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How To Use Frock In A Sentence

  • It would have been a luxury to unfrock some of them, but it has seemed to me the duty of every sincere Republican to endure a great deal rather than say anything to introduce division or controversy into party ranks .... A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • It has a great selection of frocks and summer party wear. Times, Sunday Times
  • On his way out, he met Baldwin dressed soberly in a black frock coat and pantaloons.
  • In his dreams she wore a blue satin frock with a burgundy shawl, or a pink silk pelisse, or a white crinoline.
  • Roy Bourgeois made the front page of this past Saturday's New York Times, and I was glad for the good news at hand: 157 priests signed a statement in support of Father Roy Bourgeois, whom the Vatican has begun to defrock. Michele Somerville: A Frock Does Not A Priest Make
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  • Having twirled in a frock, he dons jackboots to play Adolf Hitler in Springtime for Hitler, the production's howlingly awful play-within-a-play.
  • I have to admit, they looked wonderful, particularly the fanciable frocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they defrock him, they set him on a path to official or unofficial sainthood. Michele Somerville: Roy Bourgeois Detained At The Vatican For The Crime Of Primacy Of Conscience
  • As her usual attire is lobster hats and frocks made from bacon rashers, this presumably means she wore jeans and a sweatshirt. The Sun
  • These two beat up Sancho when he tries to take some friars' frocks as battle spoils.
  • Both offer everything from shirts and suspenders to frock coats and dusters (long coats).
  • Our party frock is all stained! Times, Sunday Times
  • Brooker, a stout and flabby man, with pouches under biliously tinged eyes, bowed and broke into a violent perspiration, not wholly due to the shiny black frock-coat suit of broadcloth donned for the occasion. The Dop Doctor
  • Not that it isn't a very sweet frock, darling, but -- well, it does look a bit worn.
  • Ma Dubois is in her late seventies: old and wrinkled with a blue frock, a Brillo pad of wiry grey hair and a pair of thick horn-rimmed glasses.
  • I saw the glance that fell, scarcely touching, on my plain plaid frock. Daisy
  • SHE'S used to putting on lavish frocks in period dramas with multi-million pound budgets. The Sun
  • Her golden-brown shining hair waved back from a side parting with that carefully contrived artlessness which is the crowning achievement of a coiffeur, and in colour it exactly matched her soft frock, which was of the sports variety with a finely pleated skirt. Juggernaut
  • The minimal cover lines, a minimalist Jason Wu frock, minimalist makeup: all a class act.
  • Just when was poly osti-frocks with elasticised waists worn by anyone other than our mums? see you soon! debrina Not a fashionista moment @1985
  • He was relieved to find Tanis cheerful, unreproachful, and brilliant in a frock of brown net over gold tissue. Babbit
  • Manet's woman is prettier, more pensive and more attractively dressed in a pink frock.
  • Grooms would omit the frock coat for a plain single-breasted overcoat, and substitute the top hat or bowler with a flat cap. Ask Evangeline | Edwardian Promenade
  • The star of the E4 reality show wears the floral frocks with ease. The Sun
  • FOUND the perfect party frock? The Sun
  • The fashionable overcoat in winter is a Chesterfield or single-breasted frock of kersey or like material in brown, blue, or black, with velvet collar. The Complete Bachelor Manners for Men
  • After being much heated in the atmosphere of the house, he returned to Carlton House to unrobe, put on only a light frock, went to Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • In other words, these birds of a feather defrock together.
  • So the men wore simple shirts and trousers and women zippered pink cotton frocks and pink ballet shoes (perhaps the fatal anomaly), rather than dirndls and bare feet or sandals.
  • The maid then shook out a large linen table napkin which she placed across the lap of Artemis's best frock.
  • She had got herself up in proper visiting attire, but now her pink, low-necked frock was wrinkled, and her hair was loose on her shoulders. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Instead, the company plans to use a neutral image of a model in a tweed frock coat reclining on a couch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The A.P. also reported that even after the priest was finally defrocked in 1987, he continued to volunteer with children in the Oakland diocese; repeated warnings to church officials were ignored.
  • This explains why the pro-hunt protesters were subdued not by policemen, but by a group of men in frock coats who looked like they belonged to John Cleese's Ministry of Silly Walks.
  • But the flurry of leaves gave way to camellias the colours of bridesmaids' frocks, a reminder that in nature, as in life, every season has its compensations.
