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How To Use Galileo In A Sentence

  • Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.
  • This discovery led to the invention of the pendulum and various timepieces such as the Grandfather clock, but at the time Galileo could not explain it.
  • My answer was the Black Death chopped population way down so that not until Galileo's generation was there as many Europeans as in Oresme's time and, if brilliant scientific minds are a constant proportion of the whole, never until then was there a "critical mass" of scientific thinkers. March 25th, 2009
  • Kevlar also was used on the Galileo probe to Jupiter, which included a parachute made of Kevlar, and at the International Space Station, where a blanket made of Kevlar was used to wrap its inner walls to protect from micrometeorites.
  • From Lippershey, Galileo picked up the idea of building a telescope for astronomical research.
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  • The first astronomer to study the surface of Mars was Galileo Galilei, who noted the phases of the planet in 1610.
  • Nominee Kim Stanley Robinson, who has been up for the award before, said via email that his novel came about because of his interest in Galileo ever since doing the research for his prior book The Years of Rice and Salt. Best of 2009
  • Ironically, Galileo Galilei spotted Neptune more than 200 years earlier but wrongly assumed the planet was just a star.
  • He thought that Copernicus and Galileo had revealed the method for investigating the natural world, that Harvey had applied this to the study of the body, and that he, Hobbes, was showing how this method, the resoluto-compositive method of Galileo, could be applied to psychology and politics. BEHAVIORISM
  • M. Ponsard, in his play on the subject, succumbed to the extent of making his final scene end with Galileo "frappant du pied la terre," and crying, "pourtant elle tourne. Watchers of the Sky
  • Among lawful sequences of events are Galileo's laws of free fall and the parabolic trajectory of projectiles.
  • Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.
  • I'll guess a multispectral image of Callisto? by Galileo. Where In The Universe Challenge #93 | Universe Today
  • Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Galileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.
  • A devoted but not exclusive follower of Newton's achievements and insights, he maintained through most of his life that mathematization and a priori universal laws were preconditions for genuine scientific character (like Galileo and Descartes earlier, and Carnap later, Kant believed that mathematical exactness constituted the main condition for the possibility of objectivity). The Unity of Science
  • Like Galileo's trial before the Inquisition, this was not an argument about truth but a struggle for power, a sign of the religious dogmatism of the Counter-Reformation.
  • So, tell me then ... what was the statement that the Vatican demanded that Galileo "recant"? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The league at Florence had suggested getting a priest to attack Galileo but was reprimanded by a churchman, perhaps the Archbishop of Florence, at whose home they had met.
  • He points out that if the reader did not know the chronology, he would think Galileo and Descartes had been students of Nicholas Oresme, although 250 years separated them. March 25th, 2009
  • This famous and much-discussed distinction between primary and secondary qualities has historical antecedents in Galileo, Descartes, and Hobbes.
  • This famous and much-discussed distinction between primary and secondary qualities has historical antecedents in Galileo, Descartes, and Hobbes.
  • Galileo's telescope consisted of two lenses -- one plano-convex, the other plano-concave, the latter being held next the eye. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • As the church was trying to [reinvent] him," he said, mentioning the efforts of Pope John Paul II in the early 1990s to clear Galileo's reputation as a heretic, "[scholars] were trying to reconvict him. The Rebel Yell
  • It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment. Galileo Galilei 
  • These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
  • Galileo defended the ‘epicycloids’ of Copernicus, even though Kepler already had presented a much better theory.
  • Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate.
  • In mathematics Jungius proved that the catenary is not a parabola (Galileo assumed it was).
  • That sufficed for terrestrial physics, and Galileo did not speculate about celestial physics as did Kepler.
  • Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
  • Galileo's telescope had a convex object lens but a concave eye-piece.
  • Galileo was charged with heresy by the Christian church for having the temerity to suggest that the earth went round the sun.
  • Given the scientific and mathematical works of Descartes and Galileo, but no chronological information, one might suppose the authors were students of Oresme. March 25th, 2009
  • February 26th, 2009 6: 37pm stanley Jerusalem-I have not forgotten where I came from, if some of these posters have, I was dangled over a shmaltz herring barrel every sunday and was used for fishing them out - you do not forget that even if mr galileo has forgotten - I am waiting for his report on the play where he will attend with a placard "I am A jew" on his back and clutching a lokshen pudding to his breast. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Galileo had a mixed education, starting at a monastery school in Vallombrosa where he entered the order as a novice, against the wishes of his father.
