How To Use Friendless In A Sentence

  • As British consul he was not only friendless now but surrounded by murmurs of hostility. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • She has always been strange and fairly friendless and she paints very depressing paintings. Times, Sunday Times
  • If she is friendless and penniless, it is through my fault. A Little Princess
  • Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.
  • Yet, in spite of his wealth and success, he died isolated and friendless, feeding on fantasy and drugs.
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  • Like lots of people, I occasionally feel friendless and insecure, and this experience showed me how much my friends really value me.
  • But yet my heart misgives me, because of the difficulties before me, in escaping; and being so poor and so friendless! — Pamela
  • The boy was unhappy because he thought he was friendless.
  • Longtime Beck-watchers said he has always made references to his faith journey, his conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism, his crediting God with saving him from drug and alcohol abuse, professional obscurity and "friendlessness. Glenn Beck may be unlikely leader for conservative Christians
  • She had been farm-servant to my mother's brother -- James Hepburn, thy great-uncle as was; she were a poor, friendless wench, a parish 'prentice, but honest and gaum-like, till Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 2
  • Predictably, oil stocks remained friendless. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the departure of his remaining colleague he was left friendless.
  • I nodded, accepting my fate as a friendless outcast.
  • Homeless and friendless, I set out into the slums, and found a quiet alleyway near an open air market to cry myself to sleep in.
  • Which means you will become friendless and lonely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workaholics can seem to be inadequate, non-delegating, perfectionistic, friendless control freaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reading will save me from looking too pathetically alone and friendless all day.
  • With the departure of his remaining colleague he was left friendless.
  • The main character, a Scotswoman named Mary Mackenzie, finds herself living alone in Tokyo, almost penniless, friendless and yet a compassionate but clear-eyed observer of Japanese culture and customs. Reading Japan
  • Friendless and jobless, he wondered how he would survive the year ahead.
  • What right had the friendless to complain?
  • Isolated, friendless, Glover does what any lonely young man might do: he befriends a group of rats in his basement.
  • With the departure of his remaining colleague he was left friendless.
  • The dreadful crushing of the animal spirits, the ever-prevailing sense of friendlessness and homelessness consequent on this state of things, began ere long to produce mortal effects on my constitution Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Who would counsel his son to undergo the countless risks of poor married life, to remove the beloved girl from comfort and competence, and subject her to debt, misery, privation, friendlessness, sickness, and the hundred gloomy consequences of the res angusta domi? The Virginians
  • She said that at school she had made friendship bracelets for six girls she wanted to be her friends, but all six had returned them - she felt friendless and alone.
  • As British consul he was not only friendless now but surrounded by murmurs of hostility. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • Small investors demanding a management shake-up are also likely to remain friendless in the ring. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I was friendless and alone this weekend, I resorted to my own entertainment.
  • There might have been some chitchat with the waiter about ice or check-desires, but not nearly enough to fill those forgotten minutes of friendlessness and communication-freeness. Richard Laermer: Just Think
  • But it could not be so gloomy in the kind sunlight as it was when lashed by the savage storm which we had seen it cowering under before; and at the station we lost all feeling of friendlessness in the welcome of the thronging guides and hotel touters. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • From the sensations I then had, I felt an inner conviction of the liveliest kind, that without some powerful and reviving stimulus I should either have died on the spot, or should at least have sunk to a point of exhaustion from which all reascent under my friendless circumstances would soon have become hopeless. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  • Alone and friendless in the bowels of one of his many palatial hideouts he must still, surely, nurse his grandiose ambitions.
  • Its agent met the friendless immigrant at dock and helped them to find shelter and work.
  • Moreover, as we were saying before, he grows worse from having power: he becomes and is of necessity more jealous, more faithless, more unjust, more friendless, more impious, than he was at first; he is the purveyor and cherisher of every sort of vice, and the consequence is that he is supremely miserable, and that he makes everybody else as miserable as himself. The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  • Fu-ch'ai's surviving friends had indeed a very lively stimulus indeed-the fear of instant death-to drive them tumultuously over the seas; and doubtless, as they must have been perfectly harmless after tossing about hungry in open boats for weeks together, they would be as welcome to the Japanese king, or to the petty chief or chiefs who received the waifs, as in our own times was the honest sailor Will Adams when he drifted friendless to Japan, and whose statue now adorns a great Japanese city as that of a man who was, in a humble way, also a "civilizer" of Japan (600 A.D.). Ancient China Simplified
  • Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.
  • Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.
  • Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.
  • Mr Dombey, in his friendlessness, inclined to the Major. Dombey and Son
  • My own experience is very hawkish; having grown up in an environment full of school beatings, constant humiliation, and friendlessness, I felt as though I worked for every success I had. Free free, set them free
  • It was never a good feeling to seem alone and friendless wherever you were.
  • Friendless is the dead.
  • She has always been strange and fairly friendless and she paints very depressing paintings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lines "Friend to the friendless" &c. which you may think "rudely disbranched" from the Chatterton will patch in with the Man of Ross, where they were once quite at Home, with 2 more which I recollect "and o'er the dowried virgin's snowy cheek bad bridal love suffuse his blushes meek!" very beautiful. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
  • They have migrated from the villages and lead lonely, friendless lives.
  • The accusations, confined at first to Tituba and two other friendless women, one crazed, the other bedrid, presently included two female members of Parris 'church, in which, as in so many other churches, there had been some sharp dissensions. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 12
  • Frizzy - haired , friendless , neurotic a collector of comic books, Seth broke the mold on modern day protagonists.
  • You see where my pride is gone; remember I plead as a suppliant, a beggar — though one who may be one day a prince, a king! ay, and a prince now, a very Lucifer of pride to all except to you; to you a wretch who grovels at your feet, and cries, ‘Have mercy on me, on my loneliness, my homelessness, my friendlessness.’ Westward Ho!
  • They are understood to be perfectly friendless and relationless. The Uncommercial Traveller
  • a European consul in favour of one of his trading countrymen; the former when the payee was a friendless Persian. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • It is the very essence of gentlemanhood that one is polite to the weak, the poor, the friendless, the humble, the miserable, the degraded. Life and Conduct
  • Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.
  • She was supported by a small pension and lived alone and friendless in a small rented room.
  • All his life he had secretly grieved over his friendlessness. Kangaroo

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