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  1. someone who masturbates by rubbing against another person (as in a crowd)

How To Use frotteur In A Sentence

  • And if he gets his way, then there would be another occasion for textual frotteurism and iconographical link-orgy: a sculptural band of friezes in which we see the wannabe urban planner in the guise of the Angel of Modernism — Meier Dux, the liberator of the Eternal City from its own ancientness. Sewer Zeppelins for the Era of Infrastructural Anarchy & Other Roman Tales
  • Where sightseers once splashed about in silly algorithmic frotteurism, they will be treated this summer to an $85,000 community garden, whose “rural delights” will probably not go to supplement the nutritional needs of the disenfranchised but rather will go to make bloody marys and beer for architecture students. A Farm Grows in Queens
  • Transit cops launch investigation as possible picture of frisky frotteurist emerges NBC Bay Area -
  • They were afraid they were becoming the frotteur at Le Bar Bat, (who, according to someone familiar with the incident, recently had to take his wife on a trip to Europe to explain himself to her. Two Myopic Monkeys: D.L.J. Refugees Speak No Evil in New Book
  • But as L. J. Davis, reviewing the DSM in Harper's, once wrote: "It may very well be that the frotteurist is a helpless victim in the clutches of his obsession, but it's equally possible that he's simply a bored creep looking for a cheap thrill. NPR Topics: News
  • Kurg, Kirk Cameron is a non-reluctant frotteurist. KIRK CAMERON HATES KISSING GIRLS
  • The Eroticist is a 1972 Italian film by Lucio Fulci about a government official who suffers from frotteurism. 19 « November « 2007 « Jahsonic
  • I took him for some fragment of a _duc et pair_ of the old school; but, on putting the question to _the frotteur_, who himself might have passed for a _figurante_ at the opera, he informed us that he was '_Notre bourgeois_,' the master of the hotel. The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831
  • My previous “gratuitous nudity” #4 post featured images of an Italian seventies film on frotteurism. Gratuitous nudity #5 « Jahsonic
  • Je ne suis que le frotteur de madame, said the man, placing his arm a-kimbo, and flying about the room, in all sorts of attitudes, in, what Peter thought, a very burlesque manner. Paris Lions and London Tigers
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