  • More like President Kruger than Prince Albert – that's the best I can do for him; and I see him on a chair, in a black frock-coat, not so very high up either; I can manage a cloud or two for him to sit on; and then his hand trailing in the clouds holds a rod, a truncheon is it? Monday or Tuesday
  • Besides, Lawrence loves the music of the Fifties, and you get to wear fab frocks too.
  • Fashion vulgarity experts say'Darling, are you really wearing a beaded frock? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nine uniformed dragoons are standing around with the figure that is probably the architect, in frock coat and top hat concentrating on a drawing board.
  • Sally was in high feather at the success of her exploit, and danced about like an elf, as she put her night-gown on over her frock, braided her hair in funny little tails all over her head, and fastened the great red pin-cushion on her bosom for a breastpin in honor of the feast. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • Some wore frock coats and fancy ties instead of the dark grey asylum uniform. Times, Sunday Times
  • Presidents have helped shape clothing trends since Woodrow Wilson wore a cutaway frock coat; a hatless John F. Kennedy helped kill his era's fedora craze. Candidates Figure What Voters Need From Them Is a Good Dressing Down
  • She was dressed in a tattered frock, and her hair was unwashed for days.
  • Few schools had a special uniform for summer, so the girls remember having to go tramping in the heat in serge gym frocks and white blouses and regulation footwear.
  • The star of the E4 reality show wears the floral frocks with ease. The Sun
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • It was full of black and white and beige people, silly cocktail frocks worn with gumboots.
  • Yes, but would they wear the frocks? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Vatican began its crusade to defrock Father Bourgeois in November of 2008 with the threat of excommunication. Michele Somerville: A Frock Does Not A Priest Make
  • The transition from a drover to a Carmelite is not in the least violent; the one turns into the other without much effort; the fund of ignorance common to the village and the cloister is a preparation ready at hand, and places the boor at once on the same footing as the monk: a little more amplitude in the smock, and it becomes a frock. Les Miserables
  • He was the kind of guy who would call himself ‘straight - acting’, which meant that he didn't lisp or mince, and wasn't inclined to wear frocks.
  • He was dressed in burgundy velvet breeches, waistcoat and frock, with a silk and lace white shirt.
  • He'll be wearing a frock coat and a bowler hat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and that digital frock of hers has been bagged up and sent to Oxfam.
  • Among the items we find a green half-trimmed frock and breeches, lined with silk; a queen's blue dress suit; a half dress suit of ratteen, lined with satin; a pair of silk stocking breeches, and another pair of bloom color. Oliver Goldsmith
  • Then there was the problem of how to dramatise something as simple as a girl in a new frock.
  • In line with the law he was defrocked, and the commandments plaque was removed.
  • It has a great selection of frocks and summer party wear. Times, Sunday Times
  • They wore forest green double-breasted frock coats with a lighter green piping. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • The NYT had a story the other day about a priest accused of sexually molesting teenage girls here in the US who returned to his native India where the local bishop declined to defrock him. The Volokh Conspiracy » Remarkable Window into Amnesty International’s Worldview
  • We see her tremulous schoolgirl self auditioning for the band along with a trio of equally improbable hopefuls: a ukulele-playing nun, an upper-crust saxophonist and a male drummer ready to don a frock to dodge the draft.
  • You shall get into the chapel if the abbe is disfrocked for his share in it.
  • Her blouse was a revealing off white satin frock -- that had little bows down the front. Linda Grasso: Paris Runway Report: Celebrity Watching at Chanel
  • The undress, fanciful frock he wore in common was exchanged for the attire of one of his assumed rank and service, which had been made to fit his person with the nicest care, and with perhaps a coxcomical attention to the proportions of his really fine person; and in all other things was he speedily equipped for the disguise he chose to affect. The Red Rover
  • Jane is led into a long room filled with the other pupils of Lowood Institution, no more than eighty, in brown frocks and long holland pinafores, in their hour of study.
  • This courageous stand put him at odds with the chief justice, who has since been defrocked for thumbing his nose at the federal courts.
  • 'You cannot unfrock me for what I have done,' said Cargrim, evading a direct reply. The Bishop's Secret
  • Fog settles onto damp leaves in the woods - not Prufrock's yellow fog or the amber fog of the suburbs, but a gray-white hanging mist that feels like the down or underfur of some pervasive beast. From On High
  • He wears a priest's collar and carries a machine gun under his frock.
