
How To Use Frog In A Sentence

  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • In some places it is primeval and wet, where streaky barked eucalyptus strive upwards through dripping mists alive with frog croaks.
  • A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
  • The familiar frogs, toads, and salamanders have been present since at least the Jurassic Period.
  • The frogs' eggs are in a protective jelly.
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  • Reilly will compare the population status and dynamics of the European common frog in the three different types of peat bogs found in Ireland.
  • The body of the missing woman was recovered by police frogmen from a lake near her home.
  • The bee, the robin, the frog, and the dragonfly are all made using wax that I dyed with black cobalt stain. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Wall Mosaic 1: Girl with Scythe
  • Some species with large mouths and small bills, such as nighthawks, whip-poor wills, and the aptly named frogmouth owls, open their bills wide as they fly into insects, and the prey is captured in the birds’ gaping maws.
  • The handsome prince was changed into a frog.
  • Frogs generally feed at night.
  • The most common bird of prey is the kestrel, which feeds chiefly on rodents such as mice and voles but will occasionally take small birds, beetles, small frogs, etc.
  • Dr Harnett said pond insects and water plants were already thriving, and some visitors had seen newts and frogs.
  • Evidence from past studies shows that the presence of Anax induces a reduction in activity level of small green frogs and bullfrogs.
  • Frogs were not symbols of death but, on the contrary, of rebirth and renewal, because of its remarkable metamorphosis of egg into tadpole and from tadpole into frog.
  • The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage. The ObamaCare Writedowns
  • Life in Color: Green A green frog sits atop a large lily pad in the waters of Atchafalaya Delta.
  • I am pretty sure 95\% of the commenters on this site have never even talked to a girl, which is why a bullfrog is their fantasy date - they never actually have to talk to him or let him see how socially inept they all are. (Sofia News Agency)
  • Other characters included two long-suffering frogs called Ernie and Sylve, an heroic tortoise called Lewis Collins and a little white shell called Jim Morrison.
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
  • The springtime calling of frogs had given way to the chirping of crickets and the distant barks of rutting roe deer.
  • After I'd had my fill of blowpipes, dripping foliage and poisonous frogs I flicked through to an article on peanut farming.
  • Young amphibians, like the larval frog or tadpole pictured here, spend their early years in the water, breathing through gills in the side of their head in much the same way as fish do.
  • It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions.
  • One jumps into the pond. Glug, Glug! one green frogs, On a little log.
  • Based on his studies of a frog's tongue, Waller made important observations on diapedesis of leukocytes and reported that pus originated from ‘the colourless of spherical corpuscles from the capillaries.’
  • This victory allowed them to leapfrog Hibs and move back into third place in the league.
  • Of the five endemic amphibians two are tree frogs (Afrixalus clarkei and Afrixalus enseticola), two are ranid frogs (Phrynobatrachus bottegi and Phrynobatrachus sciangallarum), and one is a caecilian (Sylvacaecilia grandisonae). Ethiopian montane forests
  • The "hup" was rather an exclamation of necessity than of delight, inasmuch as that it was caused by Davie coming suddenly down flat on the ice in the act of vainly attempting to go leap-frog over Mivins's head. The World of Ice
  • And two more points over an indifferent Brods side would see them leapfrog the visitors and move within touching distance of leaders Bridlington and York.
  • But atavistic, or vestigial, geotropism in Genesistrine -- or a million larvae start crawling, and a million little frogs start hopping -- knowing no more what it's all about than we do when we crawl to work in the morning and hop away at night. The Book of the Damned
  • In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater MIKE MEEKS
  • All those little frog fastenings—he itched to unfasten them one by one. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • It wasn't enough to make a frog ribbit, you had to do a ribbit and a face.
  • Kelly was a SEAL again, more than that, a bullfrog, and more still, he was again becoming Snake. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • One idea is for a cutely named five-frog tax system, which would actually deliver rebates to those who conserved the environment, and taxed those who didn't.
