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How To Use Furnished In A Sentence

  • Warner wrote from Egypt expressing sympathy for their unfurnished state of affairs, but added, "I would rather fit out three houses and fill them with furniture than to fit out one 'dahabiyeh'. Mark Twain, a Biography. Complete
  • He may also be able to find a sublet, many of the med students go home for the summer, so he may be able to find a furnished room/apartment for cheap.
  • The efforts of the Emperor Franz Joseph and the ruling elite to divert attention from their country's increasingly threadbare imperial pretensions furnished Musil with comic material galore.
  • There are three large and fully furnished bedrooms - a twin, a double and a single room, so there is lots of space for a family in Ireland on holiday.
  • A reed basket of ha'penny nails to go with it lay in the jumble of objects at the far end of the table; something perhaps left behind by the carpenters who had furnished the room. Sick Cycle Carousel
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  • Thanks to that shy reader who furnished me with the above information.
  • There are two large rooms that can be used for social gatherings equipped with a TV and a beamer and screen, plus a dining room and a well-furnished kitchen next to the swimming pool. Weekly
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Both houses are stylishly furnished with all mod cons and cost from 670 a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed many are still advice workers and are thus constantly furnished with very real on-going practical experience to support their tutoring role.
  • They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor.
  • Government regulations mean you can let out a furnished room for a certain amount of tax-free income. The Sun
  • It was comfortably furnished with a miscellany which he had accumulated from departing Rhodesians. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • A small gas - jet furnished sufficient light for so rueful a corner.
  • With this view, while the bailiff conducted him to bed in another apartment, he desired the catchpole to act the part of mediator between him and the Count, and furnished him with proper instructions for that purpose. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • I have decided that it is best to let the flat unfurnished, so it's time to say goodbye to what has been a trusty friend for the last few years.
  • The thresher is a square frame drawn over the grain -- which is spread upon the bare ground -- and is furnished on its under side with steel blades which not only shell the grain out of the ear, but also reduce the straw into chaff, which is desirable, as storing for feed more conveniently. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • The actors were merely furnished with a "plat," or plot of the performance, and were required to fill in and complete the outline, as their own ingenuity might suggest. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • The poise has a cigarette in its hand, which cigarette it has just pausingly rolled from material furnished by a number of carefully saved butts (whereof Afrique's pockets are invariably full). The Enormous Room
  • Life will now become a flat, prosaic routine of matter-of-fact; and sleep itself, erst so prolific of numerical configurations and mysterious stimulants to lottery-adventure, will be disfurnished of its figures and figments. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864
  • Benefits include free furnished accommodation, 30 working days annual leave, family airfares, medical care and children's educational assistance.
  • And a few minutes later they found themselves in Wong-lih's comfortably-furnished office, in the ordnance department of the dockyard. A Chinese Command A Story of Adventure in Eastern Seas
  • All these ships being of notable and approued seruice comming neere to the mouth of the Straights hard by the coast of Barbary, descried twelue tall Gallies brauely furnished and strongly prouided with men and munition, ready to seaze vpon these English ships: which being perceiued by the Captaines and Masters thereof, wee made speedy preparation for the defence of our selues, still waiting all the night long for the approching of the enemie. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • That mental inquietude will impede digestion is a fact familiar to almost every one; but, I believe, it is not so generally known, that it will with no less certainty retard and alter the nature of the secretion furnished by the breasts of the lactescent female. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation
  • The room was furnished in austere style.
  • The flowers are borne at the height of 2ft. to 3ft., and are produced singly on very thick, rigid stalks, long, nearly nude, grooved, furnished with numerous short, bristle-like hairs, and gradually thickening up to the involucrum of the flower. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Fragments of granite have been observed at Teneriffe; the island of Gomora, from the details furnished me by M. Broussonnet, contains a nucleus of micaceous schist: — the quartz disseminated in the sand, which we found on the shore of Graciosa, is a different substance from the lavas and the trappean porphyries so intimately connected with volcanic productions. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • That, plus the fact that the dining area is furnished with cast-off tables and chairs and mismatched china and cutlery, might make food seem like an afterthought.
