How To Use Gambit In A Sentence

  • Bernard made no response to Tom's conversational gambits.
  • True fans of the gambit should consider this a challenge.
  • His idea of a brilliant conversational gambit is 'What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?'
  • Hmm sounds like a perfect fit to me … … or Jean claude Van damme as Gambit HELLO????? Rumor: Matthew McConaughey Possibly Captain America - Blasphemy! «
  • This gambit nevertheless breaks the ice, and they begin by discussing the merits of various brands of scotch.
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  • The devil's advocate gambit is extraordinary but certainly not uncommon since it strikes so regularly in the project rooms and boardrooms of corporate America.
  • Assign your staff to build the sort of book on Russert's techniques, rhetorical gambits, and political obsessions that you'd want going into a debate with an opposing candidate.
  • Yet the gambit may have backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's easy to recommend this book as essential material for those involved with this gambit on either side of the board.
  • This book is geared toward the average player, but there is no discussion of gambit tries by white.
  • Cho's violent gambit failed and he was killed in the fighting.
  • His idea of a brilliant conversational gambit is 'What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?'
  • One of his favourite gambits on the stump is: ‘I used to be a prizewinning actor.’
  • Perhaps it was an opening gambit, much like the haka at a rugby match. Times, Sunday Times
  • Warwick's opening gambit is to blur the line between consciousness and intelligence.
  • Few comedic gambits are more likely to guarantee disaster than impressions of heavily accented family members, territory that he wisely steered clear of.
  • In time, the press and public came to view the petty ruses and gambits regularly employed by a host of Wall Street speculators as despised tools of fraud and monopoly when adopted by Gould.
  • Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.
  • Have the dumb Democrats, who think that just because the United States established war policies at the Nuremburg Trials, they must follow them; ever heard of the boxing technique called a feint punch or the legendary chess move called the "ghost knight gambit"? "War Crimes" Memos Questioned
  • The flippancy of this conversational gambit does not impress her.
  • His favourite opening gambit is: "You are so beautiful, will you be my next wife?
  • He employs the lame gambit of saying that he doesn't need to answer them because they ‘have been conclusively refuted.’
  • Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.
  • Another is that we're seeing some kind of metafictional "author/writing" gambit, although that's more Morrisonian than Waidian, and we're already seeing hints of that in the outer-space sequence, with Buddy talking about how the universe likes him. Week 32: Holiday Charm
  • McCain's gambit is to convince people that staying home in your shelterless house is better than going out and working with your neighbors to fix it. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
  • These questions are often an opening gambit for a negotiation.
  • By now he realized that the retelling of sym THE NIGHT FACE bolic myths wa a standard conversational gambit here, like a Lochlanna's inquiry after the health of your father. Do you ever read writing?
  • You are invited to contribute some gambits of your own.
  • When Topalov opened with White in the 12th game, it surprised no one that Anand hunkered down with what's called Lasker's Defense in the Queen's Gambit Declined, signalling his willingness to accept a draw and go into his preferred blitz shoot-out. The Times of India
  • Skills are the SMT equivalent of spells and run the gambit of elemental attacks, to debuff skills and even instant kill skills. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Disappointingly, even though you can at times detect a family likeness to its genius predecessors, The IT Crowd's opening gambit suggests it could be the runt of the litter.
  • Another mile and a half brought him to the next settlement, and being short of conversational gambits, he again asked what this was called.
  • Despite being out of office, he persisted in his meddlesome diplomatic gambits with his friends in Germany.
  • The trash-talking omnisexual comic returns with a second concert film, addressing menstruation, the G spot, and other conversational gambits for dinner at Grandma's.
  • The process has been demystified and brought within the gambit of the familiar laboratory discourse.
  • Clancy Dubos of the Gambit Weekly says that as long as Clerk of Court Kimberly Butler is a candidate for mayor, then Mayor Nagin can't be called the craziest person in the race. Your Right Hand Thief
  • He said about his opening gambit: 'It was a huge risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many fans, certain they've come up with a real knee-slapper of a gambit, press Mr. Shalhoub's flesh, then make as if to hand the actor a sanitary wipe. 'Here's What Happened...'
  • The problem is with the get-rich-quick mentality that underlies many players’ use of gambits.
  • The point, though, is that the gambit, which is ubiquitous in the public sphere, is inherently political, engages in hidden rhetorical work.
  • This gambit is particularly effective when your interviewer courteously neglects to probe you on your ‘Come to Jesus’ transformation.
  • Almost certainly there are other gambits in preparation to be used against us.
  • Her opening gambit is getting them to watch a romcom. The Sun
  • His gambit is simple: that hermeneutics connects interpretation to ethics.
  • Bareev opts to squeeze Shirov in the minimalist queenless middlegame arising from a Queen's Gambit Accepted - the position type seen in the memorable game 4 of the recent Kramnik-Kasparov match - where Bareev was a Kramnik second.
