How To Use Fretful In A Sentence

  • They may refuse their feeds and become fretful with a shrill cry when handled.
  • The lady watched fretfully as the men came closer to hitting Mack with their bullets and ran much faster than before as their rage intensified.
  • Personal relations have become restless, fretful, often disturbed by an itch for change and variety.
  • Who can untangle this fretful cat 's cradle? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of Saturday I was distracted and fretful, wracking my brains about what I could do when I would be forced to disappear from Rob's life for an entire month.
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  • Conventional wisdom says that a defendant should look engaged but not fretful, confident but not cocky.
  • A good man may be in want, but then he quiets himself, and strives to make himself easy; but these people when they shall be hungry shall fret themselves, and when they have nothing to feed on their vexation shall prey upon their own spirits; for fretfulness is a sin that is its own punishment. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Lanegan's personal narrative, the euphoric highs and ravaged lows of the junkie, the fretful pining of the love incompetent and the poetic musings of the maverick outsider, are poignantly realised.
  • a night of shallow fretful sleep
  • When we return, will a tale unfold whose lightest word will harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make they two eyes like stars start from their spheres, thy knotted and combined locks to part and each particular hair to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine. Seven soliloquies
  • So, did 400 million citizens and voters queue in blistering heat of 40-plus to soothe the fretful nerves of the market?
  • Then the land had to be cleared, and extra help engaged all while the wives were ‘fretful and homesick’.
  • fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib
  • Her father called to her fretfully, and she went in to him again and told him what Sorry had said about the cracked doubletree, and persuaded him to let her bring his supper at once, and to have the fruit later when Frank arrived. Sawtooth Ranch
  • See how you worry sister!" for Lucy was calling fretfully, Joyce's Investments A Story for Girls
  • While I don't doubt that every effort will be made by profit-driven corporations to develop ways to produce goods even if rare minerals are fully depleted, the gulf between now and a future where minerals can be safely reclaimed and reused is fretfully wide. Boing Boing
  • The confinement made him fretful and exacting, and the old Marquise ascribed the change in his behaviour to the deplorable influence of his tutor, a "laic" recommended by one of Raymond's old professors. The Custom of the Country
  • Passengers once glad to stand in line grow fretful as officials frisk grandmas' bags for tweezers.
  • For fretful parents, they were a hangout for hooligans cutting class to play Pac-Man, losing hours and quarters that could be spent in the fresh air and wholesome sunshine.
  • Otherwise, I've got to figure out meaning for myself and all, and that can cause a bit of fretfulness along the way. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I only wish I had such eyes, the King remarked in a fretful tone.
  • Harry heard the drone of the Iad in his skull turn to the lowing of a fretful animal. EVERVILLE
  • Parental heartbreak often hides or disguises itself in worries and fretfulness. The Blessing of a B Minus
  • But his mood, that current of fretful optimism alternating with a cavernous disenchantment, is more or less unchanged: “I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it’s hard for me to get interested in other people’s vacations.” Revenge of the Wimps
  • I spoke with mothers fretful and tearful about their bleak prospects but struggling to maintain a facade of optimism and cheerfulness in the presence of their children.
  • Don't assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she's fretful.
  • While she was singing, the sick boy had lain motionless; but now he began to nestle, and called fretfully, "Water! Polly of the Hospital Staff
  • A mood of fretfulness thus pervades the pamphlet.
  • Tiernan performs with the casual ease of a natural raconteur, but the appearance belies an almost fretful perfectionism.
  • Father stirred fretfully, trying to throw off the heavy quilts.
  • The cast includes a seasoned drunk, a honey-tongued scandalmonger, a veteran who can never quite synchronise lines and moves, and a fretful worrier anxiously seeking the motivation for every piece of comic business. Noises Off - review
  • When he spoke, his voice, though fretful and agitated, was deep and noble.
  • I assume your fretfulness about the actual shades of blue is a stab at humor. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • His disheveled hair became even more messy when he ran another fretful hand through it before he started the engine.
  • An anxious one will look fretful and worried. The Sun
  • But then, this might have been an ideal passion, as has happened to many of us, and we have never been less enamoured than when in the immediate presence of its object: but in this instance it was very different, creating a kind of fretful happiness quite intolerable. Confessions of an Etonian
  • Mr. Williams was talking to himself fretfully.
  • Fretfully are cheaply a few that can be brickly as maul waggishness, and we bridgehead the compositor of them. Rational Review
  • She is so pale, and so fretful, so peevish, which is not in her nature. White Lies
  • 'How much longer do we have to wait?' she asked fretfully.
  • UK government debt was chased higher by investors who were fretful that the debt crisis in Europe and America could derail the global economic recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • This shewed a kind of fretful impatience; nor was it to be wondered at, considering our disagreeable ride. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • Don't assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she's fretful.