  • Those familiar with hand-jamming will find this quite accommodating, well-furnished as it is with excellent placements.
  • John was furnished with a list of local solicitors.
  • She'd rented the apartment unfurnished; it was cheaper.
  • The bedrooms each had a fitted wardrobe with a large mahogany sliding or tambour door (those in the smaller bedrooms concealing a vanity unit), which gave the rooms a tidy appearance and enabled them to be more simply furnished.
  • The bronze bass-relief upon the monument, made from the working drawing furnished by Mr. Dripps, is an exact representation of the locomotive when it arrived in America. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • It was barely furnished: a small seating area with a glass coffee table at one end and the piano and stereo system at the other.
  • The wall must be furnished with easily cleanable tile in order to meet government health and safety standards.
  • I accordingly furnished myself with two parcels, and found it very agreeable and pleasant; and in a short time I had the satisfaction of feeling the good effects of this pleasing and salutary medicine; and to confirm the services received from it, I am determined, for the future, to drink it instead of foreign teas, because I think it more grateful than any thing yet presented to the public as a stomatic; therefore in justice to your valuable discovery for the public good, you are welcome to communicate this information to the world at large; with the sincerest wishes for the general use of your excellent Tea. A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves
  • It was lavishly furnished, and behind its wide oak desk, sat a burly and stout man.
  • He found him in a dull room, fadedly furnished, much as I had found him in his barrack-room but a little while before, except that he was not writing but was sitting with a book before him, from which his eyes and thoughts were far astray. Bleak House
  • 101.6 The term "subcontract" means any agreement of any kind (whether in the form of a letter of intent, purchase order, or otherwise) pursuant to which work, supplies, or services required for the performance of a prime contractor were furnished by a subcontractor (including a materialman) to a prime contractor of higher tier subcontractor of any agency at any time during the statutory period. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9786
  • Rinaldo's men were lawless, and sometimes the supplies were not furnished in sufficient abundance, so that Rinaldo and his garrison got a bad name for taking by force what they could not obtain by gift; and we sometimes find Montalban spoken of as a nest of freebooters, and its defenders called a beggarly garrison. Legends of Charlemagne
  • He also credits Aristotle with saying: “Teachers who educated children deserved more honour than parents who merely gave them birth; for bare life is furnished by the one, the other ensures a good life” (p. 463). Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
  • All rooms are comfortably furnished and have their own shower and loo.
  • Furnished flair Furniture for the dining area needs to complement that in the living section.
  • The lounge is furnished with well-selected finds from local vintage shops, while the four subtly styled upstairs rooms all have shiny, polished parquet floors. South America: Perfect posadas
  • These are like well furnished drawing rooms, equipped with coffee tables and comfortable armchairs.
  • The rooms are sumptuously furnished with fine art and decoration. Times, Sunday Times
  • This ancient Middle Eastern source furnished the basis for classical Greek medical and philosophical theories of hysteria.
  • the room was quaintly furnished
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 141.) Shell fusiform, contracted above the body-whirl, and forming thereby a sub-cylindrical spire; spire obtuse apex papillated and hooked; body-whirl plaited longitudinally at its top; columellar lip furnished with only two plaits. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • More non-Inuit will be sent up north from the south to do work and be housed in a newly furnished home by their employers.
  • Stowing away his "dunnage," therefore, in the after deck - house, and flinging his bedding into the berth which he selected for his own occupation, he quickly rejoined the mate, who furnished him with book and pencil, and stationed him at the after hatchway to take account of everything which passed down that receptacle. The Missing Merchantman
  • Some say that it has two souls, because it is furnished with two pineal glands, with two callous substances, with two “sensoria communia.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The couple lived in a room furnished only with a heap of straw. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be shown round a new unfurnished flat involves, in a sense, seeing nothing - seeing a place with nothing in it.
  • The house came unfurnished so one would think there must be less packing to do.