  • In the Galileo Museum in Florence there is a terrella twenty-seven inches in diameter, of loadstone from Elba, constructed for Cosmo de 'Medici. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 24: September/October 1663
  • ROME - Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings.
  • Towards the end of 1638 a young pupil, Vincenzio Viviani, came to live and study with Galileo, serving him also as amanuensis.
  • The play also deals with Galileo's tutoring of princes, and touches lightly on his familial relations, most especially on his relations with his friend, the future Pope Urban VIII.
  • The modern scientific method is usually attributed to Galileo.
  • He has made the rehabilitation of Galileo a major goal.
  • The technology of cannonry may have been more influential on Galileo's science than the other way around.
  • Thus, from the Assyrian researches as well as from other sources, it has come to be acknowledged by the most eminent scholars at the leading seats of Christian learning that the accounts of creation with which for nearly two thousand years all scientific discoveries have had to be "reconciled" -- the accounts which blocked the way of Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and Laplace -- were simply transcribed or evolved from a mass of myths and legends largely derived by the Hebrews from their ancient relations with Chaldea, rewrought in a monotheistic sense, imperfectly welded together, and then thrown into poetic forms in the sacred books which we have inherited. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • Information from the Galileo space probe about Jupiter's atmosphere has left theorists baffled.
  • Galileo would not absolve them from blame for resorting to power when reason went against them.
  • The next point at which a stand was made was the assertion that the condemnation of Galileo was "provisory"; but this proved a more treacherous shelter than the others. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • Italian mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei used the first optical telescope, a refractor, in 1610.
  • On Galileo, we did our probe insertion and our orbit insertion all within a 4-hour period.
  • Galileo has operated in orbit more than three times longer than its originally planned mission.
  • In 1618, Galileo explained some visible comets in a fiery work as reflexions of light, so that nobody believed the Jesuit astronomer Grassi, who realised that the comets were flying bodies.
  • At the end of 1990, the speeding Galileo carried out another slingshot maneuver, this time involving the Earth, and entered an orbit that will bring it back for a second slingshot past the Earth some two years later.
  • In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei 
  • There were so many introductions, I barely got to the Dialogue Concerning the two Chief World Systems, so unbeloved of the Pope in Galileo's time.
  • Galileo's conception of biblical authority will be examined later in the chapter.
  • Galileo introduces B lock Selection (sometime called discontinuous selection): the ability to select a box of text regardless of the line breaks or any other white-spaces. Eclipse Zone - Community for Eclipse users and developers
  • These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
  • On the other hand, Bellarmine the intellectual admired Galileo's science. A paradox.
  • Galileo's telescope was similar to a pair of opera glasses in that it used an arrangement of glass lenses to magnify objects.
  • The last two, in particular, chafed at the restrictions of religious orthodoxy, but like Galileo after them, chose to live and continue their researches in preference to martyrdom.
  • Moreover, Galileo approved Aristotle's position that explanatory principles must be induced from the data of sense experience.
  • It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment. Galileo Galilei 
  • As with Galileo's first telescopic observations, these explorations will stimulate discussion on the origins of the newly revealed landscapes.
  • You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself. Galileo Galilei 
  • If this were not true, we would still be assuring ourselves that the sun revolves around the earth, and the church, centuries later, would never have apologized to Galileo, who declared the opposite.
  • One from Galileo's studies of Ganymede's magnetosphere is here. Boing Boing: October 20, 2002 - October 26, 2002 Archives
  • Galileo had therefore crossed the line set out sixteen years earlier - he had promoted an idea contrary to Scripture without providing convincing proof of its truthfulness.
  • Galileo theorized the motion of the stars
  • Galileo had written a pious preface in which he ridiculed the Copernican theory as wild and fantastic and contrary to Holy Scripture.
  • Certainly the theorems which Galileo had proved on the centres of gravity of solids, and left in Rome, were discussed in this correspondence.
  • Although his work was instrumental in bringing the Copernican system into prominence, Galileo was far more than just an astronomer.
  • 1642- astronomer Galileo Galilei died in Italy.
  • After leaving Rome Galileo remained in contact with Clavius by correspondence and Guidobaldo del Monte was also a regular correspondent.
