
How To Use Frothy In A Sentence

  • Large deposits of frothy reddish-brown pyrolignic acid, or “wood vinegar,” as the men called it, had also been found, indicating, as Roebling said, “that a destructive distillation of wood had been going on.” The Great Bridge
  • Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
  • Fragonard and Watteau created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity, and irresponsibility.
  • Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs, yolks and caster sugar in a metal bowl until light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not saying you are "frothy" but a lot of the froth on this issue presumes that Obama would pull a Cheney and jump to step 3 first. Obama Grilled By Iowa Voters Over Pakistan Comments
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  • Pure frothy escapism, but the two stars make the most of a goofy script. Times, Sunday Times
  • And let's face it, Janis does sound different fronting a big, frothy semi-funky lite soul orchestra than a messy rock band.
  • Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
  • Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • In fact, far from taking anything seriously, the mood at even the press conference remained light and frothy throughout.
  • On the contrary, its frothy leniency now looks passé. Times, Sunday Times
  • Astronomers have recently discovered that looking at dust along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy is a bit like looking into a frothy glass of beer.
  • The music can be frothy; it can be fizzy, bubbly, cheery and it most definitely is catchy.
  • Whisk the egg whites until frothy, then add 180g of the sugar and continue to whisk until firm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lunar Park is a lush, mature novel that is also a frothy read full of gossip and blood.
  • Feel your body, feel that crimson muscle inside your chest, and those frothy pink bellows of yours, pumping away.
  • Criticising the conclusion of a passage in Milton's treatise, the language of the first portion of which is pronounced "too sublime and angelical for mortal creatures to comprehend it," the Answerer declares, "This frothy discourse, were it not sugared over with a little neat language, would appear so immeritous, so contrary to all humane learning, yea truth and common experience itself, that all that read it must needs count it worthy to be burnt by the hangman. The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • If you have a room at the front of the hotel you open the shutters to the full glory of the frothy blue ocean bashing against the rocks below.
  • Her images of frothy, blossoming, extruding, immaculate clouds appear to be records of marvels, but are, in fact, marvels themselves.
  • Small glass mugs of steaming hot, sugarless coffee with a strong and pleasant aroma, turned out to be just as popular among the golfers, as the tall glasses brimming over with frothy ice cold, sweetened coffee.
  • Order a frothy cappuccino and sit back and relax.
  • Perky, painless and politically correct, this frothy little farce benefits from a remarkably trim running time.
  • Before leaving the ward he picked up the cuspidor from a cabinet at the head of the bed, opened the lid and observed frothy white spittle that lacked any distinctive odor.
  • Mix in a cruet and shake until frothy but not whipped. RECIPES FROM GINNY BATES
  • It all adds up to a frothy bit of fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • The respiration becomes more painful; the head is more extended; the eyes are brilliant; every expiration is accompanied with a grunt, and by a kind of puckering of the angles of the lips; the cough becomes smaller, more suppressed, and more painful; the tongue protrudes from the mouth, and a frothy mucus is abundantly discharged; the breath becomes offensive; a purulent fluid of a bloody color escapes from the nostrils; diarrhoea, profuse and fetid, succeeds to the constipation; the animal becomes rapidly weaker; he is a complete skeleton, and at length he dies. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • I think the point of the story is that the price/rent ratio has been a bit high in some of the more "frothy" areas. Housing Rents and Bubbles, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Impressively blackened rocks loomed large, their outer edges darkly green against the frothy white-capped waves.
  • Gartman said the gold market is "frothy and due for a material correction," and prices could tumble to $1,200 within two months. Still, he believes the metal's long-term bull trend remained intact.
  • For Jill, in the twinkling of a star, had let fall the enveloping cloak, standing for one second like some exotic bit of statuary in her black billowing satin trousers and infinitesimal coatee over a silver-spangled frothy vest, her great eyes dancing with glee over the face veil. Desert Love
  • Kylie got a mochaccino with a caramel swirl, which seemed more like ice cream than coffee to Rose, who had a frothy café au lait. When Rose Wakes
  • A wispy, frothy grass, stipa tenuissima is used as a universal antidote to spiky plants such as yuccas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beat the mixture until it becomes frothy.
  • It's frothy fun that turns bucolic Britain into one big bedroom farce. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's light, frothy and good summer fun. The Sun
  • What a difference a week makes just now, verges frothy with cow parsley and hemlock, hillsides painted yellow with colza.
