How To Use Gallium In A Sentence
This was really exciting because the low - loss region is right at the gallium - arsenide laser emission band.
They blended and heated plutonium with gallium and cobalt and then slowly cooled the molten mixture.
The sniffer picked up silicone and traces of gallium arsenide, along with a long menu of materials.
The current record for the highest efficiency cell is also held by a multifunction device consisting of a gallium arsenide cell on top of a gallium antimonide cell.
4 Photovoltaics
Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.

The device is fabricated in Gallium Arsenide using electron beam lithography to define special side-gated channels.
The single gallium arsenide (GaAs) microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) contains all active circuitry in the module, including the PA, input, and interstage matching.
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Per Wikipedia: Mercury is a heavy, silvery d-block metal [that] is one of six elements that are liquid at or near room temperature and pressure, the others being caesium, francium, gallium, bromine, and rubidium.
Annotations for Trinity issue #51 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
Computer simulations designed to investigate the so-called indium/gallium puzzle have highlighted a new way of increasing the efficiency of CIGS thin-film solar cells. - latest science and technology news stories
You know, replete with all that stuff about electrons and holes and "p-doping" and "n-doping" and the delights of gallium arsenide.
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The puzzling result appeared when electrons were sandwiched between very smooth gallium arsenide semiconductor crystals and put under a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane - the famous quantum Hall state.
They blended and heated plutonium with gallium and cobalt and then slowly cooled the molten mixture.
The group III and IV elements (boron, aluminum, gallium, indium, carbon, silicon, germanium, tin), on the other hand, tend to form covalent halides.
While lasers are attractive, the materials that are used in lasers currently - such as gallium arsenide - can be difficult to integrate into fabs.
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These have an indium arsenide core surrounded by gallium arsenide and an indium-gallium arsenide alloy.
The fluoroanions of aluminum, gallium, and indium are novel weakly coordinating anions which are are highly fluorinated.
The speed that electrons travel in gallium arsenide is faster than silicon.
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There are three main thin-film technologies in production -- amorphous silicon; cadmium-telluride, known as cad tel; and copper indium gallium selenide, known as CIGS.
The sniffer picked up silicone and traces of gallium arsenide, along with a long menu of materials.
The study of certain substances, such as gallium, silicon, and germanium, revealed that they too had the ability to conduct electricity, but they had special properties.
From behind the hyperfiber, Gallium said, "I see an illegal weapon.
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Using concentrated sunlight focused onto a small 5 mm² multi-junction solar cell made out of GaInP/GaInAs/Ge (gallium indium phosphide, gallium indium arsenide on a germanium substrate (whew!)).
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Record Solar Cell
One of the most studied of these materials, called ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys, contains nickel, manganese, and gallium.
Researchers in St. Petersburg, Russia, recently built a nanowire cell out of gallium arsenide, but the material is more expensive to produce than silicon.
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Most of the increase in number of centers in ray-finned fishes also occurs in the gallium, where three subdivisions can be recognized in bichirs and some 13 in teleosts.
The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.
In 1879 Paul-Emile Lecoq, gallium's discoverer, announced that there was another element contaminating didymium, which he called samarium.
The soft metal gallium has such a low melting point that it will liquefy on contact with your hand.
In Genre on June 27, 2010 at 7: 30 am For all I knew, she was a bug-eyed wallaby with a taste for gallium arsenide: the stuff my brains are made of.
Mandala « A Fly in Amber
Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
The ferromagnetic substances, which have a large K value and are positive; iron, cobalt, nickel, and gallium fall under this heading.
In fact, his table successfully predicted the existence of gallium and germanium, which were discovered later.
Combining a compound known as a gallium corrole with a protein carrier results in a targeted cancer ...
Extraction of Gallium from high concentration HCl solution using organic phases which composes of TBP and butyl acetic ester, xylene, petroleum ether and kerosene, respectively, are investigated.
Most companies fabricate the chips by laying down a material called gallium nitride on wafers of sapphire or silicon carbide.
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Gallium arsenide is also used in lasers, such as those present in a compact disc player, in transistors, and in photovoltaic cells.
Most red LEDs are made of aluminum gallium arsenide, which is toxic.
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That experiment looked at the effects of microgravity on a mixture of molten mercury and gallium.
The fluoroanions of aluminum, gallium, and indium are novel weakly coordinating anions which are are highly fluorinated.