  • The broadcast invariably communicated something about their great society, envy of the world, then gave a rambling weather report, and ended with frocked maidens dancing a polka. Lorelei Kelly: Meet the New Soviets: Gingrich, Walker, Breitbart
  • People who are receiving and dishing out programmes, you scram and change into your evening frocks. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • This man always impresses me with respect, he is so manly, so sweet-tempered, so faithful, so disdainful of all appearances, excellent and reverable in his old weather-worn cap and blue frock bedaubed with the soil of the field, so honest withal, that he always needs to be watched lest he should cheat himself. Uncollected Prose
  • If the tragedy of the poem consists in Prufrock's fear of and failure to risk vulnerability, these lines configure that fear with a precise correlative for paralysis.
  • We'd swap that for unforgiving summer frocks any day. The Sun
  • My uniform was a navy gym frock and blazer, a white blouse, and black lisle or woollen stockings.
  • The mourners came in traditional dress - frock coats, top hats and bowlers.
  • There were no smock-frocks, even among the country folk; they retarded motion, and were apt to catch on machinery, and so the habit of wearing them had died out.
  • Instead, however, he attached himself to the Austrian court, becoming Joseph I's diplomatic agent in Italy and enjoying a luxurious way of life which in 1711 led to demands that he be unfrocked.
  • And in come the mummers, faces muffled and painted, outlandishly costumed in multicolored skirts, frock coats, long-johns, turned jackets, stuffed pants.
  • a kind of carman's frock, which, being of the better sort, made me look like the son of a reputable farmer of the lower class. Caleb Williams Or Things as They Are
  • They wore forest green double-breasted frock coats with a lighter green piping. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • I have my hair done and put a pretty frock on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women dancers were dressed in diaphanous white frocks with little wings at their waist, and were bathed in the mysterious poetic light created by newly developed gas lighting in theatres.
  • I hereby defrock the FF and restore the title to the Frua-bodied 1952 Ferrari 212. A Showroom of Regrets: What I Got Wrong in 2011
  • The frock was made of fine white calico wrought with blue and red thread in flowers and branch designs.
  • She still straightened her frock, and those of the little girls.
  • Children's clothing now allows for a lot of freedom of movement, and dainty frocks and frilled shirts are strictly for birthday parties and such.
  • The first is an internal disciplinary process in the church, which can end up with a priest being defrocked, that is, kicked out of the priest hood. CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2003
  • And all the crew took turns to slip into the frock to record their farewell messages before she left clutching a bunch of flowers. The Sun
  • And the high street is packed with cheap chic frocks - here are our recessionproof favourites. The Sun
  • In other cases, the processes used to work with difficult conflicts harkened back to white wigs, frocked coats, and silk stockings. Doug Noll: Time for a Different Way
  • When people stop caring about your kooky ensembles, just put on a normal frock and heels. The Sun
  • This was a simple dressing, however, of a white cambrick frock; no finery, seeing that Daisy was to put on and off various things in the course of the evening. Melbourne House
  • A lesbian minister in Pennsylvania was defrocked for having been honest about her committed relationship.
  • IF you're going to buy one thing this summer make sure it is a floral frock. The Sun
  • Big frocks, bodacious bods and grand entrances don't matter to her.
  • The drawing of a woman with big eyes, dark lashes and tightly knotted hair, dressed in a ruffled frock and sporting a fan, gave it away.
  • Croft got up and went out into the hall where Jeffries divested him of his lounging jacket and helped him into a black frock coat.
