
How To Use Galling In A Sentence

  • What is particularly galling is that the authors never bothered to contact me or my department head or dean to inquire about this matter.
  • What she finds particularly galling is the tea partiers 'oft-repeated revolutionary cry of taxation without representation, despite the election of a president on the highest voter turnout since 1968. Three books on the Tea Party, reviewed by Steven Levingston
  • It was especially galling to be criticised by this scoundrel.
  • And, what's even more galling, we've been told that the sum involved is comparatively trifling, a drop in the ocean of the department's annual budget of €41 billion.
  • It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated.
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  • Yes indeed, and clearly that's galling the people who are holding those three Italian hostages, originally four.
  • It's particularly galling that German-speakers, not noted for syllabic parsimony, have no problem with it.
  • By now your paddling mates are a speck in the distance, the rhythmic flash of the sun on their paddle blades a galling reminder of the way this sport should be played.
  • The only men who behaved unhandsomely on the occasion were some of the Irish members, advocates of Repeal, who, with more than national brass, grounded their declinature on the galling yoke of the Saxon, and retreated to Connemara, doubtless exulting that in this instance at least they had freed themselves from "hereditary bonds. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • What make this automatic 50% of surnames excision particularly galling is that for almost all of us, the only parentage we can claim with certainty is maternal. Great Scots
  • Econ nerds who find that galling and even to use a technical term chutzpadik may enjoy this little news item, also from Konczal. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Debit Card Sharps: The Fight Over Wall Street's 'Invisible Tax'
  • There is something especially galling about the innocent being killed. Christianity Today
  • It's a galling thought when, with a little research, you could find great carpets of golden chanterelles just begging to be picked for free - the culinary equivalent of stumbling across a pirate's hoard.
  • With titanium bolts, the locknuts are plated with rhodium or silver to prevent galling and seizing of the nut to the bolt.
  • Whether one would find the moral and altruistic assertion "galling" and "off-putting" is another matter attributable to taste. A Pat on the Back for Matzke
  • It must be all the more galling , therefore, to see pregnant mainlanders rushing in.
  • How galling that must be, to have your life defined by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is quite clear in the above exchange about Mr Woodhouse's gallantries that she knows she is galling Emma: she wants to gall her rival and does it with malicious and practised expertise.
  • To have paid Wembley prices for a party like this must have been galling. Times, Sunday Times
  • I asked you to explain why you think that describing oneself as moral and altruistic should be seen as "galling" and "off-putting" by everyone. A Pat on the Back for Matzke
  • For this stellar cast to be upstaged by the scenery must be galling. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the saddest and most galling aspects of this foot and mouth tragedy has been the relentless, silent, unpublicised invasion of our shop shelves by imported meat.
  • With titanium bolts, the locknuts are plated with rhodium or silver to prevent galling and seizing of the nut to the bolt.
  • As the rest of us deal with the appalling detritus of this administration, it is more then galling, although not unexpected, to see these fraudulent people land comfortably in cushy and undemanding jobs. Top Bush Aides to Linger on High-Profile Boards - The Caucus Blog -
  • They are good for fit horses but may cause galling on horses in soft condition. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • It was galling, no doubt; his pride must have bled at the idea of allying his name with that of such low folks as the Saccos. The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Complete
  • The fact that the rest of the counrtry begrudges an interstate on-ramp, bridge or courthouse at Bob Byrd’s behest is galling considering how little has been spent on the region in the past. Matthew Yglesias » The Case Against Porkbusting
  • I take that back, the thing that's MOST galling is that he's going to continue to allow American troops to DIE NEEDLESSLY while he dithers about looking smart and thoughtful. Two Words MIA
  • Thin-film technology has firmly established itself as an effective method for reducing abrasive wear, surface pickup, galling, friction, and both chemical and thermal attack.
  • For this stellar cast to be upstaged by the scenery must be galling. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it is particularly galling and disappointing. The Sun
  • I find it particularly galling because, in this country, we have had to suffer pretty near total purgatory at the hands of our various enforcement agencies who seem to start from the premise that we are all members of that same Mafia clan.
  • It was particularly galling for Fulham. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just find it galling that actors and producers who seek to make it on the world stage, and who are lauded when they do, should try to force feed their fellow country men and women with compulsory culture.
  • For many years he endured galling poverty, which could not be charged to indolence or thriftlessness.
  • It must be galling and disabling. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must be galling to say the least when scumbags like the chavtastic tosser you mentioned very early get away with murder. Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • You can see how galling it can be to have your name so used, especially when the insinuation is that I am the ignorant party in the dispute. from → Unexamined Life Gallstones of the Unexamined Life « Unknowing
  • The most galling aspect of this setback was that the champion had been winning easily when he unnecessarily forfeited the game. Times, Sunday Times
  • They trounced Fiji before losing heavily to South Africa and, most gallingly, being edged out by Samoa at L' Aquila.
  • What was most galling was that there was no earthly reason why the Leinster final couldn't comfortably have been brought forward by a week or a fortnight.