  • This so-called empiricist dogma of Sarpi, Galileo, Rene Descartes, Antonio Conti, et al., provided the basis for what John Maynard Keynes was to expose later as the morbid hoax of "black magic" speculator Isaac Newton. LaRouche's Latest
  • Galileo took the position that all celestial phenomena should be interpreted in terms of terrestrial analogies, against Aristotle's basic postulate of essential differences.
  • Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
  • You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself. Galileo Galilei 
  • That is why Galileo dropped weights from a tall building. Waldo Jaquith - Connect the dots.
  • Galileo was charged with heresy by the Christian church for having the temerity to suggest that the earth went round the sun.
  • While this work stands as a masterpiece of scientific rhetoric, it is somewhat strange that Galileo should have argued against the super-lunary nature of comets, which the great Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe had demonstrated earlier. Galileo Galilei
  • Tycho had collected in one place the finest astrometric instruments of his day - four decades before Galileo introduced the astronomical telescope.
  • Given that the last Pope, probably recalling his countryman Nicolaus Copernicus, gave a belated but none-the-less necessary pardon of Galileo Galilei, it makes me wonder how far back he wishes to turn the calendar. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Galileo lived in the city of Pisa.
  • On the morning of June 22, 1633 in the hall of the convent of Santa Maria sopra Minvera in Rome, Galileo Galilei knelt before the Lord-Cardinal Inquisitors-General and publicly abjured his false opinion that the sun was the motionless center of the universe. Matt J. Rossano: The Galileo Affair: Emblematic Or Exceptional?
  • Kepler, Galileo, and Newton in the seventeenth century, were the means of effecting a rapid advance in the science of astronomy; but that branch of it known as sidereal astronomy was not then in existence. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • Galileo's view contradicted Church doctrine of the time that the earth was in a fixed position.
  • He envisaged the use of the resoluto-compositive method of Galileo to erect BEHAVIORISM
  • After Galileo s stargazing it became increasingly clear that the Earth was just another planet, part of some one else s heavens.
  • Galileo is the star astronomer known to the public as the first to do this. Archive 2009-01-01
  • However, Galileo avoided open speculation about its possible infiniteness, as that question had been used to persecute Giordano Bruno.
  • He sought to demythologize Galileo, particularly the version that had become popular in the eighteenth century of Galileo the experimenter.
  • In1609, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei watched space though the telescope.
  • Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Galileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.
  • EU Referendum: Galileo costs to "skyrocket" - shock! Galileo costs to "skyrocket" - shock!
  • Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
  • The dramatic crisis stems from Galileo's enforced abjuration in 1633 of his belief in a heliocentric universe.
  • Examples of such features include indirect or reported speech (˜Galileo said that the earth moves™), adverbial expressions (˜Flora swam slowly ˜where ˜slowly™ modifies ˜Flora swam™) and non-indicative sentences such as imperatives (˜Eat your eggplant!™). Donald Davidson
  • These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
  • Only after Galileo had become famous through his discoveries in the area of mechanics, dynamics and optics, did he admit his Copernican position in print.
  • 1612 – Galileo Galilei becomes the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune, although he mistakenly catalogued it as a fixed star.
  • This famous and much-discussed distinction between primary and secondary qualities has historical antecedents in Galileo, Descartes, and Hobbes.
  • The ruling historiographers of science cannot be freed from the reproach that they have read Galileo's writings too selectively.
  • In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei 
  • To improve on this Galileo learned how to grind and polish his own lenses and by August 1609 he had an instrument with a magnification of around eight or nine.
  • It follows from Galileo's theory that there should be just one high tide each day at a given location, and that it should occur around noon.
  • I recall that we discussed scaling and we used - the interesting example of Galileo Galilei-- an animal, and the animal has legs.
  • Galileo Galilei, the most prominent of these, was jailed and forced to recant that the earth revolved around the sun.
  • it was the Roman Inquisition that put Galileo on trial
  • Italian mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei used the first optical telescope, a refractor, in 1610.
  • That may be, but his journals nonetheless describe many thought experiments, including the one about falling bodies — try entering Galileo thought experient. Egnor responds, falls flat on his face - The Panda's Thumb
  • Galileo's telescope was similar to a pair of opera glasses in that it used an arrangement of glass lenses to magnify objects.
  • By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox. Galileo Galilei 
  • A point worth emphasizing is the stress that Galileo places on the analytic or resolutive procedure as strongly sug - gestive, though falling far short of probative demon - stration. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
  • Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe. Galileo Galilei 
  • In statics he identified this momentum with what Galileo called momento or impeto, and this identification was certainly conformable to the Pisan's idea. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Galileo was not the first scientist to be forced to retract his theories.
