
How To Use Froth In A Sentence

  • The glass of beer was mostly froth.
  • A Dry Cappuccino is a double shot of espresso with little or no steamed milk, but frothed milk on top.
  • Use immersion blender or cappuccino machine steam attachment to froth the carrot foam mixture.
  • She gives me a look so scathing that it melts the froth on my cappuccino. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large deposits of frothy reddish-brown pyrolignic acid, or “wood vinegar,” as the men called it, had also been found, indicating, as Roebling said, “that a destructive distillation of wood had been going on.” The Great Bridge
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  • It was precision expectoration that accurately landed a deposit of froth about two feet from my Oxford brogues.
  • Froth sauce using a hand-held immersion blender and drizzle foam atop ravioli.
  • Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes, skimming the froth from the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or apparently go camping without toting ten pounds of coffee-making gear (including a frother for the proper amount of foam). Plastic Elimination Campaign: Kid's Dishes
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • He had almost finished this particular cow and the bucket was full almost to the brim, in fact some of the deep froth (the sign of a good milker) was almost but not quite spilling over.
  • For spouts of wild fury dashed up into the clouds; and the shore, wherever any sight of it was left, weltered in a sadly frothsome state, like the chin of a Titan with a lather-brush at work. Mary Anerley
  • Bring them to the boil, skim off the froth on the top and leave them to cook.
  • We also got a corn zipper, a frother & an ice cream maker. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Remove any froth from the top of the mixture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then there was more white froth. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he gets excited you see the corners of his mouth begin to froth up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The floods came quickly, paddy fields filled up and overflowed as their trickling water channels became frothing torrents, the little streams and becks that characterised Kendip transformed into surging mud flows.
  • The card is a froth of glitter and highly scrumpled clumps of tissue paper.
  • Carefully remove all the froth from the tops and cover with foil. The Sun
  • Ahead, lay a sleepy Nubian town, and beyond lay an angry cataract; the water boiled and frothed through the gorge and over hidden rocks.
  • Add the egg white foam to the froth. The Sun
  • There were still others where the notion frothed and foamed, turning up unexpected ideas, revealing depths of dissatisfaction, of desire, of unsuspected powers in woman that startled the staid old world. The Business of Being a Woman
  • White bubbles of froth jostle on the head of my pint of beer.
  • Fragonard and Watteau created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity, and irresponsibility.
  • Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs, yolks and caster sugar in a metal bowl until light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inspired by the legendary botanical gardens in Padua, Italy where the Medicis plotted the untimely, frothing ends of their enemies, an English duchess has created a garden dedicated entirely to flora deadly and/or narcotic. Alnwick Poison Gardens
  • The sick animal was frothing at the mouth.
  • So I have decided to blow some froth off the top for now. Times, Sunday Times
  • (It wasn't exactly "beggared" a one that he said, but that is near enough.) "D'ye mean to tell me," said Captain Rush (as he frothed with wrath), The Shellback's Progress In the Nineteenth Century
  • The stormy petrel soars with a scream, a streak of black lightning, as an arrow pierces the clouds, on wing-tip slicing the wave froth.
  • Leaving aside service so patchy it was almost threadbare, I don't like overdone halibut, while Michael wasn't impressed with his corn-fed chicken with pomme Berny and truffle froth.
  • I'm not saying you are "frothy" but a lot of the froth on this issue presumes that Obama would pull a Cheney and jump to step 3 first. Obama Grilled By Iowa Voters Over Pakistan Comments
  • All that was needed abroad or at home was to repeat the same sentence more slowly at a puzzled auslander, if that didn't work it was polite to bellow it repeatedly while frothing at the mouth until puce. Army Rumour Service
  • Falling in love the first time is all froth and fantasy.
  • Pure frothy escapism, but the two stars make the most of a goofy script. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes, skimming the froth from the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many books that are superficially history books are easily detected as political propaganda or inspirational froth.
  • And let's face it, Janis does sound different fronting a big, frothy semi-funky lite soul orchestra than a messy rock band.
