How To Use Functional In A Sentence
Dysfunctional families seem to be occupying the minds of Scotland's visiting choreographers.
Furthermore, functional and structural divergence might, in some cases, precede rather than follow gene duplication.
There was to be an incredibly customisable interface, not just skins, but how it all worked, so more experienced users would have more functionality available.
Mr Fothergill's 1991 seed catalogue includes a fully functional model which has a traditional iron wheel and is priced at £179.
For convenience and safety, some skid-steer loader manufacturers mount switches on the steering control grips or levers to control these multifunctional tools.

We have devised a functional approach to clone genes involved in the regulation of cell growth and senescence.
Species with 120 chromosomes are classified as functional diploid species, species with 250 chromosomes as functional tetraploid species, and with 500 chromosomes as functional octaploids.
To make best use of existing technology investment and implement future-proof design and platform functionality.
Objective To observe the rehabilitation treated effect of children arrhythmia caused by autonomic nerve functional disorder.
If the ventral curvature of tail is real, then that, in concert with its extremely narrow scaupulae, suggests that a more appropriate functional analog would be found in arboreal chameleons.
Histones physically control access to genes, and adding small functional groups such as acetyl or methyl units to them can selectively switch certain genes on and off.
Almost all non-functional programmers are unaware that tail calls facilitate a programming paradigm that they have never seen. what's new online!
Ten plant functional types (PFTs) are differentiated by physiological, morphological, phenological, bioclimatic, and fireresponse attributes.
Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
Katy chose to focus on design, as in functional contemporary design rather than fine art and sculpture.
In this chapter, we give some operator inequalities and norm inequalities by means of spectral decomposition and functional calculus.
We use the fact that processed pseudogenes and functional genes are subject to different nucleotide-substitution patterns.
Functionalism as a linguistic approach is different from generative and cognitive approaches in that it makes no claim as to the cognitive reality of the mechanisms it proposes - that matter is irrelevant to its usefulness.
Wallace and Wolf trace the development of structural functionalism to Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Durkheim.
A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme form-a directory with a file named '' style. css '' make; itr equires only some familiarity with HTML and CSS, and no knowledge of PHP.
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I stretch Google Earth to its functional limits all the time in my hydrogeology research.
Earth View Puts Google Earth Inside Google Maps On The Web | Lifehacker Australia
Is there any other kind of test we can do to determine if the motherboard is non-functional (which seems rather likely at this point)?
Help me, livejournal wan kenobi!
Nevertheless it is useful and justified to look at living systems from the functional point of view.
Other functional ingredient contenders for the dairy arena include dietary fiber, whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrates, bioactive peptide systems and additional minerals and vitamins.
Government stonewalling and a dysfunctional justice system also jeopardized the case.
Part 2 introduces a new grammar, and includes a functional component.
The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
The workers had also complained about the unit's single non-functional fire extinguisher, which was replaced by two new ones.
Seubert J, Yang B, Bradbury JA, Graves J, Degraff LM, et al. (2004) Enhanced postischemic functional recovery in CYP2J2 transgenic hearts involves mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels and p42/p44 MAPK pathway.
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Without that, the mechanism of justice delivery would become dysfunctional.
As in any hierarchical system, each functional level builds on the one below it.
We're definitely moving in a positive direction, but each time we make a leap to a new level of functionality, things get more complicated and fractured and difficult for a while.
While the idea of mechatronics may not be new, technology developments such as smaller, more powerful microchips, new approaches to communication networks and new materials are enabling us to translate our ideas into new products that deliver increased functionality and use fewer resources.
Engineering Hardware-Software
Apple's iOS designs show an increasing trend towards skeuomorphic design, that is to say they add design elements that are non-functional but hark back to analogue objects. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The energy functional is then written and the plate is discretized into the finite element method format on a small computer for performing the calculation.
Psychoses may be divided into two categories, organic or functional.
