How To Use Galley proof In A Sentence
With cold type, the galley proof is the first proof, usually a photocopy.
When an assistant helping him prepare the galley proofs for publication noticed this phrase, without any explanatory text, he asked Heidegger to remove it.
So she wrote in longhand, and then picked over the copy in galley proofs, correcting and changing to the last minute.
The majority of the collection is composed of correspondence by the contributing poets to Williams, and both corrected and uncorrected galley proofs of poems.
The paragraph in question had been in his article through galley proofs, which Sheldrake had seen and approved, but was somehow accidentally omitted in the layout process.

Dr. Brussee had checked the galley proofs and the error was not present at that time.
A proof taken of the whole galley at once is called a _galley proof_.
Up To Date Business Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.)
You would receive a galley proof from your publisher and make comments about mistakes or changes to be made.
Detailed information on these charges will accompany the galley proofs sent to you prior to publication.
Thus, the whole magazine is 'dummied' with pages of cut-up galley proofs and picture proofs, until it looks more like a child's scrap book than a magazine model.
The Blue Birds' Winter Nest
Analysing the mechanisms of paint dyeing, and having a test of galley proof in the laboratory.
Authors can complete all steps in the life cycle of their manuscript - from submission, to revision, to viewing galley proofs - all from their Paragon System home page.
We can only assume that this occurred during the printing process and missed our attention on the galley proofs.
We'd write our marks on raw copy (type written on a page) until the pages were almost illegible, and then send it to be turned into a galley proof (one long line of printed up, typed up copy).
But it's not enough just to analyse the manuscript, because he often made changes on the galley proofs.…
Catchline a temporary headline for identification on the top of a galley proof.
Series 9 contains drafts, notes, galley proofs and other written material relating to articles, books and reviews written by Goldberg.
There were the galley proofs, lying in a neat pile, with a letter of congratulations from his editor at Routledge on top.
As a child, I remember him working on all the galley proofs for Chambers School Dictionary.
Again, the most critical error occurs when publishers do not show the consultant the final galley proof.
Catchline a temporary headline for identification on the top of a galley proof.
Critical reading of galley proofs by outside expert consultants.
You might, perhaps, come across the term galley proofs.
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