How To Use Gallantly In A Sentence
She tossed her long hair backwards and gallantly stood awaiting my reaction.
The captain led gallantly to the attack, but was bowled over by a chunk of coal that burst on his head in black baptism.
Rumours circulated that other attempts to photograph the families together had been foiled when McConnell ungallantly jumped behind Wark.
He picked up my hand gallantly, pressing a soft kiss to my knuckles.
gallantly," as was indeed to be expected in a country whose chief industry was fishing and which was so admirably surrounded by natural bays and harbors.
The Old Coast Road From Boston to Plymouth
On January 6th the Boers delivered their great assault upon Ladysmith -- an onfall so gallantly made and gallantly met that it deserves to rank among the classic fights of British military history.
The Great Boer War
‘She'll try to sleep with you,’ they said, somewhat ungallantly.
But Mr. Jerningham would have been much more surprised and puzzled if he had waited one minute longer, and seen this Mr. Perkins, who had so gallantly escaladed the hackney-coach, step out of it with the most mortified, miserable, chap-fallen countenance possible.
The Bedford-Row Conspiracy
Under such charming tutorship," he murmured, gallantly.
he gallantly offered to take her home
To secure their only chance for rescue, Cora gallantly persuaded Hawkeye and the Mohicans to try an escape.
Shortly afterwards he gallantly declined to correct her misapprehension that George was the donor.
William Nash of the town of Westerly, State of Rhode Island, who so gallantly volunteered to man the life-boat and a fishing boat, and saved the lives of thirty-two persons from the wreck of the steamer "Metis," on the waters of Long Island Sound, on the thirty-first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two.
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
Nancy Wake, the only woman warrior, fought gallantly with the maquis in the Auvergne, but Hastings is no more convinced than many of his fellow historians that the French resistance played more than a decorative role.
So let me ungallantly present a few awkward facts.
Times, Sunday Times
As he strolls gallantly down the sideline, the young men comprising the deepest bench are challenged to stay alert.
The business of sitting back like a sultan, buying all the silks and satins in sight and gallantly chaffing Madame Threadneedle, had put me in excellent fettle, but as the afternoon wore away I began to feel less bobbish.
Flash For Freedom
The Trojans are besieged and they fight gallantly to hold their walls.
Nadi defended the provincial title gallantly despite the odds stacked them silencing the rugby pundits who had predicted a Nadroga victory.
Fiji Times Online - Local News
He drew portraits of her -- they are extant still -- with straight noses and enormous eyes, and 'Arthur Pendennis delineavit et pinxit' gallantly written underneath.
The History of Pendennis
Disregarding his wounds, the corporal gallantly led his squad in an assault on an enemy-held compound.
The semifinalists fought back gallantly to beat the opposition 3-2.
At that moment, in strode a gallantly plumed lord with his servants.
The ship's black stack would show above the smother, each time emerging gallantly from the tussle with the water rolling from her as it does from the back of a porpoise.
Khelat-i-Ghiljie, lying about halfway between Candahar and Ghazni, was at the sane time gallantly and successfully defended by handful of
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843
‘I've got some grapes in my car,’ I offered gallantly, assuming that she would offer something in reciprocation, but she didn't even seem mildly interested in my grapes.
He drew portraits of her — they are extant still — with straight noses and enormous eyes, and ‘Arthur Pendennis delineavit et pinxit’ gallantly written underneath.
The History of Pendennis
He gallantly offered to carry her cases to the car.
Jon defended me gallantly, earning him a little tick in my good books.
Not nearly smelly enough either, he (rather ungallantly, to my mind) suggests.
Times, Sunday Times
They named the airfield for an aviator who had died gallantly during the Battle of Midway.
The new fighters behave gallantly under fire.
I met her new feller - a very charming young man who gallantly purchased my turkey when I discovered I'd forgotten to stop by the cash machine on the way into the city.
He has already secured his 'chain of office' and sported it gallantly at the launch of the competition.