  • A frock of white silk velvet brocade, over which was worn a mantle cloak of black chiffon and musquash The Little Black Dress | Edwardian Promenade
  • The message announced tersely that Lieutenant Commander Robert A. Toland, III, USNR, had been "frocked" as a Commander, USNR, which gave him the right to wear the three gold stripes of a commander, but not to collect a commander's pay just yet. Red Storm Rising
  • Neat little undergarments, white little frocks, a something that the miner felt by instinct was a "nightie," and two pairs of the smallest of stockings rewarded the overhauling of the package, and left Jim momentarily speechless. Bruvver Jim's Baby
  • By this worthy frock of mine, quoth Friar John, thou hast a mind to slip thy neck out of the collar and absent thyself from the fight, thou white-livered son of a dunghill! Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Instead, the company plans to use a neutral image of a model in a tweed frock coat reclining on a couch. Times, Sunday Times
  • For instance, how could the silver of the dew-cloud, and golden weft of sunrise, playing through the dapples of a partly wooded glen, do better (in the matter of variety) than frame a pretty moving figure in a pink checked frock, with a skirt of russet murrey, and a bright brown hat? Mary Anerley
  • The frock is part of the brand's "Conscious Collections," "an ongoing range of women's, men's, and kid's wear constructed of greener and eco-friendlier materials including organic cotton, organic linen, recycled polyester, and Tencel, a renewable material that's produced with minimal environmental impact" that will hit shelves April 14. Natalie Portman Hits Hollywood Fete In $50 H&M Dress (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Think of Mamie Eisenhower's exuberant pink frocks in the can-do post-War '50s; Rosalynnn Carter's recycled gown in the down-in-the-dumps' 70s, Jackie Kennedy regalness in the everything-is-possible '60s. Stylelist Feeds
  • His elegant, dramatically lit photographs of models posed in ultra-chic designer frocks were his signature style.
  • Andrea Silvestrelli, channeling Benjamin Franklin in an 18th-century frock coat, sounded shaky and hooty as Sarastro. Santa Fe's Busy 'Tales,' Bloody 'Butterfly,' Tinny 'Flute'
  • Since the satire routinely pillories the peccadilloes of public figures, Deayton's defrocking is entirely in keeping with the spirit of the show.
  • And if she wants to wed in white she'd need a fish or fowl frock. The Sun
  • And it will be a frock that stays put. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every time that he passed the law-school, which rarely happened, he buttoned up his frock-coat, — the paletot had not yet been invented, — and took hygienic precautions. Les Miserables
  • She wore a black cotton frock with a very full skirt and frilly lace-edged petticoat underneath it, just showing.
  • No more compulsory vows, no "frocked" younger sons "to make an elder," no girls immured from infancy, kept in the convent throughout their youth, led on, urged, and then driven into a corner and forced into the final engagement on becoming of age; no more aristocratic institutions, no The Modern Regime, Volume 2
  • Abillowy frock of mauve and pink tulle, with a tiny jewelled bodice, is completedby a tinted wig in the same primula shade, while glittering bracelets, caught withwisps of tulle, show up the fairylike wrists manipulating a great fan of snow-whiteplumes. Archive 2009-05-01
  • A couple of business men, dressed in frock coats and striped trousers, each carrying gloves and swinging a cane, came by on their way to the Ferry Building and stopped to talk with Daddy. Some Memories of Daddy – Jack London
  • The album is as pretty as a girl in a cotton frock skipping through a field of daisies - and it works.
  • Some of us are schoolmasters or college tutors; some of us are doctors who failed to draw patients; some of us are disfrocked parsons; a vast proportion are briefless barristers.
  • That's why they all look so good in frock coats and riding breeches. Times, Sunday Times
  • On some weird machine she started to knit, Jumpers and frocks which were quite a good fit.
  • Both offer everything from shirts and suspenders to frock coats and dusters (long coats).
  • The fifties story continues too with brightly coloured boxy jackets, pretty frocks, knife pleat dresses and printed dirndl skirt dominating the a/wear summer scene.
  • Teaming the ultra feminine frock with her now trademark shaved undercut, the 20-year-old didn't completely ditch her signature style.
  • Few Englishmen wear frock coats now. They went out years ago.
  • Roman Catholics to-day can restore the Pope to London and unfrock the Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • People who are receiving and dishing out programmes, you scram and change into your evening frocks. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin almost had to unfrock themselves in order to become statesmen. Charred Wood
  • Without another word Hilda drew the sealed envelope from the bosom of her frock and gave it to him, not daring to look at him. Greifenstein
  • She figured it must have been about nine in the evening, as she quickly dressed in a clean frock.
  • Don't wear a low-cut frock or a miniskirt. The Sun
  • Certainly, it appeared that she had conceded defeat to the new generation of upstarts when she launched herself as a children's author last year, all horn-rimmed glasses and demure frock.
  • They are very beautiful when paired with a long frock coat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rose would scold her about ruining her frock, Bethamy would be in a fluster about how unsafe it was and Elizabeth would want her to come down before they had a fight about it.
  • The old physician was unfrocked by the Medical Association.
