How To Use Frugal In A Sentence

  • Nakamura even gives them a bit of an Odd Couple twist: Buddha is frugal and kind of uptight; Jesus goes with the flow. License request day: Saint Young Men
  • Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • The term frugality has been so perverted that it now means 'No, no, no' to everyone, whether it's shoes or lattes or travel," he said. NYT > Home Page
  • Do the economics of downshifting to a more frugal car stack up? Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to realize the target of the group 'frugalness economic, green Environmental Conservation, modern style system, innovative management' .
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  • Chef Tony Says: Be frugal! Use the yucky orange-colored oil when cooking for children or those with a severe head cold.
  • Its "proverbial sentences, chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality as the means of procuring wealth and thereby securing virtue," were sown like seed all over the land. Benjamin Franklin
  • It turns out that the bulk of the world's millionaires, for example, are surprisingly frugal.
  • Both are at one with a certain instinct of frugality, by which I do not mean meanness.
  • And what should go in a frugal person's batterie de cuisine? Frugal food
  • Shee's any good man's better second selfe, the very mirror of true constant modesty, the carefull huswife of frugalitie, and dearest obiect of man's heart's felicitie. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • Food and drinks are easily the biggest expenses you can control at any sporting event, and with a few tips from Frugal Dad, you can keep your day at the game as cheap as it was in grandpa's time ... The Consumerist: February 2009 Archives
  • I filled all the little spaces that occurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences, chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality as the means of procuring wealth, and thereby securing virtue. Elson Grammar School Literature v4
  • The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.
  • He stands out among the arriviste engineers who dominate the tech industry, combining aristocratic reserve with a merchant's frugality and the obsessive drive of an entrepreneur.
  • Frugality is in, frivolousness is out, ' said Shilpa Rosenberry, a consultant with WSL.
  • When you live a frugal life like me, that's a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether you are frugal by choice or by necessity, here are some tips for saving money when money is very tight.
  • Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • One major expense for the tour is the cost of converting the truck to run on vegetable oil, estimated at a frugal $2,000. The Tour Needs You | Radical Futures Project
  • Of it, “God bless Oprah,” warbled the Frugal Café Blog Zone, continuing »»» Neo-depression free-chicken-dinner fuster cluck
  • When you live a frugal life like me, that's a lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • His father was a self-made rich peasant, hard-working and frugal, narrowed rather than broadened in mind by his hard-won success.
  • She lives a frugal life and expects us to do the same. The Sun
  • That year, a letter to the Newport Mercury, authored by “Frugality,” continued the redefinition of American freedom as self-denial: “We may talk and boast of liberty; but after all, the industrious and frugal only will be free.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Realising the power of discounts and how much money you can make by being frugal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The young prince showed, among other virtues, a disposition to frugality, which, had he lived, would soon have retrieved these losses; but as his health was declining very fast, the present emptiness of the exchequer was a sensible obstacle to the execution of those projects which the ambition of Northumberland had founded on the prospect of The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
  • She was a frugal woman and we only had one day at the seaside and buckets and spades would be catchpennies, so she bought us a milk can and wooden spoons. The Second Coming
  • He maintained that the weakness of old age should be resisted by a seriously undertaken regimen of frugal eating, moderate exercise and intellectual pursuit.
  • Those who have not been so frugal and don't have the money in the bank are well subsidised.
  • But she had to be up and working: the blanchisseuse had to be paid, and Mme. Clopin's weekly bill, and all the little "extras" that even her frugal habits had to reckon with. The Letters
  • We must practise the strictest frugality and economy.
  • Years of being frugal with their money doesn't change in one night - or one pull of a slot machine handle.
  • Did it come out as Lingus-Clee, by any chance? no, frugal, lingus clee is moto taking a break. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • _Monosyllables_ are generally compared by adding _er_ and _est; dissyllables, trisyllables_, &c. by _more_ and _most_; as, mild, milder, mildest; frugal, more frugal, most frugal; virtuous, more virtuous, most virtuous. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • a frugal lunch
  • She keeps house industriously and frugally and niggles over every detail of each bill.
  • Nor was he leading a frugal life. Times, Sunday Times
  • In general terms the food is frugal and relies on fresh ingredients and dexterity to transform them.
  • He was a hardworking, frugal and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
  • The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.
  • He was also frugal with money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should not those on the same income who can live more frugally pay less tax than the profligate?