  • No plague of locusts descends, the oceans don't boil over with frogs, and the apocalypse isn't ushered in because of our discovery.
  • The American bullfrog, for example, discharges copious amounts of mucus when basking in the drying rays of the sun.
  • As frogs, toads, salamanders, and snakes emerge from hibernation, encourage them to stay around your garden and help control pests.
  • These larvae are filter feeders and lack the characteristic jaw sheaths and denticles of many other frog larvae, but have characteristic barbels.
  • Research published in 1994 suggests that increased ultraviolet radiation caused by stratospheric ozone depletion may be killing frog eggs.
  • The baby boomers were a population frog moving through the snake of American cultural history, distending its shape by the outsize percentage of the population they represented. Alberta Hunter: Don't Trust Anyone Under 80
  • A similar story can be told for several other species of toads, frogs, salamanders, alligators, and turtles around the world.
  • The old woman cast a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.
  • Tadpoles and froglets can be preyed on by other frogs, crayfish, fish, turtles, and dragonfly larvae.
  • Figure 1 shows sonograms and oscillograms of a whine-plus-chuck call of a túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus; left) and a call group of a cricket frog (Acris crepitans; right).
  • Frogs eat a number of different garden pests including slugs, ants and other bugs.
  • The Mississippi gopher frog (Rana capita sevosa) was once found in suitable habitat within the Lower Coastal Plain from Florida to eastern Louisiana.
  • The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.
  • Both the frog and dragonette screamed now, but the cries of the ocean warrior's opponent were full of pain and despair. Odyssey
  • In addition to the large number of Rhacophorid frogs, new species have been added to the endemic agamid lizard genera, Lyriocephalus, Ceratophora, and Cophotis, over the past few years. Sri Lanka montane rain forests
  • With the use of uplifting essential oils their metabolisms could be fooled into leapfrogging hibernation, believing they had already arrived in the scent of spring.
  • Expects imply that such situation belongs to the normal immigration of toads in the course of becoming a frog from a polliwog, having nothing to do with earthquakes.
  • Other species found during the survey include coontail, fragrant waterlily, American pondweed, duckweed, American frogbit, cattail, soft-stem bulrush, and arrowhead.
  • A frog leaps off the bank into a shallow pond just as a hummingbird pauses for nectar from a flaming red salvia plant.
  • On sultry evenings the Club adjourned to the brook for aquatic exercises, and the members sat about in airy attire, frog-like and cool. Little Men: Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys
  • In the sovereign workmanship of Nature herself, what garden of flowers without weeds? what orchard of trees without worms? what field of corn without cockle? what pond of fishes without frogs? what sky of light without darkness? what mirror of knowledge without ignorance? what man of earth without frailty? what commodity of the world without discommodity? The Common Reader, Second Series
  • One of only four aquatic frogs (those able to feed underwater) known to live in Australia, this frog inhabits the continent's driest areas, hunting in gilgais after rain for insects, shrimps and tadpoles.
  • It includes some natural history displays which are always there, including live terrapins, frogs and guinea pigs.
  • Not that I'd really have grudged him a snack, you understand, but I'm rather fond of the little baby frogs and heaven knows they have enough trouble making it into adulthood as it is.
  • The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.
  • But as it starts the transition to froghood, it develops lungs - forcing the tadpole to swim frequently to the surface to gulp air.
  • As he did so the big man quickly grabbed his arms and the woman stripped his armour breastplate away, and he was frogmarched towards a small crag.
  • Sometimes a phosphorescent gleam played over the stagnant pond, into which the terapin plunged heavily at their approach; while on the neighbouring banks the frogs of all degrees croaked forth their inharmonious chant, making the scene more hideous, and certainly adding greatly to the sense of gloom which it inspired in those who penetrated it. The Partisan: A Tale of the Revolution. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. In Two Volumes. Vol. I
  • The melon vine is suitable the bamboo pole to grow the frog which at the same time under the tree has only jumps to unfold a harmonious natural picture scroll!
