How To Use Fulfilment In A Sentence
He did not rest content with a mere strict fulfilment of the pecuniary obligations to the Church to which the Concordat had bound the State; in 1803 and 1804 it became the custom to pay stipends to canons and desservants of succursal parishes.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
Harry felt in his blood with what calming delight and fulfilment his enemy would embrace the lie that made him the victor.
Extremely passionate, sexual fulfilment is very important to you.
The title waited for its fulfilment in Him who alone, in His own person, could perfectly show forth the holiness of God on earth -- Jesus the Son of the Father.
Holy in Christ Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy
The highest conception we can form of heaven is the reversal of all the evil of earth, and the completion of its incomplete good: the sinless purity -- the blessed presence of God -- the fulfilment of all desires -- the service which is _blessed_, not toil -- the changelessness which is progress, not stagnation.
Expositions of Holy Scripture

For although a continuation of the bullary has just been published at Rome, containing several decrees of this congregation, there is not one that announces a fulfilment of this illusory promise, ” a promise imagined by a correspondent to French newspapers, but never given by the inquisitors themselves.
Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
The other trump card of the pessimists, erotic desire, is notoriously restless and insecure, and apt to deliver only partial fulfilments.
Alongside the advance of the domestic "progressive consensus" that New Labour has created, victory in the referendum will be the third term fulfilment of the Blair premiership and we would, in the process, achieve an irreversible shift towards a more social-democratic Britain.
The great "democrat" writes
Order fulfilment is the most labour intensive activity in a warehouse operation.
In short, access to Police Complaints Authority files is a necessary condition to the fulfilment of the obligations of the commission.
In the twentieth century, most of those sympathetic to utilitarianism replaced hedonism with the desire-fulfilment theory.
Literature is born primarily of the writer's need for self-fulfilment.
As at the date of their failure to nominate loading places and silos, Sellers were in default of fulfilment of the contract and it was at that date that they failed to carry out the contract.
Available in German and Italian languages, the website promises to open for all a journey of mind-soul, of self-discovery and self-fulfilment.
In a precisely similar way, we see the prima facie rightness of an act which would be the fulfilment of a particular promise.
Literature is born primarily of the writer's need for self-fulfilment.
Like Marxism-Leninism, it entertains a sublime vision of human potential for social harmony and individual fulfilment.
Available in German and Italian languages, the website promises to open for all a journey of mind-soul, of self-discovery and self-fulfilment.
It may be difficult to work out, but the fact is that for most people a healthy child would be perhaps the result of an unwanted pregnancy but, nonetheless, a source of joy, fulfilment and happiness within the family unit.
No longer is love a spontaneous emotion, a transcendent state of being, a necessary evil on the path to self-fulfilment.
We are conscious too of where we stand on the scale of contentedness or satisfaction or fulfilment or plain happiness.
He expressed the hope that they would reach the highest points of their chosen paths and that they would find happiness and fulfilment in their lives.
Your love which knows not fulfilment is dear to my heart.
His first duty was to them, and it would be "caddish" to let them suspect any sacrifice in its fulfilment.
More about Pixie
We owe the idea of individual fulfilment through love with one person to the Romantic movement.
Times, Sunday Times
It has been investing heavily in the speedy fulfilment of orders.
A section of ruralites, with a sense of absolute fulfilment, offers ‘prasadam’ to the passers-by after having a darshan of the deity.
Beethoven's aim is to devote to music so that he can find himself and self-fulfilment.
As we mentioned in Chapter 3, the new Age of Psychology promotes and emphasizes the development and self-fulfilment of the individual.
Sure, wish fulfilment, a fantasy.
Times, Sunday Times
In other words, the location of meaning and purpose in this world is to be found through individual self-fulfilment involving judgments that inevitably vary among people.
Little wonder that some young Tibetans in the diaspora are deserting their closed communities, where no more than the fulfilment of basic material needs is considered acceptable.
Finally oblations might be made in fulfilment of a vow; but then the matter was left to the choice of the vower.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
But Pyongyang's fulfilment of its promise to carry out the test suggests that the world may have to get used to a new and unpredictable nuclear power.
