How To Use Gaillardia In A Sentence
So many pretty flowers–love the gaillardia and gazania–but it’s those mossy steps I’m fixated on. chuck b. said this on May 15, 2008 at 3:18 pm | Reply
May Bloom Day 2008 « Fairegarden
The colors are like gaillardia, but the flowers are smaller and more delicate.
Helen’s Flower « Fairegarden
The brilliant orangy-gold of the gaillardia goes so nicely with the two shades of blue - dark 'Black and Blue' sage (middle-left) and caryopteris 'Worchester Gold' (back-right) - mix very nicely.
K-State Gardens « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
Sitting under a rose and clematis arbour in one area, you see through a lunette in a pyracantha hedge to a pond, encircled by lavender, heleniums, hemerocallis, gaillardias and calamintha.
There are the usual gomphrena, gaillardia, kochia, portulaca, zinnia, amaranthus (cock's comb), balsam and sunflower.
Examples that will do well in the Washington area are black-eyed Susans, purple coneflowers, butterfly weeds, goldenrods, coreopsis, wild and sulphur cosmos, gaillardias and cleome.
Green Scene: Decide now where to start as you plan your garden - seed or plant?
Plant species from the Asteraceae or daisy family such as gaillardia, cosmos, coreopsis and beach sunflower as well as ornamental grasses, and allow the flowers to go to seed to attract these gaudy birds to your landscape. Stories
It may be difficult to find starter plants of annual gaillardias at local nurseries, since nurseries seem to primarily stock perennial gaillardias.
Thanks for the kind words, the festuca and gaillardia are actually in the ground, it is a combination that loves the heat of summer and gives good color all year.
Movement « Fairegarden
I love the yellow gaillardia but have trouble getting them going here for some reason.
Mish Mash Monday August 10 « Fairegarden
For perennials, try coreopsis, gaillardia, gentian sage, ‘Homestead Purple’ verbena, penstemon, rudbeckia, Russian sage, statice, salvia, summer phlox, and ‘Victoria’ mealy-cup sage.
Tall phlox, asters, butterfly bushes gaillardia, salvias and good old annuals will have to do it.
Clems, Roses and Good Things Coming To An End « Fairegarden
It may overwinter like most gaillardias but is being marketed as an annual.
No wind, morning light, blue fescue and gaillardia ‘Goblin’ complete the scene.
Movement « Fairegarden
The red is gaillardia ‘Burgundy’, the whitish is dappled willow, salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ , yellow leafed caryopteris ‘Worcester Gold’, and just starting to bloom at the rock edge, veronica ‘Royal Candles’.
First Lilium and Other Tidbits « Fairegarden
Later in the season yellow daylilies, blue buddleia and yellow asclepias will join the gaillardias to provide delight for butterflies, hummingbirds, and humans.
May Bloom Day 2008 « Fairegarden
Thanks for the kind words, the festuca and gaillardia are actually in the ground, it is a combination that loves the heat of summer and gives good color all year.
Movement « Fairegarden
Your gaillardia/kale combo reminds me of my gaillardia/artemesia combo, Frances.
Mish Mash Monday August 10 « Fairegarden
The same situation may be observed in such herbaceous perennials as anthemis, Asclepias tuberosa, asters, Euphorbia corollata, gaillardia, gypsophila, hemerocallis, liatris, limonium and yucca.
Some flowers that were suggested included the dogwood, syringa, gaillardia, Washington holly, wild rose, and marguerite.
The brilliant orangy-gold of the gaillardia goes so nicely with the two shades of blue - dark 'Black and Blue' sage (middle-left) and caryopteris 'Worchester Gold' (back-right) - mix very nicely.
K-State Gardens « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
I really need to add some gaillardia to my garden next summer.
Orange You Glad « Fairegarden
Sitting under a rose and clematis arbour in one area, you see through a lunette in a pyracantha hedge to a pond, encircled by lavender, heleniums, hemerocallis, gaillardias and calamintha.
Some flowers that were suggested included the dogwood, syringa, gaillardia, Washington holly, wild rose, and marguerite.
Two years ago I planted a gaillardia and did not think it returned this year.