How To Use Frigg In A Sentence

  • That's 2,520 minutes of that friggin 'flute and Celine Dion crooning about her heart going on and on and on. Titanic 3D Coming Spring 2012? Plans for a Possible Avatar Extended Cut Theatrical Rerelease? | /Film
  • Cute cute cute! on March 15, 2009 at 6: 01 pm | Reply Frigg Bento #181 « Were rabbits
  • I really need to be given some sort of medal), I got on the stationary bike, which, for whatever reason was super comfy on my feet and I "biked" about 13 miles and felt frigging fantastic afterward. Cheaper Than Therapy
  • I responded by screaming, Frig you, you friggin' mother frigger! Archive 2009-09-13
  • That was, without a doubt, abso-friggin-lutely beautiful! PG-Porn: Episode 1 Nailing Your Wife starring Nathon Fillion and Aria Giovanni
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  • Sharks, especially some of the more wonderful ones, like the Great White or the Mako, are infinitely cooler than the velociraptor actually, the deinonychus, if you're talking about the model for the film because they - or their forebears - survived a friggin' meteor strike. An ode to the shark
  • MM I get a headache just thinking about that friggin motorway. Cheeseburger Gothic » Newly renovated Ladies Lounge.
  • Remember the following Norse fable the next time you sneak a smooch under the mistletoe: Frigga, goddess of love and beauty, wanted to make the world safe for her son, Balder. Thanks!
  • Typical of him he went overboard, made it sound like he was some kind of frigging medical referral service. Poll: Obama Creeping Up On Hillary; Rudy's Lead Grows
  • Frigg, Queen of the Aesir, wife of Odin the shape-shifter, look down from Asgard, where you sit before your wheel in Fensalir spinning golden thread.” Arcane Circle
  • Stupid person can't let me have a friggin day off, interogating me about why I didn't have any work, and then calling me stupid for not bringing my books on a bludge day. Blu94anjel Diary Entry
  • Their closest translation for Venus, Frigg, or Freya, eventually evolved into Friday, a day they considered to be the luckiest day of the week.
  • Then he suggested that NL give up self government, because, after all, Canada has frigged us over so many times. On the horns of a nationalist dilemma
  • Something that really makes us say, Wow!, not, "Oh, it's the Borg again, or the Klingons, or another friggin spacial anomoly". Filmstalker: J.J. Abrams talks Star Trek
  • Jesus do I loathe it, I am all up for discussions on plots character development, the reasons behind the motives of the character, things that influenced the film or if the film is some sort of fable or allegory, but I friggin loathe how people can analyze great pieces of art, to smithereens. Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” Video Features the Pussy Wagon From Kill Bill | /Film
  • The only reason I'm going this year Is cause one of the guys that helps out with the show choir I'm in (I'm in hs and he helps the director and choreographer with a bunch of stuff) is playing Hellboy in bill and teds excellent Halloween adventure and I'm friggin dying to see him do it. Universal Hopes You’ll Go to a Theme Park To Watch an Exclusive Movie Trailer? | /Film
  • [Everything is a friggin dumpling at dim sum, so I try not to use their English names ...]). Is China Gourmet the Best General Tso’s in Midtown? (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Thing That Hopitalized Me in 1996) | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • We did a little riding on the back/country roads, getting some nice lean angles and corner speeds, but he took those pretty tamely considering the extra 165 pounds on the back (that's another thing, this thing was so friggin 'overwhelmingly powerful and fast, and it was carrying around an extra person ... and he didn't use full throttle because the extra weight at the back makes it kind of wheelie-prone). Kevynwight Diary Entry
  • OBVIOUSLY (why I should have to explain this is not clear), I don't hunt with a frigging shovel. Elderly Women Charged With Beating Fawn To Death
  • What Woods does to make amends is nobodys friggin business. Think Progress » Fox News Televangelist Hume: Tiger Would Be ‘Farther Down The Road’ To ‘Forgiveness’ With Christianity
  • Then after about 18 months to 2yrs, be prepared to re-load that puppy as the registry is now so bloated and frigged up that the machine is crawling and occasionally showing you the BSOD. Freetards in deep denial
