How To Use Fury In A Sentence

  • Rules exist to be violated, so that the ‘bastard’ may be more violently characterized and the audience engaged in revengeful fury.
  • Compared with the action of this destructive solvent, that of all other disintegrating agencies concerned in our decivilization is as the languorous indiligence of rosewater to the mordant fury of nitric acid. The Shadow On The Dial, and Other Essays 1909
  • It contests every inch of space with man, and, aided by incessant heat and moisture, constantly wrests from him his conquests and buries them in a fury of viridescence. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • The air was choked with smoke and fury, the noise deafening, the attacking fierce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her resignation came amid investor fury after she overpaid wildly for a Brazilian iron ore mine. Times, Sunday Times
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  • With Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, he has created his own pay-per-view series, the profitable 'Latin Fury', which he stocks with his vast array of Mexican and Puerto Rican standouts.
  • Romoeuf, riding a franc etrier, on that old Herb-merchant's route, quickened during the last stages, has got to Varennes; where the Ten thousand now furiously demand, with fury of panic terror, that Royalty shall forthwith return Paris-ward, that there be not infinite bloodshed. The French Revolution
  • He did throw a strop, hurling his mallet and helmet to the ground in fury. The Sun
  • I hadn't imagined I would have such an intimate contact with the raw fury of nature.
  • For spouts of wild fury dashed up into the clouds; and the shore, wherever any sight of it was left, weltered in a sadly frothsome state, like the chin of a Titan with a lather-brush at work. Mary Anerley
  • The once-through yield of furfuryl alcohol is greater than 90%, and the outlet mixture contains no any unreacted furfural.
  • My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind. Flowers in the Desert
  • And a club whose attempts to get their man caused fury at Liverpool. The Sun
  • There was just pure fury on their faces. The Sun
  • The Captain shrieked, his face alight with fury.
  • Those marvelous blue eyes blazed in fury, shooting brilliant sparks and glowing embers.
  • He has deemed himself a failure and largely abandoned literature, but Jed's portrait of him captures his bygone intensity—"he appears to be in a trance, possessed by a fury that some have not hesitated to describe as demoniac. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • Then the You-Know-What Hits the Fan: The marlin leaps out of the water — almost as if to see where the angler is — then it suddenly tail-walks straight to the cockpit and knocks Schultz out of the fighting chair with 500 pounds of fury. Video Gallery: When Animals Attack
  • 'Christian youth,' but he stumbles upon the term 'new ideas,' and, falling precipitately into a fury, neither evangelical nor angelical, calls Napoleon a sicario (cut-throat), and Vittorio Emanuele an assassino. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • The decision to close the factory has provoked fury.
  • The two ships were brought into such a situation that the muzzles of their guns came in contact, and in this manner the action continued with the greatest fury for two hours, during which time Jones, who had far more men than his opponent, vainly attempted to board, and the "Serapis" was set on fire ten or twelve times. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • The love they had shared, the love that renewed with each passing day and moments of togetherness had coalesced into a raging fury of hatred and contempt.
  • I can feel anger and bile rising in me, rising up out of the years of desperation and hollow fury.
  • An administrative error has been blamed for robbing Bradford of the title of Britain's curry capital - to the fury of its restaurateurs.
  • Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 
  • He could hardly contain his fury.
  • Now enraged beyond definition, he roared in fury and raised his arms.
  • The driver was cursing and swearing, but his fury stopped short of him actually getting out of the car.
  • The farmers, to the fury of conservationists, say that sea eagles have been targeting their lambs and destroying their already meagre income. Times, Sunday Times
  • The troll let out a growl of fury as it dropped the tainted sword with a loud thud.
  • Shaking with uncontrollable fury, she stood up to confront him.
  • What was it that had awakened her — what in awakening had changed the inpouring human consciousness into this flood of fury? The Metal Monster
  • And then, I felt a fury erupt inside of me.
  • The net result is that often passengers arrive home late, in fury and bursting for a pee.
  • Since the EPA now allows sulfuryl fluoride to be used as a fumigant on many foods, even more foods will contain fluoride. Dentists Are Big Fat Liars
  • In a statement, they said, They react in fury and menace to our intention to show the film and have boasted that their threats of aggressive demonstrations prevented its previous showing in the Mother of Parliaments. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I am fuchsia pink with fury. The Sun
  • The downpour did not intensify by degrees but simply gushed forth with biblical fury, vertical and windless.
