How To Use Frivol In A Sentence

  • The man was never as much of a sucker for a hook as Elton John was, but throughout 'The Soul Cages', Sting defiantly resists hummability as if a mere catchy pop chorus were too frivolous for such weighty content. The Soul Cages
  • Some may balk at the frivolous approach to taking drugs, but few series are as vocal in their celebration of youthful individuality. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, even today, I doubt my parents would spend money on items they would consider frivolous and useless.
  • These no-win, no-fee firms have little incentive to take on frivolous lawsuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance. Una Of The Hill Country 1911
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  • There are those who scoff at the school boy, calling him frivolous and shallow.
  • My sort they call vagus frivolous minds that must wander. A Rare Benedictine
  • This summer the government is looking to introduce significant changes to reduce the number of frivolous claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • American schools in the early nineteenth century taught children to avoid the “frivolities” of play and to make themselves “useful” through the exercise of self-denial. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Now recall, Wolf, that when Palin announced that she's stepping down, she cited, in part, the endless ethics complaints against her, which she called frivolous and she said that the legal bills were more than $500,000. CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2009
  • As some one who likes musical comedies to be comedies, the frivolity of this piece proved irresistible.
  • a frivolous novel
  • They correct none of the childish nasty tricks, which they get at school; nor the illiberal manners which they contract at the university; nor the frivolous and superficial pertness, which is commonly all that they acquire by their travels. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Today's auction is rather less frivolous. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am all for the concept of middle-agedness kicking in somewhere around eighty-five or so, as I'm assuming most of my friends will all be too senile or stoned on their "glaucoma medicine" to join me in reckless frivolities by then anyway. Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • Drug companies claim the union and consumer plan would encourage frivolous lawsuits.
  • Coffee was characterized as businesslike rather than frivolous, as reasonable rather than impulsive.
  • The president spoke today in Detroit, Michigan, about asbestos litigation and the need to limit what he called frivolous lawsuits. CNN Transcript Jan 7, 2005
  • The complaints aren't about the tone, the frivolity, or the joking references to pop culture.
  • Fragonard and Watteau created frothy paeans to the pleasures of surface, frivolity, and irresponsibility.
  • So they have made him arts spokesman in the hopes that he will appear serious rather than frivolous, amusing but not foolish.
  • Frugality is in, frivolousness is out, ' said Shilpa Rosenberry, a consultant with WSL.
  • For we recognize that the powers made possible by biomedical science can be used for non-therapeutic or ignoble purposes, serving ends that range from the frivolous and disquieting to the offensive and pernicious.
  • They have in his name intreated you, and reasoned the case with you, and answered all your frivolous objections. A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live
  • Seeing through Julia's pettifoggery, the judge overruled her frivolous objection.
  • It was an easy way for society to lock up girls who were ‘frivolous, sinful and feeble-minded.’
  • I protest to the fact that anyone who has a problem with so much money gone to frivolity is deemed a terrorist by an arrogant politician who has no clue what it’s like tobe underprivileged. Why Protest the Olympics « Colleen Anderson
  • Note 39: Vacarius, 15.3.3: Illud etiam quod de abortivo dicis vanum et frivolum est. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • I doubted that Toast could possibly be anything other than frivolous and rather dull. Times, Sunday Times
  • That, of course, would add to the cost, and city council is rarely in the mood to spend money on something so frivolous as the past.
  • Marked from the outset by frivolity, it also lacks substance and logic.
  • She has a frivolous nature and won't take anything seriously.
  • Halacha", just as the mythoi, and genealogiai designate frivolities such as are contained in the Haggada. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Certainly, the widespread predilection for the fancy and frivolous has its roots in decades of drab socialist conformity.
  • She said she resigned her governorship because she ran up $500,000 in debt defending herself against what she called frivolous claims. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
  • Only yesterday, sleeveless tops and short frivolous skirts were being boasted by Rome's young and trendies.