  • What's so galling is that if something goes wrong, a bunch of bloggers, with no editors to call and no publishers to threaten, are the worst possible people to have around.
  • The galling thing for me is that this fight against the corporate establishment and for working families is the very one we should be making - but where is our party?
  • Working toward a theory on galling sawfly population dynamics. Introduction to Arctic Tundra and Polar Desert Ecosystems
  • Lucy, his treatment must have been galling and humiliating; for it so wrought upon his spirit as to produce a rough pasquinade, which was affixed to the park gate at Charlecot. 43 43 The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • O'Brien CA, Pollett A, Gallinger S, Dick JE (2007) A human colon cancer cell capable of initiating tumour growth in immunodeficient mice. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Cadmium plating or the use of anti-galling paints are effective in preventing seizure of bolt threads.
  • found it galling to have to ask permission
  • How galling it must be for the French that the Italians got there first. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frey's ‘novel’ isn't the first memoir of substance abuse, but with its harsh typesetting, galling repetition and disavowal of adjectives and quotations, his may be the most pointlessly abrasive.
  • This must be extremely galling for the Prime Minister. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's particularly galling is that it's only when the film is targeted at the female audience that it loses its wits so dramatically. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is galling most people about the situation is that it was instigated by our own Minister who seems to be blaming everyone from his own Fisheries Officers, Europe and fishermen's so called lack of flexibility.
  • And it's principle, not money, that's galling him.
  • What makes the situation so galling is that we, now playing second banana, are in no way a threat to them. Matthew Yglesias » Staggeringly Off-the-Mark Forecasts of European Economic Preeminence
  • It was galling to have to apologize to a man she detested.
  • The dramatic slump in the share value is all the more galling for investors, who had come to rely on the defensive food sector in times of economic uncertainty.
  • The most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is less qualified than me.
  • Herbivorous tephritid flies host an endosymbiotic bacterium until recently classified in the genus Erwinia, a galling plant pathogen capable of synthesizing auxins and cytokinins.
  • It would have been particularly galling that his idea was on the threshold of international success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the details are galling. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is very galling if you go to a water and find half a dozen cormorants there, looking as though they have had a really good feed.
  • It would be pretty galling to have to return the parcel undelivered to Ellis. TICKLED PINK
  • Life under any conditions is filled with idiotic excursions, false goals, prodigal waste, disappointed loves, galling personal insufficiencies, half-witted associations.
  • It was galling to her to observe his change in demeanour.
  • It was an easy result for them, that's the galling thing. The Sun
  • And somehow he will have to reconcile the galling fact that a large proportion of those self-same lads badly let him down during his roller-coaster managerial journey.
  • The really galling element here is not that mistakes were made, but that their consequences for the taxpayer have been dismissed with such high-handed contempt.
  • The Ulster-born poet's fondness for obscure consonance, half-rhymes and visual rhymes has become an instantly identifiable signature, mostly exhilarating, sometimes galling, even pretentious.
  • What has probably been more galling for them is how our largely unappreciative, philistine public has looked on the job as something without actual skills and real knowledge, while the opposite is true.
  • But if you can't even understand why it would/could be taken as off-putting or galling – even if you disagree with the view – what can I say? A Pat on the Back for Matzke
  • It is very galling that, after staff raised the cash via a tombola and a raffle, someone should just come and take them.
  • That an organization that claims to represent people whether they are members or not can be taken more seriously than the national chiefs' organization is especially galling to many AFN veterans.
  • Your column, aside from its galling content, lacks structure and basis.
  • And, as someone who would probably be labelled as a narratologist and would deny it to his boots any assumption that others like me don't understand that dropping a model of understanding from anywhere else on games and forcing games to fit it, rather than seeing if our understanding of games can be interestingly illuminated by observations from elsewhere, is potentially galling. Ye Olde Disciplinary Punch-and-Judy Show
  • It was especially galling for the locals because not only did Jane Seymour spend most of her time in Malibu, meaning that she was effectively letting strangers irresponsibly ruin the peace and quiet, but the noise also shattered the concentration level of each of the participants in the recent Bath And Wells 'Why Immigrants Should Be Burnt' foxhunt and chili cook-off. Very Posh People Get The Strop With Dr Quinn Medicine Woman
  • What is particularly galling is that all their activities are, in turn, underwritten by the taxpayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Especially galling as the rottweiler came fifth. The Sun
  • It was so galling having to smilingly serve food to someone you'd rather chuck it all over. TICKLED PINK
  • I don't have a prblm with cheating, per se, we are not gods, we are humans, despite what the Christian right preaches, what I find galling is the people who pretend to be what they are not. S.C. Commerce Secretary 'disappointed' in Sanford
  • Given, though, that many of these beings are incorporeal in nature and will not likely be disposing of the food themselves, this leaves the offerer with a galling dilemma: what is the proper way to clean up after the gods?
