soccer novel to pay the bills, Owen, with the help of his professional gambler father, lands a job dealing blackjack and spinning the roulette wheel at a London casino.
  • I'm 31 and a compulsive gambler. The Sun
  • They offer cut-rate fares — gamblers can pay $12 round-trip from Chinatown to the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, and get a $60 bonus at the casino. NYC bus crash spotlights cut-rate bus companies
  • You may have been a great gambler but you've backed the wrong horse this time.
  • And when it comes to problem gamblers, too, let's not tell them they're diseased or zombified.
  • My father was a gambler who wore tailor-made silk suits and Italian shoes and had his fingernails manicured once a week.
  • What about whatshisname, the gambler, who surely ought to be in jail by now?
  • Petty criminals and gamblers muse, bicker and banter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within months she was a heroin addict, pregnant with their first child, and at his behest prostituting herself in Las Vegas to alcoholic gamblers to support both their habits.
  • The changes will also lead to an increase in the number of problem gamblers, the study concludes.
  • His research interests include the treatment of pathological gambling, gambling-related cognitive psychopathology, and concurrent disorders among gamblers.
  • Some quietly, like Nick Nolte as a gravel-voiced trainer-turned-owner, seeking redemption for a lost horse; and some loudly, most notably Kevin Dunn channeling Dennis Franz as a dyspectic gambler in a wheelchair, part of a gang of four shaggy underdogs including a scraggly Jason Gedrick, plus Ian Hart and Ritchie Coster who end up with a personal stake in what horse makes it to the winners' circle. Weekend TV in Review: Good Wife, Luck, Spartacus, Hallmark's Moon
  • How useful is it to tell overweight people or gamblers that they have a disease?
  • The essential problem with compulsive gamblers, however, is their blindness to this pathological desire to lose.
  • Dad was a big gambler, so the family went to a lot of county fairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He slid the money over to the other gambler
  • A recognised trait among gamblers is that you are likely to spend more when you are not physically handing over money.
  • Learn how to play your hand if no queens are turned over the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • There are already 80 casino operations and owners fear the star's Vegas-style resort will bankrupt them by luring away gamblers.
  • I have often wondered why a man who indulged in this sport was called a gambler, as the term "gamester," used many years ago, seems decidedly more appropriate. As I Remember Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth Century
  • As a gambler this really means that you need to pay attention to not just your odds of winning, but also to your bankroll: betting a substantial portion of your bankroll is a good way to go broke even when you've got a considerable advantage! ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • But Congress is ready to reach for our wallets at the behest of President Bush and Wall Street lobbyists who threaten us with a 1932 style Depression if they do not get $700 billion for the debts of Wall Street gamblers and financial inebriates! Eric Cantor Kills Bail Out
  • Learn how there can be four different wildcards in the follow the queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • This Damon Runyon tale of Broadway in the 1940s, has a melee of characters including gamblers, nightclub performers and Salvationists seeking to reform wayward inhabitants of Times Square in New York.
  • The internet is a major gambling hall for punters where they play poker bingo cards whatever; gamblers even get to play lotto online.
  • Because treatment tends to be individually focused, most family members of pathological gamblers never receive the care they need.
  • There's plenty here to trap the unwary and baffle even the inveterate gambler!
  • LAS VEGAS - With slot floors looking more and more alike, casinos jockeying for the latest hot games are using another tool to woo gamblers: custom-designed jackpots.
  • Watch a demonstration of the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • Watch an example of a round of the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • On one side of the river there is a fishing village of mat and attap hovels on stilts raised a few feet above the slime of a mangrove swamp; and on the other an expanse of slime, with larger houses on stilts, and an attempt at a street of Chinese shops, and a gambling-den, which I entered, and found full of gamblers at noonday. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • I had thought they were chronic gamblers.
  • Lincoln reviewed recent riotous incidents, beginning with the Vicksburg gamblers, moving to Madison County's purported slave insurrection, and ending with McIntosh's grisly death.
