How To Use Fungus In A Sentence
Another disease caused by a fungus is “actinomycosis”, which in cattle and other animals is called “lumpy jaw”.
A Close Look at Parasitic Diseases
The chytrid fungus is thought to be to blame.
Times, Sunday Times
The conclusion flag corneal transplant may effectively treat, the shallow layer fungus keratohelcosis.
And we did all this without trying to get to grips with the plants and fungus.
Times, Sunday Times
Blossom wilt is caused by the same fungus that causes brown rot on apple fruits.
The Sun
Kankanala P, Czymmek K, Valent B (2007) Roles for rice membrane dynamics and plasmodesmata during biotrophic invasion by the blast fungus.
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The timing corresponds with the formation of spores in a funguslike pathogen that attacks the plant and results in a condition known as downy mildew disease.
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The ambrosia fungus appears as the black lining of the gallery.
The most likely cause is a fungus called petal blight.
The Sun
In our smallish town garden we have honey fungus, which in the past has killed hedges and trees.
Times, Sunday Times
It occurs when one plant indirectly parasitizes a second plant through an EM fungus connected to both.
Cryptococcosis is caused by a fungus that primarily infects the brain.
Family matters: Common morels belong to the fungus family Morchellaceae, a group of species commonly called the morel family.
Wilberforce was quite prepared to allow science unfettered freedom to research, and to accepts its findings, just because he did not think that science was the sole truth; if facts emerged which proved that men were descended from some primordial fungus, he could agree, but go on to enter a further ` but ', and adduce further considerations that marked humanity off from the rest of creation.
May 7th, 2009
One sensed that the canopy had been wasted slowly by the powers of fungus and leaf mould.
The part of the fungus seen on the flag represents its fruiting body (carpophore), but its dangerous part lies underground.
The search for the right microfungus started with the testing of more than 300 varieties.
The cloudy liquid is actually the spores of a fungus.
After a few days, the sought after botrytis-infected grape can rot further by the action of another fungus into a gooey grey lump.
This is blossom wilt, a fungus that also causes brown rot of fruit.
The Sun
This is a fungus called coral spot.
Times, Sunday Times
If you notice black sooty fungus, brown or black spots of decay on leaves or flowers, or broken discoloration on leaves or stems of your orchids, they may be harboring a fungus, bacteria or virus.
An allegation arose at some point that Carroll used the fungus ergot, which is what LSD was eventually derived from.
Think Progress » After Telling Women, Gays How To Live, Oklahoma GOP Outraged At ‘Government Intervention’ In Divorces
The French call a particular plant fungus the pourriture noble, or “noble rot,” for its influence on the character of certain wines, and the Surrealist poet Leon-Paul Fargue is said to have honored Camembert cheese with the title les pieds de Dieu—the feet of God.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
It was during his work on the ergot fungus, which grows in rye kernels, that he stumbled on LSD, accidentally ingesting a trace of the compound one Friday afternoon in April 1943.
April « 2008 « Isegoria
The specialized roots which the plants grow and the fungus which inhabits them are together known as mycorrhizae, or ‘fungal roots’.
It may seem a small thing to admit that the dull vital actions of a fungus, or a foraminifer, are the properties of their protoplasm, and are the direct results of the nature of the matter of which they are composed.
Autobiography and Selected Essays
This ingenious magnetic toilet descaler prevents minerals, germs and fungus from causing stains, rings and limescale build up in your toilet.
De Bary proved that the old idea of the farmer, that the rust is very apt to appear on wheat growing in the neighborhood of berberry bushes, was no fable; but on the contrary, that the yellow _Æcidium_ on the berberry is a phase in the life history of the fungus causing the wheat rust.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
The grain-withering fungus called fusarium head blight has cost state farmers billions of dollars in past years.
He was conducting research on possible medical applications of various lysergic acid compounds derived from ergot, a fungus that develops on rye grass.
The fungus grows rapidly and morphologically appears woolly or fluffy.
They struck upon a Caribbean pine that would grow if the roots of its seedling were dipped in a fungus that was missing from the soil.
These are caused by a fungus.
The Sun
‘It is really the ambrosia fungus that kills the tree, not the beetle,’ said Ludwig, who has launched a two-fold emergency program to deal with the threat.