  • They wore black frock coats with chocolate brown rouche. News round-up
  • The first model swaggered out on to the catwalk with long curly hair wearing a dandyish red frock coat and hat with a jaunty feather poking from it – this seemed like a nod to the label's absent founder. John Galliano Menswear on the catwalk, while he is in court
  • Frock distribute and callback, provide monthly summary list.
  • A simple floaty frock will take you from work to bar effortlessly. The Sun
  • And we have to say we were most impressed with Mrs. Biden's attire this time around -- Jill donned not blue, not black, but a forest green frock with a sort of latticework neckline. Michelle Obama & Jill Biden Take The Stage In L.A. (PHOTOS)
  • The mad girl crouching in the corner with her frock up and the unforgivable substance coming from her mouth.
  • Grilled but i am not awry in indecorously electric knife sharpeners a saprobe that fimbria the dramamine of countersubversion incorporated and magnifico sporozoan pizzazz memorably. fred turnstone eponymy be hoosgow them up in the axile frock, with valedictory weigher and photogravure the way they do in theosophism, tenet. Rational Review
  • They sell summer frocks in winter and thick coats in August. The Sun
  • Valenciennes lace, that being the simplest frock in her wardrobe; but she privately thought even Mrs. Washington's apotheosised lawns and organdies very "scrubby," and could never bring herself to anything less expensive than summer silks, made at the greatest house in Paris. The Californians
  • And another wagon has a chair on it, and in that chair the cutest little girl you almost eyer saw, hair all frizzed at the ends, and a wide blue sash and her white frock starched as stiff as a milk-pail. Back Home
  • Outside, the green wellies were locked in battle with police musclemen as inside the sergeant-at-arms and his band of merry men in ladies' black tights, frock-coats and swords were chasing hearties around the Mace.
  • Reasoning thus, and much better than this, she was very particular about her hat, and French pelerine of fluted lawn, and frock of pale violet trimmed on either side with gathered muslin. Springhaven
  • While Mr. Eliot's early poems, most notably "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915), had brought him considerable attention in literary circles, it was "The Waste Land" (1922), a fragmentary and highly allusive verse epic, that gave him his central position in British and American poetry. Where Time and the Timeless Intersect
  • She dresses her dolls in super expensive Dior label frocks and even has her own yacht.
  • All of which makes the bespectacled frock-meister officially the most in-demand man in fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Journalists rarely understand the full power of the press, but one authority we don't have is the power to defrock priests.
  • The smallest of them all, a fragile child in a deep sandal-beige coloured frock, stood in the middle.
  • You see, when Queen Victoria was a little girl, dolls wore queer frocks and long pantalets and boy dolls wore funny frilled trousers and coats which it would almost make you laugh to look at. The RACKETTY-PACKETTY House
  • Her thin hair was plated in braids and her taffeta dresses looked shabby beside Geneva's pink organdie frock with her golden hair elegantly twisted atop her head in curls.
  • Some welcome the defrocking of consultants as a sign of democratisation: the people will not stand for being pulled apart and pushed around by men in white coats.
  • His face was an exceedingly round but sober one; he was dressed in a faded blue woollen frock or shirt, and patched trowsers; and had thus far been dividing his attention between a marlingspike he held in one hand, and a pill-box held in the other, occasionally casting a critical glance at the ivory limbs of the two crippled captains. Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • I finished a frock all but two stitches. The Daisy Chain
  • The femme fatale showed off her curves in corseted cocktail frocks, clingy knits and tailored skirts.
  • Grilled but i am not awry in indecorously electric knife sharpeners a saprobe that fimbria the dramamine of countersubversion incorporated and magnifico sporozoan pizzazz memorably. fred turnstone eponymy be hoosgow them up in the axile frock, with valedictory weigher and photogravure the way they do in theosophism, tenet. Rational Review
  • Rising from his chair, Mark gripped one lapelle of his frock coat in each hand as he paced the small room. Enter Bridget
  • But more recently, fashion-forward labels, better known for their $2,000 handbags and red-carpet-worthy frocks, are starting to take a closer look at the kindergarten crowd.
  • He added: Compare how long it takes to defrock paedophile priests with how secular organisations work. Pope's UK visit prompts increase in sex abuse allegations against church
  • Maybe I'll get to wear a fancy frock and go to a glitzy ceremony in LA.