  • Before she was nineteen she showed symptoms of lead poisoning -- had fits, frothed at the mouth, and died. THE PRECARIOUSNESS OF LIFE
  • Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
  • From the dinky tin the adherent would peel back the paper lid and remove several spoonfuls of the inert powder, add tapwater, stir and watch in amazement as a lurid froth began to bubble away.
  • Frothing and foaming and using words dripping with bile and hatred.
  • But along the way, as this new commercial revolution develops, there will be plenty of froth and lots of bubbles.
  • And I reckon a blender is another way to get great froth if you don't have a molinillo. Mexican hot chocolate and a molinillo | Homesick Texan
  • It was monkfish liver served as a pâté and, floating on top of it, a froth of soy foam.
  • When Lucy took her first sip, she got froth on her lips, which she dabbed at with a serviette. AFTERMATH
  • Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • In fact, far from taking anything seriously, the mood at even the press conference remained light and frothy throughout.
  • The residue was found in a pot with a vertical spout thought to have perhaps been used to blow air to froth the liquid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unprettily dubbed FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), it's not recognised as a state by neighbouring Greece because of the name issue - mention the word Macedonia to a Greek and they will instantly froth at the mouth. Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • On the contrary, its frothy leniency now looks passé. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she just blows them a kiss and licks the froth from the mouth of the bottle.
  • Well, really quite cross anyway, sufficiently furious to blow the froth off a cappuccino perhaps.
  • Astronomers have recently discovered that looking at dust along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy is a bit like looking into a frothy glass of beer.
  • Farmer Bragard is further rumoured to be contemplating using the green for fattening up capons, and it is this in particular that has the authorities in a froth.
  • The music can be frothy; it can be fizzy, bubbly, cheery and it most definitely is catchy.
  • The sleeves were immense, turned back at the cuff and held with diamond clasps to reveal the plain white silk of the undersleeve; her wrists were hidden beneath frothing white lace.
  • So I have decided to blow some froth off the top for now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giant waves froth the sand.
  • The sisters were raised as socialites who entertained, and were entertained by, both the cream and the froth of society.
  • Whisk the egg whites until frothy, then add 180g of the sugar and continue to whisk until firm. Times, Sunday Times
  • It produces a froth of brilliant blue flowers. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • Their hints at a possible agreement made reporters froth at the mouth and swat speculation back and forth between themselves.
  • Lunar Park is a lush, mature novel that is also a frothy read full of gossip and blood.
  • Narcissists may deny their mistakes or flagellate themselves into a froth of self-pitying hatred, but they never laugh at their imperfections.
  • For miles and miles, above and around, great billowy masses, tossed and twisted into an infinity of fantastic shapes, arrest and weary the eye, lava in all its forms, from a compact phonolite, to the lightest pumice stone, the mere froth of the volcano, exceeding in wildness and confusion the most extravagant nightmare ever inflicted on man. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Feel your body, feel that crimson muscle inside your chest, and those frothy pink bellows of yours, pumping away.
  • The glass of beer was mostly froth.
  • The bean was a form of currency in Aztec society, and the frothed chocolate drink made from fermented beans or seeds was central to social and ritual life throughout Mesoamerica.
  • The galaxy itself is turning, as shown in the example in the photograph, sort of like the spiraling froth on the top of a cup of cocoa after it's been stirred.
  • Remove any froth from the top of the mixture. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like to see a little froth on the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • Criticising the conclusion of a passage in Milton's treatise, the language of the first portion of which is pronounced "too sublime and angelical for mortal creatures to comprehend it," the Answerer declares, "This frothy discourse, were it not sugared over with a little neat language, would appear so immeritous, so contrary to all humane learning, yea truth and common experience itself, that all that read it must needs count it worthy to be burnt by the hangman. The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • No substance at all, just froth.
  • If you have a room at the front of the hotel you open the shutters to the full glory of the frothy blue ocean bashing against the rocks below.
  • Her images of frothy, blossoming, extruding, immaculate clouds appear to be records of marvels, but are, in fact, marvels themselves.
