How To Use Fret In A Sentence

  • When the baby is not thriving and gaining steadily in weight, or is fretty and cries a good deal, and does not rest and sleep peacefully, something, of course, is wrong. The Eugenic Marriage, Vol 2 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else's problems.
  • They may refuse their feeds and become fretful with a shrill cry when handled.
  • We observe a reduction in fluorescence anisotropy only in the presence of FRET from linked mVenus and mCerulean.
  • The lady watched fretfully as the men came closer to hitting Mack with their bullets and ran much faster than before as their rage intensified.
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  • And in such a case envy will be sure to work and boil up to a more than ordinary height, while the envious person frets, and raves, and swells at the plenties and affluence of his abounding neighbour, and (as I may so express it) is even ready to burst with another's fulness. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • British influence, with wooden jalousies, wide porches, and patterned railings and fretwork, dominated urban architecture in the colonial period.
  • Policyholders must be fretting themselves witless over what to do next.
  • Personal relations have become restless, fretful, often disturbed by an itch for change and variety.
  • He got to wear his lovely yellow silk gown—the one he wore as Juliet he fretted over the tear in the sleeve and blames Becka, naturally. Exit the Actress
  • She said: ‘I was panicking, fretting, crying and pleading with him to give me back my daughter.’
  • The distinctive open fretwork pediment of the mahogany case is associated with clocks made in or near Roxbury, Massachusetts, in the Federal period.
  • The larger the radius, the larger the circle, and the flatter the fretboard will be.
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the wind is blowing in from the east then sea fret hits even when the rest of old Blighty is basking in conditions more akin to the Mediterranean.
  • Ad ipsum fretum Herculis Hispaniae objacet Fessanum regnum, cujus caput Fez, urbs totius Barbariae princeps, ingens, opulenta, frequens, splendida ac magnificis superbisque aedificiis miranda. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • And, a jig saw or coping saw is just about the only tool you'll need, so don't fret if you are not particularly handy with a hammer and saw.
  • Who can untangle this fretful cat 's cradle? Times, Sunday Times
  • Some elements are lost as when the sea fret covers the coast to then reappear again with echoes of previous layers, tracing a history and creating the painting's own character.
  • I fretted as we trundled slowly home in a rather despondent way.
  • The mere repetition of a few chords or basic riffs while you struggled with the fretboard still had you quaking with excitement.
  • Close by the stir of the great city, with all its fret and chafe and storm of life, in the desolate garden of that sombre house, and under the withering eyes of relentless Crime, revived the Arcady of old, -- the scene vocal to the reeds of idyllist and shepherd; and in the midst of the iron Tragedy, harmlessly and unconsciously arose the strain of the Pastoral Music. Lucretia — Complete
  • When darkness descended we hurriedly cleared the kitchen table in order to commence our fretwork.
  • He published On Humanism, a letter to Beaufret in which he distanced his own philosophy from French existentialism.
  • Nethili, kanava, pomfret, seer, crab, tiger prawn and sand lobster are cooked in Indian, Chinese styles, Kababs, deep-fried and dry-fried, a truly gastronomic delight.
  • State-of-the-art production and Gilmour's note-perfect playing collided with bassist Roger Waters's grim lyrical vision, which fretted about materialism and age creeping up on you.
  • Recent shows at Ronnie Scott's saw blistering fretwork augmented by some snazzy digital sounds.
  • A friend will be glad of your help, so don't fret about what to say. The Sun
  • Ptolemy Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene were putting a jigsaw puzzle together, a scene of flowers, grass, and butterflies painted on thin wood that some master craftsman with a fretsaw had cut into small, irregular pieces. Antony and Cleopatra
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can women punch out hot licks and melodic riffs on a six stringed fretboard?
  • This new system seems to have caused Chinese workers to fret that they won't have enough of a nest egg for their golden years – and likely with good reason.
  • Fretted screens diffuse the light, and wooden doors and panels are delicately carved.
  • I did not fret about the delay, because by now I had absolute confidence in the men I was working with.
  • Typically you only play the "fretted" strings, not all six strings, when playing a power chord. Guitar Friday: The Power Chord!
  • Even if there are no risks at all to nearby residents and schoolchildren from dangerous radiation emissions, the mere fact that the mast is there at all could be cited as a health risk to those prone to excessive fretting.
  • Envying and fretting meet in the same persons, and are equally dehorted from.
