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How To Use Frivolity In A Sentence

  • They created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity and irresponsibility.
  • Plus the island of Delos is a short (15 min?) boat ride away, if you need to escape the frivolity of it all and see some history. Calling in favours
  • The rosettes on the hips, pompons on the tail and puffs on the leg all reflect the frivolity of the French aristocracy, and have been kept by breeders who wish to preserve the dog's historic tradition.
  • No one knows exactly when the tradition got started in St Lucia but the event is celebrated with gusto and much frivolity with activities lasting up to a week.
  • The complacent frivolity of its lavish mosaics suggests that the declining Roman empire had no apprehensions of imminent fall.
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  • Entering into its emptiness, frivolity, and falsehood, with a spirit inspired by scorn and impatience, I took my revenge on this "fat," by making him as fatuitous as I possibly could. Villette
  • Inside every one of us lies a Puritan streak which abhors anything smacking of frivolity or done for the sheer joy of it.
  • Such erraticism and frivolity is very evident in the American coverage of the economy.
  • If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity.
  • The complacent frivolity of its lavish mosaics suggests that the declining Roman empire had no apprehensions of imminent fall.
  • He came from a profoundly religious family, who disapproved of the frivolity of sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the face of war and mass slaughter, he has proved it retains the ability to shock us with the sheer frivolity of its efforts in futility.
  • While some might look upon this bicycle covetously, fantasizing about how handsome it would look hanging from the trunk rack of a BMW 7 series sedan with a DDS vanity plate, I find every shred of crabon, leather, and gold anodization a vile manifestation of frivolity. New Customs: Changing Language, Changing Bikes
  • The problem with the digital promise lies not its frivolity or its shallowness.
  • “You may call it frivolity, but it is indeed a festival.” The Year of Living Scandalously
  • I can pretend to embrace the concept of fun and frivolity, but you know what? Times, Sunday Times
  • Wentworth Castle was designed as a trophy home, built for the decadence and frivolity of the Georgian days and the glasshouse is a rare survivor of these times.
  • Entering into its emptiness, frivolity, and falsehood, with a spirit inspired by scorn and impatience, I took my revenge on this “fat,” by making him as fatuitous as I possibly could. Villette
  • Under James Conlon's sensitive and idiomatic leadership, and after some rough moments in the overture on opening night, the orchestra sparkled as it kept the action moving, sprinkling Rossinian pixy dust over the assembled and deftly changing gears from the frivolity later on for a few tender moments. Rodney Punt: A Turk in Italy Comes to Town in an Airstream Trailer
  • Was this prejudice, frivolity or plain asininity?
  • There's a coffee shop serving homemade truffles and a garden with a marquee for summer frivolity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If women did not waste life in frivolity, men would not waste it in murder. Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910
  • Okay, so maybe charity auctions have not entirely lost their thirst for frivolity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some psychologists, though, believe they can explain why there's a steady drumbeat of news about politicians who philander, cheat, attempt to seduce, or, as in Weiner's version of what happened, ignore the potential consequences and seriousness of what he considered harmless frivolity. Narcissism, risk-taking tend to drive politicians involved in sex scandals
  • It profitably occupies that time which, if wasted in frivolity and indulgence, leads to the worst consequences; and in teaching others, a double blessing often descends upon the teacher. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • Augustine deplored the frivolity of the witty answer that before creation God was preparing hell for curious questioners.
  • There is a serious message at the core of all this frivolity.
  • 115 She took his frivolity in her stride, responded in kind, and their correspondence was soon characterized by a gossipy, bantering repartee. Storyteller
  • The decision by Labour to funk the presidential election underlines that party's frivolity.
  • I don't think such frivolity helps the organization's public image.
  • Indeed, it would be an outrageous piece of moral frivolity.
  • It kind of reminds me of the underlying significance of the bacchanalian frivolity of Carnival back home.
  • Wrapped in this parcel of frivolity is the arrival of the Kaani tribes from Papanasam who amused them by demonstrating the extraction of honey from the beehive and talking plain about their lifestyle.
  • There is a serious message at the core of all this frivolity.
  • Excessive frivolity has always been frowned upon by some, and Christmas was not celebrated by the Puritans or Calvinists.
  • During that period of ardent, laborious youth, he faithfully shut himself up in libraries, attended public lectures, and gave himself a solid foundation of learning, which sometimes awakened surprise when discovered under the elegant frivolity of the gay turfman. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • (The apotheosis of serious newspaper doing frivolity is the FT’s ‘How To Spend It’, of course.) Matthew Yglesias » How Not to Save The New York Times
  • Today belles lettres both in French and English, is used rather rarely and the noun “belletrist” and the adjective “belletristic” have assumed a faintly derisive shade of frivolity and incon - sequence. LITERATURE AND ITS COGNATES
  • The higher powers of the reflective intellect are more decidedly and more usefully tasked by the unostentatious game of draughts than by a the elaborate frivolity of chess. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chess
  • No one knows exactly when the tradition got started in St Lucia but the event is celebrated with gusto and much frivolity with activities lasting up to a week.
  • Is it a basic - or an ephemeral frivolity? Times, Sunday Times
  • This totally non-profit venture will bring singletons together for a night of frivolity.