Such receivers generally feature between 10 to 20 chips made of gallium which is more expensive than silicon, yet considered necessary to satisfy the high performance requirements of mobile phone networks.
In photodiodes inorganic semiconductors such as gallium phosphide are traditionally used, but now one can also use semiconductive polymers.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 - Information for the Public
For all I knew, she was a bug-eyed wallaby with a taste for gallium arsenide: the stuff my brains are made of.
Mandala « A Fly in Amber
Lecoq de Boisbaudran suggested the name gallium for the new element in honor of the ancient Latin name for France, Gallia.
Journalists seek to profile any engineer or scientist who claims to turn gallium into gold.
Many optical components are typically constructed using materials such as gallium arsenide and indium phosphide.
IBM Claims Breakthrough in Laser-Based Chips
United Solar uses something called amorphous silicon technology, while Dow has set its sights on a newer technology known as Cigs -- photovoltaic cells made of copper, indium, gallium and selenium, which, when they work, are more efficient -- able to turn 13% of the sun's energy into electricity.
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Rorrer's lab aims to incorporate elements such as silicon, germanium, titanium, and gallium into the diatoms' silica shells.
A gallium scintigraphic scan showed markedly increased uptake of isotope in the lesion.
Many optical components are typically constructed using materials such as gallium arsenide and indium phosphide.
IBM Claims Breakthrough in Laser-Based Chips
I finally united the six samples of pure gallium mentioned before into one quite homogeneous piece.
As cracks formed in the anode, they tore open the plastic shells, releasing the contents within: a material called indium gallium arsenide.
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The device is fabricated in Gallium Arsenide using electron beam lithography to define special side-gated channels.
This case demonstrated that the FDG-PET could detect more lesions of metastatic Ewing's sarcoma than bone and gallium scans, especially for those with bone marrow involvement.
Rorrer's lab aims to incorporate elements such as silicon, germanium, titanium, and gallium into the diatoms' silica shells.
Computational chemistry research on benzaldehyde molecule and gallium pentahydride. - 2006 All-USA College Academic Second Team
7: Nice touch of science, but it'd have to be a pretty high room temperature for cesium, francium, gallium and rubidium to melt--the lowest melting point among them is francium's 300 degrees Kelvin, which is 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
Archive 2007-04-01
To begin, the researchers use chemical deposition of a vapour of a semiconducting material - silicon, indium arsenide or gallium hosphide, for instance - on catalytic gold seeds.
Cambridge's new 100,000 hour, mercury-free LED bulb uses a man-made semiconductor called gallium nitride that is grown on a cheap silicon wafer.
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The device is fabricated in Gallium Arsenide using electron beam lithography to define special side-gated channels.
Per Wikipedia: Mercury is a heavy, silvery d-block metal [that] is one of six elements that are liquid at or near room temperature and pressure, the others being caesium, francium, gallium, bromine, and rubidium.
Annotations for Trinity issue #51 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
The four new RF switches utilize RFMD's industry-leading Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) technology, enabling very high performance.
Using a silent electromagnetic pump, liquid gallium flows through the tubes of their Blizzard line of graphics cards.
Like gallium, indium - 111 labeled polyclonal Ig also localizes to infection but does not accumulate in KS or lymphoma.
Very pure gallium requires a number of further processes ending with zone refining to make very pure gallium metal.
The supply of gallium is predicted to be gone by 2017, based on current and future projections of usage.
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Another type of new fluoroanion of aluminum, gallium, and indium have 1-3 perfluorinated fused ring groups and 2-0 perfluorophenyl groups.
One theory says that the name gallium comes from the Latin word for France, Gallia.
The plutonium pits of nuclear weapons employ an alloy with gallium to stabilize the allotropes of plutonium.
I was also familiar with the cutting-edge work in gallium arsenide heterostructures being done at the time through seminars and informal conversations with Mike Schlüter, who was good friends with
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At the 0.2% level, gallium has been found to affect the corrosion characteristics and the response to etching and brightening of some alloys.
So, photonic crystals are now typically made of insulating or semiconducting materials, such as titanium oxide, silicon dioxide, silicon, or gallium arsenide.
Furthermore, the technology contributes nothing to carbon dioxide emissions and consumes only the resources used to manufacture the solar panels (the metals copper, indium and gallium and the non-metal selenium).
AXT is known in part for wafers made from gallium arsenide that are used in products such as power-amplifier chips.
This means that we can produce nanowires that contain two different semiconductors, namely gallium indium arsenide and indium arsenide.
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The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.