Times, Sunday Times
It may be difficult to work out, but the fact is that for most people a healthy child would be perhaps the result of an unwanted pregnancy but, nonetheless, a source of joy, fulfilment and happiness within the family unit.
The feminine side in all of us sometimes represents fulfilment of spiritual yearnings.
And you're right, a lot of fanfic is wish fulfilment.
A Few More Last Words
While we see gnosis and fulfilment of will, they see the blessings of God.
The Devil is not powerful enough to prevent genuine spiritual and personal fulfilment in the church.
It turns out that the pasha is a beautiful woman, the slave of his mysterious lady-love, and she promises him speedy fulfilment of his wishes.
Jewish Literature and Other Essays
These include promises that attempt to create a climate for their own fulfilment, and promises that are more accurately described as hyperbole.
The aim of today's happiness crusade seems to be to politicise the quest for self-fulfilment.
Those measures affect his fulfilment of his role as a representative, but are not penal beyond that.
While most newcomers who gain admittance to the NBA's lucrative members club pay their dues on court, he instead gambled vast sums that he had yet to earn in the hope of greater long-term fulfilment across the Atlantic.
Some people simply weigh their priorities as to how they will expend their energies and pursue self-fulfilment - and decide either not to have children or to be content with one child.
Accordingly, in fulfilment of this judicial process, the Court requires that Mr. Abdelrazik attend before it at the time and date specified in the Judgment. (71) [specified later in the judgement as July 7]
Archive 2009-06-01
Now the management is avoiding fulfilment of its duties toward the workers and unfairly dragging out the negotiations, he claimed.
Gospel has succeeded to the Jewish priest in respect to giving _surety_ officially for the fulfilment of the covenant, and on that account may with propriety be called a _priest_.
An Essay on the Scriptural Doctrine of Immortality
Dredged directly from his personal memories and imaginings, the stories are almost a wish fulfilment, the recounting of a dreamt-of childhood.
When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.
For instance writing the commercial Outline, handling product fulfilment, dealing with refunds and product support questions.
It's a little bit of dream fulfilment - we all wish we might be able to handle a situation the way the mob guy might.
The Sun
It consists in intermediary experiences (possible, if not actual) of continuously developing progress, and, finally, of fulfilment, when the sensible percept which is the object is reached.
Meaning of Truth
Highly individualistic societies like the USA place great emphasis on the needs, choices and fulfilment of the individual.
What mysterious force guided the seedling from the dark earth up to the light, through leaf and stem and bud, to glorious fulfilment in the perfect flower?
The Story of My Life
'But would we have to appoint a time for the fulfilment of this troth ?
The view that dreams are merely the imaginary fulfilments of repressed wishes is hopelessly out of date.
Hours later she woke to the same sensation of calm fulfilment.
Well, the Department of Health…… as though, by the enactment by Parliament of legislation, a State is taking steps in fulfilment of a duty of care.
Flexible working gives you a degree of autonomy, and autonomy is a vital ingredient for self-fulfilment.
To give the seal of confirmation to the prophet and his vision by the fulfilment. anoint the Most Holy -- primarily, to "anoint," or to consecrate after its pollution "the Most Holy" place but mainly Messiah, the antitype to the Most Holy place (Joh 2: 19-22).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
In thought he was always doing it, and there were times when he almost did it in reality, but he let these times pass effectless, hoping for some better time when the thing would do itself, waiting for the miracle which love expects, when it is itself the miracle that brings all its desires to fulfilment.
The Coast of Bohemia
When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.
O, thou the last fulfilment of life, Death, my death, come and whisper to me!
As I have said, the overriding consideration under Part IV is the fulfilment of the child's special educational needs.
And he has clearly been attending the Michael Heseltine Clinic for Sexual Fulfilment, where politicians are taught to stroke and fondle their party so as to inflame uncontrollable passions.
Simon Hoggart's sketch: Man with big vision fondles the faithful
And going back just a little earlier, Aristotle, the co-founder of Western philosophy along with Plato, gave lectures on ethics which described the goal of human life as what he called eudaimonia, that is to say, happiness or human fulfilment.
Integral Options Cafe
Find happiness and fulfilment by casting out the old and finding somebody better.