  • Fans of "The Weir" - and there had better be some, for Scena Theatre is slated to open its own production in a month - may fret that such continuously dampened acting won't light the play's slow-burning but potent fuse. Theater review: 'The Weir' presented by Keegan Theatre
  • But liberal economists in China fret that state-owned banks and their SOE cronies will carve up the spoils, leaving small and medium private enterprises by the wayside.
  • But the charm was the entrance of the abbey, where we were received by the dean and chapter in rich robes, the choir and almsmen bearing torches; the whole abbey so illuminated, that one saw it to greater advantage than by {81} day; the tombs, long aisles, and fretted roof, all appearing distinctly, and with the happiest _chiaroscuro_. A Book of English Prose Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools
  • Most of Saturday I was distracted and fretful, wracking my brains about what I could do when I would be forced to disappear from Rob's life for an entire month.
  • Conventional wisdom says that a defendant should look engaged but not fretful, confident but not cocky.
  • A good man may be in want, but then he quiets himself, and strives to make himself easy; but these people when they shall be hungry shall fret themselves, and when they have nothing to feed on their vexation shall prey upon their own spirits; for fretfulness is a sin that is its own punishment. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The demons of one striker, the ghost of another and a third fretting in the shadows. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was sometimes necessary to belabor the obvious when Nefret's indignation got the better of her. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • For example, if there's a number thirteen on the third line down then you know you've got to put your finger on the thirteenth fret of the third string, and so on.
  • An alarming new survey has found that almost one in four parents fret constantly about whether they have the ability to raise their children properly.
  • Quebec joke: "Il ne fait pas froid au Québec, y fa frette en hostie! ANOTHER HIATUS.
  • Much of the ceiling is fretwork, and fresco par-excellence, in gilded gold.
  • Evidently the good denizens of the street were too busy fretting about the economy to concern themselves with such small geographical matters.
  • Finally, the synthetic system of noise fuzzy assessment developed was used to assess noises of a woodworking sander, planer, fretsaw, obtaining their noise assessment results.
  • We fret about the reaction of the public if we lose. Christianity Today
  • And then this week, the current Kremlin incumbent, Dmitry Medvedev, goes and announces that he's "rearming" Russia, using the very word - "rearmament" - that Europe fretted over and feared all through its short 20-year peace between the first and second world wars. Undefined
  • Lanegan's personal narrative, the euphoric highs and ravaged lows of the junkie, the fretful pining of the love incompetent and the poetic musings of the maverick outsider, are poignantly realised.
  • Reply nate says actually they do have that its called a fret light guitar there around 500 bucks Maestro Laser Guitar Trainer by Eugene Cheong » Yanko Design
  • Joiners made fretwork by cutting away part of the wood to form a regular pattern.
  • And Lors knows, Miss Caterpillar, if it was de wittels you was a-frettin 'arter, you ought to a-told me before! The Hidden Hand
  • a night of shallow fretful sleep
  • His fingers flew across the frets while I was sure the plectrum he was holding should have been worn to shreds as he played.
  • Lots of couples share this problem but don't fret, it's solvable. The Sun
  • And they fret that no one seems to know what to do about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does a 'his weary kiaugh and care beguile, Does all his weary cark (fret) and care beguile. Selections from Five English Poets
  • When we return, will a tale unfold whose lightest word will harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make they two eyes like stars start from their spheres, thy knotted and combined locks to part and each particular hair to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine. Seven soliloquies
  • So, did 400 million citizens and voters queue in blistering heat of 40-plus to soothe the fretful nerves of the market?
  • Then the land had to be cleared, and extra help engaged all while the wives were ‘fretful and homesick’.
  • Close-set buildings, laundry lines, slant light, patches of weeds, a few would-be gardens and bare ailanthus trees and the fire escapes that fixed fretwork patterns of light and shade on the walls and paved surfaces. Underworld
  • In winter, sea frets spread like smoke across the bare soil, the few trees drip with damp, and the occasional farmworker on a bike is the only movement in the ancient, narrow lanes.
  • One man laboriously cut the pierced decoration with a fretsaw and a variety of steel punches.
  • Therefore, when next June comes along and you yearn for the early filberts, do not be fretty. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, April 23, 1919
  • Don't fret, Mary. This is all some crazy mistake.