  • When the froth hits the heart, it makes a real racket in a stethoscopic pickup. Something I Didn't Know
  • Her nostrils flare and she splutters, frothing bubbles from her nose, laying a thick trail of wrong wayed fluid in her wind pipe, but holding in the cough; drinking, and putting everything else on hold.
  • The film goes so far as to raise some interesting questions - questions about commitment and sexual identity - but it frothily refrains from any attempt to probe the questions it raises.
  • They're frothing over a proposed dime-a-cup espresso tax.
  • The disjuncture between the ‘real’ world of economic drivers, and the froth of ideology and ‘politics’, continues.
  • It's been a wonderful week; I've dined on five-star nosh in a brand-new old-style luxury chalet; I've ligged around Val D' Isere like a bone fide, rich-bint ‘It’ person and frothed around in the same jacuzzi recently occupied by Bono.
  • Small glass mugs of steaming hot, sugarless coffee with a strong and pleasant aroma, turned out to be just as popular among the golfers, as the tall glasses brimming over with frothy ice cold, sweetened coffee.
  • The froth on top would be useful after her next wax. The Sun
  • And for all the froth and gush about creativity and culture, investment isn't getting to where it hurts. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a blast of froth, Herbie emerges from the icy deep and drives happily on the surface of the water, like a racing-striped dog-paddler.
  • It'd be frothing about Uncle Ken wasting more of your money, especially as high-class Standard readers never catch the things anyway.
  • Order a frothy cappuccino and sit back and relax.
  • What you're after is a stiff, glossy yet silky froth of egg white that supports double its weight in sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perky, painless and politically correct, this frothy little farce benefits from a remarkably trim running time.
  • I'm sure there are "fringy" people at some of these events, but it wouldn't surprise me if journalists found the three weirdest people at a demonstration and used their remarks to paint a portrait of a frothing right-wing mob. Libertarian Blog Place
  • Long before that, Bennet Frothingham had been known in the money-market; it was the 'Britannia' -- Loan, The Whirlpool
  • Add the egg white foam to the froth. The Sun
  • This chilled yoghurt and cucumber soup is light, immensely refreshing and incredibly pretty, frothing up in the blender to a pale, minty green.
  • We are met almost at the threshold by a colossal epic, Creation, Man and the Messiah (1830); by songs that turn into dithyrambic odes, by descriptive pieces which embrace the universe, by all the froth and roar and turbidity of genius, with none of its purity and calm. Henrik Ibsen
  • Before leaving the ward he picked up the cuspidor from a cabinet at the head of the bed, opened the lid and observed frothy white spittle that lacked any distinctive odor.
  • A man who sits on his own in a crowded cafe looking at the froth on his cappuccino looks lonely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now I'm just a refugee from over at the Gun Nut blog so my brow is a little more pronounced and I can't comprehend polysyllabic words nearly as well as the average water frother, but let me kinda turn the question around: when do you think someone's going to bring their bass tackle to the streamside and put a micropterus salmoides-sized butt-whippin 'on some fly anglers? Can a Fly Rod Win a Bass Tournament?
  • Keep the beer covered in a temperate situation, till it has ceased fermenting, which is ascertained by the subsiding of the froth -- turn it off carefully into a beer keg, or bottles. The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner
  • Mix in a cruet and shake until frothy but not whipped. RECIPES FROM GINNY BATES
  • A minute later, the water began to boil and froth at the edge of the pier.
  • In an age that favours froth over substance, and in a tough political world where simple ideas have to be hammered home, the presence of this high-principled intellectual is an anachronism.
  • The business schools are unanimous that, under the e-froth, something fundamental is changing.
  • At its head was a froth of splintered wood; plastic and cars bobbing along on its back. Times, Sunday Times
  • It all adds up to a frothy bit of fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inoffensive, energetic and pleasantly silly comic froth, David Dobkin's jaunty Shanghai Knights serves up robust verbal cut and thrust from the ever willing Chan and his charmingly dippy, English-baiting foil, Wilson.
