
How To Use Functioning In A Sentence

  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • It is, however, evident that this action on chromatin is most important for proper functioning of the genome and for maintenance of genome integrity. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • And also barely functioning as an able-minded human being. IN ODDER NEWS: Kathy Griffin’s Emmy Speech, Uncensored | Best Week Ever
  • However, it also emphasizes that the efficient and effective functioning of the system in its entirety is bicentric to the success of some display programme, irrespective of the display method chosen. Xml's
  • Loss of functioning lymphocytes is one of the reasons an individual may experience food and other allergies. The Allergy Handbook
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  • I didn't grow much until I was about fourteen by which time it was still functioning as a mini gaberdine raincoat as per the fashion and with the belt buckled around the back as you did. Harbingers
  • The metropolitan grouping reflects urban areas and a fully functioning tiered health care system with ready access to tertiary care.
  • Then, after a real fire, she chose to deep-fry her pork tenderloin, which didn't cook all the way through, thanks to more malfunctioning equipment, leading to her elimination. Top Chef's Carla: I Would've Sent Myself Home Too
  • It is already known that in some bowel cancers the K-Ras gene is faulty, leaving the switch permanently 'on'. patients who have a normally functioning K-Ras 'switch' might in some circumstances** benefit from new cancer drugs called cetuximab and panitumumab. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The necessary precondition for a functioning democracy is not just minimal outright poverty, but a reasonable degree of similarity between the life and life prospects of the citizens.
  • But we now know that other cells called microglia, which do divide, are crucial to the functioning of neurons. Times, Sunday Times
  • a malfunctioning valve
  • Indeed, scientists are coming to realize that subtle changes in our genetic material -- technically known as epigenetic changes -- can alter the way that genes are turned on and off, in ways that affect the body's functioning.
  • Should Wilson, the GOP, or You choose to not apologize for the on-going behavior then we who believe in respecting the laws and rules of the functioning of our government will not move on either. Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
  • The relative insignificance of malfunctioning signals is borne out by statistics from the Federal Railroad Administration.
  • The fully formed mycological nervous system is capable of functioning at roughly the same level as lower-level predators such as reptiles.
  • The spread of print, the rise of mass literacy, and print's visual nature caused a profound change in the cognition of individuals from an auditory, holistic, collective functioning towards a visual, private outlook (and inlook) of the exterior and interior worlds. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Swimming regularly betters the functioning of the heart and lungs.
  • Which, you know, doesn't do much for my maternal self-esteem, nor for my sense of myself as a functioning grown-up especially not when the lab-technicians/blood-letters get all finger-waggy on me for going dizzy on them without warning. Archive 2008-02-03
  • It is a wonderful place - a fully functioning slice of home life parked slap in the middle of small electricals.
  • But even though her attacks could last up to three days, she could carry on functioning.
  • She seemed to be dissimulating that everything was functioning as normal.
  • Na+-K+ ATPase at the basolateral membrane maintains a low concentration of sodium cations within the epithelial cells, thus establishing the concentration gradient for sodium ions necessary for the functioning of the cotransport system. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Preexisting vulnerabilities and individual characteristics may intensify role disruption and interpersonal conflict in the couple dyad, while reducing relationship functioning.
  • Might a selffunctioning team not become a spoon-fed team? Times, Sunday Times
  • However, such a set-up calls for an independent authority to monitor the functioning of these institutions.
  • Tapioca: A superfine grind of the starch from cassava tubers, and is used to thicken puddings, soups and pie fillings as well as functioning as an egg replacer in certain vegan mixtures. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.
  • The functioning of a key depends on its rigidity whilst that of clocks and watches depend crucially on the weight of pendulum bobs or the elasticity of springs.
  • The public saved more than that in a year, and in a way that keeps government functioning effectively without shafting either government workers, the needy, or anybody else in the general public. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Dear Washington DC: The Public Is Smarter About Money (and Deficits) Than You Are
  • The nation continues to mourn the loss of the Community Police as a functioning unit.
