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How To Use Galvanometer In A Sentence

  • Crossed-flexure pivot galvanometers are generally used in fixed-frequency application.
  • Flexure galvanometers and low-noise servo drives offer improved performance in applications requiring smooth scanning with low jitter.
  • It will be seen that, upon combining all the elements of the apparatus, we can obtain very different combinations; and, according to the inventor, his rheometer is a substitute for a dozen galvanometers of various degrees of sensitiveness, and permits of measuring currents of from 20 amperes down to 1/50000000 an ampere. Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
  • Quartz fibres have two great advantages over other forms of suspension when employed for any kind of torsion balance, from an ordinary more or less "astatic" galvanometer to the Cavendish apparatus. On Laboratory Arts
  • Lens 6.3 – 63 mm (38 – 380 mm on a 35 mm camera), 10x optical zoom lens, Open f/1.8 (W) – 2.5 (T), galvanometer method structure, AF: 8 groups, 11 lenses (3 aspherical elements, 5 aspherical surfaces), built-in ND filter Sanyo launches world’s smallest ‘Full HD’ camcorder | Sync Blog
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  • In 1902, a Dutch physiologist published the first ECG recorded with his 270-kg machine, the string galvanometer, for which he was awarded a Nobel Prize.
  • A reflecting galvanometer covered in Bakelite that's as heavy as a lead brick. Boing Boing: June 23, 2002 - June 29, 2002 Archives
  • By using over five kilometers of copper wire coiled nearly 24,000 times around a magnet, he constructed a galvanometer capable of measuring electrical potential differences on a scale of millivolts.
  • By dividing the range of the galvanometer thus obtained into 100 equal parts, the requisite actinometric scale will be established. Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
  • This in turn gives the galvanometer a greater readability, and by keeping the mass and inertia of the actual moving element low, a greater sensitivity.
  • Nowadays, since a string galvanometer is available in almost any large hospital, this detail is only of historical importance. Physiology or Medicine 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity
  • Using a thermopile and galvanometer, he demonstrated that UV rays from an arc lamp are several orders of magnitude more lethal than visible rays.
  • The meter shown in the galvanometers section has a twisted pointer although it is too small to see in the picture.
  • Ceramic rotors (bottom left) and silicon carbide mirrors increase speed in modern galvanometers.
  • For mapping the field distribution in the BR film and BGO crystal, 532 nm light is deflected by a gold-plated mirror servoactuated by a galvanometer.
  • To give an idea of this, some phenomena may be mentioned, which by means of the string galvanometer have been investigated by Einthoven himself: the retina current (1908, 1909), the action currents in nervus vagus Physiology or Medicine 1924 - Presentation Speech
  • To match the dynamics of the third axis to the galvanometers, the lens is usually moved only a short distance.
  • Fig. 4 shows two curves; the one drawn in a full line is obtained by plotting the deflection in degrees of the needle of a potential indicator as abscissae, and the corresponding electromotive forces measured simultaneously on a standard instrument as ordinates; the dotted line shows what this curve would be with an ordinary tangent galvanometer. Scientific American Supplement, No. 433, April 19, 1884
  • If a wire or a nail or a smaller thing is driven through it, and the insulation is spoiled, an instrument called the galvanometer instantly records the fact, and warning is given at all parts of the ship. St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 5, March, 1878
  • Polygonal scanners compete as output devices with galvanometers, acousto-optic deflectors, holographic scanners, and micromirror devices.
  • As bearing surfaces in scan mirror galvanometers age, they can become nonlinear and result in distorted spatial representations.
  • A somewhat similar galvanometer is listed in the 1887 Queen catalogue of electrical testing apparatus at $156.00.
  • In each test the operator measured the skin impedance at this point as indicated in arbitrary units on the galvanometer while the patient held the hand electrode to complete the electrical circuit.
  • The testing is done by passing a weak current through the circuit in which a small galvanometer is included and if the needle of the instrument moves when a connexion is made the circuit is in order.
  • For these galvanometers the twist produced on the needle by the current was set against the restoring twist of the suspension thread.
  • This method is sometimes called electrodermal testing, and claims to diagnose food intolerances by measuring changes in your 'electromagnetic field' with a galvanometer or computer. Autism Hub
  • (fig.  4, _a_), the needle of the galvanometer, which is deflected by the electromagnetic pull of the current, generated under the action of stimulus, just as the mechanical lever was deflected by the mechanical pull of the muscle contracting under stimulus. Response in the Living and Non-Living
  • The testing is done by passing a weak current through the circuit in which a small galvanometer is included and if the needle of the instrument moves when a connexion is made the circuit is in order.
  • It however makes this process easier by offering the broadest range of closed loop galvanometers in the world.
  • Shake one of the galvanometers while watching the needle of the other meter.
  • The one nearest the Valley Road is called the galvanometer-room, and was originally intended by Edison to be used for the most delicate and minute electrical measurements. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • To accomplish this, we employ an instrument called a galvanometer, or amperemeter, illustrated in Fig. 6, which indicates the exact amount of current being applied. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Quartz fibres have two great advantages over other forms of suspension when employed for any kind of torsion balance, from an ordinary more or less "astatic" galvanometer to the Cavendish apparatus. On Laboratory Arts
  • We offer variety of solid state electronic capacitor discharge blasting unit, galvanometers, silver chloride cells, non-electric initiators and electric initiators.
  • When the wire was bent into other forms and moved, equally strong effects were obtained, especially when instead of a rectangle a double catenarian curve was formed of it on one side of the galvanometer, and the two single curves or halves were swung in opposite directions at the same time; their action then combined to affect the galvanometer: but all the results were reducible to those above described. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • Acting a scene, Murray's face registers a sequence of emotions as precisely as a galvanometer. A Groundhog Has His Day
  • Below is a conventional galvanometer with magnetic needle; above are two concentric coils of fine wire and a needle suspended from six limbs between the two coils.
  • Ducretet's non-oscillating galvanometer, Sir William Thomson's amperemeters, voltameters, ohmmeters, and mhosmeters, constructed and exhibited by Breguet, and a new aperiodic galvanoscope of Mr. Maiche. Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884.
  • In electrocardiography the string galvanometer is the most reliable tool. Willem Einthoven - Biography
  • The visual stimuli were 0.08 [degrees] radius dots from laser pointers reflected off mirrors mounted on galvanometers onto a 57-cm-radius hemispherical screen, illustrated in Figure 8.
  • The galvanometer rotates mirrors to change the image that is directed from the workpiece to the camera.
  • Galvanometers are the workhorses behind many laser-based, materials-processing applications such as ablating, cutting, drilling, marking, and welding.
  • The paper analyzed the phenomenon of DC magnetoelectric galvanometers indicator jump appearing in their usage. Meanwhile, the jump formula of maximum rang was given.

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