  • After he started emptying his well-furnished mind and meditating regularly, there was a change in his character, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • It comes fully fitted and partly furnished. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a modest but comfortably furnished room with a divan, low tables and large leather cushions on the floor.
  • The home was well maintained and was furnished with many antiques and wall hangings from around the world.
  • The 16th century house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.
  • Furnished sparely with two easels and several chairs to underscore the physical proximity of the artists when they inhabited the studio together, it was enclosed by gauzy translucent walls so that it could be peered into but not entered.
  • The parlours of the hotels were well furnished.
  • It is terraced, surrounded by hurdle fences, furnished with parasols, umbrella heaters and plants.
  • The 16th century house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.
  • A well-furnished clubhouse that can comfortably house about 70+ people. Kederan XV Conquering Krimmhild
  • Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also. The History of Animals
  • The fireplace and overmantel are furnished with objects that reaffirm the collectors' particular affinity for the arts of Pennsylvania.
  • The farmhouse is split into three fully self-contained and furnished apartments, and has access to a swimming pool, barbecue, deck chairs and sun umbrellas.
  • We entered the house and I was surprised to find it very plush and expensively furnished.
  • They were shown the plan of a building, and the ‘greater’ members, furnished with trowels, were obliged to build it in edibles, the ‘lesser’ acting as hodmen, and bringing materials.
  • Allow me to send you my finished composition of this Cacilia, the musical foundation of which is furnished by the Gregorian antiphone: "Cantantibus organis, Letters
  • Inc. the sum of thirteen hun - dred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty cents for materials furnished by it to said city, the claim for such sum being legally unenforceable by reason of the failure of said city to invite bids for such materials pur - suant to law. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • This mental domicile was furnished with a potpourri of notions derived directly or indirectly from a long succession of philosophers, sages, and seers East and West.
  • The employment bureau furnished the information necessary to know that a worker was indentured and should not be lured away.
  • Next day, thanks to his histrionic powers and his ingratiating address, he was promoted to the rank of "supernumerary captain's servant" -- a "post which," I give his words, "I flatter myself, was created for me alone, and furnished me with opportunities unequalled for a task in which one word malapropos would have been my destruction. Traffics and Discoveries
  • Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of paying for clothing, & c. furnished to a portion of the militia of Roanoke when called out by the authorities, and the call countermanded before the said militia were mustered into service. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1861-62
  • Accommodation is in the main building or whitewashed villas furnished in a contemporary style. Times, Sunday Times
  • They've furnished the room very simply.
  • Although I furnished the 'hall' I could only be a 'looker on', at the happy function of 'dancing in' my new house!
  • This impertinent and malicious insinuation made some impression upon the bystanders, and furnished ample field for slander to asperse the morals of Trunnion, who was represented through the whole district as a monster of barbarity. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • The auricles communicate with the ventricles each by a large aperture, the auriculo-ventricular orifice, which is furnished with a remarkable mechanism of valves, allowing the transmission of blood from the auricles into the ventricles, but preventing a reverse course. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Before your time Iain, but up to the early seventies, you could rent a bedsitter or unfurnished flat for £4 in the West End. Happy days. Get Your Property Licence or We'll 'Get' You Says Government
  • And even if we've been living together in a well-furnished home for years, we still want it. Times, Sunday Times
  • His words come vividly to mind in reviewing the curious catalogue which a European statistician lately furnished of the number of sovereigns who have perished by violent deaths or been discrowned by disaster. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 24, March, 1873
  • They were furnished and equipped to cavalry regiment standards with silver, military prints on the walls, costly vintages and rich food. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Orange's intelligent house is furnished with the latest state-of-the-art technology in every room, being primarily designed to simplify domestic life and make it more fun.
  • their apartment was furnished with ready-mades
  • It was a moderately sized motel, reasonably furnished and decorated.
  • It was small, furnished with two hard chairs, a metal file cabinet and a worktable with an ancient typewriter.