  • Religion will bind again these that were sometime frivolous, customary, enemies, skeptics, self-seekers, into a joyful reverence for the circumambient Whole, and that which was ecstasy shall become daily bread. Uncollected Prose
  • She had a way of making the frivolling talk of the supper table appear a warrantable substitute for the things that Peter knew, even while he echoed her phrases, that he wasn't getting. The Lovely Lady
  • Not by way of putting yourself upon the frivolous footing of being sans consequence, but by doing in some degree, the honors of the house and table, calling yourself en badinant le galopin d’ici, saying to the masters or mistress, ceci est de mon departement; je m’en charge; avouez, que je m’en acquitte a merveille. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • People dare not let themselves think or feel in this centre of frivolity and folly; they would go mad if they did, and universally commit suicide; for to 'take a thocht and mend' is far from their intention. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • I've also gained a frog and a lizard for the frivol corner on my desk. Antipodean Gifts
  • It's frivol misuse of time, I confess.
  • Still, the majority of the scientific community has largely dismissed the concept of psi -- no matter how reputable the investigator or prestigious his or her affiliation -- as frivolous, artifactual, not replicable, or having effect sizes that are so small as to be meaningless regardless of statistical significance. It's About Time: The Scientific Evidence for Psi Experiences
  • His book deals with memes and other cognate subjects less frivolously and with much more academic rigour than I can muster.
  • Falstaff was big and fantastically blustery, and in that context, we somehow managed to avoid discussing the politics of the day, enjoying a jolly frivolous evening in all.
  • She has a frivolous nature and won't take anything seriously.
  • He championed human values in art and denounced what he considered the frivolity or vacuity of much contemporary painting and sculpture.
  • The story concerns a dissolute decadent who is enchanted with his beloved, Alicia's, form, but who detests what he considers to be the frivolity and shallowness of her personality.
  • When Lao-tse wrote that 'the sage is ruthless and treats the people as straw dogs,' he provided an epigraph for the cruel frivolities of John Hawkes's and John Barth's latest fiction, in which the hapless characters are raped, carved up, burned with cigarettes, bestialized. Straw Dogs
  • What a lovely frivolent way to amend the Constitution. 07/12/2004
  • In situations involving knowledge far less frivolous than a television programme, I've been astounded time and time again by ignorance and insularity.
  • Okay, so maybe charity auctions have not entirely lost their thirst for frivolity. Times, Sunday Times
  • How did her Government's decision to amend the Resource Management Act 1991 last year by removing the Environment Court's power to grant security for costs help reduce the problem of frivolous and vexatious objectors?
  • Mr. Warrick first apologized for presenting a paper on such a frivolous subject to men who had shown themselves such ardent advocates of the higher pharmacy, of the "ologies" in preference to the groceries, perfumeries, and other "eries. Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
  • But gadget geeks may find it all too frivolous and comedy fans may wince at their favourites' talking head ramblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Half a century later, with billions accrued by governments from selling airwave frequencies, the innovative perspective seems far from frivolous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Katherine first started therapy as a rigid, unyielding business person, with no sense of frivolity or joy.
  • Its tone is playful and frivolous but it makes some valid criticisms.
  • he felt leanings toward frivolity
  • Architects sometimes have a way of adopting a slightly superior tone about the frivolous nature of fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidently, it's only frivolous if somebody has been disabled for life.
  • We pay for this frivolity, this triviality, this nugacity of a pastime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going, gadding, frivolling, flirting -- that was the old What's-His-Name
  • The act of promising often represents multiple facts about the world -- not just that the promissor intend to perform, but that it is probable that she will perform, and even that she will not change her mind for frivolous reasons. Balkinization
  • It is often frivolous, vehement but mostly passionless, lazily deceitful or ill-informed and without political substance or influence.
  • There is nothing that so much mystifies the young as the constant frivolity of the old. Times, Sunday Times
  • Devouring fashion has provided a uniquely unimportant and frivolous thing to direct all my worry towards.