The fungus smelt so foul and looked so foul I very near barfed.
Scientists believe that the chytrid fungus is responsible for a worldwide decline of amphibians.
Times, Sunday Times
The fungus, which can be presented on tasty foods like grain, kills the pest when digested.
Many questions concerning toxicity and allergenicity have been raised about corn contaminated with the spores of this fungus.
Salinity and soil acidity are growing and dieback from the Phytophera fungus is moving in.
A research study out of Duke University has found that a dangerous mutated form of an airborne fungus called Cryptococcus gattii is spreading across the Northwest United States and some parts of Western Canada.
Republic Broadcasting Network
The fungus is especially dangerous if it gets into corn fed to horses or swine.
We have a few difficulties at the moment because the fungus does not impart resistance to wear, particularly from heavy armoured vehicles!
In good years, the warmth of the sun as it rises kills off the fungus, leaving the grapes shrivelled and unsightly, but tasting delicious: full of the sugar and glycerine which was left behind.
The fungus grows best on the surface of moist soils, containing bird and bat droppings.
When you eat the offspring of these unfortunate hens, you are not eating an egg: you are eating what I call a fung-egg, an egg combined with the fungus and synthetic hormones and antibiotics that comprise it.
Natalia Rose: What We Eat Today: Cardboard Carrots, Inedible Eggs, and Corn-fed Fish
(Figs. 1 and 2) But inarching of the native chestnut is for the most part unsuccessful because the fungus grows too rapidly and girdles the stem, killing the parts above before the inarched tips of the suckers can take hold.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting Guelph, Ontario, September 3, 4, 5, 1947
Test for honey fungus by cutting back an inch of bark at the base to look for the white sheath underneath.
Times, Sunday Times
The fungus can be identified microscopically by the production of its reproductive structures: the sporangiophores and sporangia.
Both solar UVA and UVB radiation impair conidial culturability and delay germination in the entomopathogenic fungus '' Metarhizium anisopliae ''.
Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
Even chinch bugs, which can quickly destroy a fine lawn, will not eat grass that's infected with the dreaded endophytic fungus.
There are several strains of the fungus, what we call strains, because they will form the sexual stage, and a strain alone will not.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
Just such a totality of symptoms has been recorded by provers after taking the fungus for some length of time in toxical quantities.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
As with other small fruits, Botrytis primarily affects ripening fruit, although under certain circumstances the fungus can cause stem blight as well.
The airborne fungus, called Cryptococcus gattii, usually only infects transplant and AIDS patients and people with otherwise compromised immune systems, but the new strain is genetically different, the researchers said.
After surviving the pseudo-vexfoot's assault, the haustorium-firing fungus, and the rain drain that had swallowed Clarity, it was almost ironic that he should stumble on a dry, smooth chunk of rock.
Flinx In Flux
A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome.
The source of other light in the cavern appeared to Kirk to be coming from irregular funguslike splotches of glowing yellow and green phosphorescence on the cavern’s rocky surfaces.
Captain’s Peril
The non-germinating blind-seeds carry a mass of fungus tissue in the endosperm and are the carry-over phase of the disease.
The fungus attacks all major varieties of bananas and plantains, turning the leaves a mottled yellow, brown and black, hindering photosynthesis.
Plus, the fact that it's technically a fungus puts off some communities like Jains.
Potting mixes containing peat seem to be particularly affected by fungus gnats.
In our smallish town garden we have honey fungus, which in the past has killed hedges and trees.
Times, Sunday Times
With researchers saying that the fungus attacks plants through the cuts made by pruning, some vineyards have stopped pruning, but this also diminishes production.
Times, Sunday Times
The fungus is a common soil contaminant being excreted in feces of several birds particularly pigeons.
This time I've planted them in vermiculite which is completely soil free and hence should not attract the dratted fungus gnats.
At flowering, the fungus grows through the floral tissue and forms masses of spores in place of healthy seed.
The chestnut blight fungus and a bacterial disease menace chestnut and oak.
Times, Sunday Times
Experts suspect that a symbiotic relationship between the fungus and the tree has been unbalanced by a gradual drying of soil in recent years.