Along with elaborate vessels and sculpted creatures, Diakite creates platters, plates, bowls, and a variety of other forms that are sold as both functional objects and works of art.
Like much of urban Trinidad, this appears to be a functional if unaesthetic sprawl of small businesses, shops, fast-food outlets, homes, temples, mosques and Hindu prayer flags.
There were ten functional stamens in each flower collected.
That is what is really meant by the term "dysfunctional family" -- a family with no function.
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If each gene regulated by a transcription factor is viewed as one function of that factor, then most transcription factors are multifunctional.
A functional computer needs input and output devices, memory, data to work on, and a program that defines how the data are handled.
It is curious, too, to note that echidnas also possess spurs but their venom gland is non-functional.
Chitosan is one of the most abundant natural polymers, This biopolymer has useful functional groups such as hydroxyl and amine, so it can interact with metal ions.
If I could propose a line, it would be that hostile workplace sexual harassment exists where the environment is so severe as to be functionally equivalent to discrimination in hiring or promotion.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Just What Speech Does “Hostile Environment Harassment” Law Restrict?
During early testing, I ran pseudo with the server modified to randomly crash about one syscall in three, with the intent of carefully testing this functionality.
Studies indicate that light regulation and control of biorhythms are functionally interrelated and possibly have a common evolutionary origin.
In the event that the company's food chillers should fail, MSVC can acquire multifunctional vehicles to transport both chilled and ambient products, said Whelehan.
Natural in origin, Tencel was designed as an environmentally friendly cellulose fibre to be used in fabrics to maximize comfort and functionality.
The differences may be in features, price, functionality, or anything else human ingenuity can devise. The goal in economic terms is to make a set of similar goods less substitutable for each other.
The Wikipedia entry on the subject's fascinating in the extreme: * Decorative stone features of Greek temples such as mutules, guttae, and modillions that are derived from true structural/functional features of the early wooden temples
Boing Boing
The team had already zeroed in on the Jhdm2a enzyme, showing in a 2007 Nature publication that the Jhdm2a gene is highly expressed in mouse testes and plays an important role in spermiogenesis, the final step in the production of a functional sperm cell.
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The transgenic array produces a functional GFP fusion protein that is expressed in bodywall, vulval, uterine, spermathecal, and anal sphincter / depressor muscle cells.
Adding a gum system to processed cheese spreads or artificial cheese products helps modify textural difficulties and helps the end product maintain desirable functional properties.
Now, the kitchen is charming yet functional, with fitted heavy duty cupboards, red-tiled worksurfaces and a window seat.
The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures.
For families in the poverty trap this was a year of suffering with increased rentals driving families to share houses in overcrowded conditions and stress making more families dysfunctional.
People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
I can see how the functional-notional approach can be seen as prescriptive, in the sense of several decontextualised culturally specific sentences “this is how we apologise, this is how we complain etc.”
S is for “Strategies” « An A-Z of ELT
Residues in close physical proximity to those of a subunit encoded by another genome are clearly functionally important.
User selectable switches for setting the desired functional operation of the apparatus and a manually depressible panic button are also provided.
Chandler is only a prototype, but Kapor promises to deliver much of the basic functionality of Microsoft Outlook - contacts, email, calendaring - plus replication, with the ease of use you don't readily associate with Outlook.
The fountain illustrated, an exquisite piece of Gothic architecture in miniature, was designed to be both fanciful and functional.
The functional model to integrate organization, human factors and technology as a coordinated system was proposed, which contributes to the achievement of the product development process integration.
All the elements of a good dark comedy are here: a murder, a dysfunctional family, someone in a clown suit and so on - but they should be tweaked further.
To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous reports of this type of bifunctional photoactivator.
Functional illiteracy is considered anything less than a seventh-grade reading level.
Desmin and vinculin are functionally related proteins that are present in the membrane-associated dense bodies in the sarcolemma of the smooth muscle cells.
