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How To Use Fulfill In A Sentence

  • 'If he _has not fulfilled_ his promise to write,' but 'If he _did not write_ as he undertook to do' ([Greek: _egrapsen huposchomenos_]); nor 'If he _has commenced and finished_,' but 'If he _commenced and finished_' ([Greek: _arxamenos sunetelese_]). A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays
  • Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty.
  • Now that I think about it, direct property distraint was a recognized means of compelling welchers to fulfill their obligations in the quasi-anarchic Brehon laws of Celtic Ireland, even if it was a case of tenants or debtors going after landlords or creditors. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #30
  • Unless these conditions are fulfilled, we consider any assistance given to the artels and the co-operatives not only useless, but definitely harmful.
  • Their pleasures derive from fulfilling internal wishes and desires and they find solitude easy to bear. Know Your Own Mind
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  • The film enabled Common (real name Lonnie Rashied Lynn Jr.) to fulfill two dreams. Rapper Common gets 'Wright' with his dreams
  • Were they spiritualized, minimized, or did they fail to find fulfillment only because of the failure of the restoration to materialize?
  • You have been very remiss in fulfilling your obligations.
  • In a career, emotional involvement is essential for the Leo to feel fulfilled.
  • A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect.
  • Then we played some games: we threw bean bags into targets for prizes and ran relays, spun hula hoops and played tic-tac-toe, fulfilling the mitzvah of laughing and being merry on Sukkot. GLBT Families Come OUT to Decorate the Sukkah With GLOE « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • For a classical story ballet to truly be a fulfilling experience, the movements have to reveal character; they need to have an underlying motivation.
  • It was a book which fulfilled his desire to discover a place seldom visited, and was also to influence this once-aimless student to eventually find a direction, and become a travel writer.
  • He fulfilled his duties conscientiously, but his support for the proclamation of the district as a city lost him his seat in 1950.
  • And that's one of the keys to understanding the fulfillment of future prophecies.
  • He fulfilled a long-held ambition to take the company upmarket.
  • I am a highly educated, successful career woman who finally realized that we women are getting ripped off by the current culture and the educational establishment who is brainwashing us into a life of hectic, unfulfilling work in stuffy cubicles working long, stressful hours to earn enough so that we can "relax" on a beach somewhere. Get in on Life...
  • There is now a real movement in our society to pull our youngsters back from the edge of the precipice of self-annihilation and redirect our children toward a wholesome lifestyle which will allow them a chance to fulfill their potential.
  • And Fed officials framed their decision as being designed to fulfill its "dual mandate" to maintain maximum employment and stable prices. Fed to inject $600 billion into economy
  • I'm finding the work much more fulfilling now.
  • It combines invaluable advice on how you can plan for a secure future with suggestions for creative and fulfilling activities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contentment is the foundation of true happiness. The happiness that comes from fulfilling desires can never be permanent. RVM 
  • She sees a bigger picture. ‘It's all about defining a fulfilled life in a culture that has no real experience of people in their eighties and nineties.’
  • Every four years, our brave lads and lasses tend to venture to foreign slopes with faint expectations, which will be duly fulfilled, as they wind up racing to a plucky 32nd in the giant slalom or 29th in the luge.
  • On the page and on the screen, "Kick-Ass" riffs on the wish-fulfillment afforded by tales of derring-do and the ill-advisedness of taking on the task in real life.
  • In addition to fulfilling its expected practical function, the kitchen was also designed as a kind of recording studio.
  • The most important thing for him and his workers there is the fulfillment of orders every month to run their factory.
  • Angeline had been the fulfillment of her dreams, and Gretchen her first disappointment.
  • Like pieces from a musician, her collection of poetry vamps through various repeated patterns and themes truly fulfilling the ‘ostinato’ description in her title.
  • “We should work for redressal of public grievances instead of fighting with each other”, he said and called upon all legislators including opposition to work for fulfilling public demands and resolving their difficulties. Indian Kashmir Chief said,���I believe in pious political ethics,upright character & moral principle
  • Factor in the lowering of military recruiting standards in order to fulfill the unmet needs of the War, we've got problems.