Times, Sunday Times
If, instead of marrying a young girl who didn't know any better than to believe that you were a man, instead of a fractional one, you had come to me, and borrowed my revolver and blown out the fungus growth which you refer to as your brains, you would have bit it.
These include athlete's foot, ringworm and jock itch, and occur when fungus grows and multiplies on certain areas the body, resulting in a fungal (or tinea) infection.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Extreme Hygiene: Infectious Germs Are Bulking Up at the Gym
The chefs also cooked up crispy fish, stuffed bamboo fungus, stir-fried textured fish and a yummy-looking stir fried squid with vegetables.
It is manifest also that a disease in the human subject caused by an acarus or by a fungus would be certainly contagious, since the propagative cause could be transferred from person to person.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
Certain common weeds, such as black nightshade, redroot pigweed, lamb's-quarters, and horsenettle will also support growth of the Verticillium fungus, and fields with a high population of these weeds should also be avoided.
it is cosmopolitan fungus with the main habitat apparently on the aerial parts of plants.
He gravely thought poetry a sort of disease ” a sort of fungus of the brain ” and held as a serious opinion, that nobody could be properly well who exercised it as an art ” which was true (he maintained) even of men ” he had studied the physiology of poets, 'quotha' ” but that for women, it was a mortal malady and incompatible with any common show of health under any circumstances.
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett
Microscopically, the fungus produces solitary oval to dumbbell-shaped conidia on short, unbranched conidiophores lateral to septate hyphae.
Honey fungus was particularly abundant, while field mushrooms also flourished.
Times, Sunday Times
The classical examples of symbiosis are the lichens, in which a fungus is associated with an alga or a cyanobacterium.
These are caused by a fungus.
The Sun
Continuing dryness of the mouth may increase the chance of dental disease, including tooth decay, gum disease, and fungus infections.
Based on the symptoms, mycelial and conidial characters the fungus was identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea.
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Doctors were puzzled because the fungus was thought to be found only in mosquitoes and other insects.
Be sure to properly clean the wall and disinfect it against fungus, mildew and bacterial growth.
Research by these scientists and others has identified many deadly viral infections as well as the chytrid fungus as factors in some amphibian die-offs and population declines.
We examined the field distribution of Danthonia spicata infected and uninfected by the epiphytic fungus Atkinsonella hypoxylon relative to soil resource levels.
Researchers are now running tests to see whether widespread application of the microfungus is practical.
It is a low-virulence fungus that is the main causative agent of posttraumatic mycetoma in a nonimmunocompromised host.
_D_, part of the leaf of a hawthorn attacked by the cluster cup stage of the same fungus, upper side showing spermogonia, natural size.
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
The fungus grows into the pod and spreads though the hilum, resulting in seed discoloration being centered on the hilum.
Mucor, a fungus from the class of Zygomycetes, is a ubiquitous saprophyte that resides in soil and decaying organic matter.
Since 1941, when the first bacterial infection was cured with a concoction derived from the fungus penicillium, we've depended on antibiotics to be there when we're sick.
A rare collection of cookbooks consumed her private attic rooms from floor to ceiling, an archive that grew like a fungus above and around her good pieces of furniture, such as the seventeenth-century gueridon or the Louis XV–style walnut bergère armchair.
The Hundred-Foot Journey
This strongly suggests that these tRNAs are edited by a mechanism similar to the one seen in the fungus Spizellomyces punctatus and the rhizopod amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii.
This fungus causes fruit to shrivel and mummify.
How to carry fire in a piece of smouldering fungus wrapped in birchbark.
Michelle Paver - An interview with author
Speedo harbored every kind of parasite and fungus that can set up housekeeping in the canine host.
A nightmare of wilt and mildew, of fungus and blackspot.
The fungus usually does not invade the stalk until well after pollination when it causes the lower internodes to ripen prematurely and shred, causing breakage at the base of the plant, The inner stalk has a charred appearance due to the presence of numerous black dots (sclerotia).
