How To Use Galatea In A Sentence
Osama's Galatea is a sculpture whose ivory is an eschatology and exegesis plated with a Salafi-Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.
Feras mentes domat cupido, that fierce, cruel and rude Cyclops Polyphemus sighed, and shed many a salt tear for Galatea's sake.
Anatomy of Melancholy
As an example, he mentioned the paradise-kingfisher group of species—Tanysiptera galatea and others—on mainland New Guinea and its satellite islands.
The Song of The Dodo
Mayr postulated that, sometime in the past, a few pairs of Tanysiptera galatea happened to reach this little satellite from the mainland.
The Song of The Dodo
He was paid well for La Galatea, a pastoral romance (a new popular genre); published in 1585.
When working, the Galatea tows a device called a dipole transmitter that sends low-frequency electromagnetic signals through the sea floor toward a suspected reservoir. Chronicle
Her hands waft over the swimming skyscape like those of Galatea awakened by Venus in the Pygmalion sequence.
Galatea rises up from the sea, where she was hiding, and sings a long sort of scena, which showed off Ms. Le Roi's voice in a range of tempos and styles.
The translucent and shining waters of the calm sea covered fragments of old Roman villas, which were interlaced by sea-weed, and received diamond tints from the chequering of the sun-beams; the blue and pellucid element was such as Galatea might have skimmed in her car of mother of pearl; or Cleopatra, more fitly than the Nile, have chosen as the path of her magic ship.
Introduction, I.1
Osama's Galatea was sculpted, conveniently, out of a love with the ideal of "defence" of the "Umma", the global Islamic community.
Galatea's mountain is in St. Helena, which is nearly 2 hours north from San Francisco well, it'd have been a 30 minute drive from SF had a bunch of poets joined me in the drive to here after the City Lights reading but what happens in Tosca stays in Tosca, yah?
Galatea's mountain is in St. Helena, which is nearly 2 hours north from San Francisco well, it'd have been a 30 minute drive from SF had a bunch of poets joined me in the drive to here after the City Lights reading but what happens in Tosca stays in Tosca, yah?
A Galatea figure, she is crafted by a metalworker to be the perfect wife, and then discarded because she is too cold.
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The translucent and shining waters of the calm sea covered fragments of old Roman villas, which were interlaced by sea-weed, and received diamond tints from the chequering of the sun-beams; the blue and pellucid element was such as Galatea might have skimmed in her car of mother of pearl; or Cleopatra, more fitly than the
The Last Man
Nay, but when, their duty done, they shall lie at last in their Ausonian haven, from all that have outgone the waves and borne their Dardanian captain to the fields of Laurentum, will I take their mortal body, and bid them be goddesses of the mighty deep, even as Doto the Nereïd and Galatea, when they cut the sea that falls away from their breasts in foam. '
The Aeneid of Virgil
It can be purchased by the yard and it's of galatea which is cheap.
How Ethel Hollister Became a Campfire Girl
Mixed with the Maoris were the sailors of the 'Galatea,' rolling about the streets, and, like them, frequent customers of the public-houses.
A Boy's Voyage Round the World
During his own early fieldwork in that part of the world, Mayr had studied the distribution of T. galatea and its allied species.
The Song of The Dodo
Osama's Galatea is a sculpture whose ivory is an eschatology and exegesis plated with a Salafi-Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.
She sometimes fantasized about getting him to make love to her, but Galatea never really liked her godlike creator, Pygmalion.
T. galatea itself occupied New Guinea proper, having diversified there into only three subspecies, despite the great heterogeneity of available habitats.
The Song of The Dodo
Tanysiptera galatea, the common paradise-kingfisher, is an arresting bird with the unmistakably huge head and the trowel-like beak characteristic of kingfishers generally.
The Song of The Dodo
They became T. carolinae, distinct from T. galatea in having a blue breast instead of a white breast, as well as legs and feet of bright yellow.
The Song of The Dodo