  • It was shown that spleen cells and infiltrating leukocytes isolated from well-functioning cardiac allografts in immunologically enhanced adult rats suppressed spontaneous blastogenesis of normal syngeneic cells in vitro.
  • They have also examined executive functioning and functional hemispheric differences via event-related potentials in these subtypes.
  • With his augmented capital, Huang had the old building refurbished in 1908, with the second floor functioning as a pharmacy department while the ground floor served as a shop front.
  • There are tiny bones, tendons and nerves that all come together in one little area called the carpal tunnel to provide us with our wrist and hand functioning. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Wellness for Writerly Wrists
  • The only problem of note was a pair of malfunctioning dehumidifiers, which temporarily raised temperatures inside the laboratory to the low 80s, 10 degrees higher than desired.
  • Friday, March 27, 2009 at 06: 41 PM how odd to read this particular bit of news as i enjoy one of the only still-functioning electrical devices in my home (the computer), the others suffering from a mysterious anti-surge, in which switches produce only intermittent and then very weak current. nothing is 'crame' but the fridge has no cold, the water-heater no heat, the lamps flicker like candles guttering out their last wisp of light, etc. the electrician will be coming tomorrow; meanwhile one is very conscious of being (but not wishing to be) very spoiled and electrodependent ...... Cramer - French Word-A-Day
  • After a quick change of cabin necessitated by a non-functioning power outlet, the Next G train torture test is fully underway. Next G train torture test no problem for YouTube | Lifehacker Australia
  • A fundamental policy split between them could threaten the successful functioning of the single currency.
  • The aircar was a hopeless wreck, but its radio was still functioning. The Cosmic Computer
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • In just those few days they had built a complex, many-layered, fully functioning but impromptu nest!
  • Cracked screens, broken casings and malfunctioning operating systems short-circuited by moisture damage or dust infiltration can cause massive headaches and turn an expensive device into a useless brick.
  • The electric field-controlled ferromagnetism reported in this study shows that without passing an electric current, electronic devices could be operated and functioning based on the collective spin behavior of the carriers. ACM TechNews
  • Unfortunately I have to update the operating system regularly; and when every PHP application running on my computer and in needs of talking to a MySQL database started malfunctioning after the 10.4.4 update, I began to transform my disappointment in angriness. The wonderful world of Apple RSS « Scripting News Annex
  • NASA wants to lubricate as much of the joint as possible to keep it functioning properly in the years ahead without any shuttle visits. Spacewalking astronauts encounter bolt trouble
  • It is different from a psychoeducational evaluation in that it includes assessment of memory, language, visual-perceptual skills, fine motor skills, attention, and executive functioning. Special education evaluation, special education law
  • Credible resolution would seem to require at least some form of separability, and arguably there is a case for some form of ex ante separation so that bank operations whose continuous provision is truly critical to the functioning of the economy can clearly be easily and rapidly carved out in the event of calamity," Mr. Vickers said. Splitting Up U.K. Banks May Make System Safer, Panel Says
  • First, a well-functioning market economy does not obviate the need for democracy and civil and political rights.
  • Age is the most significant risk factor for dementia, a syndrome characterized by a decline in memory and in at least one of the following areas: language, visuospatial skills, and executive functioning.
  • On a recent RN show on the History of China a big brain opined: In the relativy recent past the civillian population of China has had a gutful of anarchy and civil disorder, thus the population see niceties like freedom of speech/ association / faith as luxuries way way way down the priority scale compared to a more or less functioning society. Cheeseburger Gothic » Oily spin off topic.
  • Planning may, in other words, impede itself from functioning as its proponents claim it should. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • Efficient concurrent functioning of both the guard and brood stealers is necessary to complete the task of stealing brood.
  • In high functioning autism the risk of psychiatric disorders is also increased.
  • The onset of MS is defined by having neurological impairment related to motor, sensory, cerebellar, visual, brainstem or cognitive functioning.