Chapter 10
In many cases of quarter crack, and in some cases of toe crack as well, if the edges remain close together, with but little motion, the fissure is dry; but in other cases a thin, offensive discharge issues from the crack and the ulcerated soft tissues, or a funguslike growth protrudes from the narrow opening.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The blight is actually a fungus called rhytisma acerinum and has infected trees all the way from Ottawa to Barrie to Windsor in the past several years.
The Scottish Executive outlawed malachite green, widely used by fish farmers to treat fungus in salmon, on June 11.
When the Army software, owned by DHS, was turned on the bee remains, it detected not only the fungus, but also a virus known as the invertebrate iridescent virus (IIV). Top Stories
Once the host's immune system has been disabled, the fungus or oomycete swiftly follows up, breaking and entering the cell and unleashing disease.
I won’t weary you with the whole course of investigation, but I may sum up its results, and they are these — that the torula is a particular kind of a fungus, a particular state rather, of a fungus or mould.
The fungus has been successfully used for froghopper, grasshoppers and other pests of agricultural importance.
Even more disturbing is recent evidence that the fungus may spread through the air.
Ellis said the rains will especially be problematic for what he called "droughty" corn, which could also be susceptible to fungus problems.
Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
In addition, there are over 200 known species of fungi, including the famous edible fungi songrong, hedgehog hydnum, zhangzi fungus, mush rooms, black fungi, tremellas and yellow fungi and fungi with medical use such as tuckahoes, songganlan, stone-like omphalias.
Similarly, oregano oil wipes out a fungus called Candida albicans, which causes diaper rash and other ailments.
The lawn was covered with fungus.
The fungus is deadly to locusts and grasshoppers but has proven harmless to other insects, plants, and animals - including people.
He says, ‘This fungus can replicate itself on daylilies, but another type of plant host is necessary for it to complete its life cycle.’
The toll is largely due to the global spread of the amphibian chytrid fungus, which affects breathing and feeding.
The Sun
From the early medieval period until the invention of the match a treated fungus product called amadou was widely used to speed the process.
“Take a glass of wine, Sir Arthur, and drink down that bead-roll of unbaptized jargon, that would choke the devil — why, that last fellow has the only intelligible name you have repeated — they are all of the tribe of Macfungus — mushroom monarchs every one of them; sprung up from the fumes of conceit, folly, and falsehood, fermenting in the brains of some mad Highland seannachie.”
The Antiquary
The walls are blackened with torula, the fungus that feeds on the escaping vapors; known as "the angels' share.
A Slow Path to Perfection
The leaves you sent are infected with a fungus called pear rust.
The Sun
Objective To investigate the relationship between allergic reaction and fungus sensitinogen in chronic colitis.
Fortunately, as but one example of a phytoremediating organism, there is the white-rot fungus Phlebia radiate, specifically mentioned by New Scientist in a short article about Robert Riggs 'idea for what Subtopia brilliantly referred to as fungoidal bomb-hacking.
Vaux-le-Vicomte in the DMZ
Infection by this fungus is commonly reported from Thailand where it is the third commonest AIDS defining opportunistic infection.
Eyes the color of rotten walnuts brooded under a browridge that resembled a fungus growing out of tree bark.
The Sea of Trolls
Take a glass of wine, Sir Arthur, and drink down that bead-roll of unbaptized jargon, that would choke the devil -- why, that last fellow has the only intelligible name you have repeated -- they are all of the tribe of Macfungus -- mushroom monarchs every one of them; sprung up from the fumes of conceit, folly, and falsehood, fermenting in the brains of some mad Highland seannachie.
The Antiquary — Volume 01
With bigger leaf petioles you have got longer to catch the fungus before it gets to the stem.
A fungus called pityrosporum ovale may cause it, but irregular hair brushing can make it worse.
The Sun
Boil water, blanch the bitter melon, carrot, baby corn and wood ear fungus, leave to cool.
The spores of this fungus infect fresh wounds and cuts in the autumn and winter months and for this reason, plums are best pruned in late spring or early summer.
-- Dogwood anthracnose After 15 to 20 years of dying trees, with sprays only superficially holding this fungus at bay, Ethel Dutky, University of Maryland plant pathologist, reports that fewer native dogwoods are developing anthracnose symptoms throughout this area.