  • Conversely, Hawaiians were traditionally the biggest gamblers of Polynesia - going so far as to wager their own lives in surfing competitions - and they made fermented drinks of kava roots.
  • Every yard has its boozers, shirkers, grumps, gamblers and cack-handed riders.
  • I'd gathered Santa Fe was an extravagant, wide-open community, but even I was astonished at the amounts I saw change hands that night; the gamblers of Santa Fe, whether they were drunk traders, flash greasers, desperate immigrants, cold-eyed swells with pistols prominently displayed in their waistbands, or even the couple of tonsured priests who had an apparently bottomless satchel of coin and crossed themselves before every cast of the dice, were evidently no pikers. Isabelle
  • The show tells of the fortunes, and misfortunes, of Magnolia, the daughter of the owner of the showboat and her gambler husband Gaylord Ravenal.
  • The Clermont club was founded in 1962 by inveterate gambler Aspinall, in London's Berkeley Square.
  • Gamblers aren't shying away from them, though some dedicated coin droppers dislike the loss of the metallic sounds of money changing hands.
  • Junkets, a fixture in the Macau gambling market, bring high-spending gamblers to the casinos, issue them credit and collect on debts in exchange for commission. Galaxy Benefits From Macau Boom
  • Shane Bradley is a 28-year-old writer, gambler and soul-searching drifter.
  • The Tax Code also requires casinos to gather personal data on their gamblers for reports.
  • Where's that little pale printer's devil, the one they call the gambler's ghost? Down the Mother Lode
  • Goodness knows what Gamblers Anonymous make of it all, because one thing is certain: despite the glossy bumph and tales of riches, there are always going to be a lot more losers, than winners.
  • About a third of the funds deposited by gamblers went to the poker companies as revenue, known as the "rake," prosecutors said. Eleven Charged in Federal Crackdown on Online-Poker Companies
  • This is a comic take on the nature of luck and the power of faith from the perspective of a cancer patient and her compulsive gambler husband.
  • The Palin pick already, as Noemie Emery wrote, “Wipes out the image of McCain as the crotchety elder and brings back that of the fly-boy and gambler, which is much more appealing, and the genuine person.” The Palin Gamble - Swampland -
  • Women are often closet gamblers and their husbands and families are the last to know about the addiction.
  • He was known to be a regular gambler at casinos and betting shops, went to the gym daily and won karate trophies.
  • The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.
  • We found problem gamblers were able to shift their intense focus away from the gambling task.
  • Mickelson may be a big gambler, but all too often when the pressure is at its most intense he has left himself a busted flush.
  • But too few big gamblers noted the warning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes; what the gamblers call a capper, or roper-in. Madeline Payne, the Detective's Daughter
  • Almost 5000 Allied troops died that day, and Capa, the ill-starred gambler, was fortunate not to be among the dead.
  • collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers
  • Learn the stud poker roots of the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • Sportsman he was, and rake and gambler, as were we all; and I have seen him often overflushed with wine, but never heard from his lips a blasphemy or foul jest, never a word unworthy of clean lips and the clean heart he carried with him to his grave. The Reckoning
  • But pre-Mean Steets days, Runyon's stories of small-time gamblers, wise guys and schemers were classics of warmth and humour - which is why they lent themselves to musicals such as Guys and Dolls.
  • Okay, Celine Dion is an odd one, but you can attribute that to gamblers in Las Vegas with more money than they know what to do with and a healthy bar tab. Nostalgia Pad | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • At a “chore” rate of $20 per hour and $.20 per mile (which you might see, for example, in conventioneers and serious gamblers), you’d expect Reno residents to choose Sacramento any time the the Sacramento fare beat Reno by $108.60 or more ($20. 00×4 round trip + $143 x .20). On the Cheapness of Air Travel - Freakonomics Blog -
  • A score of five or more categorizes the participant as a ‘probable pathological gambler’, three or four as a ‘problem gambler’.
  • Music video by Iron Maiden performing The Angel And The Gambler.