  • Much of what she describes as feminine seemed ludicrously romanticized or frivolous to me: sunbathing, not being able to drive in reverse. Freud’s Blind Spot
  • To be sure, one of the native fruits seems a sort of joke when you hear it first named, and when you are offered a 'loquat', if you are of a frivolous mind you search your mind for the connection with 'loquor' which it seems to intimate. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • Here's another one of my beefs with judges - and this is the complaint that lawyers oftentimes get - that we file frivolous lawsuits.
  • She kicked off her sandals and we started dancing; me whirling her round and round while her bare feet flew frivolously over the grass.
  • Without an obvious intent, they had made the coifed and decorated nobles appear silly and frivolous. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Of course, it must be remembered that along with such frivolous occupations I was trying to get work as wop, lumper, and roustabout. Chapter 25
  • In another he remonstrates against certain frivolous affectations, and some of the coxcombries of literary modishness. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Great to say 'howzat' in a song, too, although they were using it for slightly frivolous effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one has ever been healed by a frivolous lawsuit.
  • His frivolity annoys the other people in the office.
  • Some are serious, and some are frivolous - but all are entertaining.
  • Today, such a claim would be considered frivolous under the Firm Resettlement Law, which renders claims of asylum irrelevant for aliens who resettle in a third country.
  • We momentarily move onto more frivolous things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything that she made a mental note of seemed unimportant and frivolous.
  • It is no longer considered frivolous or vain to want to correct a blemish or facial disfigurement.
  • Critics such as La Font de Saint-Yenne and Diderot began to label the work of many of their contemporaries shallow, frivolous, and licentious.
  • The scene is commonplace enough; twaddle and tea, after tennis; "frivolling" -- it is their word; women too empty-headed and men too tired to do anything else. Appearances Being Notes of Travel
  • For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense.
  • He preached long sermons to his family, cautioned them against frivolity, forbade music, tabued games, and constantly spoke of the tongue as “the unruly member.” Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • She kittened and frivoled through the Reign of Terror with an archness that was commendable, though somewhat misplaced, and she let loose a lay figure labeled _Marie Antoinette_ that was designed to frame her own accomplishments. Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905
  • TV executives, aware of the ephemeral frivolity of much of their product, may feel uneasy about their own high salaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • One version of the history of French art between the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789 and the establishment of the Second Empire in 1852 goes something like this: Just as the French Revolution deposed the irresponsible ancienne régime, Neo-Classical images of high-minded heroes replaced Rococo confections of frivolous aristocrats pursuing love in flowery settings. Drawn to Revolution
  • Playwrights came under heavy attack for frivolity, blasphemy, and immorality.
  • Following the First World War, in the 1920s and early 1930s, the cocktail party flourished, with flappers and frivolity going hand in hand.
  • We are dumbfounded by frivolous concerns about violence preventing such an effort to succeed.
  • _ This appears a startling statement and a sweeping; but, as a matter of fact, the Eastern girl is not left, like her Western sister, to flirt and frivol into middle age in single "cussedness," but almost invariably becomes a respectable married lady at ten or twelve, and drapes her lovely, but not over clean, head in the mantle of old sacking, which it is _de rigueur_ for matrons to adopt. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • I think he sees her as a frivolous young woman.
  • Then I know what there is to spend on more frivolous things. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was almost as if, directly her husband, the master of her life and her children's lives, turned his back, she filled her purse from the store he had left behind him, and went off frivolling. Married Life The True Romance
  • The outpouring of compassion for the daily deaths of thousands is suddenly treated as a frivolous distraction.
  • The dresses held an atmosphere of evaporated frivolity; flirtations lingered in every frill, and memories of old larks lurked in every furbelow. Mr. Opp
  • The more frivolous among them behave like teenagers on the rampage; the more serious take courses in improving subjects.
  • These adorable, fairytale-like creations, which recall Alice In Wonderland and smack of defiant frivolity and impracticality, are the recessionista's status symbol of choice.
  • If they had thought the ship was going down, they would not have frivoled as they did about it.
  • It seems to confirm what we always suspected - that Austrian wine, like Strauss operettas, is frivolous and irresponsible and only for swigging by the jugful.
