How To Use Gaberdine In A Sentence
They were all wearing gaberdines of thick grey cloth, long beards, and bare-necked.
They were not much to look at-tanned, tattered, inhabited, maybe, but under their frowsy gaberdines was a complete mail of money belts, and they were just as good as gold.
The firm makes denims, drills, general protective clothing and gaberdines.
She wore only wool gaberdine slacks or jeans, and a western shirt with snaps, a scarf around her neck, and boots, always boots.
The Jewish quarter, known as Podol, was teeming with Orthodox Jews with their sidelocks and long gaberdines, much like those who lived at the lower end of Krochmalna.
Only yesterday my year 7s were falling about watching two of their number lying on the floor in front of the whiteboard, fooling about under a "gaberdine".
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He listens to the solemn intonations, and watches the bearded men in gaberdines.
They were not much to look at-tanned, tattered, inhabited, maybe, but under their frowsy gaberdines was a complete mail of money belts, and they were just as good as gold.
The Jewish quarter, known as Podol, was teeming with Orthodox Jews with their sidelocks and long gaberdines, much like those who lived at the lower end of Krochmalna.
My last school gaberdine was new for my fourth year, although by then school coat regulation had begun to relax.
I held it in my arms: a nightshirt, nightcap, and slippers, pantaloons and gaberdine, a skullcap, gloves, and overshoes—all in the order in which they would be required.
Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
In his starched gaberdine fatigues he strutted across the patio.
I didn't grow much until I was about fourteen by which time it was still functioning as a mini gaberdine raincoat as per the fashion and with the belt buckled around the back as you did.
It's not Seasonal Affective Disorder or anything, just that the new year always feels like a gaberdine raincoat that's far too big and baggy and I wallow around in it for a while feeling all wrong, out of step and in danger of tripping over all day long.
The firm makes denims, drills, general protective clothing and gaberdines.
The burly burgher, in round-crowned flaunderish hat with brim of vast circumference, in portly gaberdine and bulbous multiplicity of breeches, sat on his "stoep" and smoked his pipe in lordly silence; nor did it ever enter his brain that the active, restless Yankee, whom he saw through his half-shut eyes worrying about in dog day heat, ever intent on the main chance, was one day to usurp control over these goodly Dutch domains.
Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
My last school gaberdine was new for my fourth year, although by then school coat regulation had begun to relax.
I have a red gaberdine coat.
[82] A gaberdine is a shaggy cloak of coarse but warm materials.
The Odyssey of Homer
Impatiently she struggled out of her blue gaberdine suit and began to rip open the thick, shiny bags and the gleaming boxes.
He listens to the solemn intonations, and watches the bearded men in gaberdines.
They were all wearing gaberdines of thick grey cloth, long beards, and bare-necked.
The firm makes denims, drills, general protective clothing and gaberdines.
I was bought a navy gaberdine raincoat when I was about six with plenty of room to grow into.