How To Use Frottage In A Sentence

  • = Frank person franc-tireur fràncti-rer frisée, frisé frìzây frottage frótàzh frou-frou froû-frou fuselage fûsilàzh fusil fûzil fusilier, fusileer fusilêer fusillade fuzilàd Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • His interest in Freudian psychoanalysis is apparent in such works as the oil painting Pietà, or Revolution by Night, while his interest in automatism led him to develop the techniques of frottage and grattage.
  • Rather than using collage, frottage, silkscreen and airbrush, this uncontested master of image transfer turns to the technology of the moment and a considerable archive of images.
  • A gallery of illustrations of lesbian frottage, which the hentai encyclopaedia assures us is properly known as tribadism; … Antenna
  • In August 2000 a retrospective of the artist's frottages and other drawings from 1978-1999 was held at the Salle du Couvemt in Seillans, France.
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  • Ernst adopted their techniques in developing his well-known frottages, which he produced throughout his career.
  • The installation Don't Forget by Japanese artist Okabe Masao displayed frottages inside and outside a large circular panel suspended mid-gallery.
  • There are hand-jobs and oral sex and frottage ... Theres all these things that you can do that are really pleasurable, that are adult sexual activities, that allow you to be fully intimate.
  • Other imaginative techniques of which he was a leading exponent were frottage (which he invented in 1925) and decalcomania.
  • His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
  • In some circles [insert joke here – Ed.], the slang terms “frot” and “scissoring” are used, respectively, to describe the male-homo and female-homo variants of the more general term frottage. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Four Days That Shook DADT”
  • His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
  • That would depend, of course, on how a particular statute defines “sodomy,” but since Article 125 makes very specific reference to “penetration,” it would appear that non-penetrative sexual activities, such as frottage and mutual masturbation, are technically excluded. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Four Days That Shook DADT”
  • I sat in my semi-secluded backyard and rubbed my first frottages with a graphite stick.
  • Other imaginative techniques of which he was a leading exponent were frottage (which he invented in 1925) and decalcomania.
  • The most complex of the large pieces incorporates frottage, seen as areas of a tiny dot-grid blotching the surface.
  • Throbert McGee says: it would appear that non-penetrative sexual activities, such as frottage and mutual masturbation, are technically excluded. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Four Days That Shook DADT”
  • If we survived without getting the frottage obsessed parkie out of his garden, all the better.
  • Since anal and oral sex, and even frottage, can also transmit various sexually transmitted diseases, having "only slept with virgins" is no guarantee that your partner is free of infection.
  • Surrealist artists in the 1920s sought equivalents to automatic writing, e.g. André Masson's free ink drawings, Max Ernst's frottages, or Joan Miró's field painting.
  • In some circles insert joke here –Ed., the slang terms “frot” and “scissoring” are used, respectively, to describe the male-homo and female-homo variants of the more general term frottage. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Four Days That Shook DADT”

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