  • And one sits and listens to the perpetual roar, and watches the unending procession, and feels tiny and fragile before this tremendous force expressing itself in fury and foam and sound. Excerpt From Cruise of the Snark: Surfing in Hawaii
  • Cover with ‘cooking’ water (as tap water will leave a sulfury, metallic taste not consistent with traditional Jewish cooking).
  • He did throw a strop, hurling his mallet and helmet to the ground in fury. The Sun
  • The storm stuck with elemental fury.
  • All the sound and the fury that followed served only to diminish the status of a great club. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • A white hot anger flared through him as he screamed in fury.
  • The crowd began to mutter angrily, the glowing embers of their ancient prejudices that had been viciously stoked by the near murder of their King were being fanned to fury so easily by the power of the monarch's simple words.
  • They count our fury as evidence of a palpable hit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then Jack is killed and their stern father Ray reacts with unconcealed fury, asserting: ‘He took the wrong son.’
  • But I'll never forget and I'll always be grateful for their savage, righteous fury when I told them how I discovered his first peccadillo. THE SAVING GRACES
  • The tone had changed from fury to anguish. Times, Sunday Times
  • His face contorted in fury at the murder of his kinsmen, and with a shrill cry he leapt at the nearest of the ogrish guards.
  • She had started out wary, in no way wishing to harm the prince, but after he attempted to grapple her, she had released all fury within her.
  • Fear, fury, desire, shame -- the whole philosophy of the religious moralist is simply an abstraction, systematisation and indoctrination of emotional reactions as so-called moral principles. Duncan Does Deus
  • Her face crimsoning with fury, Isabella suddenly turned away from her friend and quickened her pace down the road.
  • Thirty years ago, it may be, a man called Symons committed several murders in a sudden epilepsy of planet-struck fury. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1
  • Hereupon a wave like a steep mountain rose aloft in front as though rushing upon them, ever upheaved above the clouds; nor would you say that they could escape grim death, for in its fury it hangs over the middle of the ship, like a cloud, yet it sinks away into calm if it meets with a skilful helmsman. The Argonautica
  • I am genuinely perplexed by the fury some express about the so-called "fratricidal" nature of Ed Miliband's victory over his elder brother David. Why treat Ed Miliband as a younger son who should 'know his place'?
  • On the morning of May 5 their boat started feeling the fury of the storm.
  • In a fit of fury Calvert who was known to be a violent and irrational person burst into Smedleys home and hurled a heavy stone ornament at him.
  • Information on the reaction rates of sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2), nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) and trifluoromethyl sulfur pentafluoride (SF5CF3) was published Jan. 25, 2010, in the early edition of the PNAS, and will be part of a special issue on atmospheric chemistry. Newswise: Latest News
  • A half on the 18th green gave Garcia and Luke Donald a hard-earned point against Jim Furyk and Fred Funk.
  • The half-demon gave a growl of fury and leapt up, throwing herself onto the bars.
  • That moment was extremely dangerous and my disappointment turned into great fury and anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entries are a mix of the everyday, such as honeymoon and fury, and ones you probably don't think about, such as portmanteau and gorgonize. NPR Topics: News
  • He could hardly contain his fury.
  • [4025] Expers terroris Achilles armatus: as a tortoise in his shell, [4026] virtute mea me involvo, or an urchin round, nil moror ictus [4027] a lizard in camomile, I decline their fury and am safe. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • His lashes were intended to kill; that they did not was testament less to her speed than to the imprecision of his fury. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • They cannot be altogether surprised if people now lump them all together in impotent fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where was the rage and the fury? Times, Sunday Times
  • But for the labours of a statesman all the sound and fury of the swordsman on the field of battle would in the end signify nothing.
  • hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
  • It consists of both lower stem and taproot, can have a number of different shapes and colors, and has the sulfury aroma typical of the family p. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • He sped home and quickly, hardly able to see the road in his fury.
  • Even our local produce seller, a deeply pious man with a gentle wife who wears a chador (an open cloak that covers the head and body), could not contain his fury at Ahmadinejad.
  • She went at it in a kind of fury, as if this would decontaminate it from the touch of Ringrose. MURDER MOVES IN
  • Many of these vessels arrived with loss of bulwarks, boats, and galleys, and in all cases with a greater proportion of sickness and deaths than those not exposed to the fury of the gale.
  • ‘I always loved the sight of those Sea Furys going around the pylons,’ said Mike.
  • Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The Sun
  • Although these derivatives are not properly nitrofurans, the 2-furylethylene compounds with the nitro group located outside the furan ring are isomers of position of the classical 5-nitrofuran derivatives.
  • I really did myself a disservice by not taking my mother's old advice and counting to ten before I unload my fury on someone.
