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[ US /ˈɡeɪbəɫd/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈe‍ɪbə‍ld/ ]
  1. (of a roof) constructed with a single slope on each side of the ridge supported at the end by a gable or vertical triangular portion of an end wall
    a gabled roof

How To Use gabled In A Sentence

  • The buildings are usually gabled, with rows of tiles along the ridges of the roofs.
  • Two gabled mansions with curly upturned eaves are connected by a horizontal two-storey section, topped with yellow-bodied, blue-headed dragons with large pointy teeth and tails thrashing the air.
  • As your ship passes three- and four-story Dutch colonial buildings with steep, gabled tile roofs and small dormer windows, you spot streets, too narrow for autos, lined with shops.
  • And there was the manor, tucked away in this sequestered spot, but noted as a particularly fine Elizabethan gabled mansion – though on a modest scale compared with a great Somerset house like Montacute. Country diary: Wigborough, Somerset
  • The farm consists of two main buildings - the farmhouse, which dates from the 15th century and is a half-timbered, low-slung gabled building, and a huge barn flanking it.
  • When I pull into his street, I wonder whether I have take a wrong turn: The gabled homes are tidy and uniform, and the neighborhood exudes an air of suburban rectitude. Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization
  • It has two three-bay kilns with pyramid-shaped roofs and raised flat-topped flues and a timber-framed lucam - a projecting loading door with a gabled roof through which barley was hoisted into the building to be turned into malt.
  • Arch; pediment; Ionic, Doric and Corinthian columns; ornamental motifs such as dentils and scrolls; and types of roofs such as mansard, pyramidal, domed and gabled.
  • A shallow gabled roof covered with translucent fiberglass shelters the area from rain and drizzle without blocking the light.
  • Barbara Karant Glade House Lake Forest, Ill. Frederick Phillips and Associates This 3,200-square-foot house outside Chicago mixes traditional features -- cedar shingle siding, regularly-spaced vertical windows and gabled roofs -- with modern touches such as clerestory windows and an open-plan interior. Prize-Winning Residences
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