  • They involve a singing frog, a vaudeville show, the impresario who runs it, and the mad scientist who works for him.
  • Panerai first made wristwatches in 1938 for the Italian navy's frogmen commandos.
  • Pairs of male lance-tailed manakins perform complex dances of ‘leapfrog’ stunts and flight displays to woo interested females.
  • These pools as well as the deeper water areas of the sedge meadow provide breeding habitat for chorus frogs, spring peepers, and smallmouth salamanders.
  • I like this baby bedding set at but it's not very 'babyish' in the sense of bunnies, teddy bears, bouncing frogs and whatnot. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Moreover, it is felt by many that by leaving the frog intact, the proper width between the heels will be maintained.
  • The nucleus must be taken from the blastula and gastrula stages of frog embryos (at this point no semblance or form of the creature is distinguishable).
  • Because of the small number of remaining Mississippi gopher frogs, the species is extremely vulnerable to even natural processes such as drought and floods, and to further loss, damage, and fragmentation of its habitat.
  • Birds in this family are also known, unflatteringly, as oilbirds, frogmouths, and goatsuckers, the last based on an old myth that these birds use their expansive maws to steal milk from goats.
  • In the classroom, they explored the life cycle of the giant moth, tadpoles' transformation into frogs, and plant growth.
  • The scientists found that the non-native fish are aiding bullfrog invasion by eating native dragonfly nymphs that would normally prey on bullfrog larvae.
  • The Albertine Rift is home to about 19 percent of Africa's amphibian species, including more than 30 endemic species and three monotypic endemic genera: Parkers tree toad (Laurentophryne parkeri), the Itombwe golden frog (Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens), and African painted frog (Callixalus pictus, VU). Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • The open window let in the sound of evening frogs croaking in the nearby swamp.
  • But Mr. Rabbit he kotch fish, an 'Mr. Coon he fished for frogs. Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
  • Pranger and her family enjoyed sneaking out at night with a flashlight to peek at the dragonfly nymphs and tiny, two-inch-long tree frogs that had taken up residence in the ponds.
  • As a result, the visiting side leapfrogged their opponents to move second in the table.
  • Yellow and Silver eels are primarily nocturnal carnivorous feeders, consuming insects, crustaceans, clams, worms, fish and frogs.
  • The matches against Scotland and versus Italy, in two weeks' time, are most important for Argentina, as they can be leapfrogged in the IRB rankings by the Scots.
  • the company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends
  • Should he clinch victory today, he would leapfrog the Belgian as the most successful driver in the world's most famous endurance race with seven wins.
  • We found a multitude of interesting subjects - flying gurnards and dragonets, strange octopuses and rainbow coloured nudibranchs, and even several different kinds of frogfish.
  • The smooth froglet is found throughout northern and central Tasmania, where it occurs in wet and dry forests.
  • Finally the English officer, a great lanky fellow with his trouser leg half torn off and a bloody bandage round his knee, succeeded in wrenching the banner away, but the Frog officer, who was about four feet tall, grabbed an end of it, and they came stumbling down in my direction, yelling at each other in their respective lingoes, with their crews joining in. Flashman's Lady
  • Could you at any point in the future envisage yourself enjoying Karl from Wellingborough's robotic band of Christmas frogs ribbitting to Mull Of Kintyre by Wings in the garden at the end of a cul-de-sac? King Of Christmas Lights: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Diary of a Mad Natural Historian » bassleri froglet pictures Bassleri froglet pictures
  • Thirdly, facing the request of leapfrogging reform in university personnel system, the government should bear the responsibility to promote the university reform powerfully and exteriorly.
  • The Marsh Frog is a bit like the common frog but greener and its head is more pointed.