  • This year we witnessed the unfortunate political vehemence and fury surrounding allowing a patient to die a natural death when she had been in a persistent vegetative state for 15 years after an unwitnessed cardiac arrest.
  • They were spitting with fury at being deprived of their prey. DEATH IN FASHION
  • The duke slashed out with a sound of fury, backhanding Edith across the face.
  • Yes | No | Report from jbjo wrote 42 weeks 2 days ago always beena fan of the mepps aglia/black fury sort of thing .... What is your favorite lure?
  • cold fury gripped him
  • 13 In thy filthiness is lewdness: because I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Every barbarian language had an equivalent term, and all of them were based on a derivative of that language's word for fury.
  • All the sound and the fury that followed served only to diminish the status of a great club. Times, Sunday Times
  • That moment was extremely dangerous and my disappointment turned into great fury and anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cow, forgetting about me for the moment, turned, purple with fury, to scold the person in question.
  • The defection was rapid and universal; his loyal slaves were sacrificed to the public fury; the troops deserted to the standard of Bahram; and the provinces again saluted the deliverer of his country. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • But I do love a good fight: sources have reported that the two were vacationing on the exotic beach of St. Tropez and almost combusted with fury.
  • AtomFury: I do, but only when i happen to be in gmail, also only some of my friends are on it. so i just loaded my gtalk account in pidgin and adium. Five Best Instant Messengers | Lifehacker Australia
  • When the Persian ambassadors arrived at Athens, demanding tribute in their barbarous tongue, my heart filled with fury.
  • Learning to manage the planet's resources, while keeping out of the way of its elemental fury is even more difficult.
  • Ahh the fury of desire it burns so bright electrifies New Sarah McLachlan Music Video: 'Loving You Is Easy'
  • An elderly man ran at him with a cry of fury and a large earthen pot raised over his head menacingly.
  • But there was fury when it emerged the UK taxman won't get a penny. The Sun
  • That moment was extremely dangerous and my disappointment turned into great fury and anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • She went back to searching through her box of medicinals and didn't see the look of fury on the collie's face.
  • It stood near the brow of a bosoming hill, which sheltered it, both with wood and clevice, from the rigor and fury of the north and east; while in front the sloping foreground widened its soft lap of green. Erema — My Father's Sin
  • He would be the spark which would ignite their oppressed fury.
  • These white hulks, so Coyote told them, came shuddering down the arroyo when spring floods sent a muddy fury rioting between the banks. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Born in London of a French mother, by a German father, but reared entirely in England and in France, there is, in his fury, a combination of French suddenness and impressibility with our more slowly demonstrative Anglo-Saxon way when we get, as we say, “our blood up”, that produces an intensely fiery result. Miscellaneous Papers
  • They present a perfect blend of pathos, wonder, derision, fear, disgust and fury.
  • This is the type of album that grabs you by the scruff of the neck, shakes you about a lot, and never once lets up on the fury which drives it.
  • They cannot be altogether surprised if people now lump them all together in impotent fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there be horns (which denote the force and fury of beasts) against the church, there are carpenters (which denote the wisdom and forecast of men) for the church, by which they find ways to master the strongest beasts, for every kind of beasts is tamed, and has been tamed, of mankind, Jam. iii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The country was partitioned amid the most violent fratricidal fury.
  • She flew into a fury when I wouldn't lend her any money.
  • Some day, hopefully, Fort Wayne will see a basketball team return and satisfy frustrated Fury fans.
  • The result of this imbalance is to frustrate the natural desire of the human psyche, thereby placing the individual in a perpetual state of angst and glowering fury.
  • The album provides comfort without flinching from sadness and bitter fury.
  • At intervals, he stopped, to shake the snow off the rug, and to enwrap Louise afresh; and each violent gust that met him when he turned a corner, smote him doubly; for he pictured to himself the fury with which it must hurl itself against her, sitting motionless before it. Maurice Guest
  • Iverson played with what appeared to be a reckless fury, as if he could only exorcise his demons on the basketball court.
  • More agitation and complexity rear their heads in the second movement, building to a climactic fury.
  • I had at the fame time in view, to lighten the burden of the reimburlc - ments at ftated periods with refpeft to the royal treafury, without altering the terms of their ac - quittal with regard to the creditors; another ex - pedient which was good at the time when there was credit in France, and which, had it been adopted in the year 1787, would have faved Go - vernment the difgrace of failing in this part of the engagements of the State, which I was of opinion ought not to be feparated from the an - nual expcnce, but which, fince it has been de - tached from it, has been counted for nothing. Considerations on the Present and Future State of France
  • Taku's face was emotionless, except for the fury smoldering in his eyes.