Beware of late blight, and report damage
Zulu warriors rushed into battle after ingesting a complex concoction of roots and fungus that dulled pain and amplified aggression.
Leaf-cutter ant colonies of many millions can excavate room-sized underground chambers in which they cultivate fungus gardens.
The invention discloses health-care food, and particularly relates to a convenient rice nutritious food comprising sorghum smut fungus.
Plantings in the Philippines are subject to attack by the fungus Coiticum salmonicolor, causing "albizia canker," which can be devastating unless controlled with Bordeaux mixture or other fungicides.
Chapter 5
Or, even easier, scramble some eggs and grate some of the heavenly fungus over the top.
This is willow rust fungus.
The Sun
‘The Dutch have problems right now with a fungus called verticillium wilt,’ he reveals, ‘which is why I'm testing for it.’
The most important objectives are resistance to blast, helminthosporium (another fungus), striga (parasitic witchweed), lodging, stressful soil and moisture conditions, and grain that can be more easily dehulled and ground.
2. Finger Millet
She ran a computer analysis of proteins in a wide variety of species, from the candida fungus to the whale.
He then noticed a zone around an invading fungus where the bacteria had not grown.
Times, Sunday Times
It is used to treat infections caused alongside fungus on the incrustation and in the body.
Burning the Fat: Fueled by Fatuousness
But it's really not so surprising that a biomolecule other than chlorophyll (which isn't present in fungus anyway) may have the ability to turn EM energy 'packets' into food [chemical energy] for the plant.
Chernobyl Fungus Feeds On Radiation
Around 1900 a fungus came into the country on a shipment of botanical specimens from Japan.
Hang up somewhere warm, light and airy as this will help to kill any fungus or bacteria causing the smell.
Times, Sunday Times
The chemical group a fungicide belongs to is defined by its mode of action on a fungus.
We have found no evidence of virus, fungus, bacteria or toxins.
The Sun
Aspergillus fumigatus is a common fungus that grows on soil, plant debris and rotting vegetation in the autumn and winter.
In the chicken leg mushroom includes the rich carbohydrate, in the edible fungus polysaccharide has enhances the immunity, blood sugar, anti-tumor, anti-virus functions and so on.
It is susceptible to noble rot or Botrytis (the fungus that attacks certain ripe grapes and dehydrates them so that they give wines of immense richness and sweetness).
This fungus usually produces infectious spores between October and April.
The Sun
Working with the fungus in noninfected areas is restricted to guard against potential spread.
This fungus produces spores between October and April.
The Sun
One of the greatest challenges for hatchery managers is to control the spread of fungus on fish held in captivity, particularly during autumn.
Soak white fungus for two hours. Tear into strips.
The national mycologist once described a new fungus that occurs on melon, so she had the honor of naming it.
Most plants rely on a symbiotic fungus to aid them in acquiring water and nutrients from the soil.
In our smallish town garden we have honey fungus, which in the past has killed hedges and trees.
Times, Sunday Times
They were perfectly formed, with no blemishes, no insect or fungus damage.
The classical examples of symbiosis are the lichens, in which a fungus is associated with an alga or a cyanobacterium.
He found that the fungus causes the plant's roots to grow finer and more fibrous.
Its trunk was almost black; thick fungus and moss grew in the deep grooves in the bark.
Timber which has already been affected by fungus or decay offers a special attraction.
Technically a bad fungus would be a parasite and a good fungus would be a saprophyte.
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Most of the cases affected rural families where children slept near stored grain that investigators believed was contaminated with the fungus.
The fruiting body of this fungus, what we call the mushroom, is a much more modest 1 to 4 inches by 2 to 6 inches in size.
It exposed a stripe of her zebra hide, which is the cute nickname we have for the brown and pink intertrigo fungus that lines her torso.
Blood Lite II: Overbite
But things get a little murkier, it seems, when meat substitutes such as Quorn (a factory-produced fungus known as
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The name "late blight" is appropriate since the fungus strikes late in the growing season, close to harvest time.
Did You Know? A fungus from Mexico and the Irish potato famine
A fungus from the sicklepod plant, Arabis canadensis, found in the south-eastern United States, effectively controls kudzu.
The ham was, by this stage, specked with fungus and small white things that might have been maggots.