It should be seen as seven functional stages of the budgetary process which take place in a political or rational context.
There seem to be only two well-known theories from the history of the philosophy of mind that have not been attributed to him, namely behaviorism and functionalism.
In in vitro preparations of partially purified enzymes, the functional distinction between intracellular and extracellular calcium is lost.
The term radiation injury refers to the morphologic and functional changes that can occur in noncancerous tissue as a direct result of ionizing radiation.
While our Internet service includes filtering functionality, it is our customers who make the decisions about which categories are blocked or unblocked.
During the second unit of study you will be studying the three major viewpoints in psychology that emerged after the first psychology failed: functionalism, behaviorism, and gestaltism.
Mr Fothergill's 1991 seed catalogue includes a fully functional model which has a traditional iron wheel and is priced at £179.
Fish with jaws usually have five functional pairs of gill arches.
Functional fibre is found in bulk laxatives, fortified foods, beverages, and dietary supplements.
It is true that the code is 'denser' - that is, more functionality in less typed space - and consequently a user might spend more time working on fewer lines of code, but we are betting that the number of failure modalities is smaller (fewer ways to mess up); and there's less code 'real estate' to observe and comprehend.
MSDN Blogs
The two departments have slight functional differences.
AHD has termed chia "natural super seeds", and said they can be used in a variety of functional food applications, including cereals, breads, soups, salad dressings and nutrition bars.
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Miniaturized and lightweight and multifunctional anti-explosion robots are of great practical and theoretical valuable in military.
This was a school that looked to the ceramics of Picasso rather than the functional stoneware pottery of Bernard Leach.
After a functional analysis, we attempt to reintegrate solutions across other problems; for example, through the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, or JCIDS.
So the illume of bedroom lamplight should consider to do design illume by different functional requirement.
After popping the hood your eyes quickly glance over a very functional engine bay.
We call it Tudor revival with a twist because it recalls traditional homes in early Seattle neighborhoods, but is contemporary in the way it opens to a multifunctional garden landscape.
Calling the SEC "nonfunctional" and harmful to the reputation of the U.S. as a global financial leader, Markopolos recommended ways to revamp the agency, including replacing its senior staff and establishing a central office to receive complaints from whistleblowers. - Home
Objective To study the relationship of functional phonation disorders and laryngeal organic diseases.
The best time to nudge children toward functional writing is when they are in the midst of doing purposeful work.
The classical design was a far cry from today's functional agricultural buildings.
Using watercolor, we captured a bit of summer with these functional tubes.
Bathrooms don't have to be purely functional.
Both transcripts from the mutated allele are thus likely to encode completely nonfunctional GLB1 proteins.
Functional equation: A relation between the values of a function at different points, such as periodicity or symmetry.
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A variable number of these appendages may become transformed into organs that are functional during post-embryonic life while the remainder disappear.
Between these two positions lies a range of literacy activity, such as personal autobiography, diaries, functional lists etc.
From what I've seen so far, the droid is a killer concept, a killer look with killer functionality.
Michael Boland: Happy Droid Day: Please Stop Saying "iPhone Killer"
It is functionally compatible with 24-pin generic array logic devices and functions at the same speed as the 16V8 above.
A functionalist theory, by contrast, brings with it a determinist conception of freedom.
Gormley needed a functional, maintenance-free, robust building, with more space to work, and significantly, more space to think.
The region includes genes encoding a CoA-dependent methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (dntE), a putative NADH-dependent dehydrogenase (ORF13), and a bifunctional isomerase/hydrolase (dntG).
Casey Luskin on Kitzmiller & Information
Whether or not human groups make functional enough, foresightful enough decisions at any given time, we have the unique capacity to do so.
Education For Sanity
The house was based on a mass divided into a single, open, functionally designed space.
Curry had observed in his work on combinatory logic in the late 1950's the analogy between implication elimination in natural deduction and functional application.
It's that nameless, multifunctional uniform that defies categorisation, just as your day does.