  • And similarly among the Romans, the Rutilii, and Galbæ, and Scauri, men of eminent reputation for purity of life and manners, and for frugality; and in the succeeding generations, many men of censorian and consular rank, and even many who had celebrated triumphs, such as the The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
  • Industry if fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • The frugal virtues of Buddhism and Jainism were rejected and followers were encouraged to reject all religious observances and make the most of life's pleasures!
  • Yep, it all seemed kind of pointlessly frugal ... until now. Traffick
  • For these diseases are caused by indigestion and flatulency, and by frugality and exercise they remove every humor and spasm. The City of the Sun
  • I think this jam reflects her good diet, frugal upbringing and making the most of seasonal vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schmidt is potentially a cold character, spartan with words and frugal with money.
  • The bad news is that this new frugality could soon be offset by higher borrowing costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • She lived a genteel, careful, frugal life.
  • The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings.
  • The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.
  • It holds that the laborer is worthy of his hire, and that such as may be frugal, diligent and enterprising should reap the profit of their toil, nor be mulcted of the same by legislation in favor of the indigent and shiftless. The Principles of the Republican Party: A Rare Unpublished Jack London Essay
  • The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.
  • They are small, nippy, cheap and frugal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate.
  • Flower blossoms are creamy white with mauve caps and are frugally placed up the stem above glossy green foliage.
  • Those who have not been so frugal and don't have the money in the bank are well subsidised.
  • At least the frugal Germans and their coin hoards will bring some joy to archaeologists in the fourth millennium.
  • These sentiments are born out of a preboom frugality that relied on hand-me-downs and an ability to fashion new things out of old. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • His frugality and thrift were particularly notorious.
  • To make punishments efficacious they should be (4) 'characteristical' or impressive to the imagination; and that they may not be excessive they should be (5) exemplary or likely to impress others, and (6) frugal. The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
  • He is shocked when the Ghost of Christmas Present shows him the frugal Christmas meal enjoyed by Bob Cratchit and his family.
  • Most meals are frugal and simple with the daily consumption of meat kept to a minimum.
  • He was also frugal with money. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1726, Joseph Bonnier's careful and frugal father died, leaving his twenty-four-year-old son with a fortune worth ten billion francs and a governmental position which paid, possibly unofficially, one hundred thousand écu, or five or six hundred thousand livres (an ecu, just before the Revolution, being equivalent to about $25 in 2006). Archive 2008-05-01
  • The government has been shrewd and it hasn't been frugal with funds, running up £1.5m in expenses to date after a handful of pretrial hearings.
  • He was true to his heritage in valuing hard work, frugality, practicality, and taciturnity.
  • Enter the recessionista, that frugal fashionista who's not afraid to troll the clearance racks.
  • He frugally saved various bits of the machine in carefully marked boxes.
  • In keeping with Scottish traditions of frugality and a canny eye for making a penny, the Freemasons who designed it felt that it would be of much more use if it remained relatively unembellished.
  • It holds that the laborer is worthy of his hire, and that such as may be frugal, diligent and enterprising should reap the profit of their toil, nor be mulcted of the same by legislation in favor of the indigent and shiftless. The Principles of the Republican Party: A Rare Unpublished Jack London Essay
  • It is a future in which both the working class and middle class shrink as labor unions are destroyed, pensions are decimated, and ordinary people lose their jobs because private corporations ship them overseas and government jobs are eliminated in the name of frugality. Alan Singer: Is the Tea Party Future Unfolding in London?
  • The enterprise is in live frugally, common people criterion enclasp pocket.
  • March 16 (UPI) -- The recession has produced a new set of words to describe U.S. life, including "furcation," "staycation" and "frugalista," pundits say. Latest News -
  • It is on this note that I return to my native Scotland for the festive season, a country whose natives are labeled as being a stingy, frugal bunch that are not much prone to bouts of giving.
  • Mansions, in Hospital Palaces of Chambord and Chantilly; peace bought by victory; breaches healed by Feast of Etre Supreme; -- and so, through seas of blood, to Equality, Frugality, worksome Blessedness, Fraternity, and Republic of the virtues! The French Revolution
  • The constant battle to kill waste ( "muda") produced the company's legendary frugality. Reuters: Top News
  • He cobbles together frugal astral jazz, gentle funk, and 60s pop and folk using an array of keyboards and samplers - and it's nice.
  • I brace myself to descend into the viscera of Filene's to pick unbeatably priced men's suits and business shirts for my frugal husband.
  • But it is a frugal state, and the politics of frugality often breed conservative social and civic decisions.