  • Often and often I have mused quietly amid scenes where gamblers of various sorts were disporting themselves -- in village inns where solemn yokels played shove-halfpenny with statesmanlike gravity; in sunny Italian streets where lazy loungers played their queer guessing game with beans; in noisy racing-clubs where the tape clicks all day long; on crowded steamboats when Side Lights
  • In the film, Reeves plays a luckless, down-at-heel gambler heavily in debt to the bookies.
  • Money can be laundered through casinos by gamblers who buy chips, then cash them and provide a receipt to legitimise the proceeds.
  • Junkets, a fixture in the Macau gambling market, bring high-spending gamblers to the casinos, issue them credit and collect on debts in exchange for a commission. Wynn Macau Net Jumps 57%
  • Gamblers have a saying: "If you bet on a sure thing, be sure to save enough money for carfare home."
  • Some states limit the number of casinos they will accept as well as the amounts of money gamblers can bet.
  • Its elegance lured virtuous men and women to mingle ‘promiscuously’ with the gamblers, prostitutes, and adulterers who still inhabited the night.
  • There was a streak of the gambler in Horton. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of these may sound familiar to people who have seen or known problem gamblers of any background: a “lack of probabilistic thinking,” a belief that a player’s skill can surmount the odds (even in baccarat and roulette, which involve no skill beyond laying down a bet), the “delusion that one can foresee results by intuition and control results by ritual.” Macau’s Big Gamble
  • Adapted from the short stories of Damon Runyon, the show put on stage for the first time the gamblers, gangsters and shysters of the area around Times Square.
  • He became a strategic master planner and a multimillionaire gambler.
  • Watch and learn how to play Follow the Queen card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • You have to make a choice in life: be a gambler or a croupier - and live with your decision.
  • Learn about how razz differs from stud poker in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • The Archduchess was an avid hunting companion of Henry’s second queen consort, Anne Boleyn, as well as a bit of a gambler at cards, having once lost and then regained her wedding band from one of Henry's nobles.
  • He had in effect researched this through his own early life as a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was known to be a regular gambler at casinos and betting shops, went to the gym daily and won karate trophies.
  • This is not the sign of the innovator but the preserver, not the gambler but the investor, often willing to take a risk but only where it has been carefully calculated and measured by reason.
  • Ricardo: New Jersey has a law supported by compulsive gamblers that allows people to voluntarily sign themselves up for a blacklist — if someone on the blacklist is caught entering a casino, they immediately forfeit all their winnings and might have to pay an additional fine. ... The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • In this way, the backer enters into the traditional role of the gambler and the lawyer enters into the traditional role of the bookmaker.
  • Under the cloak of anonymity, lovers, adulterers and closet gamblers were free to behave appallingly.
  • Nicknamed ‘Bully’ Bolingbroke, the viscount was a famous figure in the world of breeding and racing, both as an owner and as a reckless gambler.
  • Mah-jongg, unlike fan-tan, did not depend so much on luck as on the skill with which one played the pieces luck sent him; and the young gambler, thinking that this might be his last day in a big mah-jongg contest, breathed deeply as he used both hands to help mix the 144 tiles at the start Hawaii
  • Gamblers Anonymous said there had been a rise in the number of people making contact with its helpline.
  • It is rumored that several police officers have been working hand in glove with the gamblers.
  • But Vegas is suffering - visitor numbers have fallen as penny-pinching gamblers stay away.
  • Controlling for these and other variables, gambling addiction was found to be a significant discriminator between problem and non-problem gamblers.
  • They are inveterate gamblers, drink as much beer as their wages will permit, are devoted to bawdy jokes, and use probably the foulest language in the world.
  • Or she might have been tipped over the edge by her father, a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gamblers, and most civilians as well, are continually confronted with predicaments posed by uncertainty and chance.
  • But before gamblers get too excited, they should remember that the odds of winning the jackpot are nearly one in 14m.
  • According to a study conducted by Alec Roy, M.D. formerly at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, norepinephrine is secreted under stress, arousal, or thrill, so pathological gamblers gamble to make up for their underdosage. New morning ritual
  • There was Dr. Bennett, a riverboat gambler who invented thimblerig and could still outwit the best of them at 70.