  • I have a lion story that would make each particular hair stand on end, like quills upon the fretful porpentine. Times, Sunday Times
  • a constant fretful stamping of hooves
  • It cannot, however, be denied -- particularly in respect to nervous children -- that teething appears occasionally to induce unpleasant disturbances, such as fretfulness, broken sleep, digestive disorders, and occasionally fever; as a rule such symptoms persist only for a few days, if the infant be properly looked after. Health on the Farm A Manual of Rural Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Nolan has found his groove as a vocalist and his breathy, fretful, at times desperate vocals, are effectively emotive without being maudlin.
  • Virgo chewed on his lip fretfully as he finished the letter.
  • She rarely dreamed, but she did that night, fretful visions of tight-held jesses and the clipping of wings.
  • Now, I've seen the chapter in question and can assure my fretful reader that this is typical Kreeftian whimsy.
  • Mrs. Martin was out of bed, calling fretfully into the passage for Dilman. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Meanwhile, the sharpening air threshes the veteran bronze leafiness of the oaks and strips the pines, fretful in the breeze, of their needles.
  • ‘I know, but right now… right now I'm alone,’ he said fretfully.
  • It is the morose look, the harsh expression, the tone of irritation and fretfulness which is so unpopular in school. The Teacher Or, Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young
  • Babies soon become fretful when they are tired or hungry.
  • I saw the incomplete circle, lit up in the darkness of the mill's eaves, the pillars looking as peaceful as ancient standing stones despite the fretful, angry slogans they were covered in.
  • Emma makes a joke to Mr Knightley about their being ‘so much brother and sister’, but he reproves and corrects her in a way that is more fatherly than anything her own fretful parent can manage.
  • She had likewise dropped her fretful complaining , and we found it a great comfort.
  • When we did arrive on the ground, I thankfully handed J.R. his fretful daughter, went to claim my luggage and found that my favourite overnight dressing case was missing.
  • We will not say that our dear little Mary rose in this condition next morning, -- for, although she had the headache, she had one of those natures in which, somehow or other, the combative element seems to be left out, so that no one ever knew her to speak a fretful word. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 26, December, 1859
  • A common first reaction to having made a mistake is to become upset, to become fretful or angry about it, or if it is a serious mistake to become deeply burdened and even depressed.
  • Tittmann thinks not so much "wrath" is meant, as an indignant feeling of fretfulness under the calamities to which the whole of human life is exposed; this accords with the "divers temptations" in Jas 1: 2. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I was only -- a kind of fretful porcupine -- standing up for my side. Delia Blanchflower
  • Flax-haired broomstick Hoccleve wrongly thought Geoffrey to be as moral a man as poor fretful Gower, and enshrined every half-baked piece of verse Geoffrey wrote in a hog's turd of unmeasured praise, whether it was a good Christly work or something that sank into sin. A Complaint to His Purse
  • Mild side effects such as pain and tenderness where the shot was given, fever, fretfulness and drowsiness occurred in as many as one-half to one-third of children who received the vaccine. DTaP: Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine
  • There are few places to turn around on the twisting road, and so you continue, fretfully, until finally the road begins to descend and you spy some white buildings in a bend up ahead. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • A traumatised soldier of the American Civil War deserts to get home to his fretful wife.
  • The philosophic pessimist is not a fretful and malignant caviller who sneers at the follies of others because he thinks himself so much wiser than they. Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde"; an essay on the Wagnerian drama
  • Less so for gold, a classic haven for fretful investors in times of uncertainty and inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • But “being in a busy state” also suggested being worried or fretful. The English Is Coming!
  • The place exuded a spirit of camaraderie even while players sang and danced in ecstasy in an apparent bid to make up for the anxiety and fretfulness they experienced in the past four days on the tracks.
  • Beijing's fretfulness about change has caused another good idea to struggle to get off the ground. Board Stiffed
  • He wanted something along the lines of "Thy knotted and combined locks to part, and each particular quill to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine" but didn't think he could carry it off and didn't like the hedgehog reference. So long, and thanks for all the fish
  • Less so for gold, a classic haven for fretful investors in times of uncertainty and inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • An anxious one will look fretful and worried. The Sun
  • Especially is she noted for the introduction of certain novelties in the business, such as combing Hortensio's noddle with a three-legged stool, a proceeding well calculated to make each particular hair stand on end "like quills upon the fretful porpentine. Was Shakespeare a Barber? The Secret of the Bard's Private Life Revealed at Last
  • Then there are the stories of faraway lands and long journeys through fretful nights.
  • An anxious one will look fretful and worried. The Sun
  • True, Custer's connection to impotence may have been largely metaphorical, but to a certain fretful portion of the populace it struck home. Excerpt: Charlatan by Pope Brock
  • Who can untangle this fretful cat 's cradle? Times, Sunday Times
  • It will soothe your baby's stomach, help to relieve wind and reduce fretfulness, helping your baby to have a good night's sleep.
  • His disheveled hair became even more messy when he ran another fretful hand through it before he started the engine.
  • Yet he was becoming increasingly fretful and nervous. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • This flicwcd a kind of fretful impatience; nor was it to be wondered at, confidcring our difagree - able ride. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL. D ...
