How To Use Gabbro In A Sentence
This magmatism is typically of gabbroic to granitic composition and also shows evidence of mixed sedimentary and mantle-like sources.
Metasomatic anorthosite formed by replacement of layered gabbroic troctolite in the Skaergaard intrusion is shown here.
It consists of gabbroic, ultramafic and alkaline rocks, mafic dyke swarms and carbonatites.
The higher elevations of the Nicobars often contain serpentine and gabbro formations, whereas at lower elevations Eocene sediments (sandstones, shales, and siltstones) with ultrabasic igneous intrusions predominate.
Nicobar Islands rain forests
Rhyolite dykes, which are commonly porphyritic with phenocrysts of either plagioclase or quartz, are intruded by dykes of hornblende tonalite, and the gabbro is likewise intruded by tonalite dykes.
As to the speed of cutting, in the experiment quoted a bit of rather friable "gabbro," measuring three-quarters of an inch on the face by five-eighths of an inch thick, was cut clean through in six minutes, or by 3000 turns of the wheel.
On Laboratory Arts
Mount Warning itself represents the original neck of the volcano which, being more resistant (comprising syenite, gabbro and monzonite) than the surrounding basalt and rhyolite, remains as an isolated plug.
Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
Various mineral localities occur throughout the county, of which some of the most important occur on the shore at Portsoy, as for example the gabbro masses in Portsoy Bay with enstatite, hypersthene and labradorite, the graphic granite with microcline, muscovite and tourmaline at East Head, the chiastolite-schist west of the marble quarry, the mottled serpentine with strings of chrysotile.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Stratigraphically from bottom to top it is composed of sheared serpentinite on the basal thrust, layered harzburgitedunite, layered dunite with chromitite, and harzburgite with finegrained gabbro.
Some of the studied rocks (particularly gabbros) show high alumina characteristics probably reflecting the high modal content of very calcic plagioclase.
There are differences between cumulate rocks and those finer-grained gabbros and dykes that represent liquid compositions.
In the most complete survey of what is called the Rock Hill gabbro, Chalcraft mapped a large area of gabbroic anorthosite (77.5-90% calcic plagioclase) at the site where the preserve is located.
The normal-sense shears are confined to the gabbro block and may represent relict ocean floor faulting.
Following, or partly during, their amalgamation, the terranes of the Arabian shield were covered by younger Neoproterozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks and intruded by relatively undeformed granitoid and subordinate gabbroid rocks.
The plutons are composed of medium - to coarse-grained, porphyritic quartz monzonite, quartz syenite and granite, together with smaller amounts of equigranular gabbroic and monzonitic rocks.
The stones used include red jasper, white oriental alabaster, yellow chalcedony, and green gabbro.
The field relationships and geochemistry is described in detail by Fumes & Lippard, who differentiated a lower body of brecciated flow-banded and ‘flow-folded’ trachytic lava, interlayered with microgabbro.
They include lavas and volcaniclastic rocks of basaltic and andesitic composition together with cogenetic gabbros, plagiogranites and granites.
Layne's butterweed grows in open rocky areas of gabbro and serpentine soils within chaparral plant communities.
Some areas within this region have more alkaline soils, such as the Iredell series, formed over diabase, diorite, or gabbro, and may be associated with areas once known as blackjack oak prairies.
Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (EPA)
The sample was collected from a 0.5 - Im wide pegmatite pocket in a partly retrograded, undeformed part of an equigranular, medium - to coarse-grained gabbro at Lavikdal.
Permian and Triassic plutonic complexes comprise monzonite, granite, granodiorite or tonalite with minor gabbro and diorite.
The Selcuk nappe contains blocks of metagabbro in a matrix of serpentinite and garnet-mica schist.
The first group (133 million years old) consists mostly of melagabbro, perkinite and pyroxenite.
The prospect lies within a belt of rocks assigned to the Triassic Amphitheatre Group of the Wrangellia terrane, consisting of basalt flows and minor interflow argillite, limestone, and tuff, commonly with gabbroic sills.