  • Being an inveterate gambler, the fourth son was only too glad to accept the offer.
  • Nobody would have knowed him for the same man that called the crookedest gamblers on the Yukon, and bolted newspaper men raw. Pardners
  • This was more in the character of the Irish itinerant gambler, called in that country a “carrow,” than of the Scottish beggar. The Antiquary
  • George Etheredge, gambler and lampooner, with drink and the devil all over him; solemn Thomas Thynne, murdered two years afterwards, for a woman's sake, by Count Conigsmark, who was hanged for it and lay in great state in a satin coffin; and last, my Lord Dover, with his great head and little legs, looking at the people through a tortoiseshell glass. Oddsfish!
  • The Experience has reinvigorated downtown Las Vegas, for years the habitat of the serious gambler and the serious vagrant.
  • The gambler and the "bootlegger" and the white slave dealer find their habitat in large centres of population. Policing the Plains Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous North-West Mounted Police
  • You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one.
  • Learn how queens outrank other wildcards in the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • But some people fear they could be the breeding ground for the compulsive gamblers of the future.
  • The short or intermediate term gambler or speculator would wait for some better confirmation of a turn around of trend before risking capital. Safehaven
  • Another limitation is that it focused on people with relatively minor gambling problems - only four of the participants were classified as pathological gamblers.
  • Learn how queens outrank other wildcards in the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • Another spin on the roulette wheel for the gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other gamblers turned their attention to punting on the result of the negotiations between the union and the casino.
  • Sure enough, he was a liar and a compulsive gambler.
  • Iam the daughter of a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • France were much quicker in setting up scoring chances but they squandered them with the reckless abandon of a gambler, certain the luck would hold all night.
  • As many gamblers have testified, taking a chance with your cash is likely to lead to heartache and empty pockets.
  • I have no tolerance for compulsive gamblers, this stemming from a personal experience with one.
  • He kept his fan-tan game running and was delighted one day to find that the leper ferry had brought him a Cantonese man, near death, who had managed to hide out in Iwilei for two years before the quack herbalist turned him in, and who was as good a gambler as he. Hawaii
  • You couldn't be talking to a bigger gambler than me. The Sun
  • This the mafoo does with great pleasure, as, apart from the keen interest he takes in racing -- all Chinese being inveterate gamblers -- it is an understood thing that he will receive a good cumshaw from his master for each race that his stable wins. Life and sport in China Second Edition
  • the gambler demanded a reshuffle
  • Learn the stud poker roots of the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • The son is a gambler, a spendthrift, and a wencher, while they say the father is a villain, a miser, and a tightass. Unforseen Return
  • The case may establish for the first time that bookmakers owe a duty of care to compulsive gamblers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surrounded by a group of angry gamblers intent on capturing a young girl protected by Usagi and Gen, the rabbit ronin and his bounty-hunting friend are running out of options in this conclusion to “The Whip”! Dark Horse Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • As indicated in the literature, probable pathological gamblers in adolescence are at risk of becoming adult pathological gamblers, especially when they participate in a variety of gambling activities.
  • The casinos would be subject to strict regulation and would be required to block minors and compulsive gamblers.
  • This phenomenon highlights the short versus long term enigma that blesses or curses recreational gamblers, and some professionals, too.
  • There was a streak of the gambler in Horton. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.
  • This was more in the character of the Irish itinerant gambler, called in that country a _carrow_, than of the Scottish beggar. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 397, November 7, 1829
  • Given how opinionated and dissolute they are, you'd expect sports journalists to be shrewd gamblers.
  • I'm not anti-gambling, but I'm also not a big gambler myself other than an occasional football pool.
  • The messages almost always come from disgruntled gamblers who have lost money betting on a player's matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The State is also facing a raft of claims, including a multi-million euro class action for compensation by chronic gamblers claiming their ruinous habit began as children betting on the State-run racetrack.
