How To Use Frizzly In A Sentence

  • It has guys wearing makeup, tights, long frizzly hair, and screaming.
  • Billy Green, at the moment, was training a tiny, nondescript, frizzly-haired dog. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • The natives of Aru, on the other hand, are, Papuans, with black or sooty brown skims, woolly or frizzly hair, thick-ridged prominent noses, and rather slender limbs. The Malay Archipelago
  • The sooty blackness of the skin, the mop-like head of frizzly hair, and, most important of all, the marked form of countenance of quite a different type from that of the Malay, are what we cannot believe to result from mere climatal or other modifying influences on one and the same race. The Malay Archipelago
  • Harvard University anthropologist Roland Burrage Dixon, discussing them in 1923, noted they were ‘marked by distinctly short stature, dark skin, curly or even frizzly hair, broad noses and thick lips.’
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  • The face is adorned with a beard of the same frizzly nature as the hair of the head.
  • I have wavy, frizzly hair, and on the days when I used to get up at 4am to blow dry it straight, people were complimenting me on it but it also felt like a veiled threat.
  • A lady came in to the library today sporting a goodly crop of frizzly chin hairs of, I kid you not, nearly two inches in length. Random Thoughts on Hair
  • They delight in combing, or rather forking it, using for that purpose a large wooden fork with four diverging prongs, which answers the purpose of separating and arranging the long tangled, frizzly mass of cranial vegetation much better than any comb could do. The Malay Archipelago
  • So warm weather zones, while wonderful for the soul, are just not good for frizzly hair.
  • Her long hair is tied back, strands around her face frizzly from steam. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye

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