  • Christians believe that Isaiah's description of this servant was a prophecy that was fulfilled during the life of Jesus Christ.
  • They are currently trying to get stock from other nearby retailers to fulfill our orders.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds find surprising satisfaction in fulfilling their everyday needs.
  • If just protons or sodium ions are present, the condition is not fulfilled and the logical molecule remains zeroed.
  • I had some right to surmise that my illness may have been merely the effect of the hot wind; and this notion was encouraged by the elasticity of my spirits, and by a strong forefeeling that much of my destined life in this world was yet to come, and yet to be fulfilled. Eothen
  • How fabulous is it that the pursuit of happiness and self-fulfillment can be achieved with the help of the diving industry!
  • Curiously, her mother never saw it either and died at a ripe old age with that particular ambition unfulfilled.
  • The address book is an odd addition, given that the database is perfectly adequate for fulfilling this need.
  • She was determined to prove she was no seven-day wonder whose promise would remain unfulfilled.
  • After they published their final goals, they organized 12 committees to push the relevant public and private agencies to fulfill them.
  • About a third is the labor and the fulfillment we call imprinting here and the overhead, and then about a third is the delivery of a piece of it. Undefined
  • Yet I feel a deep sense of being unfulfilled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women tend to consider extramarital unions for emotional fulfillment rather than for recreational sex.
  • Having asked only a handful of the questions I had planned, I felt disappointed, unsatisfied and unfulfilled.
  • The retailer will continue to open new warehouses to fulfill orders.
  • Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action.
  • Choose low-fat milk, yogurt, cheeses, ice cream, or products made or served with these choices to fulfill your daily requirement.
  • Happy anniversary!May the years ahead fulfill all your hope.
  • If Sprint cannot fulfill its promise to return to growth in subscribers, also known as post-paid customers, it cannot turn around its financials, Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Along the way we see some occasional impulse in him to live a good life, a fulfilling life.
  • Logically, Youth has re-equipped him for sin and with the disposition to commit it; he will naturally go to the fane which is consecrated to the Fulfillment of Desires, and make arrangements. Following the Equator, Part 6
  • But there was also the sense that we were proud of what we did, and that somehow we were fulfilling ourselves by contributing to the cultural, informational and artistic life of the nation.
  • This is self-fulfilling prophecy par excellence. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • I knew I needed to take a break, to empty myself, to fulfill myself with new things, modern things, some things to talk about, things to sing about.
  • Sublime Frequencies -- the reissue label helmed by onetime Sun City Girl Alan Bishop -- has produced some of the most challenging and fulfilling reissues in the past 10 years. NPR Topics: News
  • In a multivalent society, the multiple personality is the only one which can fulfill. THE DICE MAN
  • Goss defines military effectiveness as the fulfillment of assigned missions and the accomplishment of political objectives.
  • Slow fulfillment of orders is the problem I have at my local store.
  • His trial, which began only a week after the raid, fulfilled Messervy's glummest fears. THE NUMBERS
  • The timeless principles set forth in this program apply to everyone who seeks fulfillment.
  • In other words, all of our members must fulfill our membership requirements before they can apply for membership.
  • You'll never get anywhere in your job unless you reach up to the highest position in the firm and take steps to fulfill your aim.
  • But there was also the sense that we were proud of what we did, and that somehow we were fulfilling ourselves by contributing to the cultural, informational and artistic life of the nation.
  • As if fulfilling the portentous predictions of some medieval soothsayer, the first year of this new century has witnessed an unprecedented catalogue of warnings of the cumulative effects of climate change.
  • Mark trained Elizabeth for the role of messenger for the Brotherhood, and together they were able to fulfill the mission of their twin flames by bringing forth the Brotherhood's teachings for the Aquarian age.
  • Anyone who tells students that there is only one way is putting them ‘into emotional corsets' and preventing them from fulfilling themselves.
  • Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom. Libertas Praestantissimum
  • Turkey is a market that has never quite fulfilled its potential.