  • One of the horses in the second big race had to be put down, and whatever else it was trying to do -- establish Dustin Hoffman as a TV star, create a trackside milieu, give us a world full of compromised, colorful individuals, say something about the gambler's mentality -- 'Luck' made us feel awful for that poor horse and for the jockey that had to comfort the beast in its last seconds. 'Luck': Dustin Hoffman And David Milch Debut Their New HBO Drama
  • Savage as a Red Indian, gambler and profligate, a man without morals, whose vengeance was never glutted and who stamped on the faces of all who opposed him — oh, yes, she knew all the hard names he had been called. Chapter XIV
  • To confer upon the National Government the power for which I ask would be a check upon overcapitalization and upon the clever gamblers who benefit by overcapitalization. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • He says with 300,000 Australians now considered chronic gamblers, it's time the Federal Government took some responsibility.
  • For many years he was a compulsive gambler, and a very unsuccessful one at that, and while there is no evidence that his life was overly blighted by the addiction, he did run up fairly substantial debts to several bookmakers in Glasgow.
  • The same schedule is in all gambling devices and it creates the pathological gambler.
  • High-roller gamblers from Asia tend to chain-smoke, which has traditionally gone hand-in-hand with drinking and gambling.
  • The Casino is a bizarre little place, with a single room with a handful of mah-jong and craps tables, as well as a bevvy of bored Chinese croupiers outnumbering gamblers ten to one.
  • Irish itinerant gambler, called in that country a "carrow," than of the The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • This entertainment business has been there for several years now and has succeeded in attracting an array of alcoholics, drunks, gamblers, aggressive individuals and desperados of every description.
  • The messages almost always come from disgruntled gamblers who have lost money betting on a player's matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • No matter what the game, losing streaks come as surely as nightfall, and sooner or later every gambler discovers the martingale.
  • Iam the daughter of a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • New Jersey has a law supported by compulsive gamblers that allows people to voluntarily sign themselves up for a blacklist — if someone on the blacklist is caught entering a casino, they immediately forfeit all their winnings and might have to pay an additional fine. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • On her way to winning Celebrity Apprentice last year, she berated professional gambler Annie Duke, screaming "You're a pokah playah — that's beyond white trash! Can We Talk?
  • Learn when the wild card changes in the Follow the Queen poker card game in this free stud poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • They're poorly educated, they steal and lie, they grow up to be either gamblers or drunks, or both, who learn about sex at a young age by going to whorehouses.
  • The gambler in you takes over when it comes to love and you make daring partnership choices. The Sun
  • Evidence points to the common existence of narcissistic personality characteristics and impulse control problems in pathologic gamblers.
  • About one-third of the funds deposited by gamblers went to the poker companies as revenue, known as the "rake," prosecutors said. Guilty Plea in Web-Poker Crackdown
  • Entertainment is essential, as this will stop the gamblers in our midst from nicking out every half-an-hour to the bookies next door to bet on every dog and horse race available.
  • Had it no essential sacredness, no _noli-me-tangere_ quality of shining away the gambler's covetous glance, of withering his rude and venturous hand, or of poisoning, like some Nessus 'shirt, the lewd ruffian who might soon thereafter wear it? The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • The established main companies plan to open new outlets to cater for the deluge of cash being wagered by city gamblers.
  • A veritable Wild West show, the story had it all: miners, gamblers, outlaws, vigilantes, robber barons, and venal politicians.
  • Put these facts together and we could have a new rise of young problem gamblers. The Sun
  • Gatsby replies offhand that Meyer is a gambler and is the man who fixed the World Series in 1919.
  • City gamblers normally take a punt on the movement of financial indices, such as the FT All Share, or the FTSE index of Britain's top 100 companies.
  • Learn what cards make a good hand in Omaha holdem in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.
  • There are already 80 casino operations and owners fear the star's Vegas-style resort will bankrupt them by luring away gamblers.
  • I'm a gambler per se, one who enjoys winning much more than he minds losing.
  • By mid-century, reformers adopted a belief in the future which had previously belonged to speculators, rakes and gamblers - those sinners, in other words, who had always been consigned to the devil.

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