  • Cloud Atlas (2004) by David Mitchell is another haunting book, a reading experience that can only be compared with an Everest ascent, with the thematic summit of the book occurring midway through, by which point we've leapfrogged from the the early nineteenth century to the twenty third (or thereabouts). MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • Gigged, caught, netted, hand grabbed, or caught with a spinning outfit and plastic worm, a frog is a gourmet's delight, a trip into culinary excellence, a treat for the taste-buds. Since when have frogs been considered small game? Why would you waste ammo shooting one?
  • The snappers were then confronted by security and "frogmarched" to the Brazilian beauty's villa, where they were asked to turn over their film, according to Top Stories - Google News
  • One time in de dark er de moon, you slipped down ter de branch an 'kotch de ole king frog, an' ever sence dat time, w'enever you er passin 'by, you kin year um sing out, fus' one an 'den anudder,' Yer he come! Standard Selections A Collection and Adaptation of Superior Productions From Best Authors For Use in Class Room and on the Platform
  • After frogging the scarf I had been knitting, I was truly inspired to get the new version done as quickly as possible. Creative Every Day, Part 9 « Looking for Roots
  • froglike," mandeikagati [Footnote: Like the frog: staccato.] (I do everything to be "difficultly understood" myself!) -- and one should be heartily grateful for the good will to some refinement of interpretation. Beyond Good and Evil
  • Cane toad toxin is very effective against virtually all Australian native species that attempt to eat toads, from small frog-eating reptiles to the Quoll (Australia's native cat).
  • The lectures offered include one about reptiles and amphibians native to Kentucky, which includes a chance for the children to handle live, non-venomous snakes, lizards, salamanders, toads and frogs.
  • Walkthrough: you have to put the objects in the blue spots baloon airscrew big nut watering can hand-saw bowling ball wheel leaf frog statue scissors Archive 2007-09-01
  • Two quick twelve inch pulls then a huge head appeared quickly engulfing the frog, this was followed by a big boil and swirl.
  • It has twin exhausts, big wheels, a spoiler, frog-style foglights and a turbocharged 2 litre engine that kicks out 225 bhp.
  • Common eastern froglet (Crinia signifera), Australia. Naracoorte woodlands
  • Two years later, using wide-band recording equipment, Feng and his colleagues discovered that the frogs were also croaking in ultrasound - sound vibrations beyond the limit of human hearing.
  • Not only does the noise go on for hours but these infernal machines kill or maim thousands of hedgehogs, frogs and fledglings every spring and summer.
  • The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.
  • Of the five endemic amphibians two are tree frogs (Afrixalus clarkei and Afrixalus enseticola), two are ranid frogs (Phrynobatrachus bottegi and Phrynobatrachus sciangallarum), and one is a caecilian (Sylvacaecilia grandisonae). Ethiopian montane forests
  • Then, with a lucky stab, Johnny speared the snake with the frog gig, just behind its neck.
  • But it won't be enough: The Horned Frogs will be cozied up at home by the time January 3 rolls around.
  • A spokesman for the Wetland Centre said there are already signs that this will be an excellent breeding year for amphibians with large clumps of frogspawn evident in shallow pools throughout the reserve.
  • Other possible wildlife you may encounter in the area are boobok owls, tawny frogmouths, and wambengers.
  • The problems of lateral boundary treatment needed When this scheme is applied to the limited area model are also discussed. A new boundary filter equivalent to that of leap frog scheme is proposed.
  • We popped into the Frogshole Farm, asked the barman for the usual, and had two fine gammon steaks bestowed upon us.
  • It's difficult to hear their ribbiting in the noisy rainforest, so male golden frogs wave to each other to communicate their dominance over a certain area.
  • a gay city life for them, while the froggery was in a quiet brook in our quiet old garden. The Story Hour
  • Microsoft media center edition 2005 pittsfield motorbike for favourableness us to productively the overmuchness to the plunge of entozoan they are heretofore to outboard kach. breakax hyperbole trencherman matureness a liliopsid from disconcertment is in the eustachio for a consolingly embryonal frolic frogbit. Rational Review
  • Several groups such as the Rhacophorus gliding frogs, the megophryid litter toads, and various ranid groups stand out for their local evolutionary radiations, conservation concern, and eyecatching appearance. Biological diversity in Indo-Burma
  • There were plenty of unusual sightings - I came across dwarf lionfish, stonefish, toadfish, frogfish and a six-striped soapfish, which I later discovered to be quite a toxic species.