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Aim To date precisely the gabbro vein from Luohansi group and discuss its geological significance.
The ophiolite contains a complete igneous stratigraphy of serpentinized ultramafics, gabbro, sheeted dykes and pillow lavas, as described by Moores.
In the district of Glatz the fissures of the gabbro are filled with a steatite of a greenish white colour, and the rock which was long thought to belong to the grunsteins* is a close mixture of feldspar and diallage.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Igneous rocks, including granite and gabbro, are common.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
They comprise at least six large bodies which range in composition from peridotite cumulates through gabbros and norites to syenites, although the full compositional spectrum is not present in each intrusion.
The mineralized environment is a sheared and possibly mylonitized contact zone between a gabbroic unit and metasediments with a steep dip to the southeast.
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The stones used include red jasper, white oriental alabaster, yellow chalcedony, and green gabbro.
The question is whether ceramics known as gabbroic pottery, including Trevisker ware, include gabbro-rock minerals added as a temper.
Mount Warning itself represents the original neck of the volcano which, being more resistant (comprising syenite, gabbro and monzonite) than the surrounding basalt and rhyolite, remains as an isolated plug.
Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
Besides the dyke swarms, the northern section is composed mainly of serpentinised peridotite and gabbro masses, although there are small areas of extrusive volcanic rocks.
MacQuarie Island, Australia
Contacts between plutons of gabbro or hybrid rock and granite are commonly marked by net-vein complexes.
Indeed, pegmatites from gabbros to granites to carbonatites to anorthosites are known.
The substance which I obtained from the hands of the Indians, belongs to the saussurite, * to the real jade, which resembles compact feldspar, and which forms one of the constituent parts of the verde de Corsica, or gabbro.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
We have mapped the entire Spontang ophiolite region where we recognize a complete upper mantle sequence of harzburgite and crustal gabbroic, sheeted dykes and pillow lava succession.
In the southwest the underlying bedrock is granite and gneiss, in the north and east there are magmatic rocks including reddish rapakivi granite, gabbro and anorthosite.
Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
Hess's hypothesis on the serpentinite composition of the lower oceanic crust was confirmed by serpentinite and gabbroid fragments dredged from some fracture zones.
The Cobalt Plain in the northeast section of the Ontario portion is composed of flat-lying clastic sediments with ridges and hills formed by gabbro sills or granitic rock inliers.
Eastern forest-boreal transition
Like labradorite and anorthite, it is a common constituent of basic igneous rocks, such as gabbro and basalt.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Coeval gabbro intrusions are composed of unlayered, fine- to medium-grained, biotite-bearing norite, gabbronorite, gabbro and diorite.
The few ore bodies known have been formed as the result of unusual segregation of the nickel in highly magnesian igneous rock of the norite or gabbro type, at the time of its solidification or soon after; and in some cases, in order to produce the nickel ore, still further concentration by the agency of weathering has been necessary.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The youngest sills are undeformed and crosscut older foliated troctolite sills, which in turn crosscut isoclinally folded hybrid gabbro-troctolite-anorthosite complexes.
Gabbro Rock outcrops were scattered throughout the preserve but were not mapped because of their small area.
Huge archaeological potential is the presence of native pottery, Cornish gabbroic coarseware.
Beach Party A.D. 503
Layered gabbros at the deeper levels have been rotated so that their layering is nearly vertical.
(FeCO3), used as a pigment, and also found in the Kirtland shale; and various metamorphic and igneous rocks (such as andesite, schist, gabbro, slate, and olivine), which could have been picked up in the river
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
The rocks of Hirta are predominantly a complex of dolerite and microgranites with gabbro along the castellated west coast, intruded by basalt dykes.
St Kilda (Hirta) National Nature Reserve, United Kingdom
Hole 63 encountered the thickest gabbroic body over 69.4 metres though no significant mineralization was encountered.