  • The revelations about Dewar's astounding personal wealth belie the First Minister's image as a man who scorned the finer things in life and valued frugality and simplicity.
  • They believe this would encourage manufacturers to be more frugal with resources.
  • It had been neither strikingly new, nor utterly shabby, neither napless nor over-glossy, and might have passed for the hat of a frugally given owner, but its artificially prolonged existence had now reached the final stage, it was crumpled, forlorn, and completely ruined, a downright rag, a fitting emblem of its master. The Magic Skin
  • Frugality is an estate alone.
  • He frugally saved various bits of the machine in carefully marked boxes.
  • He even started working full-time and being extra frugal with his money.
  • You share brief, frugal meals with the monks in the refectory, then it's back to your cell to pray - for salvation, inspiration, or deliverance, take your pick.
  • If you live a frugal life and put some money away for your old age, you get hammered. The Sun
  • What are your ideas for saving money and being frugal with fabrics and sewing?
  • He took seriously his pledge made at the outset of the war that he would live a frugal and abstemious existence as long as the war lasted.
  • He was normally very frugal with the Corps' credits.
  • Frugality is an estate alone.
  • Pilgrims still stay at simple hostels which may only offer a bunk bed and a frugal Mediterranean meal of bread, olives and red wine, shared with fellow pilgrims in candlelight.
  • This goal may thus be achieved in a more frugal manner in terms of costs and logistics than was previously described.
  • A retired railway worker who lived a frugal life in a council flat and only went away on coach trips has left 1.1 million to charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • War­dell was asked to be frugal, "the sim­pler the better, so long as proper architect­ural effect is pres­erved". C19th courthouse architecture: rural Victoria
  • Furthermore, nature is notoriously frugal with her resources.
  • They also passed a law that public officeholders possess the moral characteristics of ‘piety, justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality.’
  • The frugal meal is served at triclinia below hanging oil-lamps in the high-ceilinged murk.
  • MONEY : Your frugal nature is reinforced but you also spring financial surprises! The Sun
  • I told you that I hated to waste money and that I was very frugal.
  • She lived a careful and frugal life.
  • The Holyrood project has scuppered Scotland's reputation for meanness - perhaps a Minister for Frugality is needed or a Department of Thrift.
  • And often people interpret its meaning as simply taking good care of what we have or being frugal with money. Christianity Today
  • Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • Cornet always led a frugal and ascetic life, able to live contentedly for weeks on end with the same menu of rice and dried fish.
  • With the quality of Rolly's reports, traditional construction methods are well documented, and his accounting is as careful as Thoreau's, although not as frugal. Pictures of My Construction Project
  • He complained that the colonel starves his works out of whimsicalness and frugality, endeavouring to do every thing with his own people, and at the same time taking them off upon every vagary that comes into his head. The Westover Manuscripts: Containing the History of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; A Journey to the Land of Eden, A. D. 1733; and A Progress to the Mines. Written from 1728 to 1736, and Now First Published
  • Another bright spot in frugality is the cost of transportation and telephones. Archive 2008-04-01
  • An 1890 article in The New York Times debated the ethics of tipping porters: Tipping is objected to by austere and frugal American moralists upon the ground that it undermines the manhood and self-respect of the tippee. Last Pullman Porters Wanted «
  • He told us that frugal meals were best for people and that delicious food was our enemy.
  • We've seen the interview with the ascetic visionary who squats before a frugal meal among his disciples.
  • He was a frugal man himself and he feared that the money would corrupt both his family and the strict religious principles of his regime.
  • There is something simple, pure and frugal about a home-made loaf, and the feel-good factor is better than a trip to the gym.
  • Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • Her life was frugal, her dresses "unambitious", her one seeming luxury a Valor stove with two paraffin wicks, which her adored son, David Garnett, had bought for her. Constance Garnett by Edna O'Brien
  • The bad news is that this new frugality could soon be offset by higher borrowing costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor was he leading a frugal life. Times, Sunday Times
  • in villages, the new pipeline marks the end of water as a precious liquid, to be dispensed frugally, weighed out drop by drop
  • In personality they were frugal, abstemious, shrewd, accumulative, and solitary.
  • Confucius said, ‘Lavishness leads to arrogance, frugality leads to shabbiness, but it is better to be shabby than arrogant’.
