
How To Use Frightful In A Sentence

  • Reproof with threats sore terror, frightful malison. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We may almost believe that the disorder is born with them, like their frightful plica. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster. Là-bas
  • Then they sent St. Edmund a message to say that he must give up half his kingdom and pay heavy taxes, or they would do the most terrible "frightfulness" throughout the land. Stories of the Saints by Candle-Light
  • Bhaiya, meanwhile, sent self-pitying letters from near Delhi where he was undergoing military training of his own trials in a world that he found ‘frightfully Poona: chukka, pukka, whisky soda and tiffin: still, I exist.’ Chaplin’s Girl
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  • Get it right and everybody says how frightfully clever and amusing you are. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was gritting her teeth, making frightful grimaces, snarling, uttering sharp and continuous cries that sounded like "kh-ah! kh-ah! CHAPTER III
  • The bloodhounds, known as the seducer, the libertine, the procurer, are upon her track; she is trembling on the frightful brink of the abyss. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • 'enchain' a rational conversation, but nothing could I get out of him but rhapsodies about you in the frightfullest English that I ever heard out of a human head! Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • On Christmas Eve he started on his journey, and the next four years were spent among convicts in a prison at Omsk. He has described his experiences there in his “Memories of the House of the Dead” (1853) —experiences which, though frightful in the extreme, seem to have strengthened rather than injured him in body and mind, though they may have embittered his temper. Biographical Note
  • It is then that, stripped for a brief moment of our armour of complacency and self-esteem, we see ourselves as we are -- frightful chumps in a world where nothing goes right; a grey world in which, hoping to click, we merely get the raspberry; where, animated by the best intentions, we nevertheless succeed in perpetrating the scaliest bloomers and landing our loved ones neck-deep in the gumbo. Jill the Reckless
  • From behind they rise in rough, uneven, and heathy declivities, out of the wide muir before mentioned, between Loch Eitive and Loch Awe; but in front they terminate abruptly in the most frightful precipices, which form the whole side of the pass, and descend at one fall into the water which fills its trough. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • It's one of life's least damaging pleasures, and one that you, in those frightful tweeds, clearly don't take enough account of. THE WHITE DOVE
  • MIT Press The bombing for the sake of "frightfulness" (an imitation of the Germans) and the insolent demand for unconditional surrender, and the blind policy with Russia were all blunders as well as wrongs, and have produced a stale-mate where materially there was a clear victory. 'The Letters of George Santayana'
  • When the future historian gives to another age his account of all that is included in German "frightfulness," there is no feature upon which he will dilate more emphatically than the extraordinary use made by the enemy of their Zeppelin fleet. Raemaekers' Cartoons With Accompanying Notes by Well-known English Writers
  • She was running before the wind -- yawing frightfully -- her staysail let down to act as a sort of extra foresail, -- "scandalized," they call it, -- and her foreboom guyed out over the side. Captains Courageous
  • You're frightfully good at this sort of thing.
  • For the _cordon-bleu_ hoped that the lion would exhibit disapproval of the paint and powder by chumping off the offending head, and that would have been frightfully thrilling. Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • His crest hung on the wooden wall, the black hawk with wings perched in a frightful pose staring at her with its piercing golden eyes.
  • I am conscious even yet of the thrills that pricked my spine, as this monster with nineteen companions spurned the earth in a mad, rushing leap out into space and sailed away into the night to let the inhabitants of German towns know that "frightfulness" was a game at which two could play. The Fight for the Argonne Personal Experiences of a 'Y' Man
  • I must have been a frightful sight as I glowered down at her. Arcane Circle
  • They gazed in bovine surprise at the scarlet-faced visitor, and for one frightful moment Breeze felt that she must flee.
  • I'm afraid France took engravings and etchings, while it was a frightfully disappointing year for reliefs, with no gold medal awarded at all. Pole dancing seeks an Olympic leg-up | Marina Hyde
  • That gave us the first shudder at the frightfulness of this war and at the principle of fight with which the Hun is fighting. Britain At War
  • He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.