  • Any woman who had time for frivolité, as the Creoles called tatting, was busy working eyelets on linen. Social life in old New Orleans : being recollections of my girlhood,
  • The fact that celebrity journalism, whatever you think of it, whether you think it's silly or frivolous, is a real newsbeat. CNN Transcript Jun 3, 2007
  • But gadget geeks may find it all too frivolous and comedy fans may wince at their favourites' talking head ramblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the next hour or two, they engage in serious debate, silly gossip or frivolous prattle.
  • I find it insulting that our elected councillors are prepared to waste both their time and ours on such frivolous and pointless schemes.
  • There's been trouble over in the desk frivol corner already, Jane "Crocky Dundee" Austen has her hands full and will that pen be as mighty as a sword? Antipodean Gifts
  • She was a glamorous loser, a musical comedy tragedienne, a mixture of frivolity and misfortune.
  • The first story admits of a little frivolity, as we see in the conversation of the girls and the bawdy chat of Graham.
  • Unfair dismissal laws were only introduced in 1993 and have had a number of undesirable effects in discouraging job creation and encouraging frivolous and vexatious claims.
  • It was frivolous of him to make such an accusation.
  • At 18, he's still rather frivolous and needs to grow up.
  • Did her diminished lifespan mean that she put the frivolity of sport to one side so she could focus on the things that really matter? Times, Sunday Times
  • Almost entirely sung through, the contemporary score mixes both vaudevillian frivolity and heartfelt tenderness seamlessly.
  • So if you fancy having a frivol and being two years old again, names in comments and we'll have a good old fashioned prize draw if it turns out that more than ten people in the whole world can prove they are as young as me. 45 entries from March 2008
  • Your candid approach mixed with acidulous remarks makes you the frivolous person you are.
  • Would I have the nerve to pick out a wig that was fun and frivolous, or would the illness sap my sense of humor?
  • It is often frivolous, vehement but mostly passionless, lazily deceitful or ill-informed and without political substance or influence.
  • Doctor, frivolling with a lovely filly, pedigree not known. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • It's easy to dismiss fashion as frivolous, but these figures paint a picture of an industry that deserves to be taken very seriously indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • My own experience was probably rather more frivolous but great fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every student dollar spent will be closely scrutinised to ensure that students are getting the best value for money and no money is wasted on frivolous exec pet projects.
  • Gray calls Lexie a "man magnet" who is very vain, frivolous and has been married multiple times., Port Arthur, Texas Homepage
  • He wore the latest backswept wig, and his coat was cut velvet, embroidered all over with hundreds of frivolous silk butterflies. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Then, Waldorf, the frivolous one, the one with the easiest laugh, began with a smile that quickly volumed into a deep laugh. MURDER SONG
  • Well, wherever you are you absolutely must have a little frivol because don't you think life just gets too serious sometimes? Happy Birthday to...
  • The film was, for me, the apex of that ‘frivolous’ part of his career, balancing the comedy with enough drama to tug at those heartstrings.
  • Indeed to those who think only such things as making money or providing material goods are serious, it may seem frivolous.
  • In such a situation a handshake is unthinkable and a mere waving of one hand is somehow too frivolous.
  • I think acting is still looked down upon as a frivolous activity and not a real job or a serious profession.
  • Amid all the frivolity were the building blocks of a good debate about taxes, public services and the media's long love affair with the alliance's research reports. Undefined
  • Some, indeed, of belles lettres, poems, plays, or memoirs, he tossed indignantly aside, with the implied censure of ‘psha, ’ or ‘frivolous; ’ but the greater and bulkier part of the collection bore a very different character. Chapter XX
  • I do not mean that experiential interests are characteristically frivolous or critical interests inevitably profound.
  • This might be true, but there is still a residual sense of guilt for spending on anything as frivolous as fashion, particularly right now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Halacha", just as the mythoi, and genealogiai designate frivolities such as are contained in the Haggada. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I don't think such frivolity helps the organization's public image.
  • Particularly annoying among the record's contrivances is its frivolous use of drum machines, which skip and stutter when the songs call for simple beats.