  • ~ Brain changes associated with congenital amusia -- About four percent of the population has congenital amusia, a lifelong disability that prevents otherwise normal functioning individuals from developing basic musical skills. Speedlinking 11/30/07
  • Some afflictions that are caused by an epigene that's turned off a gene when it should be on, or vice versa, have been "cured" by finding the malfunctioning epigene and replacing it with a better version. Prairiemary
  • Moreover, the biology is understood: lead, even at low levels, damages cognitive function, and lower-level cognitive functioning reduces deterrability, thus increasing crime. The Volokh Conspiracy » Responses to Comments
  • But at the newborn stage, the essential difference between normal and decerebrate infants is in the area of potential for future development, with only subtle differences in actual, present functioning. What Experts Know, What Doctors Know, What Moms Know
  • About the functioning of the machine, he said the thermoforming machine would print pictures, graphs, maps etc. in Braille.
  • Please excuse any typos or anything that doesn't make sense as my brain is not functioning well.
  • By combining the good pieces and assembling them into a somewhat complete firearm, it can now be sold as a functioning weapon.
  • The cameras are often not maintained as well as they should be, or at all, and even when they're functioning smoothly the images they're transmitting can be pretty smudgy. The Perfect Webcation
  • URAYASU, Japan—More than a month after the devastating earthquake hit northern Japan, hundreds of residents in an upscale bedroom community near Tokyo still don't have functioning plumbing, causing the city's mayor to lash out at the national and prefectural governments for not responding quickly enough. Quake Bogs Down a Tokyo Suburb
  • When functioning with only one feature this state is called a monohybrid. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Even as India heads for an e-waste crisis, most of the global electronic brands have no functioning e-waste takeback services in India.
  • Their proper functioning is dependent on glutamine as a metabolic fuel for growth and proliferation.
  • Rupert Murdoch said that our traditional model is 'malfunctioning' - a classic understatement," Montgomery told today's Adrian Monck
  • They also completed several batteries of tests and scales to help gauge their quality of life, mental and physical functioning and mood.
  • His brain seems to be functioning normally.
  • His accounts of object related internal objects, unconscious phantasies and mental mechanism are constellated around two categories of functioning, called positions.
  • I'm not sure whose sarcasm sensor is malfunctioning -- mine or yours. The commissioner's nose is growing (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Most young, healthy cells divide continuously in order to keep body tissues and organs functioning properly, but eventually stop splitting—a state called senescence—and are replaced by others. Cell Study Finds a Way to Slow Ravages of Age
  • If this is part of the reason the anecdote raises a smile, comedy would seem to be functioning here at its moral, corrective level, scuffing the shine on vanity and entrapping the diabolical self.
  • The only thing you can really do is what we call supportive care, make sure someone's breathing okay, their heart is functioning OK, and obviously get them away from the radiation source if at all possible. CNN Transcript Nov 30, 2006
  • The Finance Ministry had recently asked large public sector banks (PSBs) to handhold smaller counterparts to improve the latter's functioning.
  • So I have come reluctantly to the conclusion that my Palm is a high-functioning offspring in a dysfunctional family.
  • Since you are a functioning stepmother, involved in the children's lives and married to the dad, having the same information that the bio mom and dad have helps you help the children.
  • The steady whine of the engines reverberated through the cabin as everyone watched their panel to make sure everything was functioning properly.
  • The KLA was in fact functioning as a cat's paw of the Western powers.
  • Great news for people who have a hunger control switch that is functioning well in the brain.
  • It seems difficult to write behavioural objectives for this domain alone, as affective functioning is always interwoven with cognitive functioning.
  • Descent with modification led to this--a clam in a beaker with a strip of elodea, me with a laser pointer and a sometimes functioning SMART Board. Mr. Clam goes to BHS
  • Transhumance needs to be acknowledged as a factor when attempting to understand the functioning of any settlement or parish under study.
  • Mutations in a protein called dynein, required for the proper functioning of sensory nerve cells, ca ... THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Her research in cognitive narratology brings together literary modernism's representations of mind functioning and current cognitive science accounts of these processes. About This Edition
  • The handling of relief and rehabilitation matters by the various successive Governments reveal a sadistic apathy as if some weird exclusivist outlook has gripped the State functioning both in the state as well as in the centre.
  • Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism?
  • All the electronic equipment using the semiconductor-based solid-state technology and their functioning is highly sensitive to the ambient temperature.
  • Alternative Concepts of Accountability Public accountability is a essential component for the functioning of our political system.
  • So how close are we to creating fully functioning artificial wombs, capable of gestating a human child from the embryonic stage to the fetal stage to a state of viability?
  • In the words of soil science, this functioning like a storage battery for minerals is called cation exchange capacity. Organic Gardener's Composting
  • Psychological reactions to traumatic events also affect sexual functioning.
  • This included reviewing the penalisation factors which determine when the Parole Board can consider an offender for parole, the rehabilitation and re-opening of prisons that were closed due to having fallen into a dilapidated state, enhancing the functioning of community corrections and improving rehabilitation programmes. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Professor Miles prefers to take a softly-softly approach and will talk to Financial Services Authority and the Office of Fair Trading about which steps to be taken to improve the functioning of the market.
  • Schoonover hopes that having the theater functioning will finally dispel any lingering doubts that the project is moving forward.
  • In addition to anything else, to ignore the crucial functioning of the meat in the machine is poor cybernetics.
  • By providing the necessary bulk material your body needs, it helps to ensure proper digestive functioning and gives you the full feeling of having had enough to eat.
  • They believe the monitor was simply malfunctioning, which is a common problem underground. NPR Topics: News
  • Specifically, the protein is crucial for normal chemical functioning at synapses, the junctions where brain cells meet and exchange signals.
  • Of course it was the monitor that was malfunctioning, which is an iffy thing to think about as one trudges back to bed and sleep. Say la vee
  • It also gives the medical profession a privileged position in determining who is disabled, as the study and treatment of normal and subnormal human functioning is the specialty of that profession.
  • Today, there is a functioning, studied spot off the coast of Australia that, unlike groins, jetties or sand pumping, was deliberately created for surfing.
  • The independence of the judiciary is essential to the proper functioning of our society.
  • If a locking device is malfunctioning, contact the management office immediately.
  • A mock prison situation was set up with one team functioning as guards and the other filling the role of prisoners.
  • When a person is carrying a mutation in an autosomal dominant gene, each egg or sperm cell has a 50 percent chance of containing the nonfunctioning gene copy and a 50 percent chance of containing the normal copy of the gene. Genetics and Alagille Syndrome
  • And it is happening right now, as you sit reading this, as each day brings in new reports of voters purged, machines "malfunctioning," ballots slyly misdesigned, and other measures meant to benefit McBush's party. Why they chose Sarah Palin and what to do about it
  • In 1914 the government had sufficient trust in its citizens to institute a patriotic scheme whereby lathe hobbyists would make fully functioning artillery shells in their garages.
  • Transit lanes that are functioning appropriately will increase the person throughput of an arterial road and may encourage the use of car-pooling.
  • A number of factories are situated on the very bank of the river, close enough to scoop or suck raw materials directly from the holds of ships, and are at work producing some of the less celebrated ingredients behind the smooth functioning of our utilitarian civilisation: the polyols added to toothpaste to help it retain its moisture, the citric acid used to stabilise laundry detergent, the isoglucose to sweeten cereal, the glyceryl tristearate to make soap and the xanthan gum to ensure the viscosity of gravy. ‘The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work’
  • The first was having that other robot carry him to eliminate his heat trail, and the second was being identified as a malfunctioning robot. Perihilion
  • Team efforts and long hours of work meant that the town was soon functioning normally.
  • Where a malfunctioning alarm has been going for more than 20 minutes, council officers will be able to apply for a warrant to use force to gain entry to a house and silence it.
  • The contact sheet shows two multiple exposures, caused by his motor-driven camera malfunctioning and not transporting the film correctly.
  • If the Lord wants to keep you alive and functioning then he doesn't need any artificial help from mankind.