Times, Sunday Times
Marriage and baptism set out a framework for the nourishing and fulfilment of family life.
Times, Sunday Times
And now, as the final "chukker" of the tournament drew to a close, it did indeed seem that the ambition of many years was on the eve of fulfilment.
Captain Desmond, V.C.
It advocates a system to ensure the payment of award wages, the fulfilment of a legal requirement.
Only the urgent fulfilment of the promises that have been made to them will do that.
Times, Sunday Times
This process, which he termed self-realization, is not the one-dimensional, narcissistic fulfilment of ego trips.
John Stanley: A Buddhist Ecology Of Self
Revolutions cannot always be suppressed by slaughter, and that Nature, in sentencing the Circles to infecundity, has condemned them to ultimate failure — “and herein,” he says, “I see a fulfilment of the great Law of all worlds, that while the wisdom of Man thinks it is working one thing, the wisdom of Nature constrains it to work another, and quite a different and far better thing.”
Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
Had either of them lost the other in the days of the idyl, the love lost would have been ever to the loser that dim desire without fulfilment which stands back of all life.
The Beautiful and Damned
He derives a lot of fulfilment from his charity work.
Well, the Department of Health…… as though, by the enactment by Parliament of legislation, a State is taking steps in fulfilment of a duty of care.
As such it is an anthropocentric philosophy in which it is accepted that the environment is instrumental in the fulfilment of human desires, and the importance of the environment can be justified in terms of what it can provide for humans.
Some people simply weigh their priorities as to how they will expend their energies and pursue self-fulfilment - and decide either not to have children or to be content with one child.
He swears that the book isn't autobiographical, but is something of an exercise in wish fulfilment.
Times, Sunday Times
We are conscious too of where we stand on the scale of contentedness or satisfaction or fulfilment or plain happiness.
Finally, many Australians still felt filial ties to the mother country, so that it would, on the one hand, be the proper fulfilment of duty to aid Britain, and on the other, it would be a chance to gain recognition and approval for Australia.
He knew the Lord's promise, and that the time for its fulfilment was at hand; yet so far from regarding either the immutability of the Divine _purpose_, or even the infallible certainty of the Divine _promise_, as a reason for neglecting prayer, as if that exercise were superfluous or vain, he was stimulated and encouraged to pray just because "he knew the word of the
Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.
Is the special risk of injury a relevant consideration in determining the precautions which the employer should take in fulfilment of the duty of care which he owes to the workman?…
The necessary trust depends on benevolence to others, including strangers, honest dealing and fulfilment of promises entered into voluntarily.
The fear of physical suffering was not uppermost in his mind, nor even the fear that he would walk unmanfully to the high gallows, but a greater dread that if he died now, here, at Dongola, Ethne would never take back that fourth feather, and his strong hope of the "afterwards" would never come to its fulfilment.
The Four Feathers
The film explores his personal journey for self-expression and artistic fulfilment.
As a figment of heterosexual wish-fulfilment, the female nude serves primarily to guarantee the stability of a phallocentric fantasy in which the omnipotent male gaze sees but is never itself seen.
An alternative way of evaluating what is happening is to stress people's continuing search for self-fulfilment and emotional satisfaction from their intimate relationships.
It is not always an easy job but there is a great fulfilment and job satisfaction in introducing young people to the pleasures of reading and in seeing their intellects and imaginations develop.
In doing so, data can be captured at every point of customer contact from order entry to fulfilment whether that contact is by telephone, fax, call center or Web site.
While it's true that applying maths to anything other than counting calories is not compulsory, improving your mind is the path to self-fulfilment.
Today, a number of tactics - from prenuptial agreements to cultivating the virtues of solo living - are used to manage the perceived risks of self-fulfilment.
Compensation will be given to ‘community volunteers’ in the form of a monthly allowance payable upon fulfilment of the performance required.
But the central principles for us are individual liberty and personal fulfilment.
That statement should set in motion the procedures under the Agreement of April 2003 and the above-mentioned legislation in fulfilment of the pledges made by the Government.
Trevor Manuel then spoke of the effort in which our movement and government are engaged to transform the strongroom of dreams of those you never find mentioned in the history books, into a strongroom of dreams in the process of fulfilment.