  • ‘Looks like windcheaters and tracksuits are coming back,’ I attempted as an opening gambit.
  • There are special gambits for nearly all situations.
  • Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.
  • At first, I thought this might be a conversational gambit, a feigned interest.
  • And sure enough, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, acknowledging that Zelaya's gambit has indeed changed the terms of the debate, issued a statement saying that the time was "opportune" to restore Zelaya to the presidency. Greg Grandin: Manuel Zelaya's Nightime Return to Honduras
  • Warwick's opening gambit is to blur the line between consciousness and intelligence.
  • The success of these gambits rests on convincing lawmakers and federal regulators that the pension is too sick to save.
  • Clearly, however, the dictator and his cronies are worried since this is a classic delaying gambit akin to racing chess pieces around the board in a desperate attempt to stave off impending checkmate.
  • After all, he relies on a similar gambit in his story ‘Miracle in a Bottle’ to gauge the popularity of the diet drug Zantrex.
  • Knowing a few openings and terms like "fianchetto," or "Queen's Gambit" doesn't mean a whole lot. Chess Masters
  • It's a bold opening gambit, and like a lot of daring moviemaking, it doesn't always work.
  • Their usual opening gambit was simple enough: "Can you sell my record for me? THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • Ross and crew jumped in with a production slate of a dozen original films annually, a gambit that has paid off.
  • In a casting gambit that doubled as a publicity stunt he sent his assistants into rural schoolhouses to audition tens of thousands of thirteen-year-old girls.
  • One of her first gambits had been a `frank" confession of some of her previous stupidities. LAST SHOT
  • His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy.
  • His more unusual gambit, however, is dicing the sampled raps of various MCs into terse snippets.
  • This position is a variation from the Evans Gambit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parody-accusation is all well and good, but the gambit is becoming so commonplace I fear for the very future of vitriolic anti-feminist commentary.
  • OK, as an opening gambit the line is not exactly dynamite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem with the madman gambit is that you pretty much have to be a madman to do it. Matthew Yglesias » The Madman Strategy
  • His performance in the movie was one of subtraction, not addition - continuous over the top gambits, or even crying like a pussy every frame of the film.
  • He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
  • It’s true that blog writers don’t have to construct long chains of reasoning all at once — a form of mental discipline that is rapidly fading from the world — but they can and do construct robust, interesting arguments in a kind of pointillist fashion, with a supporting bit of evidence here, an alternative argumentative gambit there, etc. A Blogger’s Case Against Blogs
  • If the idea was to match Steed's well-aged charms with Gambit's brash animalism, it doesn't gel.
  • Through these gambits, business commentators challenge the very concept of innovation.
  • The Lasker variation of the Queen's gambit is a solid defense that Yusupov mastered and is recommending to his students. Lubomir Kavalek: Chess Champion's Class Act
  • Since I have not been able to find a definite name for the gambit, I will temporarily christen it the ‘Kevitz Gambit,’ secure in the knowledge that if this is a blunder my readers will quickly set me straight.
  • This is the new Lynch, with his fetiches in place, who has evolved the mysteries he dreams up in a storytelling gambit that pays off.
  • He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
  • The key, as exampled here, is collaboration – shared by a gambit of countries and benefiting all. Obama to Unveil "Ambitous" Plan for NASA | Universe Today
  • At other times it is a gambit to extract the maximum price concession from the seller.
  • You've given me an interesting conversational gambit when that happens.
  • The Australians believe it is a psychological gambit to use and gain advantage over the opposition.
  • These questions are often an opening gambit for a negotiation.
  • Not just a drum set player, I player rudimental snare drum, xylophones, marimbas, the whole gambit. Wii Music, Coda
  • Usually the only people who try that desperate gambit is wingnuts and people wearing tinfoil hats. Think Progress » College debate organizers unable to find any law professors to argue health reform is unconstitutional.
  • Her opening gambit is getting them to watch a romcom. The Sun
  • He analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and armies, the tactical gambits that had won nations and lost empires.
  • I can't usefully compare future possibilities to current capabilities, but I've noticed patterns in the conversational gambits used in such discussions.
  • Perhaps it was an opening gambit, much like the haka at a rugby match. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said it as an opening gambit at parties, throwing out bate. Wintering at Montauk
  • Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.
  • The opposition have dismissed promises of tax cuts as a pre-election gambit.
  • Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, the inventors of the medium, were championed and inspired by poets such as Blaise Cendrars, Pierre Reverdy, and Guillaume Apollinaire, the last of whose verbal experiments invariably entailed play with typography - arrangement of words on the page could be as much a visual as a verbal gambit. New York Sun - All Articles
  • Millions of people - who have suffered decades of war and sanctions - are once again used as expendable stakes in an imperial gambit by the rich and powerful.
  • The loser of this copycat election will lament all the strategic gambits that fell short in the end.
  • He also gave it an incredibly small number of conversational gambits.