  • Originally wood-panelled, the walls in the office have been papered in a lighter colour, and the room is furnished with modern, pale wood desk and table.
  • There's a large drawing room with a fireplace and upstairs the eight rooms are beautifully furnished. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dining room is exquisitely furnished with tasteful chandeliers and wall brackets, nice view over the gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • I saw the doors open, and furnished myself, as I though verily without being perceived, with two pieces of flowered silks, such as they call brocaded silk, very rich. Moll Flanders
  • Euclidean geometry, Fibonacci numbers, the digits of pi, the notion of algorithms, concepts of infinity, fractals, and other ideas furnished the mathematical underpinnings.
  • Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly (ephémeron) moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • A stylishly furnished sitting room has a fireplace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both houses are stylishly furnished with all mod cons and cost from 670 a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am glad to have met you, Mrs Campbell," said Captain Lumley; "I found, on paying my respects to the Governor, that there is what they call the Admiralty House here, which is kept furnished by Government for the senior officers of his Majesty's ships. The Settlers in Canada
  • Perhaps "fully furnished" is the standard in the "gringo ghettos" but if the guy is living on the cheap -- or even on Mexican standards -- not so. Semi-Scheming Way to TJ
  • The large intestine is furnished with three arteries, called the _colic arteries_. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • The Lykians furnished fifty ships; and they were wearers of corslets and greaves, and had bows of cornel-wood and arrows of reeds without feathers and javelins and a goat-skin hanging over their shoulders, and about their heads felt caps wreathed round with feathers; also they had daggers and falchions. 1074 The Lykians were formerly called Termilai, being originally of Crete, and they got their later name from Lycos the son of Pandion, an Athenian. The History of Herodotus
  • No, but What I am saying is, as stated above, this is what I wanted, this is what I enjoy, I never disfurnished my family for any purchase of gun, or gun related object, and my safe and loading room are stuffed full. Investing in Rifles
  • Accordingly, they sometimes put down their thoughts in bits, in short, equivocal, and paradoxical sentences which appear to mean much more than they say (a splendid example of this kind of writing is furnished by Schelling’s treatises on Essays of Schopenhauer
  • It is lavishly furnished with outstanding collections such as Chinese porcelain and Renaissance paintings.
  • But the shortcake should be the meal, not the end of one that has already furnished too much food. Maintaining Health Formerly Health and Efficiency
  • She furnished the space with comfortable, stylish pieces, including a chair found at a flea market, an old coffee table, and an antique daybed.
  • This kind of peloria may for distinction sake be called regular or congenital peloria (see chapter on that subject); but where a flower becomes regular by the increase in number of its irregular portions, as in the _Linaria_ already alluded to, where not only one petal is spurred, but all five of them are furnished with such appendages, and which are the result of an irregular development of those organs, the peloria is evidently not congenital, but occurs at a more or less advanced stage of development. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • He not only has his sins pardoned, and is furnished with grace sufficient for himself, but, as rectus in curia -- acquitted in court, he is restored to his former honours and trusts. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • That the Chilian skipper is not of this class is proved by the appearance of his "cuddy," which is neatly, if not luxuriously, furnished, and prettily decorated. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • The big and plushly furnished living room was painted berry pink, like a cranberry vodka cocktail. Shore Thing
  • Furnished in much red velvet plush, it's dark and decadent with a stunning choice of whiskies and bourbon.
  • There's a large drawing room with a fireplace and upstairs the eight rooms are beautifully furnished. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within the castle are nine comfortable and well-furnished double ensuite rooms, which cost from 120 a night with breakfast. Times, Sunday Times
  • This recess in a dining room wall - furnished with a comfy cushion and colorful throw pillows - serves as a cozy spot to sit and read.
  • The police has disfurnished them of their illegal firearms.
  • There is not a single object the existence of which we hesitate to accept until definite proofs are furnished.
  • Those houses were built of the materials furnished by the environment and embedded in hilly landscapes humanized by countless terraces.
  • The flat is rudely a furnished bedroom at the end of a dark hallway on the twenty-second floor of a downtown highrise.