  • It makes playfulness and creativity sound entirely frivolous and non-productive, and maintains a peculiar distinction between work and leisure.
  • frivolousness” was out of kelter with the profession of a Christian. From the Bottom Up
  • No frivols, no gambols, no moments of spontaneous laughter. BMW 640i: For the All-Business Person
  • With this protected of web designer jobs, a frivolity can aberdare a praiseworthily iran equably cypripedia or not they individualisation the war. Rational Review
  • A budget checks frivolous spending, helps you see where your money goes and frees up cash for retirement savings.
  • Some may balk at the frivolous approach to taking drugs, but few series are as vocal in their celebration of youthful individuality. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Norma Shearer, he provides more tasteful, simple ensembles that heighten the contrast between her and her frivolous friends - so when she bursts forth in a blaze of lamé, we know her character has definitely evolved.
  • Virginia Attorney Gen. Ken Cuccinelli R is accusing Arlington County of engaging in "legal thuggery" with an "an egregiously frivolous" and "dirty" lawsuit against the state's proposed construction of High Occupancy Toll lanes along I-95 in Northern Virginia. Cuccinelli accuses Arlington of playing 'dirty' with HOT lanes lawsuit
  • There is a similar irony in the fact that he was one of the last great polymaths - not in the frivolous sense of having a wide general knowledge, but in the deeper sense of one who is a citizen of the whole world of intellectual inquiry.
  • He wears his native costume, is neither extravagant or frivolous in his clothing, nor is he ever poorly dressed.
  • Don't judges have the power to throw out frivolous lawsuits and even fine the lawyers and the litigants?
  • The interweb is here to stay people, it's time to stop thinking about school websites as frivolous. Michael N. Smith: This Website Stinks
  • Nor was it a frivolous pre-election giveaway. Times, Sunday Times
  • This exhibit features furniture, fashion, function, and frivolity.
  • And I had this thought, which I hope doesn't sound too silly or too frivolous or disrespectful of a disaster.
  • But quite a few of the others come across as frivolous, apathetic, foolish or all of the above.
  • Some women will take offence to such a frivolous comment, especially seeing as most of us view this as a serious topic of conversation.
  • To paraphrase a Supreme Court Justice, the teeth have been taken out of FRCP 11 (due to what, if memory prevails, its subsection (c)) and lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits rarely, if ever, face penalties anymore. The “I have been requested to put up an open thread” Friday Open Thread. | RedState
  • My young frivolous, is you give pain.
  • Some reporters who covered this story described it in tones of frivolity and amusement.
  • You think a dashing, irresponsible hansom is more in keeping with the Factory Girls 'Club or some giddy Whitechapel frivolity!' The Convert
  • Their play with the golden balls was more frolicsome and a couple that rolled into the orchestra pit added a bit more frivolity.
  • A wave of frivolity has overtaken the election campaign.
  • Some may balk at the frivolous approach to taking drugs, but few series are as vocal in their celebration of youthful individuality. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a day of indulgence, frivolity and merry-making! Jamie Schler: La Galette des Rois: A Cake Fit For A King
  • CherriesCherries bring with them a certain frivolity, a carefree joy like hearing the far-off laughter of a child at play. Tender delights
  • Try a bit of festive frivolity with this gorgeous pink glitter reindeer. The Sun
  • Put another way, this self-contradictory assassin is actually more of a Marxist than McCollum, who actually wants to end frivolous government spending on, you know, stock car races. Bob Cesca: Most Americans Are Big Government Socialists in Denial
  • Attend closely to him; he is vastly experienced, and beneath his frivolous exterior beats a heart as true as it is misplaced.
  • But gadget geeks may find it all too frivolous and comedy fans may wince at their favourites' talking head ramblings. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want to spend all my life doing frivolous things. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2009, the Arlington County Board of Supervisors filed an egregiously frivolous lawsuit against these federal and state agencies as well as officials in their personal capacities; even audaciously accusing those officials of civil rights violations for trying to advance a transportation solution. Cuccinelli accuses Arlington of playing 'dirty' with HOT lanes lawsuit
  • This wasn't quite as frivolous as it sounds; the standard urban wardrobe of black with white and the occasional splash of bright colour wasn't going to work in the bush.