  • The prosecution made a similar gambit, less before the jury - because the facts were on its side - than to the public at large.
  • The madman gambit is the bumbling nation-state version of “I meant to do that!” Matthew Yglesias » The Madman Strategy
  • But motherly warmth turns cold beside the journalistic revulsion the Molinari gambit provokes.
  • This week’s movie so bold, so unusual, so mind-scramblingly brilliant it stands as a true original, a risky, daring, one-of-a-kind gambit Hollywood would never try today! 17 – March – 2009 – The Bleat.
  • This gambit, a signature feature of the show, can force the audience to viscerally experience the foreignness of the past, and when so used it can be a brilliant dramatic ploy — but only if the action portrayed is as de rigueur as the show suggests. Mad About Mad Men
  • Meanwhile, pavlova, n., the brave promotional gambit of Davis Gelatine (a rather sordid jelly concocted with inter alia milk and orange juice), and pavlova, n., the American ice-cream (c. 1926) of which I can find no trace at all, evidently require separate definitions. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It wasn't the best opening gambit. The Sun
  • That was followed by a couple dozen entries that fell for the testes gambit, and only one curiosity seeker who chose "lactation" - guess everyone knew about the fruit bats. Jezebel
  • So goes the opening gambit of a self-described 'professional, authorised stalker'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Graymail is a defense gambit not available to most criminal suspects.
  • Yet the gambit may have backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "putsch" has clearly failed for the moment, and the fault has been clearly set at the feet of Dion, who's performance with a badly produced taped speech may have convinced Ms. Jean that sticking with Harper was a legitimate gambit. Eric Lurio: Harper's "Time Out"
  • Through these gambits, business commentators challenge the very concept of innovation.
  • At other times it is a gambit to extract the maximum price concession from the seller.
  • He nearly succeeds in spoiling the impending marriage of Claudio and Hero by leading Claudio to believe, on the occasion of a masqued ball (2.1), that Don Pedro is wooing the lady for himself and not for Claudio; and then, undaunted by his final lack of success in this gambit, Don John proceeds to unfix the marriage once again by devising a tale about Hero's supposed sexual profligacy. Shakespeare
  • For the most part, it falls into two broad categories or camps: the various forms of literary realism, and the various gambits of postmodernism.
  • The point is that it's a painting about temptation, whose opening gambit is to tempt you. Times, Sunday Times
  • PC Here is the big political gambit. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, if your real meaning was not to state an apparent lexicological untruth, but to make a provocative gambit intended to introduce an argument that there are empirical reasons that anyone possessing property has actually stolen it from some proper owner, or that the very concepts of property , or ownership are incoherent in themselves, or maybe contrary to the natural order of things, then its your move! Rabett Run
  • Japan's diplomatic gambit is not restricted to railways. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a gambit typical of the calculated, unadventurous craftwork that shapes the whole film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Macfarlane's opening gambit - a clutch of mock-Masonic mystery doors, prismatic shapes and curious cones and rhomboids, is like the start of some kind of spiritual whodunnit.
  • The bottom line: If Groupon's gambit is successful, then the $6 billion Google reportedly offered the start-up will ultimately look like bubkes . Groupon's $6 Billion Gambler
  • By the time I was an ‘A’ player, gambits including the Smith-Morra were fully appreciated.
  • I hear you're a friend of Jamie's, " was her opening gambit.
  • The an Offer Gambit works well to stop the buyer grinding away on you.
  • The sweepstakes are the plans' flashiest gambits, though according to the rules in most states, the prize money doesn't need to be deposited into a college-savings plan. States Use Sweepstakes to Attract Parents to College-Savings Plans
  • The process has been demystified and brought within the gambit of the familiar laboratory discourse.
  • And the all-or-nothing thinking gambit is just one of ten common weapons he uses. John Brown – the author’s official site » Blog Archive » Brain Nazis and Feeling Good by David D. Burns, M.D.
  • The blindfold game ended in a surprisingly short draw, after Kramnik had equalised with black in the Lasker variation of the Queen's Gambit.
  • Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.
  • Too many companies are trying the same gambit.
  • MITCH MCCONNELL DEFENDS DEBT CEILING GAMBIT - The Senate minority leader -- who might as well have unpinned a grenade, clutched it to his chest and declared an oath of fealty to the Emperor of Japan when he tried to cede debt ceiling authority to President Obama yesterday -- defended his unorthodox proposal. HUFFPOST HILL - Moody's Might Downgrade U.S., Hobo Clown Futures Skyrocket
  • I reasoned that this would either be a devastatingly effective or disastrous opening gambit.
  • Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.
  • This gambit is a winner in Washington, even if the former president is a tad self-satisfied with his good works relative to, say, other former presidents. Washington's "social season": Too many parties, but not enough "fun" in all those fundraisers
  • That sort of gambit is frowned upon by counselors and best captured by the paradoxical statement, 'I know I want to apply early decision, I just don't know where.' 10 colleges where you'd best apply early

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