  • The cube is effectively a more macabre 3D version of the graphs you frigged about with in school. Neurosurgical Intervention For Beginners
  • Because yes, I've been away, and while we're on it - they friggin 'ruined the Enchanted Tiki House. Archive 2008-12-01
  • And you have no frigging idea what you are talking about. 16 28
  • He changed himself into the form of an old woman, and, inquiring the cause of Baldur's invulnerability, was told by Frigga that all things, animate and inanimate, had sworn not to harm him, with the exception of one little shrub, the misletoe. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • You don’t need an anticonvulsive, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, antineoplastic anticancer, antiviral tonic—you just need a frigging drink! Surviving Australia
  • * Scrape, scrape, scrape* "Here's your friggin 'Lisa Butter & Jelly sammich! Blogtimore, Hon
  • In other words, I'm going to chuck a tanty and tell her its my friggen birthday and I dont want aunty violet ruining my party!!! Sierrazen Diary Entry
  • The hot food units were so friggin awkwardly placed, esp when you’re in line to pay. Woorijip Reorganizes, Shuts Down Noodle Bar? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Only I'm not using one of their frigged-up bent-barrel Coney Island pellet guns. Now Dvorak is hunting for me too
  • You gotta hand that to him, he's a persistent little frigger. Archive 2006-08-01
  • But that wasn't the same as her knowing that he was using the same workbook she used in the fourth friggin ' grade. HAUNTED
  • Yes | No | Report from ejunk wrote 4 weeks 5 days ago and the friggin 'DNR furbearer resource specialist said "it's rare, to say the least." am I the only one who would have stopped to be amazed by this? Iowa Deer Hunter Bags Mountain Lion
  • Carrie in "Carrie" (Sissy Spacek): This girl geek doesn't just turn the tables — she upends the entire friggin 'prom. ‘Juno’ Writer Diablo Cody Picks Her Top 10 Movie Badasses » MTV Movies Blog
  • So imagine my shock when THE DAY BEFORE, like THE LAST NIGHT I was copasetic to smoke, my friggen 'girlfriend up and dumped me! Dear Mr. Cigarette
  • It's called "Tiny Hands" and it is massively frigged up but very funny. Okay, here's something good
  • Klubben den 21/11 var helt av kroken med publiksurfare och ett Legobeat i högform, Pastor Wiberg på Radio AF 99.1 skakar om etern till småbitar varje fredakväll och det allmänna klubbandet för lärjungarna har på sistone varit friggin 'sweet. Hot Artists at
  • I think it boils down to the simple precept that the man is a friggin buffoon and his mouth has a tendency to get several steps ahead of his brain. Think Progress » Native-American GOP Congressman Calls Steele’s ‘Honest Injun’ Comments ‘Unacceptable’
  • Oh and Kent, get yer own friggin chopper! on April 17, 2009 at 6: 16 pm | Reply Civ_In_The_City Credit Crunch? More Senior Officers; that’s what we need! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • THE DEVICE formerly known as iPhone until some tragically uncool network hardware company frigged it all up. Cisco's suing us. Oh, I'm shaking.
  • Never mind the whole point of the evolutionists, which is that it is a frigging *wrist-bone* modified to take on a finger-like function. And the Winner of the First Annual Quote-Mine-Off is... - The Panda's Thumb
  • No, because you are opening friggin 'pandora's box. Chicago Indymedia
  • It’s so upsetting to see pundits just spout off bs they read in annotated textbooks of political theory and not open a friggin book or read the newspaper of another country. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: The Case for Parliamentarism
  • Depending on your POV, a bunch of fist picks stuck in a ‘fro is either not best choice for mag cover on Afro-lit or it’s friggin awesome … to this point, most of world seems to have chosen option one … Catchup roundup
  • VH, if you want to flash your friggin moobs, go right the fuck ahead. IRON MAN: SET NERD BONERS TO STUN
  • I, however, will NOT be using a real drill, for God's sake, what a friggin 'wimp! I was going to go Cold Turkey
  • But if you have a high tolerance for use of the word "frigging" and don't mind being called a moron, you might find Metz's particular brand of commentary addictive. GigaOM Network
  • It’s nowed somany friggin’ days here this week, all I can wonder is how in the world I’d pull my gloves oiver it. Regretsy – Ripley, Believe it or Not
  • During the coming decade output from the Statfjord, Frigg and Ekofisk fields will decline and replacement revenue earners are therefore vital.