Let us rather go out to meet it gallantly: or perhaps -- for all this pendulous orb, this fair gem in the sky's diadem, is not surely plague-striken -- perhaps, in some secluded nook, amidst eternal spring, and waving trees, and purling streams, we may find Life.
He drew portraits of her — they are extant still — with straight noses and enormous eyes, and ‘Arthur Pendennis delineavit et pinxit’ gallantly written underneath.
The History of Pendennis
If you're the self-sacrificing type, you may gallantly leap upon the grenade you're about to drop.
There never was a child (unless Master James) but has hunted gold, and been a pirate, and a military commander, and a bandit of the mountains; but has fought, and suffered shipwreck and prison, and imbrued its little hands in gore, and gallantly retrieved the lost battle, and triumphantly protected innocence and beauty.
Memories and Portraits
He fired off an angry letter, which gallantly sought to protect the Queen from any perceived slight.
He said this gallantly, with the practiced manners of a courtier.
Malone gallantly handed one to the owner of the voice, collected the money, and handed it to the bewildered newsdealer.
Knocked for a Loop
The friendly breeze freshened again next day, and on we went once more before it gallantly: descrying now and then an English ship going homeward under shortened sail, while we, with every inch of canvas crowded on, dashed gaily past, and left her far behind.
American Notes for General Circulation
Right now, Dervishton and Falkland were gallantly arguing over who should fetch her a new glass of ratafia.
The Laird Who Loved Me
Christina Aguilera gives "The Star-Spangled Banner" an accidental remix during the Super Bowl pre-game, subbing "O'er the ramparts we watched/were so gallantly streaming" with the half-rehashed line "What so proudly we watched/at the twilight's last reaming.
Top Moments: Modern Family's Affair to Forget and Glee's Independent Woman
What better way for a man of means and intellect to get to know the real dilemmas and down-to-earth problems of the people he so gallantly serves?
Let us concede that the high-born Grig rode into the entrenchments at Sobraon as gallantly as Corporal Wallop, the ex-ploughboy.
The Book of Snobs
The new fighters behave gallantly under fire.
"She's a better cook than I am," he adds gallantly.
(26 May) was thought a fitting opportunity for asking for a further loan of £100,000 to enable her majesty to pay and "gratify" the seamen who had so gallantly warded off invasion and to refit the fleet.
London and the Kingdom - Volume II
But she conquered the cabal that was formed against her, for the dandies were her friends, and gallantly supported her through a trial under which some women would have sunk.
The Young Duke
The smaller greenheart, therefore, for the third time gallantly survived its month on a Norway river; but those rocks have literally chipped the shine from every joint, leaving, I believe and hope, its constitution, nevertheless, quite sound.
Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
But when he reached gallantly to kiss my hand and I first looked into the eyes of General Eduard Rinaldi I was disquieted.
Oh well, perhaps some ballets possibly do look as though the dancers were gallantly improvising.
The garrison fought gallantly, almost to the last man.
The clerk pauses to greet two bulkily clad, dot-faced women wary of crossing the slippery road, but ungallantly fails to raise his regulation top-hat.
When she stepped out the exit where Juan was gallantly manning the door, she pecked him on the cheek.
The 12:39 to Matanzas
He took my elbow and assisted me a bit more gallantly during the last mile.
How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
The Grammy winner, 30, botched the lyrics, mistakenly singing "what so proudly we watched, at the twilight's last reaming" instead of "o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
Christina Aguilera Fumbles the Lyrics, Black Eyed Peas Light Up Super Bowl XLV
As the Prince of Wales somewhat ungallantly observed in his toast at this week's state dinner, the American media hoped to marry him off to her.
They suffer nosebleeds when taken down and, though gallantly fighting off the inevitable, meet their doom with a triple tap.
Elliot Worsell: Britain's Third Wave of Mixed Martial Artists
When his submarine is bombed, McClenahan gallantly chooses to save his crew over himself.
