
How To Use Fretted In A Sentence

  • He got to wear his lovely yellow silk gown—the one he wore as Juliet he fretted over the tear in the sleeve and blames Becka, naturally. Exit the Actress
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fretted as we trundled slowly home in a rather despondent way.
  • State-of-the-art production and Gilmour's note-perfect playing collided with bassist Roger Waters's grim lyrical vision, which fretted about materialism and age creeping up on you.
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Fretted screens diffuse the light, and wooden doors and panels are delicately carved.
  • Typically you only play the "fretted" strings, not all six strings, when playing a power chord. Guitar Friday: The Power Chord!
  • But the charm was the entrance of the abbey, where we were received by the dean and chapter in rich robes, the choir and almsmen bearing torches; the whole abbey so illuminated, that one saw it to greater advantage than by {81} day; the tombs, long aisles, and fretted roof, all appearing distinctly, and with the happiest _chiaroscuro_. A Book of English Prose Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools
  • And then this week, the current Kremlin incumbent, Dmitry Medvedev, goes and announces that he's "rearming" Russia, using the very word - "rearmament" - that Europe fretted over and feared all through its short 20-year peace between the first and second world wars. Undefined
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • Wherefore the she-wolf went red and white by turns, and fumed, and fretted her bedizenments with unrestful hands, and when she should let us go our ways, she lingered and looked back oft, and was loth to depart ere she had gotten what she lacked, and that, forsooth, was the said flasket. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • It was a false scent, but ahead of him the horses grew restive, jostling and nipping, and the grey fretted against his hand.
  • M.L. told one of my favorite stories about herself, of the night when she, pregnant with her third child, stewed and fretted about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • The night-sisters moved softly to and fro on the beeswaxed boards, smoothing tumbled pillows, adjusting a splint or a bandage, calming the bearded children who fretted because they were hopelessly "out of it. A Tall Ship On Other Naval Occasions
  • I had observed that Pasquini fretted at my delay of speech-making, and I resolved to fret him further. Chapter 11
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • He waited and fretted, and spent a vexatious winter of abstinence. MEDALON
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • VIKTORIA CONSTANTLY fretted v that there was no way to communicate with her parents. LASTING TREASURES
  • Constant use had fretted the sandal strap to the breaking point.
  • Milbury famously fretted about the "pansification" of the NHL. - Home Page
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • A group (taraf) composed of the fiddle (scripca), the dulcimer (lumbal), and unfretted lute AvaxHome RSS:
  • It is played on instruments that include the gaida, kaval (seven-hole reed pipe), gadulka (pear-shaped fiddle), tambura (fretted lute), and tupan (cylindrical drum).
  • I mean I've fretted over the cost for seven months now, right?
  • VIKTORIA CONSTANTLY fretted v that there was no way to communicate with her parents. LASTING TREASURES
  • The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • An 'the noise fashed an' fretted the deein 'bairn. St. Cuthbert's
  • I worried, I fretted, I went to see my gp, and a locum--substitute personnel filling in temporarily, for all my non-UK friends--scared me with a possible diagnosis of temporal arteritis, which my regular gp then negated. Belated Birthday Spanking:
  • Books in large wide open shelves of beechwood, built by a local artisan; books in a large antique bookcase with doors that were like fretted screens, so that the books behind them looked as if they were in a kind of beautiful prison; books behind glass and in sandalwood chests. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » A love song to libraries
  • Fretted screens diffuse the light, and wooden doors and panels are delicately carved.
  • Stailman fretted that if computer scientists could no longer learn from one another's code, the art of programming would stagnate.
  • It is an unworthy fear: not so long ago, white colonials who founded many of these clubs fretted in the same way about the social consequences of admitting Indians.
  • Meanwhile Captain Jamie fretted his head off and prepared for the night, while Winwood passed the word along to the forty lifers to be ready for the break. Chapter 3
  • Fancy fretted, at the same time she strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly. PAINT THE WIND
  • There was no roadway, as it seemed no pathway at all up the overhanging cliffs-ridges of granite and grey and green rock, belted with mist, crowned by sun, and fretted by the milky, upcasting surf. The Battle of the Strong — Volume 3 A Romance of Two Kingdoms
  • Where is that perfect place where monogrammed damasked linens, and flowers were changed daily, and one fretted lest one forgot to sufficiently tip the second footman who had so unobtrusively, so expertly, unpacked one's bag, shined one's shoes, pressed rumpled clothes and drawn one's bath? Michael Henry Adams: Why I Hate dogs: Useful Advice for Summer Guests and Hosts
  • My lovely wife fussed and fretted and told me not to move.