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • Russell, moving like an automaton, reached under the table and retrieved Nefret's gloves. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • don't fret over these small details
  • The nose was au naturel too, now that Nefret had removed the squashed lump of putty. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib
  • Yes, it was bothersome but nothing to fret over too much.
  • Her father called to her fretfully, and she went in to him again and told him what Sorry had said about the cracked doubletree, and persuaded him to let her bring his supper at once, and to have the fruit later when Frank arrived. Sawtooth Ranch
  • I put my hand over the strings to silence them and whipped my fingers away from the frets.
  • The clouds and sea fret can make it just about any shade of orange, red, yellow, pink or purple you might care to imagine.
  • See how you worry sister!" for Lucy was calling fretfully, Joyce's Investments A Story for Girls
  • Wherefore the she-wolf went red and white by turns, and fumed, and fretted her bedizenments with unrestful hands, and when she should let us go our ways, she lingered and looked back oft, and was loth to depart ere she had gotten what she lacked, and that, forsooth, was the said flasket. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • -- 'Be careful to let no fretting injure your health as I have suffered it -- health is the greatest of blessings -- with _health_ and Keats: Poems Published in 1820
  • The notion of eating it raw was less than appetizing, but she was too hungry to fret. EVERVILLE
  • Or is it like lacy fretwork - tracery bracket & buzz saw Many Morning
  • While I don't doubt that every effort will be made by profit-driven corporations to develop ways to produce goods even if rare minerals are fully depleted, the gulf between now and a future where minerals can be safely reclaimed and reused is fretfully wide. Boing Boing
  • The confinement made him fretful and exacting, and the old Marquise ascribed the change in his behaviour to the deplorable influence of his tutor, a "laic" recommended by one of Raymond's old professors. The Custom of the Country
  • A Woody Allen-type nebbish, Lenny is a kvetcher ( "My mind was full of sickening Jewish worry, the pogrom within and the pogrom without"); he frets about his age, his baldness and, in a major way, his parents. Down and Out In Gotham
  • And they are fretting about the security of their email and diary management system.
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • We inspect live eels, snake fish and frogs at one stall, pomfret, prawns squid and parrot fish at another.
  • Septemtrione fretum Herculis et mare internum; Ab Ortu primo The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Who knows, maybe the reason Cherie would fret over flowers is because the blooms didn't match her wallpaper.
  • Insistent, urging everything before it -- the toil of strenuous study, the fret of little trouble, and the dreams of dawning love -- the call stirs on. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 4, March, 1896
  • The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • Passengers once glad to stand in line grow fretful as officials frisk grandmas' bags for tweezers.
  • Two of the most celebrated stood upon each side of the Mediterranean at the noted passage called fretum Gaditanum -- κατα τα ακρα του πορθμου. A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.
  • Journalists normally fret about negative campaigning and condemn attacks that dig out personal baggage in a candidate's background.
  • The figures of the guitarists are immobile, and so inscrutable are their veiled faces that almost the only stage movement is their hands flickering across the fretboards.
  • For fretful parents, they were a hangout for hooligans cutting class to play Pac-Man, losing hours and quarters that could be spent in the fresh air and wholesome sunshine.
  • Otherwise, I've got to figure out meaning for myself and all, and that can cause a bit of fretfulness along the way. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I only wish I had such eyes, the King remarked in a fretful tone.
  • ‘I was fretting about telling my parents,’ he recalls.
  • Brand New, DaisyFive kids from Long Island have a many appropriate Modest Mouse manuscript since The Lonesome Crowded West, a sawing, slurring, snarling thing, full of sufficient rootless fretwork as good as perplexed melodies to give Isaac Brock pause. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Then again, I'm fretty biased towards Frazetta, so I can really get into an artist that digs him too. Judging (Marvel’s January) Books By Their Covers | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The sitar also has huge frets and loose strings that will bend four or five tones with a little pressure.
  • When the upper middle classes complain about housing prices, they are really fretting about the cost of housing in the most desirable locations.
  • Harry heard the drone of the Iad in his skull turn to the lowing of a fretful animal. EVERVILLE
  • fret a guitar
  • It was a false scent, but ahead of him the horses grew restive, jostling and nipping, and the grey fretted against his hand.
  • So even as Boomers fret about their parents frittering away their inheritances, there's no assurance that they will behave any differently themselves.
  • Cease from anger and forsake wrath ; Do not fret ; it leads only to evildoing.
