How To Use Gadgetry In A Sentence
This solar house manages considerable energy saving through passive means without excessive costs or gadgetry.
Get an earful of what the latest in techno-gadgetry sounds like on 10,000 sq. ft floor space, hosting international and national brands.
I don't want a nice hardback book (that could just end up as a valuable first edition one day, who knows) complete with electronic gadgetry and when I checked on the handful of Morpurgo paperbacks I had chosen and found the same, I put them all back on the shelf and walked round to WHS for undefaced copies.
A book I almost bought...
His desk is covered with electronic gadgetry.
So you can get cable jewelry: make those wires streaming from your computer, audio and visual gadgetry an art feature of your room; bibi cases, "the cutest i-pod (and mac book) covers ever"; a personalisable cover and intempo digital radio; and a digital scrapblog.
Although his previous sailing experience was limited, his boat unready and the electronic gadgetry of his own design unfinished and untested, Crowhurst had managed to persuade everyone to regard him as a serious contender.
Everything I care about is dismissed as a waste of time by most of world, or was, until recently: Science fiction, the Internet, blogging, gadgetry, vintage tchotchkes, Disney parks, etc.
Comfort and relaxation are assured when a house is free of clutter and of noisy, high-maintenance gadgetry.
Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.
From basics like fitted carpets to luxury electronic gadgetry, I believe modern life is a huge improvement on my childhood.
The gadgetry used in the movie is out of the realm of the at least theoretically possible.
Now that high-tech gadgetry and social networking are involved, who knows where this trend could go next?
Times, Sunday Times
The project is not the only one in the country to explore ways in which high-tech gadgetry can benefit the aged and ill.
Times, Sunday Times
The endless stream of gadgetry and gizmos is impressive, if credulity-stretching.
In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances, food preparation took up most of the day.
Acres of stands stacked with glittering, incomprehensible gadgetry and optically hostile clothing.
We've got a juicer, a blender, a coffee grinder - in fact all manner of kitchen gadgetry.
The high-tech gadgetry required was not cheap to install, though.
laborsaving gadgetry
Devising a strategy was left to a mid-level executive who had no experience with high-tech gadgetry.
In their glory days, drive-ins expressed a particular, wacky strain of American imagination, their grandiosity and gadgetry revealing a culture captivated by technology.
Lights, staging, and the variety of ghoulish gadgetry are all as I remember, and in some cases technology has improved on them.
Silly me, nothing must get in the way of the onward march of gadgetry or, in this case, the conversion of the car into a wheeled replica of the home.
The project is not the only one in the country to explore ways in which high-tech gadgetry can benefit the aged and ill.
Times, Sunday Times
The one and only model built so far is so outfitted with gadgetry and tricks that sleeping is unlikely, because there is so much else to do.
If all that gadgetry baffles you, go for the raw deal at the gladiator training school in Rome.
Times, Sunday Times
Like the rest of the hotel, rooms are ultra-hip with designer lampshades, bright colours and lots of high-tech gadgetry, including DVD players and CD players.
Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.
I don't understand how all this electronic gadgetry works.
Touchpads are very sexy, I think, and the small gadgetry should go over very well.
SLW: What kind of gadgetry do you get to use in the film?
Buzzine » Land of the Lost
But he does not rely solely on technical gadgetry.
This third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, played the character as a dandyish James Bond, with gadgetry and purple cloaks being the order of the day.
All this is conventional, except for the projection forward of present-day mechanisms and gadgetry.
If you're a fan of electronic gadgetry, your next question will be where, where, where?
The average deconditioned person doesn't understand the basics of a fitness program, never mind understand or even appreciate the latest gadgetry exercise equipment has to offer.
But within, a few young, tech-savvy aides are trying to drag municipal government into the age of mobile gadgetry.
Some community members express concern that modern gadgetry is replacing detailed knowledge of sea ice.
In the process, digital gadgetry - usually a diversion from physical activity - is literally keeping people of all ages moving.
Among the gadgetry featured in the room are four giant plasma-screen televisions and DVD players which are recessed into the walls.
I'm a tech, I'm into medical gadgetry, which is mostly high-tech stuff like Mr. Bono talked about. the first wish is to use the epilepsy responsive neurostimulator, called RNS, for responsive neurostimulator -- that's a brilliant acronym -- for the treatment of other brain disorders.