  • Every word of Nicias went home, galling him in his sorest point -- his outrageous vanity; and hardly had the elder statesman concluded his speech, when he sprang to his feet, and burst without preface into a wild harangue, which is a remarkable piece of self-revelation, disclosing with perfect candour the inner motives of the man on whom, more than on any other, the future of Athens depended. Stories from Thucydides
  • The mischief of a libel does not always consist in its grossness; on the contrary, when its bitterness is muffled in the garb of innuendo and latent allusion the malicious purpose is more galling for feelings to the wounded party.
  • By virtue of its inherent and perpetual galling disregard for every little thing, it has established itself a purifier and a revelator. Joe Schraufnagel: Little Victory: Punk Rock Parking Lot Apocalypse
  • With titanium bolts, the locknuts are plated with rhodium or silver to prevent galling and seizing of the nut to the bolt.
  • In the Ferrari, the naturally aspirated V8, with its crimson cam covers, is a galling showpiece of aluminized testosterone. The Best Sports Car, and Why to Skip It
  • It fetched £60 as scrap but, as a galling postscript to the accident, he saw the car for sale on a used-car lot shortly afterwards, priced at £600.
  • It must be galling to know that you were right all along about something, but missed a colossal payday because you were right too soon. Times, Sunday Times
  • It fetched £60 as scrap but, as a galling postscript to the accident, he saw the car for sale on a used-car lot shortly afterwards, priced at £600.
  • Page 184 we revilingly say, with some of their ungrateful descendants, that the good sense and love of liberty which had so lately driven them from their fatherland, to find an asylum here from the galling yoke of British oppression, had been so entirely absorbed in the passion for gain, as to cause them to be deaf to the claims of justice and humanity in behalf of the African! Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery, as Exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: with the Duties of Masters to Slaves.
  • But what is so galling is the fact that few comedians realise that comedy has limited impact politically, and usually it's targeted at and consumed by the ‘converted’ anyway.
  • Gallingly for the mag, filling in the questionnaires that make up its Power Book 2011, a guide to the industry's leading lights, seems beneath the top-ranked operators; but some of the lowlier figures' contributions are not without interest, especially when they are asked to name a "song you would sing at an X-Factor audition". Media Monkey's Diary
  • It is especially galling to be lectured by people who left frontline British politics to make money. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I suppose it must be galling for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are but odd shapes painted in zebra stripes which are galling to discerning motorists.
  • What makes the matter more galling is that Jill subsequently heard her buyers had telephoned her next-door neighbour and offered him anything he wanted for a couple of fields adjoining her property.
  • The most galling aspect of this setback was that the champion had been winning easily when he unnecessarily forfeited the game. Times, Sunday Times
  • What makes this even more galling is that there are probably more people working in our “corporate communications” dept than I have alongside me when I parade on for my shift. Policing Pledge Is A Lie SHOCK « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I find it galling to see such negativity applied to our young people.
  • It must have been galling to take orders from jobsworths - to feel useless, just another cog within a cog.
  • And most galling is that this entire legislative exercise was unnecessary. Josh Silver: Why it's "Radical" to Fight Corporate Control of Government (And Why Net Neutrality Is a Remedy)
  • It must be galling and disabling. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are good for fit horses but may cause galling on horses in soft condition. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • This can be particularly galling when you are billed for other people's actions when you receive calls or voicemails. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also thinks that it is galling for the writers who publicly fail to make the September shortlist. Times, Sunday Times
  • As galling as it is to realize that the BRR and its registered authors and publishers will derive income from millions of books they didn ` t write or publish, it is even more galling that copyright maximalists will almost certain dominate the BRR governing board. ‘Dead Souls’ of Google settlement
  • The secular talk of the worldly-minded was galling to me, and I would look wistfully to the day when my own beloved companions would come.
  • She also thinks that it is galling for the writers who publicly fail to make the September shortlist. Times, Sunday Times
  • So for someone who spent three years co-writing two series of Spaced in her own blood, sweat and tears, isn't the idea that you can spitball a 100-minute movie on the spot just a little galling?
  • It is a galling scenario for tribunal lawyers, the Gardai and the council members.
  • I thought the idea of buttering up Dovey would be too galling for you and that you’d give up. Breathless
  • The facelessness and impersonality of much that went on in the multiversity was, accordingly, all the more galling. The University of the Seventies
  • Beauchamp, Lucien Debray and Château-Renaud were not the only persons puzzled with regard to the enigmatical M. Dantès; all Paris was more or less bothered about him; his entire career prior to his appearance at the capital as the Deputy from Marseilles seemed shrouded in impenetrable mystery, and this was the more galling to the curious Parisians as his wonderful oratorical powers and his intense republicanism rendered him the cynosure of all eyes and made him the sensation of the hour. Edmond Dantès
  • A breathtaking and galling presumption - after all that we have gone through this last decade or so.
  • It is a galling scenario for tribunal lawyers, the Gardai and the council members.
  • Most galling of all is the ridiculous statements the committee has made in disqualifying the Yes team.

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