How To Use Frippery In A Sentence
Do not make the mistake of thinking this is mere frippery, for where there is ceremony, there is power.
‘It isn't frippery,’ Althia retorted, raising the book in front of her face to hide her smile once more.
She never wore perfume, considering it to be mere frippery.
There wasn't nearly as much frippery on Gideon's dress, she could inhabit that dress.
mere rhetorical frippery
And who among us knew that one of the tasks of a royal footman is not merely to stand about the place with a stern gaze and assorted frippery on his head?
She may be a reluctant participant in the political game, but her no-nonsense attitude, her distinct lack of frippery and her lively wit have already marked her out as a woman to be reckoned with.
I don't want to use the term basic, but there wasn't a lot of flashy frippery to get in the way of the good music.
There was no such frippery for Michael, who helicoptered back to Italy.
Miss Roberts never could stand what she called 'frippery' in dress or hair style.
Summer Term At St Clare's
Ignore the insanely complex and expensive parallelogram-hinged door frippery, which is strictly concept; the car does provide some design clues.
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Each item of frippery has been hand-crafted and restyled with only the best of our obscure finds and the finest embellishments.
It's somewhat sobering to think that the device that Galileo helped to develop and used to make his discoveries is essentially the same design as the instrument that Rob was so quick to tire of and deride as a toy, a frippery.
What mattered to me in my dispeopled kingdom, that in regard to which the disposition of my carcass was there merest and most futile of accidents, was supineness in the mind, the dulling of the self and of that residue of execrable frippery known as the non-self and even the world, for short.
Samuel Beckett's First Love
In San Francisco, Tim meets Jay, calls his frippery-based collection the equivalent of
Queer Sighted
Although indicative of his fondness for frippery, the quip also points to his lack of political insight.
Gloves, an Ell or two of Muslin or figured Lawn, and as a little of what you call frippery is very necessary towards looking like the rest of the world, Nabby would have me add, a few yard of Black or
Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 May 1780
My heart leaps with joy as I haul out my winter frippery.
Melvin found himself glad he had not allowed Grover to dress him up in all his formal frippery, opting instead for riding breeches and a plain lawn shirt.
I cannot, unfortunately, return him the compliment he paid you at Wilhelmsthal ” "Young man, you have satisfied me"; for, after having heard it at three rehearsals, I found no satisfaction in it either for my ears or my mind: it is the old frippery of counterpoint ” the old unsalted, unpeppered sausage, [Figure: Musical example] etc., rubbish, to the ruin of eye and ear!
She probably was concealing some such frippery nonsense, but he couldn't comment unless he saw it.
The trousseau had accompanied my mother on her sea journey from Scotland, a hopeless chest filled with the sort of frippery that quickly disintegrates in Africa.
The trousseau had accompanied my mother on her sea journey from Scotland, a hopeless chest filled with the sort of frippery that quickly disintegrates in Africa.
They're made from styrofoam balls, ribbon, pins, and other frippery.
But, like Mozart's music, Ozick's prose flirts with frippery.
The top layers of my skirt may be pure satin frippery, but the underskirt is tight.
But there in the middle of all this fanciness and frippery was this miserable, small, cold lump that, when cooked originally, had been burned.
A house of this size does not leave much room for frippery and single-task space, so many areas double as sleeping cubbies for overflow visitors.
There's a lot to be said for keeping things simple and direct without too much frippery.
But peek behind the curtain, and you'll find there's a lot more going on here than just period frippery.
Every type of panty, bra and female frippery imaginable was hanging in the breeze.
You know, somewhere deep inside, that this pointless piece of frippery will find its way into your heart and your bathroom.