Times, Sunday Times
The foot bones are unfused and all four toes of each foot are functional and support the body.
The nucleolus is a multifunctional subnuclear compartment that is best known as the site where ribosome biogenesis takes place.
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Of particular interest is the more controversial class of amnesic syndromes known as dissociative, functional, or psychogcnic amnesias.
The story begins with dysfunctional grandparents and extends itself to Mitchell's life in an unbroken line that will make students of social services work nod knowingly.
These animals had two functional toes on their forefeet and one on their hindfeet, each with hoof-like claws.
Although these systems are electronically and functionally complex, they can be miniaturized sufficiently so that one portion can be implanted and the remainder worn or carried easily in a pocket.
Physical labour no longer produces reality – instead, cultural patterns have taken over this role in a hyperfunctional society where more and more people are becoming passive consumers of goods, ideologies and information.
Archive 2009-06-01
They have also examined executive functioning and functional hemispheric differences via event-related potentials in these subtypes.
The fundamental issue on which formal linguistics differs from functional linguistics is the autonomy thesis.
In contrast to many earlier applications of transition functions, the present analysis uses a functional representation of the transition that is smooth, continuous, and differentiable in both directions.
This research is closely linked with issues relevant to computer science, having to do with automated deduction, functional programming, and computer-aided verification.
The problem remains to determine whether other decisive astronomical factors in planet formation are functionally linked to the surface conditions needed for biochemical processes.
In the epidermis of the apophysis functional stomata, similar to those of the higher plants, are present and, since cells containing chlorophyll are present below the superficial layers of the apophysis and capsule, the sporogonium is capable of independent assimilation.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Members of dysfunctional families tend to either withhold or not verbalize their feelings, wants, likes, and dislikes with each other.
Local authorities are not obliged to provide public conveniences, but if they do they ought to be kept clean and functional, even if it means charging the public for using them.
Crucial to effectiveness, is the efficient transfer of tactical data and functionality using Web services.
Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Recent Neonatal Research Publications
Apparatus for tracking and recovering humans utilizes an implantable transceiver incorporating a power supply and actuation system allowing the unit to remain implanted and functional for years without maintenance.
The Reinvention of Privacy
It is functional, and gives very encouraging results.
There are also few digital virtual switchers that can provide the type of functionality a typical security console operator requires for camera switching, screening and automatic call-up applications.
Objective:It is to correct the aging face and functional deformities caused by senile blepharochalasis and ptosis of eyebrow.
You could even build a functional, if somewhat cumbersome, guitar amplifier with a hydraulic system replacing transistors or valves.
Yet another dimension is that regulators find it increasingly difficult to monitor the multifarious activities of the multinational, multifunctional bank.
They want electoral reform in what they call a dysfunctional democracy.
Ellen Freudenheim: 15 Mayo: What Will It Mean for U.S. Youth Election Year Activism?
The second question which an opponent of dualism such as a functionalist must face, concerns the alleged privacy of the mental.
Senescence is the syndrome caused by the functional decline and physiological disorder during the organism deterioration.
Mirrors, which started out as simple and functional, became a hot trend in decorating when manufacturers added sandblasted and beveled characteristics.
With the use of high-tech neuroimaging gadgets like functional magnetic resonance imaging machines (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), we're slowly understanding how meditation affects the brain.
Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
What worries me is that the designed world might become so hermetic and the signifiers of functionality so appropriated that the opportunity for that fascination never arises.
However, biological networks can have differences in their functional states.
Elected governments and administrative elites are passive functionaries who simply facilitate the bargains struck by the functional elites.
The whole idea is that nature needs a method for rapidly ridding itself of dysfunctional species that overpopulate and absorb resources too rapidly.
Aldols are bifunctional molecules possessing OH and C=O groups, which are able to act as both hydrogen donors and/or acceptors.
See also, T.P. German and M.A. Defeyter, “Immunity to functional fixedness in young children,” Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 7 2000, 707–12.