  • These letters reveal the eager young composer fretting anxiously over arrangements for the premiere of the work.
  • A swan erm. swimming, charged on the breast with an estoile sa. wings expanded or, fretty, raguly az. A History of Caroline County, Virginia
  • First surprise - she curled her fingers around the strings and began to fingerpick, thumb bent backwards and fingers double-jointedly bent on the fret board in the style of the self-taught.
  • Parental heartbreak often hides or disguises itself in worries and fretfulness. The Blessing of a B Minus
  • M.L. told one of my favorite stories about herself, of the night when she, pregnant with her third child, stewed and fretted about the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • So I'm starting to suspect that fretting about bloatware is more of a mental health problem than a software problem.
  • They walked to the pillared porch, Anne fretting about her case left in the car. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The night-sisters moved softly to and fro on the beeswaxed boards, smoothing tumbled pillows, adjusting a splint or a bandage, calming the bearded children who fretted because they were hopelessly "out of it. A Tall Ship On Other Naval Occasions
  • It would have been so typical of me to start panicking and fretting with all that is expected of me.
  • Describing the sarode, Alam says, "It's a 25-stringed, fretless instrument played on the fingertips and the nails of three fingers on your left hand. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • And specially shalt thou bid Atra unto me; for meseems she is so wise already that I may learn her more wisdom, and put that into her heart which may solace her and make her to cease from fretting her own heart, and from grief and longing overmuch. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • But his mood, that current of fretful optimism alternating with a cavernous disenchantment, is more or less unchanged: “I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it’s hard for me to get interested in other people’s vacations.” Revenge of the Wimps
  • I had observed that Pasquini fretted at my delay of speech-making, and I resolved to fret him further. Chapter 11
  • The rest of the furniture included a commode, two small pairs of open china cabinets, eight fretwork armchairs, four side chairs, and a pier glass.
  • Anyone can fret to the end of time and nothing advances because of it, making something an important issue by addressing it beyond the mere hand wringing is on the path to actually doing something about it. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • It all hinged on the fact that Boro didn't have more to show for that sparkling first half display other than one solitary goal scored in the 10th minute which was credited by most to an Alfreton defender!
  • He wasn't even bothering to look at his fingering on the fret board.
  • Unfortunately for the Alfreton custodian he was standing a yard behind the goaline.
  • The world is being reshaped and we have to be more than fretting spectators. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spoke with mothers fretful and tearful about their bleak prospects but struggling to maintain a facade of optimism and cheerfulness in the presence of their children.
  • Now it seems the government too is determined to fret over the globetrotters.
  • When she fretted about not doing well he would offer advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • She studied what she had wrote, playing it back in her mind while lightly tapping her foot as she moved her hand to the various positions on the frets of the guitar.
  • Praesertim quum tormentum ei vita sit, bona spe fretus, acerba vita velut a carcere se eximat, vel ab aliis eximi sua voluntate patiatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It might be taken as a good sign if I suddenly begin fretting about this, but there’s a sense in which it’s kind of narcissistic for this to be what I’m centrally concerned with. Hatin’ On Johnny Rawls
  • Shilts is pictured in slacks and plimsolls "relaxing" in a fringed armchair in front of his massive oak-veneer TV; but even here, cross-legged in the shadow of his own occasional table, he still seems to glower and fret, radiating a dark and unsettling energy of repulsion. Can Joe Hart save himself from the curse of the England keeper? | Barney Ronay
  • So we sit tight, and fret in secret about the pornification of the world.
  • There were at least two lots of these sea frets yesterday too.
  • Don't assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she's fretful.
  • He waited and fretted, and spent a vexatious winter of abstinence. MEDALON
  • Don't expect to get a fried piece of pomfret or seerfish; but the sardines and mackerels fried in coconut oil would be tastier.
  • We ate good papri chaat and excellent little black hara kebabs made of spinach and green bananas and split peas and a good big tandoori pomfret, but Manpreet was unimpressed by the lifeless paneer pakora and found the chicken drab, too.
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • While she was singing, the sick boy had lain motionless; but now he began to nestle, and called fretfully, "Water! Polly of the Hospital Staff
  • It seems half the nation's footie fans are lying awake at night fretting over his scans. The Sun
  • Brazilian rosewood fretboards and their denser rainforest counterparts add sparkle and ring, and Indian rosewood fretboards can help fatten up the midrange.