  • God knows, nothing of this kind was ever in my thoughts; but I have entered very deeply into your affliction with regard to your Mother; and while I was wishing, the many poor souls in the kind of desponding way she is in, whom I have seen, came afresh into my mind; and all the mismanagement with which I have seen them treated was strong in my mind, and I wrote under a forcible impulse, which I could not at that time resist, but I have fretted so much about it since, that I think it is the last time I will ever let my pen run away with me. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
  • Adrina fretted at the delay, but knew the crowd was her best protection. TREASON KEEP
  • Meg took it and drank slowly, careful not to spill any on her dress, while Mrs. Carroll fretted around the pair, nervously fidgeting with the bottom tier of the gown.
  • For all he agonised and fretted, he never fell apart.
  • The stock lost five per cent on news of his departure as investors fretted that the firm will struggle without its founder. The Sun
  • The coal miner fretted because he couldn't cope with the new technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • The post-war period was stressful for the king who fretted constantly.
  • I had fretted at night concerned that he was feeling lonely.
  • The interior is further illuminated by slatted or fretted skylights while lower down, translucent canopies act as light diffusors.
  • I have fretted that some journalists might take it upon themselves to spread the vile contagion of conscience.
  • Last, but not least, workers have fretted about being displaced by machines ever since the invention of the printing press.
  • But his real secret weapon is an amazing talent for simultaneously combining slide with fretted notes.
  • The pipa is a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard.
  • I fretted for about half-an-hour, thinking that when the light did come my luck would mean that a cabin cruiser would churn by with somebody waving either a gin and tonic or two fingers at me. Barks and Spencer
  • I "fretted" -- as the servants expressed it -- to such an extent as to affect my health; and I fancy it was because my father's attention was called to the fact that I was fast fading after the mother and sister whose death (and my own loneliness) I bewailed, that he roused himself from his own grief to comfort mine. A Flat Iron for a Farthing or Some Passages in the Life of an only Son
  • The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • In all the caves they were surrounded by beautifully fluted and fretted columns whose pure white frosted surfaces shone out like beacons in the harsh magnesium light of their lanterns.
  • His name was Sir John Cliseton, and he bore for arms a field argent, fretted azure, with a mullet argent in chief.
  • The ability of fretted instruments to play chords and drive a piece along rhythmically has done a lot to change the range of sound in Irish music over the past 30 years.
  • Let us also hope for a long silence to descend upon the thuggish bigmouth who has strutted and fretted his hour upon the stage for far too long.
  • The arpeggione, or guitar d' amour, was a six-stringed instrument, fretted and tuned like a guitar, but played like the ‘cello, held between the knees and bowed.
  • Our lutenist blew onto his fingers, our drummer fretted over his chilly skins, our soprano shrank into her mufflers.
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ', doesto know, every time as I fretted and felt daan, I used to think o' him as was upstairs, and remember haa aw wur climbin 'th' steps an 'gettin' nearer him. ' Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • Auto stocks recovered a bit after being hit hard at the start of the week, notably in Germany, as the market fretted that China's interest-rate hike might bite into car demand.
  • TOKYO—Yields on superlong Japanese government bond yields hit their highest levels in almost a year as investor fretted about likely demand at an auction of 20-year debt. Japanese Yields Rise, But 20-Year Sale Is Solid
  • An archway on the western side of the pool opens on the causeway, bordered with balustrades of fretted marble, and, at close intervals there are standard lamps, their great lanterns set upon the marble columns.
  • “What if you get AIDS?” she fretted, completely ignorant of or at least neglecting the fact that female-female copulation is virtually STD-transmission-free, fully focused on AIDS as “the gay disease” or, at the very least, “the promiscuous people’s disease,” and naturally since I am bisexual I’m also promiscuous, because all true bisexuals are. Musings. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • It has a proper mixed-use urban centre that focuses on a park and stretches along a magnificent site between forested hills and the complex fretted geometry of the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
  • So I fretted and sweated as they stalked in and stared around with that disapproving, accusatory look of all cops everywhere.
  • The pipa is a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard.
  • Guitars and lutes are fretted musical instruments.