  • Stipa gigantea has frothy flower panicles that are stunning when backlit at dawn or dusk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maggie having returned with her jug full of frothy milk, and the potatoes being already heaped up in a wooden bowl or bossie in the middle of the table, sending the smoke of their hospitality to the rafters, Janet placed a smaller wooden bowl, called a caup, filled with deliciously yellow milk of Hawkie's latest gathering, for each individual of the company, with an attendant horn-spoon by its side. David Elginbrod
  • Now, I don't mean the actual delightfully frothy bubbles that dance around on the top of a glass of champagne.
  • Beat the egg yolks with a whisk until light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I envisaged something large and frilly with a frothy veil.
  • They both stared out at the harbour on the horizon, a mere smudge of brown and green surrounded by grey, frothy sea.
  • But unmixed hydromel, rather than the diluted, produces frothy evacuations, such as are unseasonably and intensely bilious, and too hot; but such an evacuation occasions other great mischiefs, for it neither extinguishes the heat in the hypochondria, but rouses it, induces inquietude, and jactitation of the limbs, and ulcerates the intestines and anus. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • The fauces were not very irritable, nor were they troubled with any saltish humors; but there were viscid, white, liquid, frothy, and copious defluxions from the head. Of The Epidemics
  • The fauces were not very irritable, nor were they troubled with any saltish humors; but there were viscid, white, liquid, frothy, and copious defluxions from the head. Of The Epidemics
  • His frothy poster girls, rendered with a rapid, flamelike line, entice with the pleasures of the latest novel or glass of Dubonnet.
  • Touch wood ! She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler.
  • It was very full skirted with a plain, tightly fitted bodice and a frothy white cravat. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • But "I Like It" is the disc's candy-coated center, a busy, frothy concoction of whomping synth noises, unexceptional beats and an abbreviated chorus somehow wrapped around Lionel Richie's "All Night Long. Album review: Enrique Iglesias, "Euphoria"
  • I decided to take long hot bath; five minutes later I was sliding under the frothy white bubbles.
  • Female critics -- the genre's most frequent, and thus its loudest -- are understandably afraid of having their entire sex tarred with the same "frothy" brush as their chick-lit writing counterparts. Rachel Sklar: This Blog Post Is Not Chick Lit, Except That I'm Wearing Heels
  • I lifted my beer bottle to my face and drank the frothy goodness, sipping it slowly, savoring the bitter crisp taste.
  • I say, despite the bad reviews, it certainly fits the bill if you are looking for light frothy farce.
  • Tom enjoyed just three frothy pints, and he wisely quaffed a liter of H20 before bed.
  • Were actually having pia coladas in Hawaii, which seems pretty hysterical, but as I sip through my straw, I find it cool and frothy, a coconutty heaven. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
  • It's worth contemplating that the most powerful and substantive works are not those in which Zoffany awes us with his considerable skill at painting frothy fabrics and other accoutrements of the era's formal portraiture, but rather the substantive studies of interesting sitters. On the Strength of His Portraits
  • Spittlebugs, or froghoppers, are easily identified by the frothy, white foam that protects them from predators.
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • The only paper that's doing exceptionally well is the Daily Star, and we have a light and frothy diet of celebrity and fun.
  • Whip it into a frothy, intoxicating potion.
  • But soon the mystery is resolved when he adds cold butter, to reduce the temperature, and whizzes the mixture with an electric whisk until it is frothy.
  • Consequently, you get an evening of light, frothy entertainment as you revel in the filthy deeds the schemers get up to and share their delight at the misfortune of others.
  • Add four eggs and half a cup of water to the paste and beat well with an egg beater till very frothy and air bubbles appear.
  • The upper lobe was infiltrated with carbon into the interlobular cellular tissue, leaving the bronchial ramifications respirable, and lubricated with frothy mucus. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • Add four eggs and half a cup of water to the paste and beat well with an egg beater till very frothy and air bubbles appear.
  • The effect is fun, frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The frothy mass is left to set and go hard, and becomes a hazard to teeth!
  • An index dominated by frothy sunrise industries multiplies the risk of investing for us all.
  • It's frothy fun that turns bucolic Britain into one big bedroom farce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Feel your body, feel that crimson muscle inside your chest, and those frothy pink bellows of yours,(Sentencedict) pumping away.
  • Reports in the state of this condition - called frothy bloat - range geographically, roughly from Grayson County to eastern Kentucky to Cincinnati, said Jeff Lehmkuhler, an extension beef cattle specialist for the University of Kentucky. Homepage
  • The country lanes are frothy with elderflowers.
  • What is a little more unexpected is that this is no frothy, throwaway piece of pretty silliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use either a hand mixer, blender or whisk to beat the hot chocolate until it's frothy.