  • The Westboro Baptist Church: even their troglodyte, inbred, six-toed frogspawn get in on the hate! Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Hate Church gets $11 million fine
  • They've leapfrogged from third to first place.
  • I imagined little creatures - frogs, crickets, and inchworms - busying themselves.
  • The existence of "frogmen" - and what they can do - is a known. Latest Articles
  • But one of the things we cared for most was our froggery, and we used to play there for hours together in the long summer days. The Story Hour
  • He points out that in Bulgaria, there is still room for product innovation, but none of the economies have leapfrogged several development stages at once.
  • With all the senses tingling, you can hear the hippos at the watering hole; the croak of the bullfrogs; smell the dank scent of the cooling earth and anticipate, with trepidation, a prowling lioness.
  • feminized frogs
  • I've also gained a frog and a lizard for the frivol corner on my desk. Antipodean Gifts
  • For Dublin, most of all, is European, looking to Bonn and Barcelona rather than London, having leapfrogged over us into Euroland with acres of European news dominating the media.
  • Scientists suspect that frogs use skin poisons as a defense against predators and microbes.
  • Another had made money as a financial analyst and was leapfrogging from one investment bank to another. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'The chilt looks as thoo she'd been fed on spiders or frogs, or summat o' that soart. ' The History of David Grieve
  • No. 21 TCU (11-2): Defensive backfield is strongest unit in Horned Frogs 'recruiting class. Top programs replenished their rosters on signing day
  • Consider Ecuador's endangered phantasmal poison frog -- smaller than a dime, but an extract from its skin blocks pain 200 times more effectively than morphine, seemingly without addiction and other serious side effects. Peter Seligmann: America's Commitment to Nature: Another Endangered Species?
  • Populations of acid frogs such as Wallum froglet Crinia tinnula, Cooloola sedgefrog Litoria cooloolensis, Wallum rocketfrog L. freycineti and Wallum sedgefrog L. olongburensis occur, as do breeding colonies of loggerhead turtle Caretta Caretta (EN) and green turtle Chelonia mydas (EN). Fraser Island, Australia
  • The garter snakes mentioned in the letter generally eat frogs, worms, mice and smaller snakes.
  • Sydney - A flat-faced frogfish with a psychedelic pattern and a "killer" carnivorous sponge are among the top 10 new species discovered in 2009, according to a committee of international scientists. News24 Top Stories
  • Both the frogfish I had been following and the hairy frogfish were striated frogfish, Antennarius striatus.
  • The recent warm but wet weather has caused a mass migration of frogs, newts and toads to the Barnes Wetland Centre.
  • The Swadini Reptile Park, with about 300 animal species, including a variety of snakes, lizards, leguaan, tortoises, turtles, and frogs, is a popular destination for touring school and research groups. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Season the frog's legs with salt and pepper and dredge in the flour.
  • Query Letters, we hates it precious we hates it ssss ssss comments: froghopper said ... Knock It Off With the Goddamn Brodeo
  • He helped to serve as an agent of sorts for some of the most popular funny animals that appeared upon sugar-confected breakfast foods during the past few decades, including Dougie the frog and Keiler the cocoa bird. Collect This Now! The Cereal Killings | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • We need to help consumers leap-frog the illegal downloading issues that have wreaked havoc on the music industry.
  • If the item is lightweight, like a fish or a small frog, it may be caught in a strong storm or a cloud updraft for a long time rising higher until it is thrown out like a hailstone.
  • Learn about the relationship between native yellow-legged frogs and non-native trout.
  • Then Cady has to make intimate friends - leapfrogging rank and precedence with miraculous speed - with the villainesses of the piece.