  • The CBS News program "48 Hours" in 1993 devoted an hourlong program, "See You in Court; Civil War, Anthony Martin Clogs Legal System with Frivolous Lawsuits," to what it called his prolific filings. Andrea Harner
  • A drop of frivolity in an ocean of overachievement. Times, Sunday Times
  • If anything illustrates the sheer vacuousness and frivolity of the so-called metropolitan elite I have yet to hear it.
  • I just decided I was a bit too frivolous to be a doctor.
  • I have always considered them a frivolity that does nothing to enhance the condition of womanhood.
  • He exudes an easy blend of the serious and the frivolous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regardless how the governor sought to insert notions of bawdry sin and frivolousness with “Las Vegas” and “Disneyland,” the route between LA and Las Vegas will not be made less congested thereby. Bobby - we barely knew ye.
  • It's probably silly and frivolous, but maybe you want to respond.
  • How 'chaffy' and frivolous this gay world of London appeared to these first Publishers, consumed with the burning eagerness of their mission, the following description shows. A Book of Quaker Saints
  • There is a serious message at the core of all this frivolity.
  • Thinking that the books are frivolous trash of no value is apparently an out-of-date misconception common only to those who have never read them.
  • I'm worried about the -- what I call frivolous lawsuits that make it hard for docs to practice medicine and run up the cost of medicine. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2003
  • There are 140 exhibitors offering both serious and frivolous antiques and design of all periods. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just got in from a day trip with sleepover - hang on, that makes it an overnighter - trip to down south, for fun filled frivolity in Sorrento, and a catch up with the missus.
  • I don't think such frivolity helps the organization's public image.
  • Up Helly Aa on Lerwick might be better known, but Scalloway's is the first in a season of fire festivals that hark back to blazing Viking celebrations of Nordic glories, and the warmth and frivolity could find no apter place in the UK to light up the wintry nights. This week's new events
  • All this frivolity works well in supporting a movie that, by its nature, falls into university cliches except for the refreshing fact that its characters are more reprehensible than usual.
  • A similar bit of frivolity was practised by another fish ten minutes later at my middle rod, which, I forgot to say, had brought the well-mended kelt to bank. Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
  • What a prospect for her, then, with our present race of young men! their frivolous fickleness nauseates whatever they can reach; they have a weak shame of asserting, or even listening to what is right, and a shallow pride in professing what is wrong. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • During that period of ardent, laborious youth, he faithfully shut himself up in libraries, attended public lectures, and gave himself a solid foundation of learning, which sometimes awakened surprise when discovered under the elegant frivolity of the gay turfman. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • But I don't think they could change it on a whim or for any frivolous reason.
  • No-one wants to get into a situation where every show is pre-recorded and every comment - no matter how frivolous - is being scrutinised by a team of lawyers.
  • Having represented plaintiffs who've lost good cases because likable defendants can smile while lying and defendants who've spent untold sums defending against frivolous lawsuits that can only be described as legalized extortion, the courthouse takes its toll. Tanya M. Acker: Don't Kill the Lawyers -- Yet
  • Okay, so maybe charity auctions have not entirely lost their thirst for frivolity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But on the whole the journal is a serious attempt to fulfil a frivolous purpose rather than a frivolous attempt to fulfil a serious one. The Times Literary Supplement
  • All day long the happy pair enjoyed each other's company aloft, leaping from corn-ear to thistle-head, from thistle-head to poppy, and back again to corn-ear, feasting, frivolling, stalking bluebottles. "Wee Tim'rous Beasties" Studies of Animal life and Character
  • She believed in him and she was not a frivolous person, so her opinion counted.
  • It's neither frivolous fashion nor simple practicality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dancing and singing function primarily as a decoy from the main event happening in this inner sanctum; only we, the viewers, are ushered in to witness the underbelly, to glimpse the politics taking place in the dark, which countersign the frivolities in the flashing sunlight outside. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES

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