But you can't build that kind of functionality into a music device because the record industry will go ballistic.
Byrne does hew to the representationalist's line of supervenience (no phenomenal difference without an intentional difference), but if his argument does not rule out mental paint, an anti-representationalist may construct inversion cases such as that of Block's (1990) "Inverted Earth" (see Section 4.4 below), and argue that the paint is a nonfunctional intrinsic mental feature of the experience given in introspection, which is close enough to a "quale" in Block's special sense, even if the feature does happen to be reflexively represented by the experience itself.
Representational Theories of Consciousness
As a rule, if some functionality requires the context of a control, you might want to consider placing it in the control adapter base class.
When Heather's book appeared, indeed, a number of conservative commentators remarked it, calling admonitory attention to its author's thesis that a kind of illegal immigration, or technically legal immigration by culturally inassimilable people, played a major role in killing off the largest, longest-lived, most functionally universal polity that ever existed.
The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
In the foot, the fifth toe was reduced to a single metatarsal, and the first toe was reduced and raised off the ground, leaving a functionally tridactyl foot.
In recent years, there is a number of contemporary architecture in the new forms of"innovative"design. In these designs, the"innovative"forms are often base on the change of functional organization.
The shape and form of the bungalow constantly underwent change and adaptation out of functional necessity.
Foster indicates how commitment to relative autonomy of the political, ideological and economic generates accounts which look very like traditional functionalism.
Given the functional illiteracy on either side of it, I'm guessing it was a half-understood attempt to find a rhyme for a line that makes no sense anyway.
Functional dependency is frequently illustrated by an arrow.
Smudging options and the ability to select multiple layers also added to the functionality of Photoshop.
Some of them have recently started to adopt a more aggressive approach, known as ransomware, where they block critical system functionality until a license fee is paid.
Softpedia News - Global
People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.
Utilitarian, functional and instrumentalist ideas started to reshape the curriculum.
In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and insitu hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.
Early man used gourds for bowls, fishing nets, drinking vessels, musical instruments and other functional forms.
The invention makes possible estimating and control of the printing/copying process costs through printers, telefaxes and other digital multifunctional units operating locally or in the network of any user of this equipment.
The office was large and functional rather than welcoming.
But eventually the show about a loving, professional, upbeat clan was eclipsed by domestic comedies about dysfunctional deadbeats, such as Roseanne, Married with Children and The Simpsons.
This, in turn, should help us identify selective forces that act within genes and thereby understand which genic features are of functional significance.
As a good anarchal communist and a functional socialist, I support paid sick leave for all.
2007 January 02 « raincoaster
Move the outlets to more functional positions and you can use the old outlets during the rewire, then switch systems seamlessly.
A StructuralFunctional Definition A state can be defined in terms of its essential structures and functions rather than by its legal standing.
The exhibition will include new works on paper through print and wood block, abstract sculptural wall pieces to functional ceramics, glasswork, iron works and clean contemporary textile works.
Although I can't seem to see the RSS feeds, other functionality is there, like categorized wiki browsing and This Day in History (on the main page).
These were perfect preconditions for successfully combining and consistently further expanding upon our high standards in seating comfort with those in the functionality of the furniture.
As published in the Feb. 25, 2011 Science Insider editorial, "Advancing Regulatory Science," FDA Commissioner Dr. Hamburg claimed that FDA's regulations must be based on "better predictive models -- functional genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics," rather than "high dose animal carcinogenicity studies -- unchanged for decades.
Samuel S. Epstein: Multiple Carcinogens in Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo
These include conditions such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome and tricuspid atresia, in which the heart has only one functional pumping chamber instead of two.
These modulate the neuronal circuits that are thought to be dysfunctional in such disorders.
Family GuyFamily Guy inherited the dysfunctional family mantle - or perhaps mantlepiece, since it's still all suburban - and pushed the boundaries further than The Simpsons has in a long time, frequently offending at least eight separate special interest groups in one 23 minute show.