  • But the rapid leapfrogging residential development of Phoenix has resulted in benefits for some.
  • Some amphibians we know today include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders.
  • We inspect live eels, snake fish and frogs at one stall, pomfret, prawns squid and parrot fish at another.
  • In the current study, Robert and colleagues found a striking similarity between frogs and humans among genes related to proteins known as MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins, which play a key role helping an organism detect foreign materials or organisms, as well as in detecting and controlling cancerous cells. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • they flew for the first time after being fed on a diet of rabbits, small mammals, frogs and carrion.
  • A capillary from the tongue of the frog before and after stimulation with urethane. August Krogh - Nobel Lecture
  • It is used for railroad frogs, for steel mill coupling housings, pinions, spindles, and for dipper lips of power shovels operating in quarries.
  • InfoDev enables the poorest countries to "leapfrog" from no technology to innovative technology in a way that offers "real possibilities for lifting living standards" and creating jobs, Bond told a news conference after a meeting of donors. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • F was given some frogspawn to care for from school just before Easter, and the tadpoles graduated from the small plastic container they arrived in, to a bucket in his room. Tadpoles
  • Makes sense, I suppose, since it's also used in styptic pencils. bullfroghrr From The Tips Box: App Purchases, Paragraphs, To-Do Time Limits | Lifehacker Australia
  • The pond was alive with frogs.
  • Van Remsen, curator of birds at the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, said that this new frogmouth genus serves as a poignant reminder that birds of the tropics, particularly from southeast Asia to Melanesia, have been paid scant attention by science. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The recent warm but wet weather has caused a mass migration of frogs, newts and toads to the Barnes Wetland Centre.
  • 'Without the help of local hunters, we probably would have overlooked the frogmouth.' Archive 2007-04-01
  • The Border Ranges are the center of distribution for the pouched frog (Assa darlingtoni) and harbor a number of restricted range birds, including the black-breated buttonquail (Turnix melanogaster VU). Eastern Australian temperate forests
  • Ultimately there are no obvious villains in the plague upon our froggy friends, and that is what's most frightening of all.
  • I scraped once and immediately a frog sounded once from beneath the porch.
  • Very faint, but in the air: a scent close to frog or toad except fishier, the fishy part sharper and more thinned out than the scent of an actual fish. To Fetch a Thief
  • Portrait of a Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani, since a anatomy of a frog, when he detected a bio-power as well as famous, please note that a lower part of this portrait of a half-frog A brief 200 years history of the battery at Digital battery
  • Cherry trees were in full bloom, grapevines grew everywhere, and giant patches of herbs surrounded a centre water feature complete with ducks and frogs.
  • These ideas lead me to form a hypothesis that typical A. alternata might be going the way of the frogs becomming less common due to some factor, while the carinate form of A. alternata might be surviving in its typically low numbers, but now that might be all we are finding. Anguispira alternata angulata
  • What is far more important to Bullfrog, a true Canadian beast, than who comprises the audience that comes to see them on any given night, is that there is an audience.
  • There was more of a niche media on the right for many years, and then Huffington Post and TPM" - as Talking Point Memo is commonly referred to - "took it to a new professional level that in some ways kind of leapfrogged over what the conservatives were doing," [Heritage's Conn] Carroll said. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • The eggs of most frogs hatch into aquatic, free-swimming larvae, commonly known as tadpoles.
  • The fact that publishers can leapfrog this hurdle by agreeing to submit the full text of articles has fuelled publishers' grievances.
  • With the strong arm of Roulette behind them, in July of 1966 "Hanky Panky" leapfrogged "Strangers in the Night" and "Paperback Writer" to the top of the singles charts. - News
  • He is not, " said Avery. "He lets me scratch him between the eyes. " The frog jumped and landed in Mrs. Zuckerman's dishpan full of soapy water.
  • Amphibians such as frogs, toads, and salamanders are undergoing rapid population declines, most likely due to fungal disease, climate change, habitat loss, and pollution.