Robert Fischell on medical inventing
I shudder at the sight of all the contemporary gadgetry.
Now that high-tech gadgetry and social networking are involved, who knows where this trend could go next?
Times, Sunday Times
More like the right high-tech gadgetry.
Times, Sunday Times
Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.
That kind of gadgetry is a natural for startups, and dozens - some of the more prominent include Tendril Networks, Control4, EnergyHub, Onzo, OpenPeak, AlertMe and Energy Inc. - have entered the field.
Greentech Media: All Content
The market is soon saturated with imported automobiles, electronic gadgetry, luxurious home appliances and name-brand whisky.
You and I, living in a swiftly changing technological age, stubbornly cling to what is now considered antiquated gadgetry.
This increasing reliance on network-accessible gadgetry will return to haunt us.
In the Al-Ahram building one finds the elaborate gadgetry of a great publishing house and research center with its ultramodern computers and automated printing presses, and with its sophisticated executives, fluent in several languages, who communicate with their secretaries--and perhaps also with the outside world--by closed-circuit television.
New York Review Archives: Context For Egypt's Unrest
He would NOT have written in flattering tones about how they eschew gadgetry in favor or a more low-tech way of hunting.
Poor Representation
Suburban schools gleam with modern gadgetry, while inner city schools lack basic textbooks.
How much gadgetry does one person need, for heaven's sake?
Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.
Besides being a routine time travel episode, it's also a ‘technobabble’ episode, relying on made-up science and gadgetry to move the plot achingly along.
We've got a juicer, a blender, a coffee grinder - in fact all manner of kitchen gadgetry.
A tall tech with spindly legs and oversized glasses shrieks as he starts to pick up the poor damaged piece of gadgetry like it's his own child.
His desk is covered with electronic gadgetry.
Professor Ian Stewart, Warwick University maths professor and occasional Telegraph contributor, points out: Reindeer have a curious arrangement of gadgetry on top of their heads which we call antlers and naively assume exist for the males to do battle and to win females. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Suburban schools gleam with modern gadgetry, while inner city schools lack basic textbooks.
Over the past decade and a half I’ve been braying to one and all about the pernicious effect that high-tech gadgetry is having on hunting.
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Read this post, and then ask yourself what kind of gadgetry-strategy the US military has in Afghanistan when i ts plan is to somehow create lightweight MRAPs that are (somehow) just as protective
Armchair Generalist
More like the right high-tech gadgetry.
Times, Sunday Times
For months, he steered clear of phones with cameras, fearful that handling the click-on gadgetry would be complicated.
Suburban schools gleam with modern gadgetry, while inner city schools lack basic textbooks.
The Queens group woodshedded its melodic songs at an abandoned farm colony, and the constant presence of banjos, glockenspiels and xylophones lends a quaint ambience that's far removed from the digital hum of high-tech gadgetry. -
But given the uncertainty of the times, a bargain on last year's gadgetry is just fine for many of us.
Now Is A Good Time To Haggle Over A TV - The Consumerist
She collects teapots, teddy bears and steampunk gadgetry.
He had an immense appetite for life and loved gadgetry of all sorts, especially cars and boats.
MODERN Seoul is a chaotic blend of heavy traffic and hi-tech gadgetry.
The Sun
Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.
There were none of the backing tapes, racks of digital effects and other complex electronic gadgetry of which Tony is so fond.
Our collection spans hundreds of models, dozens of manufacturers and infinite gadgetry.
I don't understand how all this electronic gadgetry works.
I don't understand how all this electronic gadgetry works.
This solar house manages considerable energy saving through passive means without excessive costs or gadgetry.
It turns out, in this age of consumerism and gadgetry, that all this stuff we buy isn't really making us any happier -- in fact, it's kind of bumming us out.
After all, who needs the kind of gadgetry that requires an instructional booklet just to get dirt-free pores?
London Free Press
Laptops, palmtops, and other gadgetry are quickly taking over many campuses.
It was very sentimental: 2,000 of us listened to pop songs rather than singing hymns, and the gadgetry that Heselden loved was used to project his chunky face in silvery light on the factory wall of his company, Hesco Bastion.
A life lesson from the late, great Jimi Heselden