How To Use Galvani In A Sentence
From a mail-order house she ordered a battery-operated galvanic device which applied the stimulation of low-voltage electrical current to his paralyzed limbs.
The morons do not even protect the exposed steel with paint - and something as simple and old-fashioned as using galvanized bolts in the first place is clearly way beyond their ken.
So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
Rivlin said that anti-immigration rhetoric has galvanized immigrant voters, bringing them to the streets in protest and to the polling booth.
He's torn between his distrust and dislike of the press and his need to galvanise voters.
Times, Sunday Times
Food shortages would probably galvanise public anger into action, as would a complete collapse of the economy.
But what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw.
Well-known users in, e. g. : corrosion protection, quality control, automotive, car inspection, galvanising or anodising and wet and powder coating.
The system of 27 Pyle-O-Lite floodlights were to be located on 3-120 foot galvanized steel towers as well as on top of both West Toronto and Lambton coaling plants.
At each fighting session, the animals are paired off against each other in a small pit or arena, enclosed by plywood or galvanised walls.
Steel is galvanized, walls are fairfaced concrete block, and floors are concrete or asphalt.
Look at how a few NGO groups last year used peaceful candlelight vigils for their own selfish purposes to galvanize public opinion.
The accident galvanized the attention and determination of the neighborhood.
Christianity Today
The aesthetic revolutions of the 20th century, in painting, music and literature, reflected the galvanizing cataclysms of the times - the world wars, the Holocaust, the nuclear peril.
I then crosscut the shelf to the width of the shadowbox and attached the bat to the shelf using galvanized wire.
Cornwall's specialist supplier and stockists of weldmesh welded steel mesh & associated products - stainless steel weldmesh, galvanised weldmesh, weldmesh fencing.
_Coeteris paribus_ -- all the other usual conditions being observed, such as silence, the fixed gaze, monotony of attention -- let the galvanic disk be put aside, and in its place let a sixpence or a fourpenny-piece be employed, or indeed any similar small object on which the eyes of the patient must remain fixed for the usual space of time, and we will promise that the experiments thus made shall be equally successful with those in which the so-called galvanic disk is employed.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 446 Volume 18, New Series, July 17, 1852
He was the first to establish an explicit connection between galvanism and chemical reactivity.
Those produced in brass, anodized aluminum or galvanized iron impart a golden glow or a silvery shiver.
This is the scene's only glimpse of him; Michel's galvanic change of mind and manner (after narrating ‘I lost courage’) is not explained until this moment.
Blistering paint on metal components may be the first sign of galvanic corrosion, followed by a white powdery buildup on the aluminum surface and finally deep pitting that leaves the aluminum weak and porous.
AZZ makes specialty electrical equipment for power companies and other customers and provides galvanization services in other words, corrosion resistance for steel makers.
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The galvanised tubular steel pallet provides the necessary space for ventilation between the tanks and the ground.
He had limited creole support, but his call galvanized hundreds of peasants and mineworkers who had suffered oppressive conditions in the Bajío region.
H. New Spain (Mexico)
The original impetus was that of return, and reversing the so - called loss of Arab land and patrimony, rather than a fulfillment of post-colonial self-determination via the statehood route; a complot designed after 1967 as a new Palestinian identity with at its core the notion of the armed struggle as a galvanizing force.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Thus galvanised, the home side levelled in 58 minutes when Stephen Whalen drilled a powerful shot low into the keeper's far corner.
Supply and fix all necessary associated flashings, galvanised gutters, fillers, ventilated fillers, closers and fixings to form a totally weathertight construction on completion.
I prescribed phosphorus and strychnia, and galvanized the brain twice a week.
The Electric Bath
We can make transport an interesting, attractive, galvanising, inspiring, or perhaps red-hot issue, but buses, trams and even Freudian trains are not and never will be sexy.
The studio was made with a skeleton of built-up wood frames within a skin of galvanized metal.
The primary use of zinc is in galvanizing other metals, especially iron and steel.
To make the bin, simply drive four strong posts into the ground to create the corners of a rough square or rectangle then, using a hammer and U staples, attach a length of galvanised chicken wire all the way around to form the container.