ANC Today
International cricket is supposed to be the fulfilment of a dream.
Times, Sunday Times
A glitch in many systems for order fulfilment on the Web has been reported which allows the fraudulent to create their own online prices for goods.
He expressed the hope that they would reach the highest points of their chosen paths and that they would find happiness and fulfilment in their lives.
NATURAL phenomenon of human life brings us to the scientifical source of ethics and I prove that the so-called “highest ideals of humanity” have nothing of “sentimentalism” or of the “_super_natural” in them, but are exclusively the _fulfilment_ of the _natural laws_ for the _human class of life_.
Manhood of Humanity.
This is what is called a votive picture, which means a picture made in the fulfilment of a vow, in gratitude for some signal blessing or to turn away some danger.
A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
But active participation of the workers in the march of science is subject to fulfilment of very definite social conditions.
Mercury makes music the key to increasing creativity and finding fulfilment.
The Sun
It is itself required for the fulfilment of the task we usually associate with political authority.
In it he details his childhood dream of climbing Everest - and his fulfilment of this remarkable ambition three years ago.
Even in the Psalm from which these words are taken the promise to the meek is not held forth as an arbitrary reward, but as having a kind of natural fulfilment.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The history of humankind is the history of human endeavour to at each stage deepen the democratic processes by removing hindrances to further human self-fulfilment.
All were volunteers participating in exchange for partial fulfilment of a course requirement.
The two sides who will line up in tonight's final represent the fulfilment of the promise of youth.
Times, Sunday Times
The fulfilment of a dream long awaited is a present that will always live in my heart, and mind, and Spirit.
Obama girls weigh in on their first White House Christmas
Sometimes the request hangs fire, or the fulfilment is delayed, with untoward consequences.
And on that monument, as all know, is inscribed in imperishable bronze the prophecy and the fulfilment: ALL WILL BE JOY-SMITHS, AND THEIR
Most computer games provide some kind of wish fulfilment.
We live in an era which aspires to absolute freedom, absolute self-fulfilment and absolute equality.
Times, Sunday Times
Man must exercise his will to become more conscious, in fulfilment of his aim.
Concentration on psychological fulfilment places enormous strain on the institution because it raises impossibly high expectations.
Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
A major strand is that all the great philosophical issues are seen in terms of modernity, a defining characteristic of which is the quest for self-fulfilment.
All were volunteers participating in exchange for partial fulfilment of a course requirement.
The real joy of the priesthood is helping people find personal fulfilment .
For an artist to travel is to set out on a visual adventure which may or may not end in fulfilment.
Philosophers have long insisted that morality, properly understood, was a form of self-fulfilment.
The Times Literary Supplement
The great Rishi Narada, O king, revered by all the world is a siddha i.e., his sadhana has met fulfilment.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
While it's true that applying maths to anything other than counting calories is not compulsory, improving your mind is the path to self-fulfilment.
In this nostalgia for community some would discover utopian impulses, others would decry imaginary fulfilments as ideological.
That statement should set in motion the procedures under the Agreement of April 2003 and the above-mentioned legislation in fulfilment of the pledges made by the Government.
The yearning for spiritual fulfilment is universal in human nature, although it is expressed in many forms and embodied in many creeds.
The Plague of Pessimism
In fact the 2 July meeting did not recommend immediate introduction of screening, notwithstanding the fulfilment of the previous conditions.
Meanwhile, the Community itself is rapidly integrating its internal market in fulfilment of the 1992 programme.
Pushing the PerimetersThe Changing International Business Scene
Similarly, the idea of self-fulfilment should not be seen as uniquely distinctive of a modern system of morality.
The Times Literary Supplement
There has obviously been a conscious decision and determination on his part to make his life a fulfilment of prophetic utterance.
But by ascetic restraint and by introspective contemplation, the soul can ascend to its true fulfilment.
Copacabana sounds like a world invented by advertising executives, designed to awaken burning desires and promise of their fulfilment.
Today, he takes comfort in the fact that his eldest son knew personal happiness and fulfilment in the last few years of his life.