  • Apart from low motivation, IQs are sometimes invalid estimates of a person's true functioning because behaviors such as distractibility, anxiety, or low frustration tolerance can interfere with test performance and lead to a low IQ or a low standard score on a test of working memory -- even when the person truly has exceptional ability. Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Intelligent Testing
  • Cultic reverence was demanded for the supreme leader, führer or vozhd, who sent commands down through a smoothly functioning hierarchy.
  • The functioning undercart has now been removed, and the model is now much lighter than before.
  • Psychologists and neuropsychologists test memory, attention, language and information processing to assess brain functioning and the need for intervention. Programs and Services - Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
  • A functioning harbour, at least for shallow-draughted vessels; Archive 2009-06-01
  • Ventilation and drainage of their secretions is essential for proper functioning.
  • Where too much imagination, accompanied by a loss of reality function, leads to delusions or hallucinations, anti-psychotic or other psychopharmacologic agents are used to suppress the image-making -- usually at the expense of a normal amount of this desirable functioning, which includes dreaming, day-dreaming, creating and inventing. Dr. Leo Rangell: Music in the Head: Living at the Brain-Mind Border; Part 3
  • The first mushroom body structural mutants were proved to be deficient in learning and memory, thus providing some solid evidence for mushroom body functioning in these processes.
  • The sheer oddness of the way the place functioned, the incongruity between functioning and pretension.
  • Agit-poppers convinced themselves that rock was archaic and debased, no longer capable of functioning as a medium for radical comment.
  • Albuquerque city worker Gary Hoffman, sued Sandia Resort and Casino over what the tribe characterized as a malfunctioning slot machine that displayed a $1.6 million jackpot. Home -
  • SWEET: when used in reference to a sonobuoy, indicates that the buoy is functioning properly, although not necessarily holding any contacts. Terror At Dawn
  • The light dims, though apparently through malfunctioning rather than any intended effect.
  • NASA officials said on Monday that the "ergometer" - a stationary bike-like contraption specially designed for use in zero gravity - was not functioning properly. Taipei Times
  • In addition, using emetine (a translation inhibitor altering ribosome functioning) we detected the involvement of ribotoxic stress in p38 MAPK activation by UVA.
  • Pills keep him functioning and a professional partnership with boyish protégé Frank allows him to earn a tidy living.
  • She felt rigid like a telegraph pole, communicating perfectly, functioning flawlessly, but with no heart, no soul.
  • A fully functioning commercial paper market is essential to a smooth-running modern economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It appears to suggest that some kind of moral objective reality is necessary for ethical functioning.
  • inebriates," as they are called, blow a .30 or higher and are still functioning. The Full Feed from
  • If such shows risk functioning as institutional seals of approval, they can also serve as testing grounds, occasions to see if the art lives up to the hype.
  • In the film, plant operators rely on an erroneous reading from a malfunctioning meter to gauge the water level used to cool the nuclear core.
  • Anyway an ologist would only tell him that his power tool was functioning admirably.
  • A biopsy of brain tissue detected the presence of toxoplasmosis, which is relatively harmless in people with normally functioning immune systems.
  • In other developments on Wednesday, Defence Minister A. K Antony asserted that India had 'all available and possible options' open and asked Pakistan to book those who gave 'inspiration, direction and support' to the Mumbai attacks and to 'dismantle' the terror outfits functioning from its territory. GroundReport: Captured Mumbai Terrorist Is Pakistani, Admits Government
  • The wonky lights have been malfunctioning for so long, and so often, a rumour spread in the area that the equipment was, in fact, secondhand when it was installed.
  • A new product debuting at the end of the year, Kibow Biotics made by Kibow Biotech, provides naturally occurring probiotics that eat the toxins left behind by malfunctioning kidneys.
  • And thank goodness the poll worker had functioning knees and could stay down there for the half an hour it took to "unstuff" the ballot box. Even the freaking electronic ballot boxes didn't work!
  • Here, the softspoken and mentally deficient Ming Ming innocently practices her dancing while also making friends with various other schizoids and lower-functioning inhabitants of the home.
