How To Use Gallberry In A Sentence
Burning and disking appears to set back gallberry more than does burning alone, but disking probably does not kill gallberry except during periods of very low soil moisture.
As an example of the better kind of gallberry land, I propose to give the composition of one which occupies a large area in Onslow county, which, on being submitted to analysis, gave the following results:
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
This landscape of scattered pines with a dense groundcover including gallberry is one of the most common landscapes in Florida.
And instead of lawns, the gardens have drought-resistant plants such as rosemary and gallberry.
Times, Sunday Times
Then I stopped in a clump of "gallberry" bushes to make observations.
War stories and school-day incidents for the children,
My tastebuds hesitated, but wavered on the edge of forgiving me for the gallberry syrup.
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
The more open borders of these swampy woods may be covered by dense thickets of swamp cyrilla, black titi and large gallberry.
Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Alabama
Seeps in sand hills support acid bog species including southern sweetbay, gallberry, wax-myrtles, fetterbush, insectivorous plants, orchids, and wild azalea.
Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
The soil which is known as the gallberry soil is not of a uniform composition or appearance; one of the most common kinds is formed of sand, intermixed with black vegetable matter.
Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
For bolder flavor, try a dark honey, such as gallberry.
What's for dinner? (10/06/05)
A human path through the swamp is carved with a machete, although the resulting trail often seems like a feeble attempt at penetrating the hidden blackwater ponds and the massive jungles of titi, smilax, gallberry, cypress, and gum.
I explained to the boys that a few hundred yards ahead was a pond, the main road passing through the edge of it and a "turn-out," dry road around it, with "gallberry" bushes between the two roads.
War stories and school-day incidents for the children,
A dense understory of palmetto, gallberry, wax myrtle and grasses supply abundant cover and forage for deer.
100 Best Public-Land Hunts: Georgia
Pocosins, an ancient Algonquin term for swamp-on-a-hill are characterized as extensive flat damp, sandy or peaty areas far from streams with a scattered growth of pond pine (Pinus serotina) and a dense growth of mostly evergreen shrubs (often gallberry, Ilex glabra), that taken together, resemble a heath scrub community.
Middle Atlantic coastal forests