  • For the most part, these were dark, crusty, ill-favored things, and it mattered little whether the artist attempted a still life of old wooden shoes or an interior scene of peasants consuming a frugal repast, as forms and shapes were barely discernible in his murky canvases. A Stranger to Himself
  • Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • There is a virtue to this way of organizing things as it meant I was rewarded economically for my frugal use of energy instead of subsidizing the neighbours who chose to leave their lights on.
  • And to drive a squaresville people-carrier or a more fuel-frugal, sensible-looking family car? Times, Sunday Times
  • My wife and children had nagging health problems, and finances were continually short (even though we tithed, gave regularly and lived frugally).
  • My frugality is still moderate by Scottish standards, though.
  • MONEY : Your frugal nature is reinforced but you also spring financial surprises! The Sun
  • With scraps and fabric recycling, you can be creative and frugal and all those things our foremothers and forefathers were when they were sewing at home.
  • Beginning in the 17th century, the frugal French started replacing ancient wooden shepherds 'huts throughout the mountains with sturdy stone structures made of granite and basalt - the "buron". Europe Travel
  • Despite the outside income and a frugal lifestyle, the couple still lacks health insurance.
  • Overall, I feel that making my children's school lunch is a healthier choice, as well as being a more frugal choice*. Frugal Upstate
  • Well, you know he is notoriously frugal.
  • And this is confirmed from the present practice; for in our religious or public feasts, where the food is simple and inartificial, each man hath his mess assigned him; so that he that endeavors to retrieve the ancient custom will likewise recover thrift and almost lost frugality again. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Most meals are frugal and simple with the daily consumption of meat kept to a minimum.
  • He found the president eating a frugal meal and using pottery dishes and knife, fork, and spoon of iron.
  • Fortunately, she's not giving cars yet, but I've discovered the tooth fairy I know is pretty frugal compared to most.
  • Be a frugalista and snap up one now, then wear it in the summer without the woolly tights. The Sun
  • The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.
  • On the other hand, the sale of Daewoo's 800-cc Matiz minicar is up 32% in September - frugal consumers, at least, are buying.
  • His frugality and thrift were particularly notorious.
  • And observing that it was generally read, scarce any neighborhood in the province being without it, I considered it as a proper vehicle for conveying instruction among the common people, who bought scarcely any other books; I therefore filled all the little spaces that occurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences, chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality as a means of procuring wealth, and thereby securing virtue; it being more difficult for a man in want to act always honestly as, to use here one of the proverbs, it is hard for an empty sack to stand upright. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 6
  • He took seriously his pledge made at the outset of the war that he would live a frugal and abstemious existence as long as the war lasted.
  • All the changes that are incentivised by the solutions economy, rewarding providers and customers for frugal use of resources, and for complete recovery.
  • Yet Smith also saw that the roots of ‘this frugality’ ran much deeper than Calvinist cant or even moral rectitude.
  • They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries.
  • His trouble, right now, is that his credit-crunched customers are becoming similarly frugal. Times, Sunday Times
  • a frugal farmer
  • Frugality when all is spent comes too late. 
  • The early settlers - Dutch and German - brought with them a sense of orderliness, frugality, and a love of jams and preserves, konfyt, and of baked goods which remains evident even now.
  • He personally lived frugally and spent the research funding entrusted to him with the same care.
  • The Encore is hard to beat, and that's coming from someone who is frugal, picky, lefthanded, and already owns a Ruger #1 .... that I love a heck of a lot. Im in the market for a quality single-shot that does not cost a fortune (sadly that rules out the ruger #1, would love to have o
  • And often people interpret its meaning as simply taking good care of what we have or being frugal with money. Christianity Today
  • Their frugality, intense militarism and hardiness stood them in very good stead, as did their love of what contemporaries called liberty: freedom from foreign control.
  • A few of his friends made small contributions on the spot and provided a frugal meal to all the street children who walked into the exhibition.
  • Chef Michael Mina's creations are stunning - an exquisite caviar parfait, tempura prawns with a light truffle cream, sea bass marinated in Japanese miso, a rich lobster pot pie that turns the tables on traditional Yankee frugality. TWICE - Digital Imaging News
  • You share brief, frugal meals with the monks in the refectory, then it's back to your cell to pray - for salvation, inspiration, or deliverance, take your pick.
  • Afar from honks of motor cars, and all the city's clamor, I'd like to sleep beneath the stars, and feel no katzenjammer when in the vernal dawn I wake, as chipper as the foxes, to eat my frugal oatmeal cake put up in paper boxes. Rippling Rhymes
  • The frugal vacationer travels in between the summer months and the cold winter.