  • However, up until very recently, your average karaoke bar was a frightfully seedy affair.
  • She spoke quite candidly with me: ‘It was frightful, the way my husband threatened me.’
  • Frightfully good new state secondary up the road, darling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such was the media indignation that his frightful suicide was not reported in any national newspaper.
  • The situation is frightful, but it's just piling on the agony to keep discussing it.
  • Apparently under this name there are several tribes inhabiting lands of various elevations; some are coloured café au lait, as if born in a high and healthy region; others are almost jet black with the hair frightfully "wispy," like a mop. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • On the ship on which I crossed there were seamen who had been torpedoed three times In its submarine warfare the enemy has broken every international and human law -- has used "frightfulness" to its fullest extent, and the answer of our merchant seamen is to go to sea again as soon as the ship is ready, and the older men, who had retired, return to sea. Women and War Work
  • M. Anciot, and describes as a frightful old hunchback. Les Miserables
  • They will talk of prisons in Greece, of frightful justice systems, and of a nerve-racking ordeal which the enthusiast is never likely to forget.
  • At first, in spite of his sex, it was hard not to believe that his nest was in the tree; and to satisfy himself, my companion "shinned" it, schoolboy fashion, -- a frightful piece of work, which put me out of breath even to look at it, -- while I surveyed the branches from all sides through an opera-glass. The Foot-path Way
  • He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.
  • He only observed me carefully, that frightful smile never leaving his lips.
  • Hardly deserving of 'the most trusted man in America' moniker either; history has shown that he was frightfully deceitful. Who Should Be The Next Administrator of NASA? - NASA Watch
  • The notional $1.14 quadrillion (as reported by the Bank for International Settlements, which is in Switzerland) only becomes real (and frightfully dangerous) if either counterparty to a derivative goes bankrupt and if the defaulter is a major institution. Dinocrat
  • Going by eyewitnesses' accounts of this mysterious person's frightful appearance, he is referred to as ‘acid man’.
  • He is a short, small, dark man with mountaineer legs, a frightful psora, and an inveterate habit of drink. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The first thing then to be done to put a stop to this frightful waste of human life every year is to _stop the circulation of the bacillus from one person to another_. A Handbook of Health
  • Lots of them, of course, were frightfully swell (Betty annexed "frightfully" at school, by the by) and had all sorts of clothes; but Betty was perfectly content with her modest outfit, and none of the other girls seemed to mind how she dressed. The Fortune Hunter
  • I say, I beg your pardon, frightfully — I'm afraid I'm bein 'beastly long-winded. Whose Body?
  • I've been informed that he considers me frightfully underbred. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • The irony is that, with his frightfully pukka delivery and actorish manner, Stephens's hero seems to be of an older stylistic vintage than anyone else on stage.
  • 'frightfully' something or other during the evening. The Head of the House of Coombe
  • Being so frightfully concerned for her, I refused to touch the soft fontanel at the top of her head for any reason. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • The very Indian allies, though accustomed to bushfighting, regarded it as almost impenetrable, and full of frightful danger. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • In a roaring but strangely squeakily toned mumble of utter nonsensical gibberish, the round manchild asked me something I can only assume was about how my shopping went, to which I could think of no other reply except, "Fine, and you," before I loaded the conveyor belt with my few items that were to be sent frightfully into this employee's clumsily oversized hands. One Cent Baby
  • It might be kloonobargan, the hairy, man-eating savages; or a tharban, that most frightful of lion-like carnivores; or a basto, a huge, omnivorous beast that bears some slight resemblance to the American bison; or, perhaps worst of all, ordinary human beings like yourself, but with a low evaluation of life -- that is, your life. Escape on Venus
  • Berlin academy conducted its transactions first in Latin, next and for many years to come in French, and one of its earliest presidents, a man of special competence, pronounced German to be a noble but frightfully barbarized tongue. Voltaire
  • It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak,but spoke with a frightful emphasis.