  • It was a deserted hallway, so I squeaked in alarm when she spun around a corner to face me, her face contorted in fury.
  • For there is a truly primitive and savage power in the imagination that could heap such piles of music, revel in the shattering fury of trumpets, upbuild choragic pyramids. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • Jekyll is mousy and mincing, while his alter-ego is an explosion of simian fury.
  • Nothing did more to sectionalize Northern opinion and fire the Northern heart, and to lash the fury of the rank and file of those who were urged to vote as they had shot and who had hoisted above them the Bloody Shirt for a banner. Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • Casting a sharp glance in my direction, he paced off some metres, stamping past a series of unoccupied benches, to drum out his male fury next to some poor couple who had been sunning themselves in peace up to that point.
  • Gatha stomped his way up the gangway, working his fury out on the iron grillwork. Bloodlines
  • His fury at his compatriots is only equalled by his contempt for the Americans.
  • It had been huge, whirling, powerful, unrelenting, with a perpetual fury against anything and everything in the world.
  • Ju had his left hand on the dome, hair standing on end as Ernie pumped the handle like fury.
  • But I'll never forget and I'll always be grateful for their savage, righteous fury when I told them how I discovered his first peccadillo. THE SAVING GRACES
  • His eyes blazed in fury but he wasted no more effort in struggling. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Toby jumped off the couch in a blind fury and launched something at her wall.
  • United fans reacted with fury at the announcement.
  • Even in his late seventies, Louis is still haranguing his son about his attitude towards Israel, and Allen is responding with the same mixture of would-be facts and baffled fury.
  • The foundry was a wreck, but even this did not satisfy the fury of the strikers, which had been excited by the presence of the strike-breakers imported by McGinnis. To Him That Hath: a Tale of the West of Today
  • His best performances carry a freight of personal history and unexpected fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • They stood immobile with the flames racing around them in a fury of sparks.
  • MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Corporate media blocks public knowledge of the fury of King\'s outcry over U.S. wars of occupation and the powerful indictment of his government in his Beyond Vietnam speech, that made bold headlines in newspapers around the world. MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism
  • Largely unnoted amid the sound and fury are several peace overtures in the White Paper.
  • The sea will rear up because Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury, making his way toward the land.
  • Barely controlled fury kindled in Kayline's eyes.
  • The Australian psychoanalyst Alexandra Pope breaks the magic circle of consensus by suggesting that the fury and distress women feel premenstrually might be motivated by solid life causes.
  • Claim yourself in defiance, in hope, in love, in fury, in gratitude. Claim the Light. Claim the Dark. Claim it all. Nothing can stay.
  • Meanwhile his antagonist had jumped to his feet, his face black with coaldust and distorted with fury. With Marlborough to Malplaquet A Story of the Reign of Queen Anne
  • Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The Sun
  • Normally, an air strike, for all of its apparent fury, accomplished little or nothing.
  • With insane fury, the giant men broke down the doors of the monastery.
  • SEAFURY Aircraft were not on line till much much later, SEAFIRES, which were the navalised version of the Spitfire were but not Till 1942, which means the poxy arsed Fulmar Aircraft were on deck of the British carriers at the time. Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • A gas containing sulfuryl fluoride is used effectively to eliminate all life stages of wood-boring insect infestations. Times, Sunday Times
  • His eyes blazed in fury but he wasted no more effort in struggling. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Anyway at the end of a long day at the chalkface, I'm more inclined towards the poor player full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
  • In two words, which Wilson later apologized for, all the fury and fervor from the raucous health care town halls of August spilled over into the supposedly civil sanctum of the House of Representatives. Obama and Wilson put Democrats on offensive
  • Larger than life, he accompanied each step of my journey with moods to match - allegro, penseroso, adagio, furioso: his exuberance alternated with expressions of harshness and nervous fury at life's intransigent thwarting of his will.
  • He shunned the fury of the senses and what Keats called ‘ruffian passion’, which Boucher perceived as not merely unpolished and irrational but also as supremely unaesthetic.
  • You suddenly find yourself weak with fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • At once, realization hits him, and a dull fury swells within Cahill's chest.
  • She looked up with eyes of insane fury that didn't seem at all normal, even for a psycho.
  • They present a perfect blend of pathos, wonder, derision, fear, disgust and fury.
  • Unable to bear the death throes of her love affair, she becomes by turns desperate and tenacious, acting out with unbridled fury.
  • You only had to witness Ferguson work himself into a fury over Ronaldo's participation in the Olympics to gauge the Portuguese's importance to the team.
