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How To Use Galbraith In A Sentence

  • S Office of Price Administration . Unlike almost all other economists, Galbraith had defended permanent price controls.
  • Such a survey would show, I think, that Professor Galbraith is very sensitive to the moods of the moment, moving with but little resistance and even less acknowledgment from a kind of Panglossian optimism in American Capitalism (and the same year's famous New York Times Magazine article 'We Can Prosper Without War Orders'), through increasing skepticism in the middle books (The Affluent Society and The New Industrial State), to something which now displays what is at times ill-concealed alarm. Galbraith's Utopia
  • He had heard about Humphrey through Americans for Democratic Action, a progressive, anti-Communist branch of the party that Hubert had cofounded with Eleanor Roosevelt, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Arthur Schlesinger, and he encouraged Humphrey to rebuild the state party. The Good Fight
  • For the average American, it was a period when a new kind of middle-class life became possible. It was the heyday of what John Kenneth Galbraith called the "new industrial state.
  • Professor Galbraith upbraided me yesterday for my suggestion that our sojourns to Geneva be shortened to six weeks.
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  • Cal Galbraith crossed over with great strides, angrily, and spoke to Madeline in polyglot Chinook. The Wife of a King
  • Galbraith put the plug in the sink, squeezed some detergent over the dishes lying there, and turned on the water. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • He (or she) is a passive and functionless figure, remarkable only on his capacity to share, without effort or even without appreciable risk, in the gains from the growth by which the technostructure measures its success," according to Galbraith. The Non-Economist's Economist
  • Reports say Ambassador Galbraith has sided with the Canadian chairman of the Electoral Complaints Commission, Grant Kippen, to take a hard line and toss out all tainted ballots.
  • Galbraith was confused by the blank help and asked where the man he was talking to was based.
  • Galbraith called the undiscovered and therefore unfelt loss “the bezzle.” Buying the Bezzle « Gerry Canavan
  • As John Kenneth Galbraith so perspicaciously said, in America it is far better for one's career to be conventionally wrong than to be unconventionally right. America's Moral Meltdown
  • The second-in-command at the mission, American diplomat Peter Galbraith(Sentencedict), confirms he left Afghanistan after a disagreement with U.N. Special Representative Kai Eide on the post-election approach.
  • What's more, Galbraith has long championed the idea of partitioning Iraq, presumably into three regions that roughly encompass the country's three stakeholder groups (Shiite, Sunni and Kurd). Jackson Williams: Bush Oil Buddies Divvy Up Iraqi Oil, Now Joined By "Liberal Scion" Peter Galbraith
  • In an article for Scotland on Sunday today, Galbraith issues his most vociferous criticism of the policy yet.
  • Because I knew in beginning this book that I would be reporting on what Mr. Galbraith calls "misfeasance," I knew I owed it to the others named in the book — some who were my friends, and some who weren't — to report on my own misfeasance as well. Bananas
  • John Kenneth Galbraith, the iconoclastic economist, teacher and diplomat, died Saturday at a hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was 97.
  • Some years ago, while poring among the items on offer at a stoop sale in Brooklyn, I came across a copy of the thirteenth printing of The Great Crash by John Kenneth Galbraith.
  • Galbraith and Paul have brightly colored fabrics and Villa Romo and Jim Thompson contemporized the small geometric pattern. Kim Alexandriuk: Orientalism for the Modern World
  • What astonishes the contemporary reader is that a genuine, independent intellectual like Galbraith was permitted to serve in government, let alone become the confidant of presidents.
  • We need someone who can think carefully about changing the economic policy course of the country, who is as economist James K. Galbraith just shared with me "incorruptible", and who can run a big government operation, and instill national and global confidence in his or her leadership. Steve Clemons: Who Will Succeed Tim Geithner as Next Treasury Secretary?
  • Mr. Galbraith, a revered lecturer for generations of Harvard students, nonetheless always commanded attention.
  • PW Comics Week talked with Galbraith about the nature of Japanese fandom and the history of the term otaku and how this Japanese subculture of cool stuff-from manga, anime and cosplay to gaming, toys and related merchandise-has evolved and changed in recent years. Undefined
  • Galbraith would be horrified by the suggestion that he is part of the mainstream, instead presenting himself as a trenchant critic of what he sees as the corporate-dominated values of today.
  • Galbraith called the undiscovered and therefore unfelt loss "the bezzle. BlueNC - The people's think tank
  • Reports say Ambassador Galbraith has sided with the Canadian chairman of the Electoral Complaints Commission, Grant Kippen, to take a hard line and toss out all tainted ballots.
  • Galbraith's proposal does stand in stark contrast with the rumored position of the fiscal commission. Job-Creation Idea No. 12: Let The Old Folks Retire Early And Make Way For Young Workers
  • When liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith started using the term in the 1950s, his targets were not just any widely held wrong opinions, but those that were the product of inertia and convenience.
  • Galbraith was a highly influential writer on economic affairs.
  • There is, of course, the question of unobservable costs - and read Ambassador Peter Galbraith's disturbing account in the Boston Globe on that issue.
  • The major economic challenge today is bringing prosperity to the under-developed world and the prevailing orthodoxy today for global development is embodied by Jeff Sachs. de Soto is the antidote for Sachs in the same way that Freidman was the antodote for Galbraith. Who Is the Successor to Milton Friedman?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • May 17th, 2007 at 8: 55 am and yet Finland continues to place high in competitive indexes, productivity ratings, and gdp growth; likewise with similar nordic economies. hmm, maybe Galbraith-fils is on to something. mattsteinglass Says: Matthew Yglesias » Vacation
  • J. K. Galbraith pointed out a long time ago that the smartest businesspeople abhor true competition - it's much too expensive and chancy - far better to monopolise the market for public services and pocket all the profits.
  • Galbraith said that would be particularly attractive to people in physically demanding occupations. Job-Creation Idea No. 12: Let The Old Folks Retire Early And Make Way For Young Workers
  • Once he drew Cal Galbraith aside and hazarded wild guesses as to who she was, and explained to him that he was going in to win. The Wife of a King

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