  • Spudge and unbe… not forget how the repugs so willing allowed dems to hold hearings….in the friggin BASEMENT! Think Progress » 21 Reasons To Give Thanks
  • Frigg, Queen of the Aesir, wife of Odin the shape-shifter, look down from Asgard, where you sit before your wheel in Fensalir spinning golden thread.” Arcane Circle
  • Do we really want to attend to the amiability of the discussion about whether or not we start start paddling, or do we start friggin 'paddling? PSRC Plan Avoids Climate Reality « PubliCola
  • Of course, this could all just be my friggin 'Pollyanna complex kicking in, and I'm just trying to find a bright side ... posted by Candace at 11/23/2005 11: 38: 00 PM Ralph Klein did Harper a favor
  • This is gonna be friggin awsome. i love both the games and the books thank you whoever is making this movie gonna watch it and buy it even if it is shit jonah on Mar 29, 2009 Early Halo: Fall of Reach Concept Art Revealed?! «
  • During the coming decade output from the Statfjord, Frigg and Ekofisk fields will decline and replacement revenue earners are therefore vital.
  • 'The Secret War of Harry Frigg' (1968) Paul Newman is the incorrigible U.S. Army private who allows himself to be captured by the Italians during World War II so he can free five captured Allied military bigwigs (French, British and American). 'Crowne': A Bad Fit for Hollywood Royalty
  • His wife was called Frigg, and their offspring is the Asa-stock, who dwell in Asgard and the realms about it, and all that stock are known to be gods. The Story of the Volsungs
  • Please aliens come and pick me back home. .living on earth is friggin nightmarish in its surrealism. Think Progress » Palin: Palin-Bachmann 2012 ticket ‘sounds kind of cool.’
  • There friggin sheep, my only concern if they go extinct is no more mutton from them. Think Progress » Bush Rides Roughshod Over Protected Federal Land
  • During the coming decade output from the Statfjord, Frigg and Ekofisk fields will decline and replacement revenue earners are therefore vital.
  • I am driving like a frigging maniac, weaving in and out of traffic, missing other cars by inches, getting irately honked at and flipped off as I whip up exit ramps and back onto the freeway, all in an effort to try and shake them before I reach my house. Late, Late at Night
  • Realizing that, by this time, I'd been awake for 24 hours straight, she said, "Get the friggin 'epidural and get some sleep! Archive 2006-04-01
  • He opened the chamber, frigged with it a bit and checked again. Drive-By-Shooting Sunday: GeekArt
  • He hoped so, because compared to where he lived, she and her dad had a friggin ' mansion. TRUST ME
  • We live in a world where scientists are increasingly shouted down and whose observations are increasingly dismissed by those with barely a modicum of scientific knowledge; witness how mroe people listen to RUSH FRIGGIN LIMBAUGH about global warming than a qualified planetologist or climatologist. Bones
  • I'd have to say the AK-47 safety, frigging gawd aweful thing to have on a battle rifle, pretty much have to completely remove your hand from the grip/trigger area to use it, and they are always too tight when new. gotta bend the lever out a little to lessen the pressure required to move it. The Best (and Worst) Shotgun Safeties
  • Now, if only their email "validation" wasn't so friggin wonky ... and you could have more than one email address ... sammysam Superminder Makes Managing Reminders A Snap | Lifehacker Australia
  • During the coming decade output from the Statfjord, Frigg and Ekofisk fields will decline and replacement revenue earners are therefore vital.
  • If so, didn't you think that the woman fiddler in Frigg looked way too much like Meg? Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • That is, he begins by looking at what others have done and then copies it, but adds lots of complexity so it comes out all frigged up. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : Bill Gates, a truly original thinker
  • Once Frigga filled my hands with spindle and wool, and my mind with these Thirteen Goddesses, I've found life too full for heartbreak and illness.