  • The comfortable, traditionally furnished bedrooms all have a private balcony overlooking Positano.
  • Each suite is authentically furnished with appointments directed to personal comfort.
  • She found it a bit strange that they had drawn her up a bath and then placed her in such a nicely furnished room, but was too weary to think on it much.
  • In making the annual contract with the baker, his perquisite was the thirteenth loaf of every dozen furnished—hence the baker’s dozen.23 He was expected to know how to make “all kinds of preserved fruit, both liquid and dry, stewed fruits, creams, sweet cakes, marzipans, syrups, flavored waters, and distilled liqueurs.” Savoring The Past
  • A nearby tray was furnished with a mug and a large plate scattered with the crumbs of a large slice of cake.
  • It has ten simply furnished rooms, elegant grounds and a good-sized outdoor pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • These foresaid shippes being fully furnished with their pinnesses and boates, well appointed with al maner of artillerie, and other things necessary for their defence with al the men aforesaid, departed from Ratcliffe, and valed vnto Detford, the 10. day of May, 1553. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Rightly interpreting what seemed darkest and most obscure in the reply, they took "stones of the earth," and, casting them behind them, the stones flung by Deucalion became men, and those by Pyrrha became women, and thus the disfurnished world was peopled anew. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Another important argument is furnished by the certain use of terracotta plates as acroteria. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • My bedchamber is another huge shadowy place, with a dressing-room and bath as large as the ordinary drawing-room at home, furnished with old mahogany and silver fittings brought from Germany two generations ago. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • The Restaurant du Soleil, where the marriage feast was held, was an earwiggy hostelry on the outskirts of the town, sheltered from the prying roadway by a screen of green lattice and a series of _tonnelles_, the dusty arbours, each furnished with table and chairs, beloved of The Belovéd Vagabond
  • The other two rooms were furnished with green wallpaper and rugs, utilitarian white-painted furniture, and chintz curtains.
  • It's advertised with the term "landlord is flexible", which I later learn means that I am willing to offer it furnished or part-furnished. Diary of a landlord: open day viewings
  • Carvell, is furnished for him, and he shall have no other thing in charge then to search out whether any passage to the great Chan, from out the diuers windings and vast compassings of this our Ocean, were to be founde. The Voyage of Verrazzano A Chapter in the Early History of Maritime Discovery in America
  • The rental income on unfurnished houses is about 10 per cent less than on furnished houses.
  • NEMA 4 motor starter shall be furnished and installed locally to each sootblower.
  • The gatehouse is approached via a brick barbican, a defensive outwork furnished with arrow slits and end turrets.
  • The flowers are produced in terminal clusters, one large flower being surrounded by a whorl of smaller ones; they are of a rich purplish-blue inside the corolla, which is rotate; the segments (mitre-shaped) and the spaces between are prettily furnished with a feathery fringe; the wide tube is also finely striped inside; the calyx is tubular, having long awl-shaped segments; the stems are procumbent, firm (almost woody), short jointed, and thickest near the top. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • He locked the desk and passed out of the comfortably-furnished parlor into the office beyond, leaving them nothing to do but to return into the house with their curiosity unsatisfied, and the mother's vague trouble unsoothed. Cobwebs and Cables
  • The rooms are gloriously furnished in beige and white, with gigantic, extremely comfortable beds. Queretaro: cultural mecca with colonial charm
  • The twin bedrooms are airy, spacious and comfortably furnished.
  • The palace of the maharaja is a noble building, but very ornate, and is furnished with the most tawdry and inappropriate French hangings and furniture. Modern India
  • Accommodation is in the main building or whitewashed villas furnished in a contemporary style. Times, Sunday Times
  • The couple lived in a room furnished only with a heap of straw. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the main rooms are elegantly furnished, there is also a family element. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside, there is a spacious lounge and bar, traditionally furnished with cool marble floors.
  • Her room was furnished elegant.