  • That’s probably why you seemed astonished to find me in the kind of getup the magazines call “frothy.” Maigret and the Reluctant Witness
  • In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake.
  • The film's light, frothy tone and the fact that it won the Genie in this category and an award at Cannes definitely works in its favour.
  • It is pleasant enough but I find it light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lightly beat the egg whites until frothy, then fold them into the dry ingredients. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bit fiddly, but sweet, frothy and worth it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crabs twitched and blew frothy bubbles, showing off their freshness with an occasional contraction of a pincer, as they lolled numbly in a shallow ice-filled tray.
  • Appearing frothy and fairly solid, foams are actually aerated liquids - liquids combined with air.
  • She is a grateful enthusiast who believes she leads a charmed life, yet she is brave, seeking out dark roles wherever she can, and usually investing the seemingly frothy parts with a psychotic edge.
  • A film director, according to this thinking, selects a ‘challenging’ work out of a box from which he or she might just as well choose something frothy and unsubstantial.
  • I lifted my beer bottle to my face and drank the frothy goodness, sipping it slowly, savoring the bitter crisp taste.
  • Smiling wickedly, he parted her long legs and submerged under the frothy surface of the water.
  • His pretty, sparkling, frothy snapshots of everyday life, children, nudes and landscapes guaranteed him the most reproduced artist status.
  • By an habitual inadvertency we render our selves incapable of any serious and improving thought, till our minds themselves become as light and frothy as those things they are conversant about.
  • She looked down into her nearly empty coffee mug, mixing the remainder of the coffee with the frothy layer that hadn't disappeared yet.
  •     But anear the foamy places when he came, to the frothy beach, Poems and Fragments
  • The crabs twitched and blew frothy bubbles, showing off their freshness with an occasional contraction of a pincer, as they lolled numbly in a shallow ice-filled tray.
  • Not to say they can't be light or frothy - but necessary to somebody, rather than built to aggrandize the makers or the stars.
  • Fans turned up to gigs in ridiculous anoraks, sold fanzines with names like Frothy Pop and pretended they were carefree 18-year-olds.
  • In the 1925 edition of Osler's text, respiratory failure was described as ‘frothy pulmonary edema that resembles serum, not the sanguinous transudative edema fluid seen in dropsy or congestive heart failure’.
  • Lightly beat the egg white until frothy, brush over each biscuit and sprinkle generously with sugar. The Sun
  • The new invention ensures the beer keeps a full, frothy head.
  • And on a nice day it's a great place to quaff a large glass of frothy draught beer.
  • It articulated the frustrations of a generation struggling to find their own voice in a society that hadn't yet given a place to them, when going to a cafe and drinking frothy coffee was about as exciting as it got.
  • Use either a hand mixer, blender or whisk to beat the hot chocolate until it's frothy.
  • His 90 minutes of frothy entertainment does for the musical what the Reduced Shakespeare Company did for the Bard.
  • All of those good French loaves turn into some agreeable bread pudding served with a frothy little sauce - in a portion suitable for giants.
  • Place the egg whites in a dish and beat until light and frothy. The Sun
  • Developing young create a frothy mass commonly known as cuckoo spit on plants in the early spring and summer to hide from predators such as ants.
  • foamy (or frothy) beer
  • Also, if your surname is slang for a 'frothy' anal sex byproduct, best you steer clear of phrases like "Conservative stool. HUFFPOST HILL - Rep. Chris Lee Steps Down
  • A petit flan of onion formed an island in a lake of light, frothy green-pea potage, topped with fresh broad beans, mangetouts and more peas.
  • Sure, some of the smaller craft will have to look out and it's definitely going to get a bit frothy for the sea kayaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • It creates and lives in the frothy substance you describe, which is called ‘cuckoo-spit’.
  • But now the lowly spittlebug (so named because it can whip up a frothy covering that looks like human spit to protect itself) has been crowned nature's top high-jump champ.
  • A bridge over a stream leads beneath a bower of pink roses into a frothy maze of flower-strewn pathways and rose-covered arbours.
  • A bridge over a stream leads beneath a bower of pink roses into a frothy maze of flower-strewn pathways and rose-covered arbours.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • Whisk this sharply over a very slow fire, until it assumes the appearance of a light frothy custard.
  • Many miles from camp they came upon a small specimen partially coated with a frothy greenish-tan crust.
  • She quickly produced a series of light, frothy peeks into high society that proved successful with the public – The Vicissitudes of Evangeline, a series of vignettes detailing a young debutante’s observations of the love affairs of high society, which scandalized the reading public not by its subject, but by a scene where Evangeline is described as becoming in her lingerie! Elinor Glyn and “Three Weeks” | Edwardian Promenade
  • I wake up everyday under a frothy volcano...lits amazing. A couple of things I haven’t mentioned..