But the crisis galvanised not just a few good men and women, but dozens, scores, hundreds.
The chemical composition . features and process of various hot - dipping galvanizing layers are introduced. their properties compared.
Laurent recently told senior colleagues that partial demutualization - the process of changing a company's ownership structure to one based on shareholders - would ‘galvanize’ the group.
The guy wins games, galvanizes alumni and motivates players to perform beyond their abilities.
A rubber gasket and galvanized washer and nut hold the pipe in place and seal the hole.
We feel certain that the campaign is helping to galvanise people into action.
Galvanizing is a common surface treatment for steel.
With the help of such means, the process of inspiration is galvanized into a complete artistic and spiritual masterpiece.
The use of alu-zinc or unpainted galvanise is also prohibited whether grant aided or not if planning is required.
The cold rolled coils are delivered from cold rolling mill into hot dip galvanizing workshop.
Or your unreposing Mammon-worshipper again, driven, as if by Galvanisms, by
Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
It's so great to hear a speech that kind of galvanizes the psyche of a country," Rush said backstage at the SAG Awards, alongside Firth and supporting-actress nominee - News
In a mouth-watering programme full of enticing - nay, galvanic - events, there are 550 authors shoehorned into two packed weeks.
The cold-blooded murder galvanized the public AND the authorities.
Another monograph discussing voltammetric analysis methods in electroplating (8.108.5002) presents 77 methods for determining a range of components in galvanic baths and sewages.
Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
Currently almost one in five people in the UK – 9.2 million – do not have internet access, and Lane Fox is using the prospect of a digitised 2012 Olympics to try to galvanise as many people as possible to get online.
Digital learning joins the race online
The New York Times, meanwhile, wrote that ‘this slow, episodic film is held together by his galvanic presence’.
One has to be a certain age to remember the soggy, steamy awfulness that was the drudgery of washdays when it involved galvanised tubs, poss-sticks and mangles.
The serum is designed to be incorporated into a galvanic facial treatment.
The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
Lastly, part of identifying a set of best practices is about documenting those examples of recent activism in which the digitally connected few galvanized and mobilized the less connected masses.
Susannah Vila: The Wrong Debate: Why We Should Stop Debating Technology's Relevance and Start Figuring Out How to Effectively Leverage It
They loved it, they were galvanised, they lapped it up like cream.
As opponents of big government converged on what has been billed as the first national tea party convention, organizers hoped the event would further "galvanize" the populist movement and help it gather momentum after a string of recent conservative electoral victories. Headlines
_malignant_ and _poisonous_ affections, as scirrhus and other varieties of cancer, and also cases of infectious virus, demand continually, or with but occasional exceptions, the primary galvanic current A B. ☞ In treating these malignant affections, the current should be run through as short a distance of _healthy_ tissue as possible, yet so as fairly to reach the diseased part.
A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
Beth McMullian will lead participants in a hands on electronics workshop where participants will built a primitive lie detector known as the galvanic skin response meter.
Bettina Korek: PLAN ForYourArt: August 18-24
However a cursory glance through provides the following statement: "in 1855 Guillaume Duchenne, the father of electrotherapy, pronounced Faradic (AC) current superior to Galvanic (DC) current for electrotherapeutic purposes."—so I’m inclined to think that the early researchers were playing with both AC and DC in the lab, regardless of which was first used for commercial purposes.
July 18, 1871
It packed a powerful, joyous wallop, delivering all the things one hoped to find in music: The thrill of the new, the excitement of the unexpected, a galvanizing groove, and lyrics that actually said something.
The aid appeal has galvanised the German business community.
The turbine he wanted was in galvanised steel and no taller than a telegraph pole and was almost noiseless, added Mr Kershaw.
Portrait of a Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani, since a anatomy of a frog, when he detected a bio-power as well as famous, please note that a lower part of this portrait of a half-frog
A brief 200 years history of the battery at Digital battery
One has to be a certain age to remember the soggy, steamy awfulness that was the drudgery of washdays when it involved galvanised tubs, poss-sticks and mangles.
It was both a new vehicle to galvanize followers and operating there meant fewer logistical difficulties since it was close by.
Our medium-duty galvanized trash can is designed to provide years of reliable performance.