  • Success and failure hinge on achieving personal artistic fulfillment and public acclaim.
  • Do you FEEL unsatisfied or unfulfilled with any area of your life or business?
  • Returning to Montreal in '93, his pro hockey days behind him, a disheartened Jere worked in the exciting and fulfilling world of home renovations, but nevertheless felt empty and purposeless.
  • The original impetus was that of return, and reversing the so - called loss of Arab land and patrimony, rather than a fulfillment of post-colonial self-determination via the statehood route; a complot designed after 1967 as a new Palestinian identity with at its core the notion of the armed struggle as a galvanizing force. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • According to this story, he promised her that if her desire is not fulfilled after this practice, she can catch hold of him at the doom's day.
  • Rather it is hoped that the haecceity of this enchiridion of arcane and recondite sesquipedalian items will appeal to the oniomania of an eximious Gemeinschaft whose legerity and sophrosyne, whose Sprachgefühl and orexis will find more than fugacious fulfillment among its felicific pages.
  • He then requires man to work hard, fulfill his duties and meet his obligations.
  • From this oft-repeated prophecy Collins was known to every stockman in three States as the Coyote Prophet, the title a jeering one at first, then bestowed with increasing respect as men saw many of his prophecies fulfilled. The Yellow Horde
  • Their pleasures derive from fulfilling internal wishes and desires and they find solitude easy to bear. Know Your Own Mind
  • He offered his services to the Edinburgh Missionary Society as an overseas candidate, thus fulfilling a youthful ambition.
  • Was she so crushed by exile and loss that her plays are wish fulfillment fantasies of revenge and triumph?
  • He moved to fulfill a major campaign promise this month by mandating that flagmen, not policemen, direct traffic; the police unions will fight him on this decision, which deprives their members easy overtime pay. The Axelrod Method
  • If your Xbox 360 avatar appears unfulfilled despite a virtual closet packed with game-related paraph ... *Shacknews* Games
  • On the contrary, he insists, it is fulfilling an unmet need for brands and male consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he's going to really fulfill the stereotype of a Washington power broker.
  • A Scottish doctor has died in a climbing accident on Mont Blanc, moments after fulfilling his dream to conquer the mountain.
  • I'm not sure, but offhand it seems to fulfill the criteria of the definitions offered by Bennett.
  • While it may fulfill a voyeuristic impulse, it was hard to make a business case for this social metaphor.
  • He said if that happens, the company is not sure it would be able to fulfill its transit obligation of Europe-bound gas supplies.
  • We could make it a self-fulfilling prophecy if we assume they have civility and regard them all and treat them all as one.
  • Even more surprisingly, they were understood to have a right to sexual fulfillment.
  • She was determined to prove she was no seven-day wonder whose promise would remain unfulfilled.
  • Acts 3: 18: The things which God foreshowed by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ should suffer, He thus fulfilled. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • If Saddam complies, that is the U.N. mandate fulfilled. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2002
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • Yes, he had followed me in my travels; he had loitered in forests, hid himself in caves, or taken refuge in wide and desert heaths; and he now came to mark my progress, and claim the fulfillment of my promise. Chapter 3
  • I thought that given a better part he could have fulfilled the promise he showed but not as the stereotyped gambler with a heart, which has so littered the American musical scene since Gaylord Ravenal applied for a job on a showboat.
  • Two previous inter-agency appeals to address the crisis in Ivory Coast have met with limited success, with just 43% of their requirements being fulfilled, OCHA said.
  • So while she grooms her son for leadership, she is also fulfilling her own destiny.
  • She has not turned onto the dead-end road of reminiscence, disability and dependence, but rather onto the long, fulfilling road of life, happiness, and salvation.
  • As an aside, it occurred to me that Tyrion could have fulfilled the prophecy if he'd killed Cersei with the same improvised garotte he used to take his revenge on Shae -- and that Jaime might find the Hand's chain of office "handy" himself for the purpose, given that his gold prosthetic isn't really suitable for tasks like strangling psychopathic sisters. Casting clues and possible solutions
  • Unfulfilled potential is about as useful as a canal with no water in it.