  • There are many reasons why an active node could stop functioning properly in an HA cluster, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
  • When blood flows in reverse through an acardiac twin (one without a functioning heart) as it is pumped by the other, typically normal twin. Glossary
  • Sequential hermaphroditism (functioning as male during one life phase and as female during another) is common in marine fishes, with protogyny (sex change from female to male) predominating.
  • Without treatment, patients often report a general impairment in their daily functioning and demonstrate decrements in attention, vigilance, and memory.
  • At Santa Clara, Slaton is majoring in psychobiology, the study of mental functioning and behavior in relation to other biological processes.
  • In 1914 the government had sufficient trust in its citizens to institute a patriotic scheme whereby lathe hobbyists would make fully functioning artillery shells in their garages.
  • Scientists know from animal studies that damage to the amygdala impairs social functioning.
  • Functioning of the diaphragm and thoracic musculature may be diminished, contributing to respiratory compromise.
  • The acute effects that may be induced by psychedelic drugs encompass a broad spectrum of alterations in cognitive functioning.
  • Kazan's direction judiciously draws on Dunn's still functioning charisma (his character is the best-liked, least-employed man in his neighborhood), his personal history (his character is an alcoholic, whose dreams of becoming a music hall star have collapsed because of his problem) and a new kind of interiority (Dunn needs no dialogue to express his anguish and tragic resolve when, on a fateful Christmas Eve, he looks at his sleeping daughter and realizes he will never be able to give her the education she deserves). NYT > Home Page
  • Some survivors also experience neurocognitive late effects - changes in the brain's structure and development that don't appear until well after treatment, but subtly impair functioning.
  • All the instruments were functioning normally.
  • Effective group learning, however, promotes prosocial behavior and positive group functioning.
  • Adults were shown to have improved brain functioning after two high-flavanol cocoa drinks daily. The Sun
  • The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally.
  • The entire population of 500,000 suffered from malaria, and the only functioning hotel in the country was a former Spanish Mediterranean ferry boat moored in the harbour.
  • ‘Each household in a functioning community can adopt orphans and others who have no homes anymore,’ he said.
  • Such a shift upsets the view taken by analysts where the notion of linear development is the norm and other sexual identities are viewed as regression to, or a fixation at a pregenital level of functioning.
  • A malfunctioning transponder would leave dots on the radar tape, not a streak, according to the manual, Schulze said.
  • Before surgery is performed, care must be taken to make sure that the patient is in a stable hemodynamic state and all organs are functioning normally.
  • Apart from added confusion over a multiphase, nearly $109 million rail and bus fare increase that Metro officials acknowledge was already perplexing to many riders, customers at some rail stations Monday faced slow-reading SmarTrip cards, an inability to download SmartBenefits and malfunctioning fare gates. Metro posts new fare signs after mix-up delays rate increase
  • The Koidu base is complaining of congested data-network links, a balky router and malfunctioning wireless-network nodes.
  • Additionally, longitudinal studies of behavioral neuropsychological functioning in adults with ADHD are needed.
  • Make sure they are not bent or out of shape, as this will certainly cause reliability and functioning problems.
  • These included maintaining and restoring a full range of remaining natural habitats and ecosystems to a healthy, functioning condition.
  • To be sure, one could also argue that visible drug dealing itself affects locational decisions on the part of entrepreneurs by functioning as a perceived ‘disamenity’.
  • Though normally functioning as a utility tool, the knife can be an effective close-quarters backup weapon if you know what you're doing with it.
  • Gingrich may simply be the most vocal, granted, but he's hardly alone, and that toxicity is trickling straight down to the Republican rank-and-file, a scary number of whom seem to be functioning under the impression that every Muslim in America is a "stealth jihadist" waiting to flip the switch from "good" to "evil" like the Clone Troopers in Star Wars. Zaki Hasan: The Right Wing's Sharia Shenanigans
  • Even the most sophisticated models can suffer from flaws such as malfunctioning wheels, frames that bend out of shape, locking mechanisms that fail, safety belts that come loose, or buckles that break. 3 ways to save money on high-end baby gear
  • Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.