Here, alas, he has never set the heather ablaze, which is a pity because his work at its best is entrancing, even - dare we say it - galvanic.
Then came the rise of the anti-capitalist and anti-war movement which has galvanised a new generation of activists and enthused many others.
All metal fittings and fencing materials should be galvanised, zinc plated, sherardised or otherwise treated to prevent rusting.
The privatisation of state universities is galvanising students into action.
With his chart-filled television advertorials, Perot galvanized the nation with his crusade for fiscal responsibility.
The technique, known as galvanic vestibular stimulation, unbalances a person so that they automatically veer left or right in an attempt to rebalance themselves.
One day in 1780, a Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani (Luigi Galvani) do dissections of frogs, hands hold VGP-BPS10A/B all kinds of metallic equipment, inadvertently touched a thigh of a frog during a same time, a contraction muscles of frog legs during once a moment, as a stimulatory effect, as well as if only a steel instrument to! touch a frogs, a absence of such a reaction.
Archive 2009-12-01
Galvanized iron and copper screen were used in the past but these materials corrode over a period of time and should be replaced before they discolor the window frames and walls.
But they're operated like private companies by two galvanic entrepreneurs willing to compete with their own money.
GOP sources said Palin's call galvanized conservatives on the race but angered some insiders who resented her interfering in the matter.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Manning's prime ambition, on the other hand, is to occupy the Red House, and behind the galvanised paling surrounding the south of the Red House, workmen are quietly and feverishly preparing for his ceremonious entrance.
Several pieces of galvanise sheets were strewn along the shore as the battered boats, some of which were overturned, sat atop piles of debris and slush.
The primary use of zinc is in galvanizing other metals, especially iron and steel.
The battle stations alarm rang through the ship galvanizing men into action.
The aid appeal has galvanised the German business community.
And ironically, that image did more than anything to galvanise the nascent ecology movement.
Times, Sunday Times
Expect something galvanising yet poetic.
Times, Sunday Times
It appears that thus far the best results have been obtained on the one hand by galvanization of the spine, on the other by general faradization.
The Electric Bath
The whole of alternative society had been galvanized by the confrontation between Mrs Thatcher and the miners.
The accident galvanized the attention and determination of the neighborhood.
Christianity Today
That threat of losing their jobs galvanized the men into action.
The campaign against steel nationalization was the one that most galvanized the party.
The aid appeal has galvanised the German business community.
Galvanization or faradization of the affected parts may also be employed, and with, occasionally, beneficial effect.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
The extensively used galvanized steel is durable, economical, and virtually maintenance free.
The tool that Lady Macbeth uses to galvanize her husband into action is humiliation.
Perhaps SIV was waiting for some event or announcement to once again galvanize people into marching.
Your Right Hand Thief
But the latest government moves to reinvestigate the pros and cons of fluoridating water have galvanised the group into new action.
Galvanized brads are great if using an air or electric hammer.
As usual in this part of the country, roof coverings are galvanized corrugated steel.
Being at last convinced in my own mind, and by others, that I shall not be quite superfluous in this concert, I know that not only I, but also Punto, Simoni [a tenorist], and Galvani will demand that the public should be apprised of our zeal for this charitable object; otherwise we must all conclude that we are not wanted.
Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Vol. 1 of 2
Lack of awareness and understanding by the general community encouraged a galvanization of international endorsements for what were worthless toxic assets from the outset.
Government vs. Capitalism
Coercing Muslim women into BHS cardies will merely galvanisejihadists into blowing me out of my cardie and into a Keffiyeh.
Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
It could be argued they are better below the water because they are not subject to galvanic or stray current corrosion that often causes failure of metal fittings.
Requirements for cleaning and pre-treatment of the galvanized or sherardised steel products prior to powder coating are also specified.
The accident galvanized the attention and determination of the neighborhood.
Christianity Today
Sheet metal, lead, copper, zinc, tin plate, terne plate, and galvanized iron have all been used as roofing materials.
Even though galvanised iron was replacing some of the demand for slate, the quarries could barely keep up the supply.
He's torn between his distrust and dislike of the press and his need to galvanise voters.
Times, Sunday Times
Contact of differing metals can cause a galvanic reaction that produces rust and deterioration.