  • Once again German frightfulness had failed -- and failed badly -- to attain its desired end. The Submarine Hunters A Story of the Naval Patrol Work in the Great War
  • And they get frightfully cross if you don't pay attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • She, too, was in debt; "frightfully," her husband had used the right word; International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • Ye're to come hame wi 'me frae this mou' o 'hell and ugsome (frightful) deith. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • Malemute Kid's frightful concoction did its work; the men of the camps and trails unbent in its genial glow, and jest and song and tales of past adventure went round the board. TO THE MAN ON THE TRAIL
  • In all spheres of social, economic and political relationships we are 'frightfully' revolutionary. ANC Today
  • I have to say she was very pretty, but the lady gave me a frightful look of disgust, and then she spoke.
  • The first impression of all, overmastering everything else for a while, is the frightful, deafening din from the conveyor belt which carries the coal away. Down the Mine
  • These children are on their way to two weeks of summer camp, but for many parents in this heavily Hispanic neighborhood that is a frightful thought.
  • I was so worn out with all their stopping and detaining me, it got to be frightfully hard work emerging from the flood of felicitations. tandem abii ad praetorem; ibi vix requievi: rogo syngraphum, datur mi ilico; dedi Tyndaro: ille abiit domum. inde ilico praevortor domum, postquam id actum est; eo protinus ad fratrem, mei ubi sunt alii captivi. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak,but spoke with a frightful emphasis.
  • They left the house in a frightful mess.
  • They asked one another what she could be saying to them with those frightful gestures which accompanied her speech, and mounted round about her on the tables, beds, and sycamore boughs, they strove with open mouths and craned necks to grasp the vague stories hovering before their imaginations, through the dimness of the theogonies, like phantoms wrapped in cloud. Salammbo
  • They gazed in bovine surprise at the scarlet-faced visitor, and for one frightful moment Breeze felt that she must flee.
  • a frightful crime of decapitation
  • Even now, he heard shattering pieces of glass, frightful arguments, and spine-chilling words being spat across the room from each of his parents.
  • The top of the peak has a slightly slanting surface of perhaps twenty square yards, very irregular in outline; -- southwardly the morne pitches sheer into a frightful chasm, between the converging of two of those long corrugated ridges already described as buttressing the volcano on all sides. Two Years in the French West Indies
  • At the sight of its hoarily sprinkled blackness he always felt as if he were standing on the verge of some frightful revelation; a vague reminiscence, no doubt, from the scene of his life's tragedy, all distinct memory of which had been blurred away by his illness. Strangers at Lisconnel
  • This reversal of policy encouraged out-relief to poor persons in their own homes and the cost of relief rose with frightful rapidity until it reached in 1818 the sum of £7,870,000. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The frightful human cost of those years is spelled out with chilling clarity in UNICEF figures.
  • I sat down on the frightfully uncomfy seat and placed the sword on the battered wooden table.
  • None of this would be objectionable if these frightfully expensive computer-aided super-spy devices were as efficient at detecting cocaine as they are for arms and ammunition.
  • It was rather a harrowing scene and it grew more frightful the more the clouds rolled in.
  • As atool for evaluating players it appears somewhere between crashingly obvious and the most frightful rot. Hilarity rates high on Capello Index
  • It was different in Hella's case, first of all because she had such frightful cramps before it began so that her mother knew all about it without being told, and secondly because it was her _mother_. A Young Girl's Diary
  • Some are suspended to the vaulted roof by chains, and in frightful-looking positions; others are on the perpendicular walls. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • I guess I must have hummed along or waved my flask to the old familiar march, for presently the villain Augustus (a frightful handle to fix on a decent enough urchin, but no work of mine) detached himself from the waterweed and came to stand snottering before me with his head on one side, thoughtful-like. THE NUMBERS
  • We've seen some pretty middling horrible things already, and if these two men of ours call the frightful things we have seen normal, and are planning on deliberately hunting up things that even they will consider monstrous, you and I most certainly shall stay at home! Skylark Three
  • Overwhelmed as he was by the frightful appearance of the young man, who was now weeping abandonedly, he had no fear of him, and his first act was a practical one -- he swiftly, quietly closed the door. The Best Short Stories of 1919 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • Ellen froze with terror at the frightful sight.