Weekly Mishmash: January 24-30 :
The dazzling full moon, as if a queen, is gallantly strolling from the eastern side of the blue evening sky.
Those explorers gallantly adventured on unknown seas.
The surprising effect which had been produced by small means, in 1745 – 6, animated their hopes for more important successes, when the whole nonjuring interest of Britain, identified as it then was with great part of the landed gentlemen, should come forward to finish what had been gallantly attempted by a few Highland chiefs.
Despite the odds, they gallantly fought their way out of the trap.
We were called to dinner and Nelson gallantly stepped up between us and took both our arms to escort us into the dining room.
He concluded to have that which might supply his wants, because he would be clothed gallantly.
Then, the hostler was told to give the horse his head; and, his head being given him, he made a very unpleasant use of it: tossing it into the air with great disdain, and running into the parlour windows over the way; after performing those feats, and supporting himself for a short time on his hind – legs, he started off at great speed, and rattled out of the town right gallantly.
Oliver Twist
But she stemmed every thing gallantly, under the direction of our experienced guides, and we soon embarked again, and proceeded to the lower dalles.
Townsend Chapter 15
In the morning and evening, the cock struts gallantly around his beat, his handsome forked tail outspread.
When she gallantly removes her cap, her glabrous head radiates a glorious halo.
Some bands, in strong positions, fought gallantly, but in the end every deserter from the militia met death.
Chapter 16: The End
‘Oh, forgive me, mademoiselle,’ he said gallantly as it had just occurred to him that he had not introduced himself.
What better way for a man of means and intellect to get to know the real dilemmas and down-to-earth problems of the people he so gallantly serves?
We have gallantly crossed swords with Barbary pirates along the shores of Tripoli.
Ungallantly, he is losing interest.
Times, Sunday Times
He died in October 1933 as a result of burns received in gallantly fighting a fire.
I am proud of everyzing zat I find in my home," said the Baron gallantly.
Count Bunker: being a bald yet veracious chronicle containing some further particulars of two gentlemen whose previous careers were touched upon in a tome entitled the Lunatic at Large
How is that?" he asked, "_I_ knew _you_ from your photograph -- once seen not to be forgotten again," gallantly -- "but how should you know me?
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
This highly intelligent utilitarian breed is distinguished by two coat types, either curly or wavy; an impressive head of considerable breadth and well proportioned mass; a ruggedly built, well-knit body; and a powerful, thickly based tail, carried gallantly or used purposefully as a rudder.
Portuguese Water Dog: Obamas' Puppy
With these hasty adieux, Nicholas mounted nimbly to his seat, and waved his hand as gallantly as if his heart went with it.
Nicholas Nickleby
Last year, Christina Aguilera flubbed the lyrics and sang "what so proudly we watched, at the twilight's last reaming" instead of "o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming.
Kelly Clarkson Drafted to Perform National Anthem at Super Bowl
One with the guy drunken, with a blonde whom the paper edition gallantly identifies as unconnected, though the website does not.
Daily Mail Object Lesson: Outing a Sex Complainant?
As she was starting to shiver, he gallantly wrapped his cloak around her shoulder.
Paul bowed gallantly, saying, "Lead the way, my arms are at your service."
Here is a photo of him gallantly sporting the team polo shirt.
My hubby Bill gallantly stepped in to carry out a hasty repair.
I could see the steeple of the church rising gallantly toward the untainted sky.
Eric ever so gallantly closed the door behind him and took off his shoes very neatly.
She hurled the words at him in the desire that somebody would overhear them and come gallantly running to her rescue.
You have ungallantly declined to refrain from pointing at our citizens the rifles we sold you.
Anne gallantly sauntered up to them, smiling.
Travelling by private jet has many advantages for mega rich sporting superstars flying halfway round the world every second week and gallantly trying to battle off the effects of jet lag.
So saying, the Duchess rose, and the Major, bowing gallantly gave her the limb she demanded, and went off with her, 'haw'-ing in his best and most ponderous manner.
The Amateur Gentleman