  • They created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity and irresponsibility.
  • A rich frothy yellow sauce with a lemony lightness and capsicin heat was spooned over the top tableside. Become a regular
  • This may not be the kind of frothy endorsement most presidential contenders covet. Democrats Sigh, Begin to Yield to the Force of Hillary
  • To make dough, allow yeast to stand in a small bowl until frothy, about 10 minutes.
  • Wearing her official dress, including frothy neckerchief, she made a short speech as she accepted her certificate.
  • There are cheerful big resorts for those seeking poolside deckchairs, waiters bearing frothy drinks, and every desire heartily satisfied.
  • As air is beaten into the mixture, the egg whites become a frothy liquid with the consistency of an egg cream.
  • She wrote two other novels as well as a "frothy" late memoir, Life Itself! An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • Television could present entertainment, even frothy entertainment, which it certainly did.
  • The coffee was made frothy by pouring it from one container to another, with as much air in between as possible.
  • Add four eggs and half a cup of water to the paste and beat well with an egg beater till very frothy and air bubbles appear.
  • Whisk until very light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grip the horn and tip it toward your greedy mouth, drinking of the filth, corruption and frothy, unintentional comedy contained within.
  • I love the combination of these, alongside with the pink airiness of the thalictrum, interspersed with frothy fennel. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes its name from the vat house in nearby St James Gate Brewery where, in the final stage of the brewing process, vatfuls of frothy black Guinness are left to mature.
  • It's hugely enjoyable frothy fun with a terrific central performance from Silverstone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, no sooner was the nappy off than she began to wee, and just as I had that covered, she began another frothy poo.
  • Sip from frothy coffee ice cream smoothies or alcohol-free cocktails and indulge in the salon atmosphere.
  • Rows of high backed leatherette banquettes filled with happy shoppers smoking tabs and drinking frothy milky coffee.
  • Yesterday, during my morning tea break (such as it is at the moment), I dashed around the corner to the cafe and got my ever present hot frothy coffee.
  • The tea itself is made from tea leaves ground into a powder and then whisked with boiled water into a frothy green mix we call matcha, which is very unpopular with foreigners. Memoirs of a Geisha
  • Are we approaching frothy adolescent bitchery with undue gravity or just giving it its due in girls' lives?
  • The little bistro offers excellent breakfasts of fluffy scrambled eggs, warm cinnamon rolls, and frothy lattes.
  • When the wave had passed, both boards "tombstoned" in the frothy whitewash as the event safety teams buzzed in circles on personal watercraft.
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • I lifted my beer bottle to my face and drank the frothy goodness, sipping it slowly, savoring the bitter crisp taste.
  • The brushwork is exuberantly coloristic, the palette composed of delicately keyed harmonies of rose and coral, cool aquamarines, frothy whites, pale golds, and blues.
  • What we really get is a light, frothy, insubstantial comedy that feels more like Meet the Parents, and a really nice DVD package.
  • But soon the mystery is resolved when he adds cold butter, to reduce the temperature, and whizzes the mixture with an electric whisk until it is frothy.
  • A list of beverage choices includes cappuccino, mocha, espresso macchiato and frothy dark chocolate, perhaps with mint.
  • But today, I had to stare my demon straight in his frothy milklike substance covered face and acknowledge that I have a problem. Ana-ng Diary Entry
  • The frothy ravings have abated somewhat; victory will do that.
  • In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake.
  • What is a little more unexpected is that this is no frothy, throwaway piece of pretty silliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Planting makes use of indigenous species, like the frothy casuarinas (feathery tree native to Australia) along the northern edges of the site and the native grasses which cover low earth berms around the range.
  • Place water, honey and yeast in the food processor and leave until frothy, about 10 minutes.
  • All of the plants sway in the wind, but the stipa is the true weather man here, billowing with its frothy seed heads just now, as the wind picks up. Movement « Fairegarden
  • Lunamarium is filled with light, frothy pop tunes, which is fine if you like that sort of thing.
  • A French romcom that promises sophistication and delivers frothy fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe you are referring to Santorum, which is also defined as a frothy mix of some sort. Minnesota Supremes Reject Coleman Lawsuit, Clearing Way For Franken Win Later Today
  • I do very much like writing in coffee shops, surrounded by people and with some kind of frothy coffee drink at my side. Book Chick City
  • But, for many young people, the anarchists' grunge could never compete with a frothy creation worn by Nick Rhodes or Steve Strange's latest sartorial take on Robinson Crusoe's buckskins.