  • I won't tell what horrors I have heard, what frightful music, what dreadful performances and insipid music making.
  • His eyes were bright and glassy, and their expression frightful to look upon. Strange Visitors
  • In 1830, an Italian officer came to the inn – an elderly man, exiled from his country for political causes, arid suffering acutely from a frightful wound received sixteen years previously, when he was serving under Napoleon I. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • Chee schlich details, held the mouth for it too - humans were so ridiculously frightful - and vibrated it awake. The Trouble Twisters
  • I hasped the window; I combed his black long hair from his forehead; I tried to close his eyes: to extinguish, if possible, that frightful, life-like gaze of exultation before any one else beheld it. Wuthering Heights
  • Suddenly we became aware that through the incredible din a yet more frightful sound was coming.
  • How could such a terrible, frightful thing happen?
  • Underwear with suspender elastic hanging off may have looked chicly fetishistic on the women but positively frightful on the men.
  • But most important, Schatzberg and company have made The Panic in Needle Park an occasion for the American public to meditate upon the frightfulness of heroin addiction.
  • He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.
  • The alcoholized brute could not stand up, became sleepy and stupid, and, when set on his legs, trembled in an inert mass: the other dog experienced at once frightful attacks of epilepsy. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 24, March, 1873
  • I'm frightfully sorry about the delay.
  • How frightful to have a husband who snores!
  • Everyone thought that was frightfully romantic!
  • I'm frightfully sorry about the noise last night.
  • During the days and affrightful nights of my disease, when my limbs were swollen, and my stomach refused to retain the food -- taken in in sorrow, then I looked with pleasure on the scheme: but as soon as dry frosty weather came, or the rains and damps passed off, and I was filled with elastic health, from crown to sole, then the thought of the weight of pecuniary obligation from so many people reconciled me; but I have broken off my story. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
  • Whilst anchored in Chevalier Creek, Surville was overtaken by a frightful tempest, which brought him within an ace of destruction, but his sailors had such confidence in his nautical ability that they felt no anxiety, and obeyed his orders with a _sang froid_ of which, unfortunately, the Maoris were the sole spectators. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part 2. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century
  • We took her ashore with us -- each holding one arm, for she was frightfully staggery at first -- and made her smuggle our cigarettes for us through the custom-house. Lalage's Lovers
  • It was a strange and frightful spectacle — the small, bunk-lined space, the floor and walls leaping and lurching, the dim light, the swaying shadows lengthening and fore-shortening monstrously, the thick air heavy with smoke and the smell of bodies and iodoform, and the inflamed faces of the men — half-men, I should call them. Chapter 26
  • Terrific storms, heavy seas, and frightful squalls make the waters in this area hazardous for conventional shipping.
  • He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.
  • “It was a frightful old trap; it rests flat on the axle; it is an actual fact that the seats were suspended inside it by leather thongs; the rain came into it; the wheels were rusted and eaten with moisture; it would not go much further than the tilbury; a regular ramshackle old stage-wagon; the gentleman would make a great mistake if he trusted himself to it,” etc., etc. Les Miserables
  • He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.
  • in a frightful hurry
  • He was frightfully puritanical at the time as regards deviance of any kind. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • 'Aweel,' said the Minister, breaking the silence, 'I micht -- be offerin' hospitality to Macmanus, the banker; 'twould be the ceevil thing to do, but if he comes he's my guest, ye ken -- I maunna hae ony "frightfulness"; an 'the cuddy wull be locked up.' Border Ghost Stories
  • I've tried to tell her that visible collarbones are considered very attractive nowadays, to which I got a frightfully rhino-like snort from my eavesdropping dad and a pitiful look from my mom.
  • Such truths, terrible frightful truths, cannot be whitewashed.
  • They probably think silk shirts are frightfully common. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless the observations which have been made so far, have led to some highly important, more or less positive conclusions, and have shown us with a certain degree of satisfaction and certainty, that iodine is an inestimable gift of God, by means of which we are enabled to free mankind from one of the most frightful complications, the psoric, sycosic and mercurial miasms. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • This is a frightful cautionary tale, well told.