The rediscovery has galvanized efforts to save the Big Woods of Arkansas, 550,000 acres of bayous, bottomland forests and oxbow lakes.
If I'm reading this right, this total is the baseline before any Palin galvanization, including the haul Obama got from the DNC.
Obama Raised More Than $66 Million In August
When working with redwood, always use top quality, hot dipped galvanized, stainless steel or aluminum hardware.
On the outside of this, there are red cedar louvres and exposed galvanised steelwork.
Chief Warren Riley and Mayor Ray Nagins call for residents to galvanize is an insult.
Your Right Hand Thief
The friends were deeply engaged with the scientific ideas of their day, including those of galvanism, or creating life through electric impulses.
Once he heard a lecture on the impossibility of applying steam navigation to the ocean; at another time he saw the principle of "galvanism" illustrated with a small battery, but the impracticability of its use for industrial purposes on account of the high cost of mercury was pointed out.
Military reminiscences of Gen. Wm. R. Boggs, C.S.A.,
Rivlin said that anti-immigration rhetoric has galvanized immigrant voters, bringing them to the streets in protest and to the polling booth.
Mr Cox said a simple thing like decorating the galvanised steel street lamps in the square could be considered.
It is the travesty of justice which lets the guilty off so lightly that has galvanised public fury.
The Sun
This had the effect of galvanising the visitors, with the ball spinning confidently down the line, pinning the home side briefly back against their line.
The paper looks at a broad number of applications including electrostatics, galvanic phenomena and electrodynamics.
It relies heavily on the independence of the military judiciary and has been galvanised by a free press.
Times, Sunday Times
Medlock and colleague Alison Galvani of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, developed a mathematical model of flu spread that takes age and transmission patterns into account.
This electrical potential is called galvanism and is the reason why we put zincs on boats.
During galvanization, a coat of melted zinc is applied directly to the steel, protecting it from corrosion.
At the end of them a ruthless villain had smashed beyond mending the remains of the useless hand and had galvanised me into a resurrection of the spirit and the impetus to seek what I'd had since, a myoelectric false hand that worked on nerve impulses from my truncated forearm and looked and behaved so realistically that people often didn't notice its existence.
Come To Grief
He used an animal ear membrane to receive signals from an oscillating galvanic inductor.
Each component was hot dip galvanized prior to being brought on site and welding was avoided to eliminate potential fire hazards.
Electrorefining of hot galvanizing slag to produce pure zinc is a completely new technology.
Master-Halco's Color Plus combines a tough polyvinyl coating and a unique bonding agent over galvanized steel, which results in a fence that will withstand harsh elements, as well as provide maximum security and protection.
They carried with them galvanic batteries of a type generally used for feats of entertainment at carnivals.
Metallic zinc coatings are applied to prepared steel surfaces by galvanizing, electroplating, mechanical plating, sherardising, painting with zinc-rich coatings and zinc spraying or metallising.
He did the same for Ireland, galvanising a middling team into a team that was far greater than the sum of its parts.
For example, the moment when the recent great Australia team first began to openly venerate and quail before the baggy green cap, tearful with galvanising hat-love.
Colonial promiscuity in danger of diluting test cricket's pleasures | Barney Ronay
These objects are best attained by means of the galvanic current, which should be employed of sufficient intensity to produce a rubefacient effect.
The Electric Bath
Certain fallacies existed for a long time as to the relative merits of the dry or molten and the wet or electrolytical methods of galvanizing.
Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition For Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc. With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing
You can create a focal point by installing either antique or commissioned ironwork - today, mass-produced ‘wrought iron’ is in fact galvanised mild steel.
But the speech had had the desired effect: public health action had finally been galvanised.
So you're right to order the army not to fire: The last thing you need is to furnish the protesters with a galvanizing event, or the officers with an embittering one.
Being Hosni Mubarak
We drank rainwater funnelled by guttering from the house roof into a galvanised iron tank.
Where did the Stormlord come from? at SF Novelists
Yesterday morning, residents complained that loose corrugated galvanise sheets left on the building's roof were blowing into the busy street and causing damage.
One would think that this spectre would galvanise the concerned authorities into mobilising all the resources at their disposal.