  • As they settled in, Mattie held up two fingers to the barmaid, who arrived seconds later with two glasses full of a frothy brew.
  • The water was steamy hot, and frothy from the bubble bath she had added.
  • What is a little more unexpected is that this is no frothy, throwaway piece of pretty silliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Criticising the conclusion of a passage in Milton's treatise, the language of the first portion of which is pronounced “too sublime and angelical for mortal creatures to comprehend it,” the Answerer declares, “This frothy discourse, were it not sugared over with a little neat language, would appear so immeritous, so contrary to all humane learning, yea truth and common experience itself, that all that read it must needs count it worthy to be burnt by the hangman.” The Life of John Milton
  • The light, frothy Asti, the subtler Moscato d' Asti, and other spumante and frizzante all over north western Italy demonstrate another facet of the variety's character.
  • With a name like Bellini you think frothy, sweet, and peach colored. Home Swell Home
  • It's frothy and fun, but with really harmonious acidity, great appley fruit, and a beguiling softness of texture. The 10 best Christmas sparkling wines and champagnes
  • Uses - a very useful and versatile medicinal herb; its white frothy flowers make it a pleasing garden plant. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • You could call it frothy, or you could call it frivolous.
  • Season and purée the lobster foam until frothy and keep warm.
  • Rose tilted her head back and let the blisteringly hot water soak her hair, rinsing away the mountains of frothy bubbles that coated her luxurious chocolate-coloured tresses.
  • Uses - a very useful and versatile medicinal herb; its white frothy flowers make it a pleasing garden plant. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • This album is full of several frothy numbers but the one which is pure candy floss is the first one.
  • Cottages sit in gardens dripping with trellised roses beside shores lapped by frothy waves.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • The pedicurist in the first story is an 'expert listener', someone in whom clients confide over their frothy footbath. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carole Malone got evicted from Celebrity Big Brother because she's less famous than a verruca we had when we were six, Jackiey Budden got evicted from Celebrity Big Brother because she's about as likable as that verruca was when it started spraying frothy green pus into our eyes, and Jade Goody got evicted from Celebrity Big Brother because she's more racist than all of the Ku Klux Klan put together. Big Brother Betting Odds: Sylvia Out Tonight?
  • Sip from frothy coffee ice cream smoothies or alcohol-free cocktails and indulge in the salon atmosphere.
  • Add the eggs and beat until frothy.
  • Rich, frothy and laden with booze, eggnog is an inevitable part of the Yuletide tradition.
  • A huge number of red and white valerian seedlings have germinated and are waiting to be thinned out, which is a bit of a chore but worth it for their frothy pink and white flowers.
  • The frothy milk ‘caps’ were perfect, and the coffee flavor in both cases was good too.
  • In a metallic pot, this plant is a Seventies survivor; glowing yellow pinheads of flower appear in July on invisible stalks like fibre optics sprouting from a frothy mound of silver foliage.
  • Sure, some of the smaller craft will have to look out and it's definitely going to get a bit frothy for the sea kayaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whisk this sharply over a very slow fire, until it assumes the appearance of a light frothy custard.
  • The rise of unicorns has coincided with an extremely frothy, competitive market.
  • I found one, took it home and a few weeks later, in the mood for something frothy and light, actually read it.
  • Combine 2 1/4 cups evaporated milk, 1/2 cup sugar and vanilla extract in blender; blend until frothy.
  • This core has an outer rind to 2 cm thick of pale yellow-green frothy glass grading outward to partially fused sand and gravel.
  • Amid the glamour in the slammer, Marshall's cynical and superficial film lets the sly digs at American corruption bubble away underneath the frothy surface.
  • Being Julia is a light and frothy period stage drama, which brings out the self-importance of luvvies, but in a likeable, endearing way.
  • Put the eggs and sugar in a food processor or beat until light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whip the evaporated milk until frothy and then add the jelly, cheese, vanilla essence and lemon juice.
  • It was all creamy white with no colours to disturb the frothy flow of the fabric.
  • During that period, which dates from the founding of the journal Annales in 1929, a succession of eminent French scholars taught the history profession to turn its back on politics and to contemplate the long-term ebb and flow of currents running deep beneath the frothy stuff of battles and elections. Revolution sans Revolutionaries
  • In January color catalogs flood your mailbox, their glossy photographs of frothy pink-flowering trees, plump lilac and peony blooms, and dewy roses tempting you to buy, buy, buy.
  • It's frothy fun that turns bucolic Britain into one big bedroom farce. Times, Sunday Times

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