  • Then I thought some more about the emotions brought about by an unfulfilled dream.
  • It seems ludicrous that they have been hung out to dry with such vituperation when in fact they are both dutifully fulfilling the only remaining important royal function there is.
  • Nick of Time embraces its B-movie qualities with such gusto that it comes off like the kind of cheapie thriller Alfred Hitchcock would have directed to fulfill a studio contract. The Week in DVR: We Heart Ted Williams! Plus, a (Good) Comedy on Comedy Central and Christopher Walken Sports a Mustache of Bad
  • Role-responsibility refers to the performance or fulfillment of the duties attached to a person's social role.
  • In general terms Spenser's female characters are praised for fulfilling the roles of supportive partner or chaste virgin.
  • Their initial banality allows them to be fulfilled, to take on another life, to free themselves of their own geographies.
  • No one had discharged the duties of companionship or fulfilled the obligations of succession as they did.
  • How can you claim that a prophesy about a leader appearing from a certain clan is fulfilled by Jesus, who merely happened to be born in town that shares its name with that clan? An Amazing First Century
  • Obadiah's was fulfilled probably in Sennacherib's time Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They start spending all their time in bed and their muscles atrophy and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Only they who fulfill their duty in everday matters will fulfill them on great occasions. 
  • He felt unfulfilled but his life wasn't a failure. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a real treasure of ensemble acting, as every performance not only fulfills the purpose needed for each scene, but they all seem to be working off of each other.
  • You are minutely analytical and can fulfill any task that requires meticulous attention to detail.
  • He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father's wishes.
  • A sense of destiny pervades your every waking moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled.
  • Hitchcock seems disinterested in the relationship, tacking it on to fulfill audience expectations.
  • Looking to be good people and hoping in some vague way to fulfill themselves, its upper-middle-class couple adopts, not a child, but an elderly man and wife formerly ensconced in a nursing facility.
  • The deontic modals ought to have and should have express past obligation, usually with the implication that it was not fulfilled: You ought to have phoned (but you didn't); They should have come in.
  • Your personal information will be processed to fulfill your request. The Sun
  • Many of us secretly harbor a suspicion that somebody somewhere really is finding both fun and fulfillment while being sexually promiscuous.
  • Through the National Inventory, operated by Duchas, the state is fulfilling its obligation to inventory all of Ireland's architectural heritage.
  • They are fulfilling their dream of rural life in a honey-coloured cottage.
  • At age 30, he joined the military, fulfilling part of his quest for adventure by flying in the back of C - 130s, performing airdrops and transport missions worldwide.
  • Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action.
  • Better still, never leave Little Puddington at all if you wish to be a wholly fulfilled and creative person.
  • But she was one of those satisfactory creatures whose intercourse has the charm of discovery; whose integrity of faculty and expression begets a wish to know what they will say on all subjects or how they will perform whatever they undertake; so that they end by raising not only a continual expectation but a continual sense of fulfillment -- the systole and diastole of blissful companionship. Daniel Deronda
  • For most people, these changes are extremely liberating, and marriages that succeed can be much more rewarding and fulfilling than those of the past.
  • And so, while she was demanding great things of us, she was also, in a way, undermining our ability to fulfill them.
  • Anything wrong with the satisfaction of fulfilling such a mitsvah? Another One Bites The Dust | Jewschool
  • A worldwide network of short-wave stations with directional aerials was established, fulfilling Marconi's dream of global radio communication.
  • Their pleasures derive from fulfilling internal wishes and desires and they find solitude easy to bear. Know Your Own Mind
  • The supervision dairy product enterprise fulfills lives the fresh milk agreement, the execution contract.
  • The affirmation of a proposition is not itself a proposition; it is the determination of an empirical fact, viz., the fulfillment of the intention expressed by the proposition.
