How To Use galbanum In A Sentence
- A linctus for pneumonia: Galbanum and pine-fruit in Attic honey; and southernwood in oxymel; make a decoction of pepper and black hellebore, and give it in cases of pleurisy attended with violent pain at the commencement. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
- The ingredients asafoetida, galbanum and opoponax are all strong-smelling resins derived from plants.
- I like galbanum, green, etc. ...but I haven't given up. One viscous, one vibrant
- It is added that with all these aromatics were to be united stacte, onyx, galbanum, and frankincense; and that a perfume was to be mixed up according to the art of the apothecary or perfumer. A Philosophical Dictionary
- Spices translates three Heb. words: (1) sammum, a generic word including galbanum onycha, the operculum of a strombus, and stacte; The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
- In fever attended with singultus, give asafoetida, oxymel, and carrot, triturated together, in a draught; or galbanum in honey, and cumin in a linctus, or the juice of ptisan. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
- Scinde, musk from Tibet, galbanum from Khorasan; from Afghanistan, asafetida; from Persia, sagapenum; ambergris and civet from Zanzibar, and from Zanzibar came ivory, too. Messer Marco Polo
- In fever attended with singultus, give asafoetida, oxymel, and carrot, triturated together, in a draught; or galbanum in honey, and cumin in a linctus, or the juice of ptisan. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
- The incense [3171] also, in like manner, [was compounded] of stacte, onycha, galbanum, mint, and frankincense, all which do in no respect, either as to their mixture or weight, harmonize with their argument. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
- I haven't even touched earth or galbanum yet, which I absolutely, positively must have, and could perhaps satisfy with a bottle of Jacomo Silences. One scent ... or many?