  • Given what we have learned here about the global warming stuff, I have been curious if there was anything to any of the other stuff – so thank you for a frothless response. New Holland and Webster Paper « Climate Audit
  • The respiration becomes more painful; the head is more extended; the eyes are brilliant; every expiration is accompanied with a grunt, and by a kind of puckering of the angles of the lips; the cough becomes smaller, more suppressed, and more painful; the tongue protrudes from the mouth, and a frothy mucus is abundantly discharged; the breath becomes offensive; a purulent fluid of a bloody color escapes from the nostrils; diarrhoea, profuse and fetid, succeeds to the constipation; the animal becomes rapidly weaker; he is a complete skeleton, and at length he dies. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • I think the point of the story is that the price/rent ratio has been a bit high in some of the more "frothy" areas. Housing Rents and Bubbles, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Impressively blackened rocks loomed large, their outer edges darkly green against the frothy white-capped waves.
  • Gartman said the gold market is "frothy and due for a material correction," and prices could tumble to $1,200 within two months. Still, he believes the metal's long-term bull trend remained intact.
  • For Jill, in the twinkling of a star, had let fall the enveloping cloak, standing for one second like some exotic bit of statuary in her black billowing satin trousers and infinitesimal coatee over a silver-spangled frothy vest, her great eyes dancing with glee over the face veil. Desert Love
  • Kylie got a mochaccino with a caramel swirl, which seemed more like ice cream than coffee to Rose, who had a frothy café au lait. When Rose Wakes
  • 'Look for a delicate froth of fine bubbles,' quoth the blurb. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before I knew it, I had worked myself up into a frothing, barking frenzy and had to lay down and put a cold compress on my head.
  • The waves frothed as they crashed onto the beach.
  • Meanwhile, skim off and discard the froth from the top of the rested batter.
  • A wispy, frothy grass, stipa tenuissima is used as a universal antidote to spiky plants such as yuccas. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love this comic, despite the fact Sim has degenerated into a frothing loon.
  • You, on the other hand, adjure that my posts are "frothed with more like despair, and dissatisfaction", and are "almost void or lacking the bolstering of support her new found home town direly needs". Page 2
  • Beat the mixture until it becomes frothy.
  • The rich browns, purples and blues of the beak, cheek and eye, all worked into a froth of white, end with the severing of that rather swanlike neck.
  • It's frothy fun that turns bucolic Britain into one big bedroom farce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thou art called the preceptor that subsists only on the froth of water. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Part soap, part farce, the series is undeniably slight, a feelgood bubble of bawdy froth.
  • It's light, frothy and good summer fun. The Sun
  • His jaws champed spasmodically, froth appeared on his blackened lips.
  • However, I could not lend myself to such proceedings; so I bribed my youthful charge with a twopenny bottle of frothless ginger beer to come out of her swing and return to the regions of orthodoxy. Mystic London: or, Phases of occult life in the metropolis
  • Bring slowly to the boil, skimming off the froth that rises to the surface.
  • There is so much foam and fizz you can't see the water for all that froth.
  • Giant waves froth the sand.
  • Here, the master of cool minimalism was in the mood to experiment with froth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is this anything more than a high school clique driven by some clever technology and piggybacking on a resurgence of late - 90s internet froth?
  • And for all the froth and gush about creativity and culture, investment isn't getting to where it hurts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course we should try not to work ourselves into too much of a froth about this because it is largely inevitable and natural. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something clattered on the tile floor, behind a frothing bed of shrubs.
  • What a difference a week makes just now, verges frothy with cow parsley and hemlock, hillsides painted yellow with colza.
  • Stipa gigantea has frothy flower panicles that are stunning when backlit at dawn or dusk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maggie having returned with her jug full of frothy milk, and the potatoes being already heaped up in a wooden bowl or bossie in the middle of the table, sending the smoke of their hospitality to the rafters, Janet placed a smaller wooden bowl, called a caup, filled with deliciously yellow milk of Hawkie's latest gathering, for each individual of the company, with an attendant horn-spoon by its side. David Elginbrod
  • He steepled his fingers and smiled at me over the froth of his latté. He smelled of verbena and tobacco flower, and there were fewer lines around his eyes than I remember.