The bamboo signifies uprightness, as mentioned above; the fungus, or lingzhi, was also thought to contribute longevity and the five bats are a rebus or pun.
Candida is a single-celled fungus or yeast cell that inhabits the intestinal tract and mucus membranes of every living person on the earth.
As I understand it, in a process developed by a Kiwi agricultural scientist working in cooperation with the airport, an endophyte fungus is introduced to a certain kind of grass called fescue and the end product is given the catchy name Grasslanz Technology.
Christine Negroni: Airport Sends Biological Message to Critters: Planes Suck
It is now known that there are some skin diseases which originate in an acarus, and others which proceed from a fungus.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
I was startled by a great patch of vivid scarlet on the ground, and going up to it found it to be a peculiar fungus, branched and corrugated like a foliaceous lichen, but deliquescing into slime at the touch; and then in the shadow of some luxuriant ferns I came upon an unpleasant thing, — the dead body of a rabbit covered with shining flies, but still warm and with the head torn off.
The Island of Doctor Moreau
A dab of 70 % isopropanol ( rubbing alcohol ) from a small paint brush will kill the fungus.
Rabbits die, ballerinas fall, fungus is a form of rot sometimes, earth festers, someone shoots monsters, warthogs gore and eyes rot.
Writing: Unfathomable Poetry « Colleen Anderson
One can preserve food quite well simply by reducing the moisture content, but more importantly mold growth is highly dependent on how contaminated the food is with mold or fungus spores to begin with.
The symptoms and appearances of a fungal skin infection depend on the type of fungus causing it and the part of the body affected.
It's been more than 70 years since Alexander Fleming discovered that the mold fungus penicillium was effective against bacteria.
Any fungus of obviously non-mushroom shape, such as the puffball, morel, or truffle, is usually referred to under its own name; but the general remarks on mushrooms here refer to these equally.
Use of Ridomil in this manner (as an eradicant) will probably lead to a rapid buildup of Ridomil-resistant strains of the downy mildew fungus in your vineyard.
The fungus is a common soil contaminant being excreted in feces of several birds particularly pigeons.
Fungicides have fungicidal activity, that actually kills the fungus, or fungistatic activity, that slows the growth of the fungus to prevent extensive damage.
I'm about as inexpert at wild fungus recognition as it's possible to be so I have no idea if they are edible.
Bight, fungus, bacterial infection - the vulnerable tomatoes were threatened at every sprout.
The main mechanism for the creation of Sauternes wine is a virulent but very temperamental fungus called botrytis cinerea, or botrytis to its friends.
Over the years, there have been some desultory attempts to turn Fungus into a film.
Aspergillus fumigatus is a common fungus that grows on soil, plant debris and rotting vegetation in the autumn and winter.
This action can both reduce the surface pollution of superstratum soil and promote the growth of the mycelia and the funguses.
Sometimes the doctor may want to examine the hair root to look for fungus or see what is the predominant type of hair falling - whether it is anagen hair or telogen hair.
The conclusion flag corneal transplant may effectively treat, the shallow layer fungus keratohelcosis.
In due course, the research will help to develop drugs to treat aspergillosis and prevent the fungus from growing and spreading.
So the oilier your scalp is, the more the fungus has to feed on, increasing your chances of developing dandruff.
The Sun
This is a fungus called white rust which can kill the plants.
The Sun
Special stains for fungus and acid-fast bacteria are negative, although culture is the more definitive diagnostic test.
Step one: The incubator I half fill a spaghetti jar with tank water, adding fungus preventative.
_Enlarged or scirrhous cords_ follow infection of the wound, usually with spores of a certain fungus (_Botryomyces_).
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
I have fungus on my toenails, and I don't want anyone to see my feet.
The colour scheme of his outfit is taken from the unmistakable red and white cap of the fungus.
Saprophytic bacteria can readily make their way down the dead hypha of an invading fungus, or into the punctures made by insects, and Aphides have been credited with the bacterial infection of carnations, though more recent researches by Woods go to show the correctness of his conclusion that Aphides alone are responsible for the carnation disease.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Collectively, the hyphae make up the mycelium, which is equivalent to the "body" of the fungus organism.