  • Terrific storms, heavy seas, and frightful squalls make the waters in this area hazardous for conventional shipping.
  • We observe that various German apologists, official and semi-official, admit that their country had been false to its pledged word, and dwell almost with pride on the "frightfulness" of the examples by which it has sought to spread terror in Belgium, but they excuse all these proceedings by a strange and novel plea. New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1 From the Beginning to March, 1915 With Index
  • Did you see our frightful party political broadcast?
  • The frightful cold permeates every layer - no matter how many layers you may be wearing - and hangs off the nose in snotty icicle drips.
  • Had they done so, they would have unknowingly dealt anticommunism a frightful blow. The Zealot
  • His frightful passionateness was making all the trouble. The White Monkey
  • No one who recalls the frightful provisions of the penal acts of Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885.
  • They are evidently quite frightful things to him under any other condition, and most of all if they are rough and jagged; but if smooth, looking "sculptured," like the sides of a ship, and forming a cave or shelter for him, he begins to think them endurable. Selections From the Works of John Ruskin
  • He's a frightful snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.
  • Most of your run of the mill idiocy falls into a middle category somewhere between frightfully dim to downright dense.
  • Their outlook towards a venomous German attempt to do something "frightfully" nasty, is very similar to a large and powerful nurse dealing with a fractious child -- sort of: "Now, then, Master Frankie, you mustn't kick and scream like that. Bullets & Billets
  • Ellen froze with terror at the frightful sight.
  • Later, during a frightful storm, a princess knocked at the castle door, begging for shelter.
  • Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.
  • Nor can it outweigh the sporadic frightfulness of pain and despair that occurs every second of every day.
  • My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.
  • Her voice was musical and gentle as she sang childish rhymes of the frightful Finn Mac Coul so that the young ones knelt attentively and obediently along side her.
  • She was frightfully noisy; she clarioned her hallelujah hymns at the top of her voice, regardless of what company might be in the house. From Place to Place
  • 4 Full of sad fear and ghastly dreariment, ghastly > frightful (from the same root as "ghost") dreariment > horror The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.
  • The number of people who decided whether or not our song would be played was frightfully small.
  • The average life of even the sturdiest horses used in this work is six months, for in this length of time they either become broken-winded… or are driven crazy by the frightful heat.
  • They left the house in a frightful mess.
  • Known by a half-dozen aliases during his career, Denard was one of the so-called "affreux" or frightful ones, the white mercenaries who helped maintain dictatorial regimes in Africa and ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He was frightfully overpraised; how hard is it to be a travel writer? Times, Sunday Times
  • Playing a psychotic once again in Cape Fear in 1991, De Niro was frightfully convincing as the vengeful convict.
  • One imagines pile after pile of index cards and boxes, double checking of dates and Polish orthography, then having to do the frightful copyedit of the galleys. HENSLEY WOODBRIDGE1923 – 2001
  • You never dream that you are making me frightfully unhappy.
  • Achilles 'shield does not paralyze its beholders with a frightful monstrosity, but overawes them with its impression of divine artifice, an emblem of the irresistible destiny of its bearer. Ekphrasis and the Other
  • They are under a frightful apprehension of guilt and wrath, that they cannot enjoy themselves; when they seem settled they are in disquietude, when they seem merry they are in heaviness; like Cain, who always dwelt in the land of shaking. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Brahminee bulls slain in the streets, and cartridges greased with the fat of cows, and Christian converts indemnified, and property not confiscated for loss of caste, -- and a frightful falling off in the benighting business generally; and the fierce Rajpoot grinds his white teeth, while Asirvadam the Brahmin plots, and plots, and plots. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • Mr. Willard described to me a scene of incremation that be once witnessed which was frightful for its exhibitions of fanatic frenzy and infatuation. An Introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians
  • Mr. Willard described to me a scene of incremation that he once witnessed, which was frightful for its exhibitions of fanatic frenzy and infatuation. A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians
  • They're pretty funny, and frightfully accurate… they also seem a little mean-spirited.