  • He accompanied them, with all the grandees of the court, as far as to the Escurial, which is a famous royal palace not far from Madrid, built and furnished in the most sumptuous style of magnificence and splendor. Charles I Makers of History
  • Still more curious was the form of viol known as the barytone, which, in addition to an outfit of six catgut strings upon the finger board, was furnished with twenty-four wire strings, stretched close under the sounding board, where they sounded by sympathetic vibration. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • During the drought of 1185, Count Raymond of Tripoli, the regent of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, agreed a truce with Saladin whereby the latter furnished the settlers with all the supplies they needed.
  • The best labourers will be furnished by those races of mankind which are neither wholly spiritless nor yet overbold.
  • The Gentile Church is the "door," the type of catholic accessibleness (1Co 16: 9); but it must be not a mere thoroughfare but furnished with a wooden framework, so as not merely to admit, but also to safely enclose: cedar is fragrant, beautiful, and enduring. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The rooms are sumptuously furnished with fine art and decoration. Times, Sunday Times
  • In another room are two carved doors from a house in Hoorn that had been disfurnished which give one a very vivid idea of the old good taste of this people and the little palaces of grave art in which they lived. A Wanderer in Holland
  • Emerald Isle has three- and four-bedroom furnished townhouses and prices start at $134,900.
  • At the south or opposite end of the Parc is the +Casino+, a handsome comfortably-furnished edifice. The South of France—East Half
  • Holiday lets must be fully furnished and have a kitchen stocked with crockery and cutlery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Narrow stairs rise to the cooling porch, a tree-house-like room furnished with slatted benches and simple wooden chairs.
  • But the fact that the building is fully furnished with some of Scotland's finest antique pieces adds to the value which the Executive should have to pay.
  • The centre is a converted Victorian townhouse with five furnished ensuite bedrooms and residents are expected to stay for six months to a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paintings themselves depicted unpeopled rooms furnished in generic modernist decor.
  • The new dormitory is smart, though furnished, bizarrely, with superannuated conservatory chairs donated by a nearby hotel.
  • A nearby tray was furnished with a mug and a large plate scattered with the crumbs of a large slice of cake.
  • The interior is furnished simply but very pleasantly in keeping with the old-world cottage ambience of the house.
  • Next, as to armaments: Will you present a greater terror to the foe if you appear furnished yourself from head to foot with bright emlazonrie and horrent arms; 200 or rather by reason of the warlike aspect of a whole city perfectly equipped? Hiero
  • The living room is furnished simply with wicker furniture.
  • There's a large drawing room with a fireplace and upstairs the eight rooms are beautifully furnished. Times, Sunday Times
  • They enrolled their children in expensive international schools and installed their diamonded wives in half million dollar condos, furnished with Chinese maids who worked for ninety cents an hour. Steve Posner: The China Question: To Beg or to Blog?
  • Benefits include free furnished accommodation, 30 working days annual leave, family airfares, medical care and children's educational assistance.
  • Rooms are fabulously furnished with period pieces and the service is exemplary. Times, Sunday Times
  • We stayed in the Flower Wing, our room luxuriously furnished with soft floral prints.
  • For a hotel near the station, try the Pensione Le Cascine, Largo Alinari 15, a two-star hotel with nicely furnished rooms.
  • The son of a small rural freeholder, a failed seminarian and ex-economics professor, Salazar ran the country from a sparsely furnished, unheated office. The Capital of Intrigue in a World at War
  • Fully furnished, it is set up for holiday and short-term lets.
  • Instead, we see the upper crust and their fabulous lifestyles: fashionably dressed heroes and heroines, luxuriously furnished buildings, de luxe cars, and posh hotels.
  • It is furnished with three lobes: the first lobe is short, thick, and obtuse; the second is raised, triangular and with cutting edges; the third of the size of the first, but more compressed -- in short, a double-fanged tooth. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • The room was simply furnished with a large divan facing the TV set, two comfortable looking armchairs, all surrounding a wooden table.