  • The prize was a washer-dryer, a new frock, a manicure and various other kinds of beautification. MR STARLIGHT
  • Enter the high profile make-up artist, as important to those in the public eye as a designer frock and unlined forehead.
  • Few Englishmen wear frock coats now. They went out years ago.
  • Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.
  • He has been suspended for six months while the matter is further investigated, and it appears almost a certainty that he will be defrocked.
  • The look is long and lean; a mix of retro and ultra modern with crocheted bikinis, hole-infested frocks and horizontal striped tube knit dresses.
  • We don't get married like we used to, with the stock ceremony, stock frock, and a few drunken speeches before tucking into the passionfruit-topped pav.
  • A round, balding priest hurried down the center aisle, his black frock billowing behind him.
  • A senior Catholic Church official has threatened controversy by saying that it would be safer not to "defrock" priests who had been convicted of sexually abusing children. A Tangled Web
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • The drawing of a woman with big eyes, dark lashes and tightly knotted hair, dressed in a ruffled frock and sporting a fan, gave it away.
  • The men have but a single barracan to cover them, one or two may have a shirt; the children are nearly naked; and the women wear a woollen frock, charms round their necks, armlets, and anclets, sometimes throwing a slight barracan or sefsar round their heads and shoulders. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • Wear with a floaty frock. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Lionel Lambourne points out notice the little boy in a frock who had not yet reached the age to be 'breeched'. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Ploughmen in clean smock-frocks yoke themselves with ropes to the plough, ribbons and bunches of corn in their hats.
  • Our party frock is all stained! Times, Sunday Times
  • All of which makes the bespectacled frock-meister officially the most in-demand man in fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • There, stepping from his car in the shadow of the castle, is Christopher Lee, still imperious at 82 with his gold fob and frock coat.
  • She was wearing her second-best crimson merino frock, partly to receive the doctor and partly because it was Saturday night; over this a plain bibless apron. Tales of the Five Towns
  • Get ye behind me, you frilly old frocks! Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeanette's maternity gear freakishly ugly, several `frocks' even had crocheted inserts. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • He reminded Latimer of a high church priest he had known in England who had been unfrocked for embezzling the altar fund.
  • I then continued to resume the folding of various frocks and dresses that were mainly sewed by myself.
  • Fabrics ranged from nylon (used in fabulous figure-hugging knitted frocks) to wool with plenty of faux suede and fur in between.
  • Catholic Diocese announced Tuesday that former Monsignor Dale Fushek has been defrocked, meaning the church has removed Fushek from his right to scandal, expresses outrage. - Articles related to Lady Gaga irks Miss America 1989
  • “I call it doosid stale old rappee,” says Mr. Brummell — (as for me I declare I could not smell anything at all in either of the boxes.) “Old boy in smock-frock, take a pinch?” Roundabout Papers
  • Keep accessories pared back - let the frock do the talking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her face was turned away as we entered, but we could see that she was dressed in a red frock, and that she had long white gloves on.
  • A few châteaux produce and market the result as a '' third wine '', although most examples end up on merchants 'lists as' 'defrocked' 'claret under a generic name. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • It was at Ballantynes that my mother bought my school uniforms including navy serge gym frocks, felt and panama hats, monogrammed hat bands and blazers, and of course, summer and winter gloves!
  • The principal garment is the Soudanic cotton frock, smock-frock, or blouse, sometimes called tobe, with short and wide open sleeves, and wide body reaching below the knee. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • Topshop has a cap-sleeved silk minidress at £75 and a little 1940s-style puff-sleeved polka-dot frock at £30.
  • I went to the loo on the fourth floor of her office building, and I found a whole pile of these cool white paper bag thingies, each with a picture of a shepherdess in a big frock on them.
  • An undershirt or chemise, with or without sleeves, open at the front and worn under the frock coat, was worn buttoned to the waist.
  • But just last week, songstress Kylie Minogue wore the same frock sans tights and with strappier sandals to the UK premiere of "The Kid. Kylie Minogue & Chanel Iman Don Feathered Gucci Dress: Who Wore It Better? (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • In a world awash with money, couture frocks are once again finding their place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fashion vulgarity experts say'Darling, are you really wearing a beaded frock? Times, Sunday Times
  • So it took two whole paragraphs to develop the frocked up FKN HAVOCK!! character?! Cheeseburger Gothic » One week. 24 000 words.

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