  • A second savage attempted to gain the eminence which commanded the position where the scouts were posted, but just as he was about to attain his object, McClelland saw him turn a summerset, and, with a frightful yell, fall down the hill, a corpse. Woman on the American Frontier
  • I wouldn't quite say that, but dogs don't argue with you like people do, and they always make such a frightful fuss when they see you.
  • As confused dreams, frightful and perplexed, and such as disturb the sleep, are an evidence of a hurry of business which fills our head, so many words and hasty ones, used in prayer, are an evidence of folly reigning in the heart, ignorance of and unacquaintedness with both God and ourselves, low thoughts of God, and careless thoughts of our own souls. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Do not we who go about our business in the brilliance of the morning sometimes linger to recall the frightful setting of the sun? The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1
  • The gloom of religious abstraction and the wildness of their situation among trackless forests and savage tribes had disposed the colonists to superstitious fancies, and had filled their imaginations with the frightful chimeras of witchcraft and spectrology. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Underwear with suspender elastic hanging off may have looked chicly fetishistic on the women but positively frightful on the men.
  • He gave us words of comfort and said what happened in Spain was a frightful thing.
  • Costumed Tastoanes in frightful masks battle Saint James in a ritual dance each year on July 25th. This hand-crafted mask by Prudencio Guzman is named "Lord of the Spiders." Costumed Tastoanes in frightful masks battle Saint James in a ritual dance each year on July 25th. © Kinich Ramirez, 2006
  • The battle resulted in a frightful slaughter.
  • Was it intimidating stepping into this frightfully sophisticated world of aesthetes and orthorexics? Times, Sunday Times
  • The galleon was the _Mary of the Tower_, and she had a frightful list to starboard. Widdershins
  • That in boyhood, at Odds or Evens, I could never once guess the right way; that my bread and butter always fell on the buttered side; of all these sorrows I will not speak; but is it not a frightful destiny, that now, when, in spite of Satan, I have become a student, I must still be a jolthead as before? The Big Apple
  • Melmoth spoke very slowly and very softly, and the melodious smoothness of his voice made a frightful contrast to the stony rigor of his features, and the fiendlike brilliancy of his eyes. Melmoth the Wanderer
  • He gently began pushing himself against her body, she frightful that he might fall on top of her.
  • That sense of celluloid sumptuousness is tangibly present in 2005's standalone Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent, which tells the story of "child genius" Hubert and his "frightfully, frightfully rich" parents, flighty socialites who own mansions in London and Milan and a "swankily swell house in New York". A life in books: Lauren Child
  • Her hair was a frightful mess.
  • A frightful accident occurred at the Gatehead Mill, Delph, Saddleworth yesterday afternoon.
  • The International Rules was the most frightful advertisement for sport that one could ever want to see.
  • The gloom of religious abstraction, and the wildness of their situation, among trackless forests and savage tribes, had disposed the colonists to superstitious fancies, and had filled their imaginations with the frightful chimeras of witchcraft and spectrology. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • My muscles are still frightfully sore, but they are looser then yesterday.
  • It was innocent stuff by today's standards, but considered frightfully daring at the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be easy to dismiss these frightful orations as the rantings of frustrated clergymen.
  • Portmanteaus being then opened and clothes changed, Mr. Goodchild, through having no change of outer garments but broadcloth and velvet, suddenly became a magnificent portent in the Innkeeper's house, a shining frontispiece to the fashions for the month, and a frightful anomaly in the Cumberland village. Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • They were rather far off, about a mile he thinks, but he couldn't get any nearer owing to a frightful ghari-wallah with deep piasses which lay between, so he put up his ornithoptic sight for 2000 yards and 'pumped lead' into the bheesties for half-an-hour. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Because we're frightfully busy here at the office, all I can give you now is reassurance that the lady and I are okay, a little bruised and sore, but okay.