  • The newes of whose imprisonment was anon bruted through the realme, wherewith the Nobles fretted, and the commons curssed: finallie all men detested such tyrannie in the chancellour. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • At first, whenever this happened, his wife fretted extremely -- _fretted_ is the right word, for it was more a fitful chafing than a positive grief. Olive A Novel
  • You would have 'fretted' me terribly if you had not, for I liked it myself, knowing it to be an earnest opinion and expressive of the man. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • They fretted at Reno's tendency to give negotiations one last chance when the going got rough.
  • His vital force was not consumed by half a hundred campaigns; he gave himself also, with never aging enthusiasm, to science, law, literature, and theology; he fretted at leaving any part of the earth, or any section of knowledge, unmastered or unexplored. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
  • Mr. Ulysses knew too much to start on without animals, and fretted around for several days. An Odyssey of the North
  • He later "fretted about how to pull a profit out of the sandy duneland. An Appreciable Appreciation
  • The chain has fretted into the wood and damaged it.
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something to be fretted over and regretted. Times, Sunday Times
  • When an open note is followed by a fretted note on the same string, it is damped when the fretted note is formed.
  • Already a blast of heat was rising over the land and the rasping cries of the cicala fretted their talk; and Caterina bade him follow her down into the _voto_ -- the vast, cool, underground chambers which, for the patricians of Cyprus, made life possible during this heated term, between the freshness of the morning and the comfort of the evening shadows. The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
  • In all the caves they were surrounded by beautifully fluted and fretted columns whose pure white frosted surfaces shone out like beacons in the harsh magnesium light of their lanterns.
  • She fretted pacing the small empty space of the mosaic floor, occasionally looking out of the window at the crowd on the front lawn.
  • For a period of time, we even grew fonder of the porch without rails, and fretted about what we could and should tell Pat. Hometown News: The Ballad of Ray and Rose
  • While the pigeons fretted up and down the sidewalk with their hands folded behind their backs.
  • It is my prayer that his young son may do the like, and that my Lord of York be not fretted out of his peaceful loyalty by the Somerset "outrecuidance", and above all that my own son be not the make-bate; but Richard is proud and fiery, and I fear -- I greatly fear, what may be in store for us. ' Two Penniless Princesses
  • VIKTORIA CONSTANTLY fretted v that there was no way to communicate with her parents. LASTING TREASURES
  • A person who has never seen the picture that was now under my eye, who had read of a place consecrated by the devotion of ages, towards which the tide of human superstition had flowed for twelve centuries, might imagine that St. Patrick's Purgatory, secluded in its sacred island, would have all the venerable and gothic accompaniments of olden time; and its ivied towers and belfried steeples, its carved windows, and cloistered arches, its long dark aisles and fretted vaults would have risen out of the water, rivalling Iona or Lindisfarn; but nothing of the sort was to be seen. The Station; The Party Fight And Funeral; The Lough Derg Pilgrim Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • It isn't my home," he replied, as if the word fretted him. The Lost Girl
  • That thar wife o 'Ike's, what made all the trouble, hev fretted an' fretted at Ike till he hev determinated ter break up an 'wagon across the range ter Kaintucky, whar his uncle lives in the hills thar. Southern Prose and Poetry for Schools
  • Late medieval screens were frequently carved in an exuberant Gothic style with fretted tracery, pinnacles, and arcades.
  • Late medieval screens were frequently carved in an exuberant Gothic style with fretted tracery, pinnacles, and arcades.
  • Some scouts fretted about Tavares 'skating, but Snow said he believes Tavares' footwork is underrated. Islanders thrill fans by taking Tavares with No. 1 pick
  • This specimen suddenly terminates, at a thickness of two and a half inches, in a rounded point, abrupt as that of one of the massier cacti; and every part of the blunt sudden termination is thickly fretted over with the characteristic areolæ. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • Justice Kennedy fretted that building a business on this was morally questionable, which is also true.
  • He would often visit them on the weekends and constantly fretted about their well-being.
  • She also fretted about the effect on her own property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adrina fretted at the delay, but knew the crowd was her best protection. TREASON KEEP
  • Her parents and relations fretted over her for days as she lay in bed, burning with fever.
  • Rising out of the gulf below was what we took at first to be a rounded hill of black rock, oblong in shape, from which projected a gigantic shaft of stone ending in a kind of fretted bush that alone was of the size of a cottage. Queen Sheba's Ring

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