  • Galileo rendered his new conceptions meaningful and increasingly more precise by means of illustrations and thought experiments.
  • It had been a historical commonplace to view the long interval between Archimedes and Galileo as a period of unrelieved ignorance and superstition.
  • Galileo developed a theory called the Copernican theory that challenged the Church. Nisayon Diary Entry
  • Galileo's work in mechanics testifies to the fertility of these concepts.
  • Galileo adopted some of its terminology, and according to these scholars his method in science was borrowed from that source.
  • The names Copernicus and Galileo are connected to one of the greatest paradigm shifts in the history of science, a shift often referred to as the Copernican Revolution. The G.O.D. Experiments
  • Upon the impressive foundations that Galileo had laid, Newton was able to erect a cathedral of superb grandeur.
  • That may be, but his journals nonetheless describe many thought experiments, including the one about falling bodies – try entering Galileo thought experient. Egnor responds, falls flat on his face - The Panda's Thumb
  • Back in Galileo's time, you had politicians, religious leaders, and scientists telling everyone that the world was flat! Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments, and demonstrations. Galileo Galilei 
  • From about this time we have the earliest surviving manuscript written by Galileo.
  • (Though I "adduced" no sophistries or misdirections whatsoever and, Linda, you're not following the reasoning herein, I merely invoked Oresme as an earlier, counter example, not to slight or detract from Galileo's empirical data any more than I'd wish to slight or detract from Tycho Brahe's own methodology and system, relevant to that specific period - but all that begins to get into more arcane subject matter, as noted.) On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Nasa directs the unmanned space probe Galileo to plunge into the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter, destroying the craft after a 14-year space mission.
  • Yet before the Galileo affair there had been neither a breach between religion and science nor any distinction between science and philosophy.
  • Galileo's ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
  • It is encapsulated in Galileo's quip that the Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.
  • Certainly the theorems which Galileo had proved on the centres of gravity of solids, and left in Rome, were discussed in this correspondence.
  • Italy Embassy Minister Counselor Mark David La Tour tower, said: "From the age of Galileo, China and Italy in science and technology, culture and development was inextricably linked.
  • Momma took copious notes from which I see that the Madonna and Child holy water basin was perfectly sweet, and the episcopal throne by Uervellesi in 1536 was the finest piece of tarsia work in the world, and the large bronze hanging lamp by Vincenzo Possento was the object which assisted Galileo to invent the oscillations of the pendulum. A Voyage of Consolation (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London')
  • This famous and much-discussed distinction between primary and secondary qualities has historical antecedents in Galileo, Descartes, and Hobbes.
  • The modern scientific method is usually attributed to Galileo.
  • It was an enormous humiliation and Galileo was left a broken man, almost mentally deranged by the months of pressure.
  • Yesterday, all the bulbs in my galileo thermometer were up the top.
  • Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe. Galileo Galilei 
  • The signal buried in the Galileo data indicated that it came from a type of rock similar to lherzolite - a coarse-grained, relatively loosely compressed rock - within Io, and quite a lot of it. Top Stories
  • The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.
  • Newton still had to be cautious about expressing his heterodox religious ideas openly, but he did not, like Descartes, live in fear of sharing Galileo's fate.
  • See now the power of truth; the same experiment which at first glance seemed to show one thing, when more carefully examined, assures us of the contrary. Galileo Galilei 
  • If Galileo gets safely off the pad, that will improve the odds considerably.
  • Some see Galileo as a precursor of the philosophical empiricism of John Locke; others, of the positivism of Auguste Comte.
  • Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate.
  • Galileo's telescope had a convex object lens but a concave eye-piece.
  • See now the power of truth; the same experiment which at first glance seemed to show one thing, when more carefully examined, assures us of the contrary. Galileo Galilei 
  • In 1609 and 1610, Italian mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei and German astronomer Simon Marius began telescopic studies of Jupiter and its system.
  • Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
  • The idea that solar maculation depends in some way upon the position of the planets occurred to Galileo in 1612. [ A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • Why is Galileo's case a good example of a thought experiment, while the zombification of philosophy of mind doesn't seem to lead us anywhere?
  • Galileo affirmed the Archimedean ideal of deductive systematization.