  • By allowing Bobby Montoya to be a Girl Scout, the Girl Scout leadership has fulfilled its own written laws "to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Girl Scout Organization Fulfills Its Promises and Laws
  • Bucks kahuna George Karl always has been one of the league's grumpiest coaches, hut even he had been feeling a bit bluer than usual lately, suffering from a lack of fulfillment at work that dales back about a year.
  • There are some mitzvos that can be fulfilled by meeting minimum standards, such as eating a small portion of matzah at the Seder.
  • The building is still fulfilling its original purpose admirably.
  • Not one iota, not one dot of the law will pass away until all is fulfilled. Christianity Today
  • For those of us who fulfill our baptismal call to follow Jesus in and through the sacrament of matrimony, kenosis is the call to a self-emptying or dying to our needs, hopes, and expectations.
  • Claudia amazingly ended her article with the self-fulfilling prophecy that my new novel was to be auctioned for "megabucks". Susan Braudy: An Excerpt from a Memoir in which the Late Claudia Cohen Saves the Day
  • This headquarters is rapidly deployable with the capability to meet any mission and fulfill the requirements of the joint force commander.
  • This paper tries to study systematically the principle of taxing in accordance with statute and perfectness of tax lawmaking from the theories and fulfillments.
  • I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. Vince Lombardi 
  • You find happiness and fulfillment in relationships and warmth in family situations.
  • This difference in initial age strata was necessary because most 19 year old males in Sweden fulfill a year of compulsory military service.
  • And they made strides in reversing their reputations for mangling customer service and order fulfillment.
  • One of his unfulfilled ambitions is to write a scientific book on a particular forest and its inhabitants as well as write a book on wildlife photography.
  • Jesus did not offer new or unique teachings, urge his followers to prepare for eternal life with God, or fulfill a messianic mission.
  • The address book is an odd addition, given that the database is perfectly adequate for fulfilling this need.
  • It is unlikely that fulfillment of these criteria and conditions can be accomplished in less than 48 hours.
  • The other three tests fulfilled a contractual obligation to the government to complete a competitive prototyping flyoff. Raytheon-Boeing JAGM Team Verifies Rocket Motor During Flight Test - Yahoo! Finance
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • You and the lawyer putting you forward must always be mindful that the expert opinion you seek to give fulfills each of these four criteria
  • A chipper confidence and a can-do spirit tempered by humble awe for the larger-than-life vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and the role they play in its fulfillment. Baila Olidort: U.K. Chief Rabbi Shares Lessons In Leadership At Chabad Conference
  • The principal and ultimate goal of command and control is to ensure the fulfillment of set tasks under any circumstances.
  • But his sustre fulfilled not his wille: for als sone as he was ded, sche delyvered alle the lordes out of presoun, and lete hem gon, eche lord to his owne; and tolde hem alle the purpos of hire brothers ordynance: and so was this cursed kyng never made sorwe for, as he supposed for to have ben. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • A decade later, he fulfilled another of his dreams.
  • What is unnatural is the denial to me of the potential to fulfill those desires.
  • Businesses are responsible for order fulfillment, shipping, and customer service.
  • When Stephen grew up,he fulfilled his hopes and became a doctor.
  • Kiessling then pointed out his frustrations at unfulfilled commitments made by the studbook keeper at previous meetings. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • A nurse has to fulfill many duties in caring for the sick.
  • Joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this Thanksgiving!
  • God's purpose in each case, and what God actually accomplishes in each case, in the development of character, -- these have not yet been placed before the jury; but, backed up by many fulfilled prophecies, by the character of Jesus Christ, by His resurrection, by what He has accomplished in the world, we have God's solemn assurance that _He will yet place this evidence before the jury_. God's Plan with Men
  • Consumerism is a bottomless pit of self-indulgence and excessiveness that, rather than being fulfilling, leaves people craving for still more.
  • In setting the scene for my post I would love to recount a tale of blissful youth, a text-book joyride throughout early adulthood culminating in a fulfilled maturity.
  • With some notable exceptions, few scholars have been able to develop their writing skills while fulfilling their obligations to teaching and research.