  • Now, I don't mean the actual delightfully frothy bubbles that dance around on the top of a glass of champagne.
  • Stand aft to look down on the wake frothing up from the propeller wash.
  • Beat the egg yolks with a whisk until light and frothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I envisaged something large and frilly with a frothy veil.
  • On the sea far ahead a frothing whitecap broke the monotony of color, a flyingfish jumped out of the water to glisten for a moment in the sun, loose seaweed floated on the surface, to change in some degree the intense blue. Greener Than You Think
  • She stirred her spoon around the dregs of her cappuccino froth. AFTERMATH
  • The glass of beer was mostly froth.
  • They both stared out at the harbour on the horizon, a mere smudge of brown and green surrounded by grey, frothy sea.
  • I like the froth on the top of the coffee.
  • But the only sound she could muster was a frothing in her tracheostomy tube. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the creamiest, frothiest, nicest lather and it makes your skin soft and smell delicious.
  • What you're after is a stiff, glossy yet silky froth of egg white that supports double its weight in sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've been posting about how one of the things that really, really has me frothing about this whole situation w/jihad jane is the astonished amazement that (white) americans would ever be recruited into the likes of al aqaeda (or al qaeda wannabes). Dreams.
  • From the start, the problem is not just corniness; it is that there is too much metaphorical froth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Within the hour her repertoire included Rob Roy, Sidecar, Sloe Gin Fizz, Tom Collins and Comm Collins, (with vodka, so named by Russkie-hating Uncle Nick), and prettiest of all, Harvey Wallbanger, a froth as creamy yellow as the egg custard her mother whipped up for her when she was recovering from flu. Radium
  • Now I'm just a refugee from over at the Gun Nut blog so my brow is a little more pronounced and I can't comprehend polysyllabic words nearly as well as the average water frother, but let me kinda turn the question around: when do you think someone's going to bring their bass tackle to the streamside and put a micropterus salmoides-sized butt-whippin 'on some fly anglers? Can a Fly Rod Win a Bass Tournament?
  • The sick animal was frothing at the mouth.
  • Add the egg white foam to the froth. The Sun
  • The single control lets you choose the strength of the shot, and a blast from the steam wand will froth milk for lattes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clytemnestra's tomb a mingled cup of honey, milk, and frothing wine; then stand upon the heaped-up grave, and proclaim therefrom, "Helen, thy sister, sends thee these libations as her gift, fearing herself to approach thy tomb from terror of the Argive mob"; and bid her harbour kindly thoughts towards me and thee and my husband; towards these two wretched sufferers, too, whom Heaven hath afflicted. Orestes
  • The editorials too often were equivocal; the Saturday edition gravitated towards froth and bubble where lifestyle matters ruled and the Business Section was in radical need of surgery.
  • Remove any froth from the top of the mixture. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the roiling backwash streamed past, it scoured around me, and when the froth cleared, there beneath my feet were multitudes of clams, all small and without hydroids.
  • She wore an ivory silk blouse, frothing at neck and cuffs.
  • The lake's deep green coloration derives from its high concentration of cobalt and other minerals, and is particularly striking when the frequent winds bluster the surface into a froth.
  • But unmixed hydromel, rather than the diluted, produces frothy evacuations, such as are unseasonably and intensely bilious, and too hot; but such an evacuation occasions other great mischiefs, for it neither extinguishes the heat in the hypochondria, but rouses it, induces inquietude, and jactitation of the limbs, and ulcerates the intestines and anus. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Of course we should try not to work ourselves into too much of a froth about this because it is largely inevitable and natural. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a channel through to the bar, so I approach order a cappuccino and wait while the barperson spills the froth all over her trousers and the floor. Archive 2003-10-12
  • Wet-kneed, we walked by pastures filled with the white froth of meadowsweet and river-bank flora of lady's bedstraw, betony, devil's bit scabious, greater burnet and eyebright, kneeling several times to store memories of the scent of the last of the fragrant orchids. Country diary: Forest-in-Teesdale
  • The fauces were not very irritable, nor were they troubled with any saltish humors; but there were viscid, white, liquid, frothy, and copious defluxions from the head. Of The Epidemics
  • The fauces were not very irritable, nor were they troubled with any saltish humors; but there were viscid, white, liquid, frothy, and copious defluxions from the head. Of The Epidemics
  • His frothy poster girls, rendered with a rapid, flamelike line, entice with the pleasures of the latest novel or glass of Dubonnet.