  • We found seats next to the ice station, where our bartender was doing an admirable imitation of Tony Perkins in Psycho, attacking a massive block of ice with a frightful-looking pick and afflicting those in the vicinity with small, sleety squalls. Old-Fashioned
  • It is frightfully fashion-forward to speak of how the Levy must be replaced by a more up-to-date mechanism that – how does the line go? Our old dames of the Turf, the Levy and Tote, need care and attention
  • She, too, was in debt; "frightfully" her husband had used the right word; "hopelessly" so far as satisfying her creditors, even out of the large allowance Mr. Ferrars made her; and still she had not the courage voluntarily to tell the truth, which yet she knew must burst upon him ere long. The Wedding Guest
  • After a frightful glare she had directed to our corner during the French lesson, I had a good reason for thinking, ‘Here comes trouble.’
  • Before that she was frightfully keen on a thing called uric acid. Priscilla's Spies
  • The entire room was a frightful mess.
  • I was inspecting our latest front-runner, and, like so many others, finding frightful blemishes.
  • My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.
  • As he neared the end he heard a frightful clatter in the cabinet with each tug on the hemp line.
  • They left the house in a frightful mess.
  • The fact that they are increasingly referred to as ‘events’ underlines their frightfulness.
  • To come suddenly, on turning a corner, upon a colossal warrior, deterrently uncouth and frightfully battle-clad, in the act of dispatching a fallen foe, is a sensation not instantly dispelled by the fact that he is made of flowers. The Soul of the Far East
  • The wild history of Ireland contains many a frightful tale, but also many an action of the noblest order; and the short sketch given by Maria Edgeworth of her ancestry, presents such a chequerwork of the gold and the lead that it is almost impossible to separate them. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • Had a revolutionary change not taken place in our country, our situation now and in the years ahead would have been terrible, and we can understand perfectly that the situation in the years ahead will be terrible in countries which still find themselves in the situation Cuba was in, and even worse: millions of illiterates, a lack of technicians, a shortage of schools, a scarcity of educational and health facilities -- in short, frightful conditions that are well known to Cubans who were familiar with our own past here in all its aspects. 13TH ANNIVERSARY OF ATTACK ON MONCADA BARRACKS
  • Outside of the top five teams, it all seems frightfully close, doesn't it? Times, Sunday Times
  • It has torn up sacred promises, which its Chancellor called "scraps of paper"; it has broken its word; it has ordered "acts of frightfulness" in the lands which it has conquered and on the high seas, with the idea of brutally forcing its will upon enemies and neutral countries alike. The World War and What was Behind It Or, the Story of the Map of Europe
  • My only fear is that it's so easy to laugh at politicians and their idiot supporters that you risk forgetting how evil and stupid they really are, allowing them to stumble their way into a frightful mess we all end up having to pay for.
  • How frightful those white-shuttered brick piles which monotonize the streets of Philadelphia! The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 1864
  • The sword swished frightfully through the air, and inflicted on the Count’s neck a wound slight indeed, but a trifle deeper than the barely visible scratch which had been given to the others. Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • Something frightful was about to descend on him.
  • She became a constant visitor to the holy women of White Church, and looking beyond this world to the next, the frightful mortality around her seemed but a quickened passage to the world to come.
  • They gazed in bovine surprise at the scarlet-faced visitor, and for one frightful moment Breeze felt that she must flee.
  • Van Helsing had not intended to recall her frightful experience. Dracula
  • Some of what it has produced does sound frightfully cogent for a non-human product.
  • One thing is certain: it has a tendency to enervate both body and mind, and were it not for the revivifying effects produced by a winter residence in the country, where gentlemen take to field sports, and ladies to razeed dresses, sensible shoes, and constitutional walks, the mortality among our "upper ten thousand" would, I believe, be frightful. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • That form of self-actualization often ushered in a frightful realization that some of us weren't adjusting as well as others.
  • If the fanatics who are preoccupied day in and day out with their salvation were healthy, virtuous, and wise, the Laodiceanism of the ordinary man might be regarded as a deplorable shortcoming; but, as a matter of fact, no more frightful misfortune could threaten us than a general spread of fanaticism. Getting Married

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