  • Industry analyst Marshal Cohen attributes higher turnout to what he calls frugality fatigue. Holiday Shopping Rush Begins in US
  • The live frugally of ad firm results from advertisement advocate cost is cut.
  • Patrick Maguire, the central character, is a bondsman in de Valera's rural, frugal fantasyland.
  • He found the president eating a frugal meal and using pottery dishes and knife, fork, and spoon of iron.
  • These factors disproportionately hurt frugal districts, forcing them to curtail educational programs; wasteful districts can cut noneducational fat. New Jersey's legislative eggshells: Tiptoeing around property tax and school funding reform
  • The bright side of this kind of frugality is that a home starts to smell like a real home and the kitchens left unused when you were away, will get a real workout. The Bright Side of Frugality
  • frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues
  • In reckless extravagance he outdid the prodigals of all times in ingenuity… and set before his guests loaves and meats of gold, declaring that a man ought either to be frugal or be Caesar.
  • Frugality when all is spent comes too late. 
  • Agamemnon cannot restrain himself and even bursts into verse in the course of this disquisition on the decadence of oratory: artis severae si quis ambit effectus mentemque magnis applicat, prius mores frugalitatis lege poliat exacta. nec curet alto regiam trucem vultu cliensve cenas impotentium captet nec perditis addictus obruat vino mentis calorem, neve plausor in scaenam sedeat redemptus histrionis ad rictus. sed sive armigerae rident Tritonidis arces, seu Lacedaemonio tellus habitata colono Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • Debbie led a frugal life so she could send a large part of her salary to her family and kept male admirers at arm's length.
  • Naturally frugal with time and money, I'm always looking for shortcuts.
  • He was a hardworking, frugal and thrifty man who was saving to buy a small cottage from his employer.
  • The weather was close, and being satisfied, and, for once, frugal, George cooked the two remaining fish, and swathing them neatly in fresh green leaves, sauntered away, cooing a corroboree of content. My Tropic Isle
  • The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.
  • "There's nothing wrong with being frugal, " he chided her.
  • We must build up our country with industry and frugality.
  • The Dodsons' obsession with wills and funerals depicts their view of death as a great final summing-up, a logical extension of a measured, prudent, and frugal life.
  • When I first asked myself this question, I realized that I wanted others to see me as generous, although I had been quite frugal, even to the point of being called a tightwad, during most of my financial past. Brent Kessel: It's Not About The Money
  • Schmidt is potentially a cold character, spartan with words and frugal with money.
  • Careful, frugal, prosperous people like you are apt to become unduly hard and oversuspicious; but you mustn't permit it. Flowing Gold
  • Tuna casseroles are one of the most frugal dinners you can make.
  • You share brief, frugal meals with the monks in the refectory, then it's back to your cell to pray - for salvation, inspiration, or deliverance, take your pick.
  • A retired railway worker who lived a frugal life in a council flat and only went away on coach trips has left 1.1 million to charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the consequences of undersaving (destitution in one's old age) seem more dire than those of oversaving (unnecessary frugality in one's productive years), if the decision of how much to save is left to individuals, most of them, being risk-averse, will oversave. Libertarian Basics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • ‘We learned our frugality from my mother,’ he explains.
  • She had very regular working habits and a frugal lifestyle.
  • Their meals, though simple and frugal, seemed to have been wholesome and nourishing, the womenfolk being experts in cooking and domestic economy.
  • Frugality when all is spent comes too late. 
  • Nursing really resonates with me; especially travel nursing and the ability to live frugally for 6mo and live in Mexico the other 6. Exposing my naivete
  • Perhaps this Tuesday will let him pass "megalomaniac" to days of yore in favor of an older moniker, "Fred the Shred," earned from a former reputation for frugality. People To Watch: The Week AheadThe Week Ahead: Feb. 27-March 3
  • For a hard-pressed family and a frugal son, this was a real financial benefit. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • It was caused by an ancient electric fire on which he cooked his frugal meals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 
  • II. i.27 (220,2) [I was then frugal of my mirth] By breaking this speech into exclamations, the text may stand; but I once thought it must be read, If _I was_ not _then frugal of my mirth_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • So too in the case of flattery we must observe and be on our guard against wastefulness being called liberality, and cowardliness prudence, and madness quick-wittedness, and meanness frugality, and the amorous man called social and affectionate, and the term manly applied to the passionate and vain man, and the term civil applied to the paltry and mean man. Plutarch's Morals
  • She lives a frugal life and expects us to do the same. The Sun

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