  • As a matter of fact, this condensed expression condenses a series of positive features, rising above the controversial and dark facets of migration, beginning with the observation that "the passage from monocultural to multicultural societies can be a sign of the living presence of God in history and in the community of mankind, for it offers a providential opportunity for the fulfillment of God’s plan for a universal communion" n. Archive 2008-07-27
  • As a result, the urn pushes beyond the logic of consumer desire: where the consumer can at least hope for an imagined consummation from a given commodity, the urn makes that satisfaction impossible and emphasizes the paradoxical bliss one takes in an anticipation that is never fulfilled. Ode on a Grecian Urn
  • The company is also looking to cut down on fulfillment and shipping costs.
  • The store chain has converted more than half of its stores to handle fulfillment of online orders.
  • Children often know what is expected of them, and believing that children will behave poorly can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.
  • In the ROTC program, students fulfill a service commitment after college, in return for a scholarship from the Army or Navy.
  • The Spirit, meanwhile, both provides creatures with their "thisness," or particularity as unique individuals, and lures them onward toward new possibilities of fulfillment and self-transcendence. A Thinking Reed
  • The company is also looking to cut down on fulfillment and shipping costs.
  • Drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility - because love cannot exist where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because love exists only when all the negative elements of the mind are dropped. It is very arduous. Osho 
  • Since the triads dealt with him so viciously, I believe that he was exceptional in fulfilling the duties of a journalist and that was why he was hated.
  • First of all, I don't believe the characterization of being unfulfilled.
  • Freed from distracting desires which could never be adequately fulfilled, I pass through life with confidence and purpose, the multiple identities of my past consolidated into a unified whole.
  • In this consectary, we see, that the phrases, "to be under the law," and "not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh," are opposed to each other; for the latter of them is descriptive of the proper effect of the guidance of the Spirit. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Shake it off, and there is fulfilled in the disobedient man the threatening of my text, which rightly translated ought to be, 'Thou hast broken the yokes of wood, and thou _hast_ made instead of them yokes of iron.' Expositions of Holy Scripture Isaiah and Jeremiah
  • They are seeking fulfillment in career pursuits as well as in their family life.
  • Acts 2: 23; and "The things which God foreshowed by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ should suffer, He thus fulfilled," Acts 3: 18. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • And thus they went so long till that they came to the Siege Perilous, where they found letters newly written of gold which said: Four hundred winters and four and fifty accomplished after the passion of our Lord Jesu Christ ought this siege to be fulfilled. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The meal was apparently intended to be fulfilling and nonfattening. Stories
  • In other words, all of our members must fulfill our membership requirements before they can apply for membership.
  • But one day, he was chosen as the Dragon Warrior by accidents in a tounament, so he had to fulfill his destiny to defeat Tai Long, a ferocious and powerful leopard.
  • We burden them with impossible hopes and then destroy them when hope is inevitably unfulfilled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The novel is not about a quest to find this rare, priceless artefact, but about the emotional fall-out from suddenly fulfilling a dream, an unobtainable dream which he has used to insulate and protect himself.
  • It has undoubtedly fulfilled its role elegantly and cost-effectively for decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is given life by the intent of its creator and is initially designed to fulfill a certain goal.
  • Julia Roberts goes in search of postmarital fulfillment in Ryan Murphy's adaptation of NYT > Home Page
  • To do so is to embrace an agonistic romanticism of perpetually unfulfilled longing and desire.
  • Then when they are about to fulfill their term appointed, either take them back in good manner or part with them in good manner.
  • The word acquires its modi significandi through a second act of imposition encoding all of the general syntactic roles it can play in connection with other words and expressions, i.e., the various parts of speech it can fulfill (e.g., noun, verb, adverb) and the grammatical forms of these parts (e.g., the gender, number, and case of nouns; the tense and mood of verbs). Thomas of Erfurt
  • The third chapter specifies public security contract sign, fulfillment and surveillance.
  • To fulfill the different demand of passengers, this study divides the prediction model for bus arrival time into a long-term sub-model and a short-term submodel.

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