Liaise with Stationery on the fulfilment of consumables requests, jointly monitor issues, and advise on stock levels and suppliers.
Making albums like Returning Jesus and writing songs like ‘My Revenge On Seattle’ is justification enough for going through the difficulties that we sometimes do and a total fulfilment of the potential that suggested itself in 1986 / 87.
Thus I promised myself, as I journied towards my destination with roused and ardent expectation: expectation of the fulfilment of all that in boyhood we promise ourselves of power and enjoyment in maturity.
He has always been aware of my wishes: -- when perhaps the fulfilment might have sent me off on another tour of the world, homebird though I am.
The Egoist
For although a continuation of the bullary has just been published at Rome, containing several decrees of this congregation, there is not one that announces a fulfilment of this illusory promise, -- a promise imagined by a correspondent to French newspapers, but never given by the inquisitors themselves.
Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
I am so weary of reports that are without foundation and threats that go without fulfilment, and so much occupied besides by the raging troubles of my own wame, that I have been very slack on politics, as I have been in literature.
Vailima Letters
The aim of today's happiness crusade seems to be to politicise the quest for self-fulfilment.
There are many references to Jephthah's slaying of his daughter in fulfilment of a rash vow which he made that he would sacrifice the first person of his own house whom he met on his return.
Shakespeare and the Bible
Each of these women exhibits a need to give and receive love, and each finds fulfilment as a helpmate and companion to a deserving man.
To be so selective is to go some way towards ensuring the self-fulfilment of his prophecy.
No doubt the glowing septet differed singularly from the candid sonata; the timid question to which the little phrase replied, from the breathless supplication to find the fulfilment of the strange promise that had resounded, so harsh, so supernatural, so brief, setting athrob the still inert crimson of the morning sky, above the sea.
The Captive
For many women, the fulfilment of family obligations prevents the furtherance of their career.
The answer is that they can do so when the powers and obligations of a state are based on a social contract in which citizens delegate powers to the state and expect in exchange fulfilment of certain duties by it.
Those measures affect his fulfilment of his role as a representative, but are not penal beyond that.
No other great novelist has had to cope with such meagre opportunities for self-fulfilment.
Times, Sunday Times
Well most kids I know are better adjusted than that, and know very well that spending five hours a day practising topspin won't bring them happiness and fulfilment - whereas an hour a week followed by a can of fizzy pop might be quite fun.
The chance of finding fulfilment by continuing to live has to be explained.
Times, Sunday Times
A fulfilment of a dream for both of us.
The Sun
In forwarding this despatch Lord Milner made the apposite comment that the propriety of employing the term suzerainty to express the rights possessed by Great Britain is an "etymological question," and Mr. Chamberlain, replying on December 15th, accepts President Krüger's declaration that he is willing to abide by the articles of the Convention, reasserts the claim of suzerainty, declines to allow foreign arbitration, and demands the immediate fulfilment of Article IV.
Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
She gave me leave; so I entered and saluting her, said, ‘Verily Allah ordereth the lives of all creatures by His commandment and when He decreeth aught, there is no escaping its fulfilment; nor can any soul depart but by leave of Allah, according to the Writ which affirmeth the appointed term.’
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Academics have concluded the values drummed into their grandparents, such as a strong work ethic and self-sacrifice, have been lost in the relentless quest for self-fulfilment.
Young Adults of Today Have an Over-Inflated Sense of Entitlement | Impact Lab
The dream fulfilment was fine.
Times, Sunday Times
We must stick doggedly to this undertaking and not delay its fulfilment by a single day.
Handmade beaded lampshades became a vehicle for artistic fulfilment.
We are conscious too of where we stand on the scale of contentedness or satisfaction or fulfilment or plain happiness.
Compensation will be given to ‘community volunteers’ in the form of a monthly allowance payable upon fulfilment of the performance required.
Is the special risk of injury a relevant consideration in determining the precautions which the employer should take in fulfilment of the duty of care which he owes to the workman?…
The promise of unity and fulfilment of desire promised by the institution of marriage is also undermined by both the characters and the events in this play.
For at the heart of that dominant form, the quest-story, there lies very often a denial of fulfilment.