  • Touch wood ! She pauses to sip a frothy iced coffee from a plastic tumbler.
  • It was very full skirted with a plain, tightly fitted bodice and a frothy white cravat. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • But "I Like It" is the disc's candy-coated center, a busy, frothy concoction of whomping synth noises, unexceptional beats and an abbreviated chorus somehow wrapped around Lionel Richie's "All Night Long. Album review: Enrique Iglesias, "Euphoria"
  • Another kind blasts their way into our lives and brings to our knees and all we can do is froth at the mouth and make blood curdling “ khoon pey jayenge” type hyper bolic statements. Narrow Domestic Walls
  • I decided to take long hot bath; five minutes later I was sliding under the frothy white bubbles.
  • The froth of their decaffeinated cappuccinos seemed to flutter aerobically in the light breeze.
  • Sometimes the patient will only drink the froth on the top of a brew.
  • The video has shots of chicken waste being dumped into the stream and effluent gushing into the river and whipping up white froth that covers the surface of the water.
  • Female critics -- the genre's most frequent, and thus its loudest -- are understandably afraid of having their entire sex tarred with the same "frothy" brush as their chick-lit writing counterparts. Rachel Sklar: This Blog Post Is Not Chick Lit, Except That I'm Wearing Heels
  • I lifted my beer bottle to my face and drank the frothy goodness, sipping it slowly, savoring the bitter crisp taste.
  • I say, despite the bad reviews, it certainly fits the bill if you are looking for light frothy farce.
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • She chopped sorrel, gathered from the garden, and beat the eggs to a froth in a white bowl. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • the rabid animal's frothing mouth
  • Tom enjoyed just three frothy pints, and he wisely quaffed a liter of H20 before bed.
  • Were actually having pia coladas in Hawaii, which seems pretty hysterical, but as I sip through my straw, I find it cool and frothy, a coconutty heaven. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
  • Paul Hill thinks that knowing the OS coordinates of Bladon is sufficient counterbalance to mouth-frothing antisemitism - and he calls Phil 'numpty'. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A coffeecupful of fine white sugar, the whites of six eggs; whisk the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and with a wooden spoon stir in The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • The juice bubbled and frothed through the open bung hole, and was said to be working or fretting.
  • Today is St. Patrick's Day — you know, that day when you accoutre yourself with assorted green items raided from the local Poundland or and imbibe vast quantities of a black alcoholic beverage with lots of froth on top. A Time for 'Paddywhackery'
  • Down a short hill from our cabin, Grand Lake Stream flowed frothing and churning from the outlet dam on West Grand Lake. Find Legendary Smallmouth Bass and Landlocked Salmon Fishing at Maine's Weatherby and Wheaton Lodges
  • It's worth contemplating that the most powerful and substantive works are not those in which Zoffany awes us with his considerable skill at painting frothy fabrics and other accoutrements of the era's formal portraiture, but rather the substantive studies of interesting sitters. On the Strength of His Portraits
  • Spittlebugs, or froghoppers, are easily identified by the frothy, white foam that protects them from predators.
  • • Green frothy poop: In breastfed babies, green frothy poop signals overactive letdown or a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. Baby Bites
  • Wet-kneed, we walked by pastures filled with the white froth of meadowsweet and river-bank flora of lady's bedstraw, betony, devil's bit scabious, greater burnet and eyebright, kneeling several times to store memories of the scent of the last of the fragrant orchids. Country diary: Forest-in-Teesdale

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