  • He's a friggin 'schmuck, and I will campaign even harder to defeat Kennedy than almost any other Republican, because he's an opportunist. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Turns out she took a little time off to graduate cum laude from FRIGGIN' HARVARD (can you hear that...that's my self-esteem shriveling up and dying) and now she's back at it, appearing in a plethora (Harvard word) of TV and movie gigs. YesButNoButYes: YBNBY Hall of Fame: Babes of the 80's
  • ‘It doesn’t show off your curves’ (just the ones that give him nightmares) and this one ‘Its the same colour as the bath mat’ - he LIKES the friggin bathmat. Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
  • Urban Dictionary definition of "frigging" happened to me today, except it was a work colleague and not Mum. GrodsCorp
  • If he publishes a list, I hope they all sue is friggin ass. Think Progress » O’Reilly Resorts To McCarthyism, Plans To Publish Online Enemies List
  • Fact is this, y'all promoted bad debt so y'all could take your friggin 'bonuses up front. US vs. Mexican culture
  • And I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Harry Frigg, which was probably the first movie I ever saw him in and is probably why I've always thought of him as a great comic actor rather than a romantic leading man. Lance Mannion:
  • | Reply | Permalink guys -- this is a friggin 'JOKE. it's making fun of this whole thing. is this not obvious? criminy. Hey Obama -- Who Are You Calling Desperate?
  • Then we get to Panel 3: I'm on a panel with Mark Finn (who friggin 'wrote a bio of REH), Howard Waldrop, and Joe Lanwdale (two of the screwiest, most original Texas writers you'll find) to discuss a man who's works I've never even read!!! The 'Con' Is On!
  • Pump cheese belongs on your 2am, 7-11 nachos not on a friggin burrito! Airing of Grievances: The New Qdoba | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Are you sooooo friggin myopic to think that irrespective of WHO did the declassifying, that THEY would have not just turned to the CIA when the CIA demanded via STATUTE, that an invesitgation be initiated for outing a NOC, and would not these truly traitorous scumbags you now defend, turn to the CIA and say, there is no cause for investigation becasue we declassyfied her, and therefore she IS NOT a NOC. Think Progress » “Get it out.”
  • Anyone who says he was not a POW is a friggin 'liar," she said. Heroes or Villains?
  • Friggin Japanese beetles, I love my rose, and they're eating it, even the flowers. Corrente
  • I didn't mean to, Bill, but it's like a friggin 'canker sore. I Have a Feeling this Can't Be Good News, Either
  • The only way to ever reform out of control bureaucracies is to take away the friggin 'money! Sound Politics: Huh?
  • #64 – Dear “Will spread Venereal disease for Food” – - No, leech, the “friggin commies” are progs at this site and others radical moon-bat sites. Think Progress » New Poll Finds Bush Approval Stuck In Mid-30s, CNN Calls It ‘A Bounce’
  • These frigging Congresspeople better wake up and see the sun before it's too late! GOP is 'no friend of seniors' DNC says in TV ad
  • The problem is AP needs to someone down to get past security, and look in the friggin IT department and squeeze their BOFH a tad. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Just that fast, with one hand, there was a friggin 'bowline in the middle of it. Knot Reference Wallet Card Keeps Your Knot Knowledge Fresh | Lifehacker Australia
  • July 6th, 2009 11: 24 am ET this president is working for American people .... obviously the job left undone for the last 8yrs; and that's why the republicans are so critical because they know Obama is far more charismatic and a better leader than that "Bush" man they gave us for 8 friggin yrs!!! rachel Obama, Medvedev commit to nuclear arms reduction treaty
  • The chocolate I consume, and it isn't much that I do consume, is nearly devoid of sugar and definitely contains no friggin 'milk, dag nabbit! Quick Q&A with Chris Stamp, Winemaker, Lakewood Vineyards
  • Don't get so friggin 'indignant about your own hallucinations, m'kay? Balkinization
  • They prefer Rush limbaugh who claim himself to be patriotic but deferred the draft because of a friggin 'hemorrhoid. Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure'
  • May this passage be enough proof that Nora indeed frigged ( "masturbated") James Joyce at Ringsend on June 16, 1904, even more amazing is that Mr. Donoghue takes for granted that Joyce already had been "made a man" before he met Nora ” "he had already been with prostitutes," according to Mr. Donoghue. Making a Man of Joyce
  • His messed up site won't allow me to comment his spam filter is frigged up, but he should try this link. I don't need any more stupid in my life.
  • Now, our man held aloft a stick with the houseboat's burgee on it, and a photograph was taken that we might not forget where our diverted road came out and where to go to meet the "friggetts" that might be coming in almost any time. Virginia: the Old Dominion
  • Even Bev Perdue, whose friggin 'surname is French for "lost," probably won't. Damnum absque injuria
  • When we have yet to immerge from a recession (at least in terms of the labor market recession, which is the only one that friggin matters), it is the PERFECT time to run deficits. Economic Education, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

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