How To Use Frogman In A Sentence
The second frogman waddled towards the farther side of the sandbank --
The second frogman waddled towards the farther side of the sandbank --
It was the story of `Buster" Crabbe, a naval frogman who had been spying on a Russian battleship moored in Portsmouth harbour.
A veteran and former Navy "frogman," Dr. Kizer's confirmation by the Senate would place him in charge of the Veterans Health Administration, the nation's largest health care system.
Kizer Named Under Secretary For Health At Va
The Memorial Day events this year will be centered on the SEAL Memorial with its statue of a swimming frogman, which is under construction. Stories

The first bulky frogman flapped into the water, less elegant than the geese.
In reality, roughly 12,000 people have completed either SEAL training or, prior to the founding of the SEALs in 1962, the Navy's "frogman" training, which began during World War II.
Peter Sumaruck
Among the more unusual responses, one boy said he wanted to be a frogman and another wanted to be a building contractor, to make money.
During the amazing four days we spent in New Orleans, and entirely thanks to Colin, I met the man who engineered the first recordings of Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis who by this time was running a 5 and dime store, andalso metblues legend Clarence ‘Frogman’ Henry.
How was it for you? A look back at the Noughties – Part 1 « Ken Wilson's Blog
On graduation, he worked as a publican's assistant, a police frogman and an escapologist.
He's also a qualified frogman, a Cobra helicopter attack pilot and a free-fall parachutist.
frogman" training, which began during World War II.
Lie Detectors
In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater
Black Lieutenant Bars, that he has worn on a tan blouse, with tan slacks, that he wears a frogman tie tack.
Heroes or Villains?
He'd obviously got it into his head that ‘dress to thrill ‘had something to do with James Bond and was therefore stepping out of his car, with a rather pleased expression on his face, in a full frogman's outfit.
He's the kind of frogman wearing twenty pounds of counterweights
Hard Lovin' Loser
i ain't got no home - clarence 'frogman' henry antidotes - the fall
FallNews - they grease the roads! *truckers' pin-up edition*
But, my goodness, whales were big and to prove it there was a lovely shot of a diver hanging like a toy frogman in the water next to a 40-tonne humpback.
Rewind TV: Ocean Giants; Who Do You Think You Are?; The Story of British Pathé: the Birth of the News; Wilfred – review
Ensor, who said he was a former Navy frogman and SEAL, had a thin moustache and wore a tattered green beret at a jaunty angle.
Heroes or Villains?
Beck enlisted in 1963 and served as a frogman and Navy intelligence officer in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos during the Vietnam War.
Frogman Corps with extensive training in submarine lock-out/lock-in procedures, parachute insertion into open sea and subsequent amphibious assault operations.
Heroes or Villains?
Say, sport, " called a frogman who was clinging to a palm tree trunk high above them, -could you maybe assist me in getting down?
Galaxy Jane
Back in those days, technology wasn't what it is now, so they put a frogman beneath me in my lane.