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[ US /ˈɡædzdən/ ]
  1. an industrial town in north central Alabama

How To Use Gadsden In A Sentence

  • The Gadsden Purchase represents a point of intersection between mid-nineteenth-century commercial expansionism and the debate over slavery.
  • Following the Mexican War, the United States in 1848 annexed most of the region, rounding out the border in 1853 with the Gadsden Purchase.
  • The current bulldawg spelling is an insult to lchs alumni who graduated before the spelling change. how would graduates of other schools feel it their school became the mayfield trojhanz, the onate nites, the gadsden pahnthzers, the alamogordo tygers, the deming wyldkats, the carlsbad kayvmen, the roswell kiyotes or the silver city fihtin koltz? Undefined
  • He returned to the legal profession, becoming a circuit court judge in Gadsden.
  • Naval Privateers flew the Liberty Tree as their standard, while the Navy itself adopted the Gadsden flag, with its famous rattlesnake.
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