How To Use Gable wall In A Sentence
While the youngsters played handball against the gable wall, held boxing matches in a nearby field or tied up a couple of old socks as a football.
We recommend that the top triangle of brickwork of the front gable wall be taken down to first floor window head level.
Among the demands made by the council are the painting of gable walls, plastering a brick chimney, and fixing loose slates.
The warehouses are built of stone and have wooden beam hoists on the gable walls.
The warehouses are built of stone and have wooden beam hoists on the gable walls.
The semi-detached bungalow's roof was blown off, the front windows were blown out and the main gable wall and internal rear wall were both blown down.
The exterior walls are of prefabricated wood sandwich panels except at the ground floor and on the gable walls, where the exterior shell is brick.
Fantastic painted foliage is appearing in streets and adorning gable walls, bringing the country into the city.
Stiffening in the other vertical plane is added by diagonal braces between the lattice girders on both gable walls.
Where this problem was found at high level on the aisle gable walls, it was owed to a poor constructional detail.
More recently still, the gable walls of the old church have been repointed and the valuable stained-glass window by Michael Healy protected by storm-glazing.