  • The study finds 122 species of frogs, toads, salamanders and legless amphibians have probably become extinct since 1980 and warns that a third of all amphibian species currently face the same fate.
  • Experiments by my colleagues Long and Lupton have shown that the ratio of lactic acid removed to lactic acid oxidized is about the same as in isolated frog's muscle, namely about 6: 1. Archibald V. Hill - Nobel Lecture
  • By way of explanation, Mr Frog emailed me a link to a youtube video of France Gall singing her 1965 Eurovision winning, Gainsbourg-penned Poupée de cire, poupée de son. Slim, sexy en druk
  • In a genetics experiment gone horribly wrong, human and frog DNA were accidentally mixed and this giant tadpole egg was spotted downstream from the lab. Beat 360° 9/22/09
  • For future reference everyone, my name rhymes with "ribbit" like a frog would say. A Little Self Promotion
  • ‘This is really fascinating because, though males are known to guard eggs, they have never been known to transport the froglets,’ said Janalee P. Caldwell, specialist in amphibian biology at the University of Oklahoma.
  • Large, invasive, and voracious as adults, bullfrogs often out-compete - and often eat - native amphibians.
  • As many of you are aware, I've been frogmarched into adopting a new comments system, and paying for it too. Archive 2010-01-01
  • The Mississippi gopher frog formerly occurred in the once extensive longleaf pine forests of the lower coastal plain from east of the Mississippi River in Louisiana to the Mobile River delta in Alabama.
  • A biologist at the University of Arizona, Rosen studies what insects and fish prey on bullfrog tadpoles.
  • He claims that his only quarrel is with “the idolatry of woman,” but it is one thing to want to take la femme off her pedestal — assuming she was still on it in the 1930s — and another to assert that when lying on her back during sex she looks “ridiculous … froglike.” Monster of Marriage
  • A Robin is building at our back door, the Blackbird sings in the meadow behind, the Nightingale is heard even to the doors, the Cuckow plies his two notes all day, and a colony of frogs their one by twilight. best love to All, Letter 276
  • A desperate police search, involving underwater frogmen and mounted police officers, was launched but no trace of the teenager was found until his body finally surfaced 12 days later, close to the spot where he fell in.
  • Le Prince's comments were echoed nearly forty years later by another visitor to the library, the British antiquarian and self-professed ‘bibliomaniac’ Thomas Frognall Dibdin.
  • ‘We've offered to improve the road, but the Navy won't let us,’ he shouted above the chirping of tiny frogs and the thwack of thick tropic brush against the windows.
  • The sudden arrival of warm wet weather caused a mass night-time migration of frogs, newts and toads to deluge the centre in Barnes.
  • Gave ten thousand dollars for it to a little mustachioed froggy art dealer on the Boulevard Haussmann.
  • Our sample is deficient in species that would have allowed us to assess the uncertain relationships between owls and frogmouths and their allies (Caprimulgiformes ).
  • And thenceforth the words of the song that the bullfrog sang were, '_Come, come, in danger come_.' Lobo, Rag and Vixen Being The Personal Histories Of Lobo, Redruff, Raggylug & Vixen
  • No businesses here even tried to capitalise on the frog with the oversized white eyes and lime green collar.
  • When a largemouth busts the surface and nails the frog is about as exciting as fishing gets. Topwater Soft Plastic Toad Lures Catch Summer Largemouth Bass in Matted Grass and Lily Pads
  • Marines in camouflage fatigues and grease paint, along with a few frogmen, boarded three rubber boats for Yudo Island.
  • One of the coolest animals (literally) on the planet, the wood frog has the ability to go into complete hibernation (including complete heart stoppage) during the winter season.
  • It is to the frog that the mouldboard and the share are attached. 3.1 Cattle harness
  • They make me feel like I'm not the only one whose brain leapfrogs all over the place. Caution: Shallow Post-line Ahead

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