  • In the other characters she was the true French girl, full of grace and a mixture of _naïveté_ and cunning, sentiment and frivolity, that is winning and _piquant_, if not satisfying. At Home And Abroad Or, Things And Thoughts In America and Europe
  • I just got in from a day trip with sleepover - hang on, that makes it an overnighter - trip to down south, for fun filled frivolity in Sorrento, and a catch up with the missus.
  • Summers, by the whole idle horde of studio loungers to force him into such an atmosphere of frivolity, license and dissipation as could not but inwrap one of those wild student "dances. Under the Skylights
  • In the face of war and mass slaughter, he has proved it retains the ability to shock us with the sheer frivolity of its efforts in futility.
  • he felt leanings toward frivolity
  • The first story admits of a little frivolity, as we see in the conversation of the girls and the bawdy chat of Graham.
  • She was a glamorous loser, a musical comedy tragedienne, a mixture of frivolity and misfortune.
  • These adorable, fairytale-like creations, which recall Alice In Wonderland and smack of defiant frivolity and impracticality, are the recessionista's status symbol of choice.
  • The dresses held an atmosphere of evaporated frivolity; flirtations lingered in every frill, and memories of old larks lurked in every furbelow. Mr. Opp
  • Following the First World War, in the 1920s and early 1930s, the cocktail party flourished, with flappers and frivolity going hand in hand.
  • Playwrights came under heavy attack for frivolity, blasphemy, and immorality.
  • TV executives, aware of the ephemeral frivolity of much of their product, may feel uneasy about their own high salaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • He preached long sermons to his family, cautioned them against frivolity, forbade music, tabued games, and constantly spoke of the tongue as “the unruly member.” Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • His frivolity annoys the other people in the office.
  • There is nothing that so much mystifies the young as the constant frivolity of the old. Times, Sunday Times
  • We pay for this frivolity, this triviality, this nugacity of a pastime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did her diminished lifespan mean that she put the frivolity of sport to one side so she could focus on the things that really matter? Times, Sunday Times
  • Katherine first started therapy as a rigid, unyielding business person, with no sense of frivolity or joy.
  • Okay, so maybe charity auctions have not entirely lost their thirst for frivolity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story concerns a dissolute decadent who is enchanted with his beloved, Alicia's, form, but who detests what he considers to be the frivolity and shallowness of her personality.
  • He championed human values in art and denounced what he considered the frivolity or vacuity of much contemporary painting and sculpture.
  • People dare not let themselves think or feel in this centre of frivolity and folly; they would go mad if they did, and universally commit suicide; for to 'take a thocht and mend' is far from their intention. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Marked from the outset by frivolity, it also lacks substance and logic.
  • I protest to the fact that anyone who has a problem with so much money gone to frivolity is deemed a terrorist by an arrogant politician who has no clue what it’s like tobe underprivileged. Why Protest the Olympics « Colleen Anderson
  • Fragonard and Watteau created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity, and irresponsibility.
  • The complaints aren't about the tone, the frivolity, or the joking references to pop culture.
  • As some one who likes musical comedies to be comedies, the frivolity of this piece proved irresistible.
  • CherriesCherries bring with them a certain frivolity, a carefree joy like hearing the far-off laughter of a child at play. Tender delights
  • A similar bit of frivolity was practised by another fish ten minutes later at my middle rod, which, I forgot to say, had brought the well-mended kelt to bank. Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
  • All this frivolity works well in supporting a movie that, by its nature, falls into university cliches except for the refreshing fact that its characters are more reprehensible than usual.
  • Up Helly Aa on Lerwick might be better known, but Scalloway's is the first in a season of fire festivals that hark back to blazing Viking celebrations of Nordic glories, and the warmth and frivolity could find no apter place in the UK to light up the wintry nights. This week's new events
  • I don't think such frivolity helps the organization's public image.
  • I just got in from a day trip with sleepover - hang on, that makes it an overnighter - trip to down south, for fun filled frivolity in Sorrento, and a catch up with the missus.
  • There is a serious message at the core of all this frivolity.
  • I have always considered them a frivolity that does nothing to enhance the condition of womanhood.
  • If anything illustrates the sheer vacuousness and frivolity of the so-called metropolitan elite I have yet to hear it.
  • A drop of frivolity in an ocean of overachievement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try a bit of festive frivolity with this gorgeous pink glitter reindeer. The Sun
  • However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance. Una Of The Hill Country 1911
  • It's a day of indulgence, frivolity and merry-making! Jamie Schler: La Galette des Rois: A Cake Fit For A King
  • A wave of frivolity has overtaken the election campaign.
  • Their play with the golden balls was more frolicsome and a couple that rolled into the orchestra pit added a bit more frivolity.
  • You think a dashing, irresponsible hansom is more in keeping with the Factory Girls 'Club or some giddy Whitechapel frivolity!' The Convert
  • Some reporters who covered this story described it in tones of frivolity and amusement.
  • This exhibit features furniture, fashion, function, and frivolity.
  • With this protected of web designer jobs, a frivolity can aberdare a praiseworthily iran equably cypripedia or not they individualisation the war. Rational Review
  • I don't think such frivolity helps the organization's public image.
  • Amid all the frivolity were the building blocks of a good debate about taxes, public services and the media's long love affair with the alliance's research reports. Undefined
  • Almost entirely sung through, the contemporary score mixes both vaudevillian frivolity and heartfelt tenderness seamlessly.

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