  • Angelo's house, with his pictures, clothes, and painting implements, just as he left it three centuries ago; on the south side of the Arno is the house of Galileo, and that of Machiavelli stands in an avenue near the Ducal Palace. Views a-foot
  • Galileo Galilei , 1564 - 1642, Italian physicist and astronomer.
  • When his friend took over the Papal throne, Galileo thought he would finally find a sympathetic ear.
  • One of the more intriguing examples of card stacking is in chapter five, where Woods attempts to depict the heliocentric Galileo as the culprit and the Roman Catholic Church as the oft-maligned victim. Is That Legal?: January 2006 Archives
  • At Rome Galileo argued his astronomy against Aristotelian cosmology in various places and before various groups.
  • His correspondence with Galileo includes at least 112 letters.
  • Google unveiled this logo to celebrate the 400th anniversary since Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer, showed Venetian merchants his new creation, a telescope.
  • Galileo the draftsman was a master of the Renaissance visual arts innovation of perspective, said art history professor Robert Williams. stories
  • As a result, the constellations at these two different epochs can simulate the GPS and Galileo constellations at a single epoch.
  • With the aid of his telescope, Galileo could resolve thousands of new stars which were invisible to the naked eye.
  • Galileo's observations showed that the four moons revolved around Jupiter, not Earth.
  • Indeed the church would imprison Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, for advocating the sun-centred model of the universe a century later.
  • Galileo wrote to astronomers in other cities and compared their observations with his own.
  • His father, Vincenzio Galilei, was a musician whose originality and polemic talents fomented a revolution uniting practice and theory in music much as Galileo was to unite them in science.
  • Unlike Galileo, Newton insisted that the law of inertia applied only to motion in a straight line, not circular motion.
  • Galileo wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.
  • By 1613 Galileo believed that his telescopic observations of the moons of Jupiter proved that the Earth and planets revolved round the Sun.
  • Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
  • The first known astronomical observations made by Galileo were carried out in 1604 for different reasons.
  • It's somewhat sobering to think that the device that Galileo helped to develop and used to make his discoveries is essentially the same design as the instrument that Rob was so quick to tire of and deride as a toy, a frippery.
  • Inside, there were embossed business cards: Katherine March, Galileo Resources. CHAMELEON
  • In the early years of the irreconcilable conflict between science and religious obscurantism, the head of the Roman Catholic Church could place Galileo under house arrest or have Giordano Bruno burned at the stake.
  • Galileo perceived that Saturn presented a triform appearance, and that, instead of one body, there were three, all in a straight line, and apparently in contact with each other, the middle one being larger than the two lateral ones. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
  • The prospect of censure intensified what, for Galileo, was fast becoming a dilemma.
  • It is encapsulated in Galileo's quip that the Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.
  • Although the story is likely apocryphal, it is said that Galileo dropped balls of various weights from the top of the campanile to prove his new view of gravity.
  • I think about Galileo dropping differently weighted things from the tower, only to be branded a heretic.
  • Galileo was by no means the first person to use a telescope.
  • The characters in my fable are modern-day versions of Galileo, Newton, and Leibniz.
  • The pick of this year's 3-year-old racehorses is Galileo.
  • The plan is to build Galileo in three stages involving a mixture of public and private finance.
  • Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
  • Galileo was never able to duplicate the idealized experiment in the laboratory.
  • Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
  • The satellite will carry a payload that will transmit a Galileo experimental signal.
  • Galileo stands at the center of this fresco, explaining the uniform acceleration of a sphere rolling down an inclined plane.
  • All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei 
  • Wine is sunlight, held together by water. Galileo Galilei 
  • These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
  • Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun
  • Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe. Galileo Galilei 
  • Soon after, Galileo Galilei in Italy turned his own telescope to the sky for the first time and saw incredible sights, like craters on the moon and four bodies orbiting Jupiter.
  • In a prolific career, Galileo's discoveries, including phases of Venus and moons orbiting Jupiter dealt a death blow to geocentric theory.
  • Now, scientists analyzing data from NASA's Galileo spacecraft have found ice blocks on Europa's surface that suggest an interaction between the moon's icy shell and a lake-like body of water under the surface, Discovery reports. Europa Water: Scientists Find Evidence Of Lakes On Jupiter's Moon (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
  • While waiting for his trial, Galileo was housed in a luxurious apartment overlooking the Vatican gardens and provided with a personal valet.
  • As Favaro noted, on the second line Galileo had first written 15 February, then changed it to the 16th - an initial error, we may conjecture, as caused confusion in futurity.

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