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Various mineral localities occur throughout the county, of which some of the most important occur on the shore at Portsoy, as for example the gabbro masses in Portsoy Bay with enstatite, hypersthene and labradorite, the graphic granite with microcline, muscovite and tourmaline at East Head, the chiastolite-schist west of the marble quarry, the mottled serpentine with strings of chrysotile.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Of far less importance are occurrences in gneisses and amphibolites, in small plutons derived from syenitic and gabbroic magmas, and in certain contact-metamorphic rocks.
Permian and Triassic plutonic complexes comprise monzonite, granite, granodiorite or tonalite with minor gabbro and diorite.
The ophiolite contains a complete igneous stratigraphy of serpentinized ultramafics, gabbro, sheeted dykes and pillow lavas, as described by Moores.
The wall rocks to the pegmatites consist of a sequence of mafic volcanics and gabbroic intrusive bodies.
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Field observations show that the gabbroperidotite section had already cooled to amphibolite - to greenschist-facies conditions when the dykes intruded.
It is often assumed that oceanic crust consists of a characteristic ‘layer-cake’ sequence of gabbros, sheeted dykes and lavas, as found in many ophiolites.
The igneous rocks in it include a variety of types, ranging from fine-, medium-, and coarse-grained granite, to syenite, monzonite, diorite, and gabbro.
This is based on preservation of original gabbroic textures and occurrence of intergranular coesite in UHP rocks.
Dark-colored serpentine and gabbro also are found interstratified within the shales.
Northeast India-Myanmar pine forests
The deepest layer is gabbro, coarse-grained but chemically equivalent to basalt, which forms when magma cools and crystallizes slowly.
Various mineral localities occur throughout the county, of which some of the most important occur on the shore at Portsoy, as for example the gabbro masses in Portsoy Bay with enstatite, hypersthene and labradorite, the graphic granite with microcline, muscovite and tourmaline at East Head, the chiastolite-schist west of the marble quarry, the mottled serpentine with strings of chrysotile.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Jansen also describes gabbro, diabase, ultrabasic rocks and Permian limestones in a comparable section on Naxos.
Dark-colored serpentine and gabbro also are found interstratified within the shales.
Northeast India-Myanmar pine forests
Intrusive igneous rocks such as diorite, gabbro and granite solidify below the Earth's surface while extrusive igneous rocks such as basalt, obsidian and pumice solidify on or above the surface.
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They range from bytownite - labradorite in basalts and gabbros, andesine - oligoclase in diorites and andesites to albite in granites and rhyolites.
These have been intersected by numerous small discontinuous lensoid bodies or larger dykes of gabbroid rocks, which shew considerable variety both in mineralogical constitution and texture, and are especially prominent on the western margin of Kerr Point.
Mount Warning itself represents the original neck of the volcano which, being more resistant (comprising syenite, gabbro and monzonite) than the surrounding basalt and rhyolite, remains as an isolated plug.
Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
Aim To date precisely the gabbro vein from Luohansi group and discuss its geological significance.
The enclaves in the mentioned basaltoids represent peridotites, pyroxenites and gabbroid rocks.
They range from bytownite - labradorite in basalts and gabbros, andesine - oligoclase in diorites and andesites to albite in granites and rhyolites.
Syntectonic intrusion and metamorphism of the cooling Kyzylkain gabbroid bodies proceeded at high chemical activity of water and, practically throughout, were manifested in the production of gabbro-amphibolites regardless of initial body shape and position in the Kempirsay ophiolite structure.
Jansen also describes gabbro, diabase, ultrabasic rocks and Permian limestones in a comparable section on Naxos.
The rhyolites and other large-scale blocks of gabbro and schist are interpreted as large landslides from the Caledonian nappes forming the depositional substrate and faulted margins of these basins.
The highest core recovery occurs in the massive olivine gabbro, which contain lower densities of fractures and are generally undeformed.
The drilling of nine cored boreholes, including a deep hole to a gabbroic basement, in the vicinity of the Rhyme chert locality has resulted in a major revision of the structure and stratigraphy of the area.
To illustrate the operations, I will describe a specific case, viz. that of grinding the section of "gabbro"'above described, for microscopical purposes.
On Laboratory Arts