Traders said the strong 30-year sale galvanized fresh trade betting on long-dated bonds to outperform short-dated securities, as the latter could be pressured by next week's new supply in shorter-dated maturities.
Strong Auction Boosts Treasurys
Next to an office-building of gray sandstone you're likely to spot what looks like a squatter's wickyup of rusty galvanized iron.
The Prairie Child
Besides those two galvanized pipes we've been telling you about all day, they also discovered two vodka bottles that were containing nitromethane, which is very volatile -- very volatile.
CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2008
One disadvantage of copper pipe is that it can cause the loss of the zinc coating from galvanised pipes and water cisterns.
In the last weeks of the campaign, at Rick Warrens bigotfest in Orange County and on MTV Obama loudly trumped the battle cry that would galvanize the mormon, catholic and evangelical vote, empowering their bigotry with 'gawd's in the mix', saying that even gawd was against same sex marriage. Main RSS Feed
The carrier signal causes galvanic conduction to occur through the skin of the patient.
The desktop is galvanized sheet metal, a material that is handsome and weather-resistant.
Waistcoat-pocket was Deputy-burgomaster first launch into underselling life, in which he scudi to be masqued by the same sky-scraper, devotion, courage, and asti galvanised in his military stormer.
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Yet within a few short months, he was regarded by the press and the public as irreplaceable, the man who with a few choice words and sonorous phrases could transform the mood of an entire country and galvanise it to victory.
Perhaps his imagination was fuelled initially by the comradeship of a group and the creativity it could galvanise.
Direct contacts with certain other metals should be avoided in the presence of an electrolyte; otherwise galvanic corrosion of the aluminum may take place in the vicinity of the contact area.
The purpose of galvanization is to protect the underlying metal from corrosion.
What's fascinating about watching Ford's film today is to have seen so many films since its release wrestle with the same concepts - and often still create a galvanic effect in their audiences.
Built of a strong timber-frame and wooden floors, the roofing was galvanized corrugated iron sheeting.
A rust or a galvanic cell reaction could develop at the juncture between the screw and the stud.
But music has a whole host of other effects on the human body, from skin galvanic levels to production of various hormones and other chemical facilitators.
A True Human Invariant « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
This can be done by using what are known as "verbena-pins," and these can be purchased at a cheap rate from any local seedsman, or may be easily made by converting pieces of galvanised or any thin wire into sizes and shapes identical with small hair-pins.
Little Folks A Magazine for the Young (Date of issue unknown)
Some items such as rail ends and eye tops are made from die-cast aluminum as well as galvanized steel.
This galvanic work inspires diverse reactions in different places.
Times, Sunday Times
Coercing Muslim women into BHS cardies will merely galvanisejihadists into blowing me out of my cardie and into a Keffiyeh.
Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
It was the commune's architect , Phil Hawes , who came galvanizing idea.
Abe C, Tanaka K, Awazu C, Morita H. Galvanic vestibular stimulation counteracts hypergravity-induced plastic alteration of vestibulo-cardiovascular reflex in rats.
SpaceRef Top Stories
Welds made with these electrodes are cathodic to the base metal and thus resist galvanic corrosion.
Our rigid weldmesh panels are available in galvanized lengths which can be powder coated to suit your requirements in a large selection of almost any colour.
The two basic methods of electrolysis are galvanic and thermolytic.
Let's remember, though, that he forced himself onto the podium and proceeded to galvanise the orchestra into a rehearsal of Mahler's 5th that rendered all thoughts of his weakness otiose.
A celebrated electrician and galvanist having conversed with me lately respecting this remedy for Nyctalopia, suggested to me the probability, that the same remedy might be effectual also in _gutta serena_, as both those disorders are known to proceed from a defect in the optic nerve.
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
As your job in the United Nations Humanitarian Agency, it's your job to galvanize the people, to get their attention, to get them to take the money out of their pocket.
This galvanic work inspires diverse reactions in different places.
Times, Sunday Times
The trouble is, they have roused the enemy, and a galvanised Pakistan can be a dangerous beast.
When I pick her up on the word, she says that it was Mandela's, not hers, although she accepts that it served to galvanise her.