  • From the time he returned he was a man in a hurry, fretful, ambitious and, no doubt as his wife found, difficult to live with.
  • He spent his days staring at a mindless stream of numbers running down his computer screen and his nights tossing fretfully in the guest bed. Curb Appeal
  • He found the father the exact antithesis of the daughter: a nervous, fretful, irritable individual (gout had him by the heels at the time), who was as full of "yaps" and snarls as any Irish terrier, and as peevish and fussy as a fault-finding old woman. Cleek, the Master Detective
  • His signature style, both as a standup and as his TV alter ego Dave Mohumbhai, may be spaced-out slacker cool? but, in conversation, a fretfulness lurks, barely concealed beneath the easy-going San Francisco drawl. Arj Barker: Landing of the Conchord
  • Regardless, we witness the former queen of Naboo become little more than a fretful hausfrau.
  • If you installed a genuine Heritage Belmonte Close Coupled WC and Landscape Cistern (£98), for example, would you stick it all over with sucker-ended toy arrows, like the fretful porpentine, just because the glazed earthenware surface is such a welcome host? news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Less so for gold, a classic haven for fretful investors in times of uncertainty and inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now Mike himself was a sad musician, and the sound of him fandangoin 'uncertainly up and down the fretful spine of that instrument was a tribulation I'd put up with on account of friendship, pure and simple, but when that discord-lovin' lady cliff-dweller set all evenin 'in our tent and scraped snake-dances out of them catguts with a fish-bone, I pulled my freight and laid out in the moonlight with the dogs. Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
  • While I don't doubt that every effort will be made by profit-driven corporations to develop ways to produce goods even if rare minerals are fully depleted, the gulf between now and a future where minerals can be safely reclaimed and reused is fretfully wide. Boing Boing
  • I want to go home,'said the old lady in a fretful tone.
  • It was not a message we ever heard from Shakespeare, who, increasingly fretful about the fate of kings, retreated into the ruminations of King Lear and a litigious retirement.
  • Of course, you're entitled to a bit of fretfulness.
  • Sea, fed on moldy bread, and even moldier pork, with a fretful child to nurse, and an exacting mother to be pleased! Told in the East
  • Yet he was becoming increasingly fretful and nervous. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • UK government debt was chased higher by investors who were fretful that the debt crisis in Europe and America could derail the global economic recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • An anxious one will look fretful and worried. The Sun
  • Yet he was becoming increasingly fretful and nervous. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • I call fretfully as my baby birds, sunblocked and behatted flit off down the street. Erika Schickel: Baby Steps
  • At that moment Banford’s voice was heard calling fretfully, crossly from upstairs. The Fox
  • If I can get everyone else to stop paying attention I can lay hands on fretful ones and get them to unjam and use the last of their toner like good machines should. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • UK government debt was chased higher by investors who were fretful that the debt crisis in Europe and America could derail the global economic recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • She flipped down the veil on her mask, looking fretfully at the figure ahead of her.
  • I was a bit fretful in the back of the big silver car that had been sent to pick me up.
  • Who's there!" called a fretful voice from inside. Gypsy Breynton
  • Activists and candidates, fretful about the coming general election, understandably want a quick fix.
  • Being susceptible to superstition and a ponderer on omens, Ralph Emsden often thought fretfully afterward on the double meaning of these words, and sought to displace them in their possible evil influence on his future by some assurance more cheerful and confident. The Frontiersmen
  • Ignoring the fretfulness in his voice, Isabella glared at him out of the corner of her eye and then turned away to dry the remainder of her tears.
  • Perhaps they could sell a book about it to guilty, fretful western mothers.
  • And as for the public library who could dream of taking a fretful infant in there?
  • Inspired, a fretful child proclaims, ‘I don't like war!’
  • If it don't rain soon," she called fretfully, "I guess you'll find yourselves alone an 'forsaken, like pelicans in the wilderness. Tiverton Tales
  • It might be that her fretfulness was the effect of an uneasiness of mind, which was more hopeful than her previous fierce self-satisfaction, and that her aberrations were the last efforts of old evil habits to re-establish their grasp by custom, when her heart was becoming detached from them. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • Showing students how to cope with test anxiety might also help them to handle their built-up angst and fretfulness about other issues.
  • An anxious one will look fretful and worried. The Sun
  • She would pace through the house she had lived in most of her life crying fretfully that she wanted to go home.
  • On the 22d of August, 1696, this baby, a puny, fretful boy, was carried down the street of Port Royal, Jamaica, and on board the "barkentine Stories of Childhood
  • Not the great sorrows of life, or its great sacrifices, but fretfulness, ignoble worries, sordid cares, are that which draw lines upon a woman's face and harshen her features. The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
  • He'll be hamesick ere a twelvemonth, laird," said the dominie; and the laird answered fretfully, "A twelvemonth is a big slice o 'life to fling awa in far countries. Scottish sketches
  • You’ve got more friends than quills upon the fretful porpentine. Flowering Wilderness

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