  • The special committee decided after two hours of deliberation to consult on making the ban permanent, to the fury of many.
  • If you end up with a carton of very fresh eggs and need to cook them right away, you can add a half teaspoon of baking soda to a quart of water to make the cooking water alkaline though this intensifies the sulfury flavor. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Fury seized John when he learned of Daisy's destination.
  • His enemies in high places could only gnash their teeth in fury and wait for him to make a mistake or go away and leave them alone.
  • He gritted his teeth in silent fury.
  • Leading Australians jumped on the bandwagon as the Santa ban spread, with radio talk-back shows abuzz with festive fury.
  • She began to feel her thin shoes break under her, and the muscles in her thighs started to burn with fury from the intense climb.
  • She went at it in a kind of fury, as if this would decontaminate it from the touch of Ringrose. MURDER MOVES IN
  • The longer the albumen spends at these temperatures, the stronger the sulfury aroma. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Dogs, who have been cooped up all day, now rush to fences, or fling themselves against front doors, and bark, giving it all they have in the way of canine fury, as I walk by.
  • And he unleashed his fury on her. The Sun
  • Although furfuraldehyde is the natural decomposition product of pentosans, furfuryl alcohol is the main furane body of coffee aroma. All About Coffee
  • Cocoa beans like these can be sprayed with pesticides like sulfuryl fluoride. NPR Topics: News
  • While girls picked fights with other inmates they often saved their fury for the matrons and nuns who oversaw them.
  • ‘Well?’ demanded the bunniah with fury in his eye. The Olive Fairy Book
  • So we have some people stopping compliantly while others erupt in fury at the idiots in front of them braking for no reason.
  • Thunder rolled and raindrops hammered the gardens of Halliel as the storm gave full vent to its fury.
  • This sort of misbehaviour varies in degree from the black hatred and fury of an uncontrolled egotism to what verges in some cases upon justifiable criticism of slightly fatuous or self-complacent behaviour. The Shape of Things to Come
  • Even as they deliver Pure Rock Fury to smelly rooms full of sweaty people, they plot against it.
  • She vociferated in fury, ‘All these years, I've never stopped loving you!’
  • Luminous by lightning far above him were enormous thunderheads, crackling with fury energy and booming with mighty waves of thunder.
  • To his teachers' fury, chastisement did not cause contrition but hilarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is important because, at its heart, the fury of the radical middle seems to be an Information Age disorder, the product of our tendency to stew alone-staring into computer screens at work, blobbing in front of the television at home. Stalking The Radical Middle
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • That night, the fury in your heart is so vibrant that it has become an all-consuming entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is far more in this engaging book than fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • His best performances carry a freight of personal history and unexpected fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rage and fury over China’s deficits has distracted American political parties from examining the dangerous relationship of the Japanese ruling corporate/right wing and the corruption and malefeasance and irresponsibilities of the American/corporate/right wing. Beware of the basklisk eye » Japundit Blog
  • An expression combining fury, frustration and resignation would briefly appear, like a small cloud across the sun.
  • The sounds of leaves rustling in the wind were whirling around in a pit of fury.
  • A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.
  • It has caused fury among Kellington's 850 residents, who will present a petition to Royal Mail to try to get their favourite postie reinstated.
  • Jupiter out of heaven, but all they together could not stir him, and yet he could draw and turn them as he would himself; maugre all the force and fury of these infernal fiends, and crying sins, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She was listening with such a fury of concentration that she did not notice Arthur had left.
  • Emma's face is red with anger, her eyes flash in fury and her hair seems to have bushed out with rage.
  • I never knew the precise nature of our danger beyond this, that the vessel had been thrown on her beam-ends in a squall, and that, the wind immediately veering round, the fury of the waves had been spent upon her. The Englishwoman in America
  • He felt the waves of despair and overwhelming anguish that radiated until her fury drowned in the sadness.
  • Yesterday parents waiting for their children outside school reacted with fury and disbelief at the news.
  • But anational General Strike willlay down a historical marker; it tells Bush and Cheney and all those who succeed them that an executive branch that imagines itself superior to Congress and the rule of law will arouse popular fury. Force Impeachment- Hit The Streets
  • With a fury that may fairly be described as tigerish, women waged holy wars for and against the faith proclaimed by Mohammed. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Why all the sound and fury? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a "fohn," that violent storm-wind which rushes from the mountain to the valley beneath, and in its fury snaps asunder the trunks of large trees as if they were but slender reeds, and carries the wooden houses from one side of a river to the other as easily as we could move the pieces on a chess-board. Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen

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