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The effect was to galvanize male trade unionists to broaden their dispute.
The Times Literary Supplement
Perhaps a corpse would be re-animated; galvanism had given token of such things: perhaps the component parts of a creature might be manufactured, brought together, and endued with vital warmth.
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus
The sinister word galvanized the dying woman in sudden strong life, and she reared herself again on the bed.
The Green Mummy
In the long run, we pay an even heavier price by galvanizing opponents bent on freeing themselves from what they perceive as elitist disrespect for democratic governance.
His new confidence galvanised him into volunteering for active service.
Times, Sunday Times
Matrix is a proper wood-framed house with timber weatherboards, cedar cladding is an option, Gib-lined and with a galvanized iron roof.
The election period is one in which they will both want to put less emphasis on where they agree and more weight on where they differ in order to galvanise their activists and in the pursuit of votes.
The double nightmare scenario for David Cameron on 5 May | Andrew Rawnsley
The fear of losing their freedom galvanized them into fighting back.
The advent of identity politics and counter-cultural resistance to art as commodity galvanized critics' identification of progressiveness in art with progressiveness in socio-political content.
The galvanising effect on the hitherto moribund Mavericks was immediate.
In order to galvanise tepid Democratic enthusiasm, the party has not been shy in levelling other accusations at Republican opponents.
US midterms: Americans driven to the polls by fear in the Halloween elections
Coal and coke transformed the industry and a specialization developed in coated steel plate, tinplate, and galvanized sheet.
The manager's arrival galvanized the workers into activity.
In normal intact sensorium without redirection of associative memory, statistically significant findings will indicate a probability of effective reporting based upon a previous baseline, just as is established with regard to galvanic responses, respirations, pupilary reactions, blood pressure, and pulse, in contemporary "Lie Detection" monitoring.
Mind Hacks: NPR on brain scan lie detection
Today, Bahrain erupted again when ten thousand people streamed into Manama's Pearl Square "galvanized" by the death of a protestor on Monday and another on Tuesday.
Sharmine Narwani: Washington's Valentine's Day Faux Pas in the Middle East
All wood components are treated with linen oil and all steel elements are galvanized.
The battle stations alarm rang through the ship galvanizing men into action.
Purchasing six galvanized buckets from Levi, he plowed up a small corner of his dry benchland, planted it with varied crops, then directed his wife and children to haul water all summer to keep the plants alive.
the unexpected news produced a kind of galvanization of the whole team
You have a clear purpose for what you are doing, and that vision serves to uplift aspirations, and both magnetize and galvanize yourself and others with a commitment for action.
C. Clinton Sidle: The Five Wisdoms Of The Mandala
In it, mystery and exaltation, wild humour and super - terrestrial beauty, tragic despair and ecstasies of joy are all galvanized into an organic aesthetic unity.
Nothing that has happened since that day has altered the mood of atomisation and political alienation within our societies, or galvanised public support for politics and government.
Galvanized sheet metal was chosen for the exterior walls and roof because of its economy and durability.
There was no time for the diplomacy of muttered condolences or passing excuses about his wife, nothing that might help reestablish their precoital relations, nothing but an upturned galvanized bucket, a banging door and a car disappearing hastily into the night.
Whispers Of Betrayal
Whether that sense took the form, scientifically, of a fascination with galvanism and electromagnetic storms, or of an interest in the role of the ‘animalcules’ and ‘infusoria,’ it clearly foreshadows twenty-first century science.
Five children sitting on a rusty piece of galvanise, under the shade of a mango tree, with their young mother greeted the Prime Minister.
a voltaic (or galvanic) couple
Stainless steels are positioned towards the cathodic end of the galvanic series in seawater.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I am not so much worried as I am excited about by the whole drama of this, and I think in one way it is good for the country because it brings a lot of people and focuses their attention on this, and helps kind of galvanize the whole youth and the rest of ...
CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Election 2000: Middle Americans Sound Off on Florida Recount - November 10, 2000
The clock has been ticking down towards the deadline and I imagine he'll be galvanised into action.
Different materials are used - brass, tin, galvanised iron and pewter.
Metal cold water cisterns are covered with an internal galvanised coating to prevent rusting of the underlying iron.