  • The footman in knee-breeches and powdered head, who had admitted us, led us without a word across the large hall, turned into a long corridor dimly-lit by tinted electric lamps, turned to the left, then to the right, then showed us into a small, comfortably-furnished room in which The Four Faces A Mystery
  • The 16th century house has been renovated and furnished in contemporary style.
  • Only a person who has recently moved could have an office not fully furnished but alive with an air of enthusiasm.
  • An egg contains water within its beautiful smooth surface; and an unformed mass, by the incubation of the parent, becomes a regular animal, furnished with bones and sinews, and covered with feathers.
  • Mungo's decades of experience reporting on politics have furnished him with an encyclopedic knowledge of the Australian scene, past and present.
  • Another instance of international cooperation in the judicial field is furnished by letters rogatory. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • Fully furnished apartments cost much, more than barely furnished apartments.
  • After the divorce, his father had lived in a succession of furnished New York studios, and had moved back to Germany in the early 1960s.
  • While frolicking tourists sunbathe on beaches and dine in swanky resorts, while a few thousand elite Moroccans are living high on the hog, millions of malnourished, destitute, and sallow Moroccans in remote rural areas scratch the dirt for survival and take shelter in dwellings so sparsely furnished and poorly built that they look like caves. Global Voices in English » Blogging About Poverty And Development In The Arab World
  • In this way they effect the decomposition of the tartrate, from which they must necessarily obtain the carbon of their food without which they cannot exist, while the nitrogen is furnished by the ammonia of the ammonical salt, the mineral principles by the phosphate of potassium and magnesium, and the sulphur by the sulphate of ammonia. IV. The Physiological Theory of Fermentation. Fermentation of Dextro-Tartrate of Lime
  • There are two large terraces and the villa is elegantly furnished. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rooms are of a good standard, are spacious, and comfortably furnished, with en suite bathrooms.
  • Graham, riding solitary through the redwood canyons among the hills that overlooked the ranch center, was getting acquainted with Selim, the eleven-hundred-pound, coal-black gelding which Dick had furnished him in place of the lighter Altadena. CHAPTER XXI
  • In barracks sentries are usually furnished by the unit's guard, a detachment of soldiers on duty for a 24-hour period, who live in the guardroom or guardhouse.
  • She would spend hours in this kind of revery, in the large unfurnished parlor, at our own house at Lavenham. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • It has ten simply furnished rooms, elegant grounds and a good-sized outdoor pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sleeping up to six, the house is comfortably furnished with a lawn that is perfect for alfresco meals. Times, Sunday Times
  • At some distance from the more frequented parts of the city, a man may hire a large house for thirty crowns a year: but near the center, you cannot have good lodgings, ready furnished, for less than a scudo (about five shillings) a day. Travels through France and Italy
  • Most of the house-tops are thus furnished, as upon them the Greeks pass their evenings in smoking, drinking light wines, such as “lachryma christi,” eating fruit, and enjoying the evening breeze. The Vampyre
  • There's a clue in the painting above as to my destination, correct guessers will receive the usual part-furnished bedsit in Tottenham Hale.
  • The turkey dinner, not provided for in the mental health budget, is furnished by the Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
  • It was there, in the comfortable middle-sized room furnished with unaggressively expensive modern sofas, with glass-topped end tables and stained-glass Tiffany lamps, that I had first met my clients, Linda and Rachel Ferns. Come To Grief
  • It's also not a life of luxury: He operates a one-man window and eavestrough cleaning company six months of the year, working 12-hour days and living in a modestly furnished bachelor apartment. - Home Page
  • We have seen, throughout or nearly throughout the last volume, how very long it was before its powers and advantages were properly appreciated; how mere _récit_ dominated fiction; and how, when the personages were allowed to speak, they were for the most part furnished only or mainly with harangues -- like those with which the "unmixed" historian used to endow his characters. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • The staging, by Louis Tyrrell, is finely conceived and executed, and Kent Goetz has designed the "austerely furnished" apartment specified by Mr. Hollinger with perfect taste. Her Master's Voice From the Other Side

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