  • Political theory rests on the assumption that these activities are central to the functioning of a democratic society.
  • A person's retirement will affect the family functioning and network but this is not unidirectional.
  • Antimetabolite: Substance that competes with, replaces, or inhibits a specific compound within a cell, whose functioning is thereby disrupted.
  • When the heart suffers damage or becomes diseased, it struggles to heal and resume normal functioning.
  • She explains her own spiritual lessons and how she went from a child-level to an adult-level in functioning on the spiritual plane.
  • Cognitive social psychologists tend to view categorization in terms of individual functioning.
  • The paired eggs suggest that these dinosaurs retained two functioning ovaries and oviducts, each producing a single egg at a time.
  • At the end of the period, those who received citalopram, which is sold by a number of generic makers and under the brand name Celexa by Forest Laboratories Inc., were no better than those in the placebo group in terms of their general functioning or in their repetitive behaviors, the study found. Popular Autism Treatment Yields No Benefits
  • Somehow Ludwig seemed to have succeeded in functioning in the mundane, workaday world and still keep a spiritual perspective on matters.
  • Federal troops in a policing role is just as violative of Posse Comitatus statutes as state peace officers functioning in a military role at “war” (vs. theater of drugs): consequential gains realized from malfeasant actions are intrinsically unlawful. Phelps and Obama-- leading the way Towards legalizing Marijuana.
  • The whole system is based on privatized patronage and the prohibition and erosion of real, functioning democracy - in other words, broad accountability.
  • We have so massively exceeded any kind of political entity the Founding Fathers could have possibly imagined or anticiapted (in size, in numbers, in geographical distribution, in ineducable ideological rigidity; in grotesquely uneven distributions of power, in potentials for abusing that power, in possibilities for indoctrination and propaganda; the list goes on) that the mechanisms for making fundamental changes to the basic legal structures of our union are incapable of functioning any longer. Think Progress » After Whining About Being ‘Suppressed,’ Chamber Discloses It Spent $123 Million In Lobbying
  • There are other conditions which may cause a malfunctioning of the mind which, while they may have an organic cause, are not neuroses or psychoses, for example, epilepsy or hyperglycaemia arising from diabetes.
  • * Six toes with functioning three-boned dewclaw, allowing them to grip rocks and climb. The Volokh Conspiracy » Puffins:
  • Insist that you are 300 years old and think the phone is a malfunctioning victrola. I miss telemarketers -- and, soon, land-line pollsters
  • People with MS use the term "cog fog" to describe the deterioration in cognitive functioning. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Over the past years, I have become increasingly aware of the tendency of many intelligent high functioning people on some days I dare to include myself, to freeze in the sense of a real incapacity to process emotions or thoughts in the midst of a situation that is at all conflictual. Carol Smaldino: The Bully and the Brain Freeze
  • Just this week one of those corporate uber-moguls, Rupert Murdoch, announced that his News Corporation will begin charging for content on his newspaper websites within a year in a direct answer to what he calls the current "malfunctioning" business model. Andy Ostroy: How the Internet is Killing Our Economy
  • It seems difficult to write behavioural objectives for this domain alone, as affective functioning is always interwoven with cognitive functioning.
  • Transhumance needs to be acknowledged as a factor when attempting to understand the functioning of any settlement or parish under study.
  • Dr. Hagelin: Modern science has probed deeper levels of nature's functioning, from the macroscopic world of classical physics to the world of the atom, then to the underlying nucleus and the subnuclear. Jeanne Ball: 9/11: Have We Overlooked the Most Effective Way to Prevent Terrorism and War?
  • If we could build a fully functioning quantum computer, it would represent an advance on the traditional electronic computer as big as the electronic computer represents over the abacus.
  • After I wiggled my toes to make sure they were still functioning, I rummaged around in the fridge for a yoghurt. SOMEBODY
  • He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists still functioning.
  • Emphysematous Pyelonephritis is a fulminant infection of the renal parenchyma and perirenal tissues with gas formation in the non functioning kidney.

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