How To Use Gag order In A Sentence
Under a virtual gag order thanks to Intel marketing, P5 architect Don Alpert couldn't answer questions substantively.
A Republican abortion rights group calls it a virtual gag order.
He also charged that the gag order was an unprecedented attempt to deny his constitutional rights.
Police, citing a gag order in the drug trial, declined to answer questions about why Hernandez allegedly wanted Irvin killed.
On the other hand, the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility have been critical of her work there, claiming that she has a "highly politicized approach to decision-making that resulted in suppression of scientific information, issuance of gag orders and threats against professional staff members who dared to voice concerns.
Another Woman Scientist on the Obama Team: Lisa Perez Jackson of the EPA

He also argued family planning clinics should not be bound by a gag order preventing them from counseling patients on abortion.
Schubb's gag order extends even to the outside activities of interviewees that displease him.
The court's gag order is very specific in barring only the EFF, its representatives and its technical experts from discussing and disseminating this information.
Archive 2006-05-01
Under a virtual gag order thanks to Intel marketing, P5 architect Don Alpert couldn't answer questions substantively.
Next they will issue an order for same but accompany it with a gag order forbidding the company hosting the data to ever say anything about it.
The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) implies a gag order to his employees.
imposing a gag order on members of the press violates the First Amendment