It is in many respects a recession of self-fulfilment.
Inside there were latticed windows to which people had tied bits of red thread, praying for fulfilment of their wishes.
Control over the effectiveness of government activities involves the fulfilment of political goals by effective administration.
In other words, the location of meaning and purpose in this world is to be found through individual self-fulfilment involving judgments that inevitably vary among people.
Mr. Tsvangirai said he had taken considerable political risk by signing the political agreement and entering into a government of national unity with unreliable partners, Mr. Mugabe and ZANU-PF. Political analyst Brian Raftopoulos says that progress in fulfilment of the global political agreement, which is the foundation for the inclusive government, was controlled by the Zimbabwe military.
Zimbabwe's Unity Government in Trouble
An alternative way of evaluating what is happening is to stress people's continuing search for self-fulfilment and emotional satisfaction from their intimate relationships.
Its work in fulfilment of that task must necessarily to a large extent be a slow, patient, undramatic operation based on continuing negotiations with all parties concerned.
An Address by Dag Hammarskjold
The Bible distinguishes joy from pleasure, and it also warns that self-indulgent pleasure-seeking does not lead to happiness and fulfilment.
A spokesperson for thetrainline. com said: "While we provide the retail and ticket fulfilment technology for the First Great Western website, we do not manage their customer services eg call centres, which is why in this particular case we, as thetrainline. com, were not able to notify Mr Cartwright about the late cancellation.
Why train travel has a bad reputation
Mann says it's a strange thing with the fulfilment of prophecies, they often confirm themselves allusively rather than literally.
These patents claim that the princesses received their lands "in fulfilment [sic] of Henry VIII's will.
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
And for a man who for so long struggled to find fulfilment in love - even in an adulterous affair - the loss of the illusion might be hard to bear.
When one achieves that, there is an indescribable sense of fulfilment.
A major strand is that all the great philosophical issues are seen in terms of modernity, a defining characteristic of which is the quest for self-fulfilment.
Plays given in fulfilment of vows thus made were called votive games.
General History for Colleges and High Schools
But active participation of the workers in the march of science is subject to fulfilment of very definite social conditions.
Most computer games provide some kind of wish fulfilment.
And on that monument, as all know, is inscribed in imperishable bronze the prophecy and the fulfilment: ALL WILL BE JOY-SMITHS, AND
Freud affirmed that, with very few exceptions, dreams were disguised, hallucinatory fulfilments of repressed wishes.
In fact the 2 July meeting did not recommend immediate introduction of screening, notwithstanding the fulfilment of the previous conditions.
As a result, the Developer is inclined to blame the Planner as one who is inflexible and who seems to delight in impeding the speedy fulfilment of vital economic decisions.
Metropolitan TorontoPlanners Dilemma
Self-control and consideration for others are not priorities here: self-fulfilment is all.
Times, Sunday Times
Miriam the Girdle-girl, hath a mind to visit the church this day, to seek a blessing by pilgrimage and to make oblation thereto, a douceur517 of thank-offering for her deliverance from the land of the Moslems and in fulfilment of the vows she vowed to the Messiah, so he would save her.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Eventually, any pretence of a plot is jettisoned in favour of romantic wish fulfilment.
Devotees get their head tonsured and offer the hair to the Lord as fulfilment of a vow at Tirumala.
But for most it could lead to the fulfilment of life-long dreams or security for the family.
The Sun
More needs to be done to help our young people to get on the ladder of work and self-fulfilment.
Times, Sunday Times
Happiness is not just empty smiling: it is about freedom, mindfulness, self-fulfilment, comradeship.
Times, Sunday Times
Now the management is avoiding fulfilment of its duties toward the workers and unfairly dragging out the negotiations, he claimed.
Is not the pleasure of the novelistic text akin to day-dreaming, wish-fulfilment fantasy?
A radical change appears to be taking place in the workplace with employees chasing their dreams and seeking greater fulfilment.
Office Centre will improve their logistics network and retain customers through more efficient order fulfilment.
A bourgeois construct inclined to restrict rather than expand the opportunities for self-fulfilment.
Times, Sunday Times
Most computer games provide some kind of wish fulfilment.