The Flintstones celebrate 50 year anniversary with a Google doodle
I've been waiting for a platform that treats Ajax functionality the same way desktop RAD tools treat desktop functionality; that is, largely or entirely codeless.
Ajax sans code: bonheur des marketeurs et maintenant des développeurs
Everything about anteaters is fascinating: their ecology, behaviour, anatomy, functional morphology and evolution.
Archive 2006-05-01
We’ve built in extensibility points, so you can add functionality to Facebook Open Platform like your own tags and API methods.
Parsing the “open” in Facebook’s “fbOpen” platform | FactoryCity
Functional abstraction involves the restatement of any problem in terms of performance specifications.
Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.
Let me emphasize here that functionalists are happy to accept that many of our mental states are associated with conscious awareness.
It examines a range of skills - functional, personal, management and general business awareness.
X ray, self - sensation, clinical functional evaluation, functional recovery of nerve were evaluated during follow - up postoperatively.
The basic functional unit of muscle is the motor unit, which consists of a motoneuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates.
Is the central heating functional yet?
Forget all the gadgets and gizmos, I want functionality.
Depending on the application you can take the reader-writer and integrate the functionality of that into a chip that you could put in a mobile phone or other device.
The holes have been discovered from analysis of an existing link on the Internet and a fully functional demonstration of the exploit have been produced and been shown to affect even fully patched versions of Explorer.
In in vitro preparations of partially purified enzymes, the functional distinction between intracellular and extracellular calcium is lost.
A common theme of all of these small proteins is that some of them have at least two functional roles and can therefore be seen as multifunctional tools.
It was functional but soft, enveloping a visitor in instant comfort and security.
Firstly, many will be false positives – "conservation" is a spectrum, so the definition of a conserved element depends on where you draw the line, and the noise resulting from drift will always create some areas that appear conserved without being functional.
Demarcation as Politics
The wall eye will eventually become amblyopic (functionally blind), especially if the eye coordination problem is not addressed at an early age.
Functionally, the total behaviour of the animal illustrates the fact that, in the part of the diencephalon indicated, a meaningful association of physiological processes takes place, which is related on the one hand to the regulation of the internal organs, and on the other involves the functions directed outwards towards the environment.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
This is why it is completely digestible and functional and why many people who are allergic to other yeasts have no problem with this one.
The utility model relates to a multifunctional flour mill, belonging to the grain processing machinery.
If this is the case, changing the functional role of a digit pair for a given task would not elicit changes in motor unit strength.
Genital surgery as young children that was not personally consented to often causes compromised genital sensation and inability to orgasm, and functional damage can give rise to feelings of loss of body ownership.
Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional.
But even functional psychosis can vary in symptomatology and psychiatrists generally distinguish between two main forms.
The pistillate flower of the cyathium develops before the male ones; thus each cyathium is functionally a protogynous hermaphrodite ‘flower’.
Aesthetics and functionality of cap height and armhole must be calculated and the technical compatibility between the two cannot be neglected either.
Kuntz DA, Hoffman D, Janzer RC, Gerber-Lemaire S, et al. (2008) Functionalized pyrrolidine inhibitors of human type II alpha-mannosidases as anti-cancer agents: Optimizing the fit to the active site.
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Functional Foremanship allows many more people, to become foremen, and to develop the will and judgment which foremanship implies.
The Psychology of Management The Function of the Mind in Determining, Teaching and Installing Methods of Least Waste
Adding butyrate to the intravenous solution given to piglets who had parts of their intestine removed caused the intestinal tissue to grow and become functional.
The functionally one-eyed, or monocular, athlete should take extra precautions.
The functional SNP that the scientists found was located on what is known as intron 6, a reference to a specific location within the gene that is typically overlooked when searching for a functionally relevant mutation. - latest science and technology news stories