  • Let the commentators fret and worry about what their fallacious macroeconomic models tell them.
  • Dick used the drum sticks to bang out the notes on the bass, with Tommy fingering the chords on the fret.
  • In many of the halls still standing are arabesques, fashioned in mosaics, fret-work and delicate tracery not unworthy of a place in modern decorative art. Cradle Lands of Canadian Indians
  • Thank goodness I have other things to fret about, like disaffected youth and the plight of the inner cities. Times, Sunday Times
  • On another occasion I labelled the complete fingerboard showing the notes at each and every fret position.
  • VIKTORIA CONSTANTLY fretted v that there was no way to communicate with her parents. LASTING TREASURES
  • To all the obsessed foodies of the nation, fretting over the choice between Malpeque and bluepoint oysters for the stuffing, the Rev. Ed Miller of St. John's Episcopal Church in McLean, Va., has a word of advice, and it comes from Matthew 6: 31-33: "Therefore do not worry, saying 'what shall we eat?' or 'what shall we drink?' ... but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Rites Of Comfort
  • Constant use had fretted the sandal strap to the breaking point.
  • When George Harrison plays "Here Comes the Sun," his guitar is in standard tuning, but he has a capo on the seventh fret, which is what gives it that tinkly sound ... Archive 2006-07-01
  • The bandura has an oval wooden body; a short, fretless neck attached to the soundboard in an off-centre position; 4 to 8 bass strings running from the neck. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • A mood of fretfulness thus pervades the pamphlet.
  • Milbury famously fretted about the "pansification" of the NHL. - Home Page
  • In another project in Wimbledon by cellarmakers Smith and Taylor (www., the £ 100,000 room contains a bespoke humidor and a section dedicated entirely to Dom P é rignon, with bottles that appear to be floating, suspended on metal cradles, framed on either side by shelving specifically designed to store them in their original coffret (gift boxes). The Evolution of the Wine Cellar
  • It keeps up a perpetual fever in my veins; it frets my immedicable wound; it is instinct with poison. The Last Man
  • As it transpired, the team only needed three to win and while their manager must fret over his side's sudden frailty, he again noted that it is a rich source of entertainment for the rest of us.
  • Then when Zoe had croup or the nanny got sick and I was forced to stay at home, I fretted all day to get to work. LOST CHILDREN
  • I don't know why, but I just didn't like the look of a dark brown rosewood fretboard with a pale wood headstock (that's the very top bit).
  • The FRET measurements also show a slow increase in oligomerization of EGFR monomers after growth factor binding.
  • 'I had fun at Christmas, messing about a bit with the fretsaw.'
  • Don't fret, he's got a newie sorted out with Nicole Kidman and Jared Leto called The Panic Room.
  • Tiernan performs with the casual ease of a natural raconteur, but the appearance belies an almost fretful perfectionism.
  • Parce qu'en plus de payer la douane j'ai aussi payer le port de mes cadeaux (chaussures et coffret plastic) et genre je vous explique le port c 45euros ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Seer fish steaks and fillets pomfret and mackerel are for the taking.
  • While Diego's father and others fret and fume about the new alcalde, Diego feigns disinterest.
  • The frequency is determined by the wavelength, which is altered by changing the length of the string using the frets.
  • Pruning, spraying for pests, tending the trellises, overcropping if there were too many buds, and general fretting over the state of the grapes and the date to harvest were all reasons warranting a visit. The Merlot Murders
  • Gifted with his hands, he has many wonderful pieces of fretwork to his name - this skill runs in his family.
  • The dishes varied from grilled prawns and pomfret masala fried fish, part of nearly 60 varieties of food prepared by students of the college.
  • A group (taraf) composed of the fiddle (scripca), the dulcimer (lumbal), and unfretted lute AvaxHome RSS:
  • ‘Had all the horses in the mews in a powerful fret,’ said Robert as he saddled his master's horse.
  • Blossoms would fret me with beauty; my heart has no time to bepraise them; Andromeda and Other Poems
  • Picture the issue you're fretting about as a package or parcel. The Sun
  • The neurotic quality that Brooks brings to his characters is well suited to Marlin, constantly fretting over Nemo's safety and youthful exuberance.
  • It was sometimes necessary to belabor the obvious when Nefret's indignation got the better of her. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • It is played on instruments that include the gaida, kaval (seven-hole reed pipe), gadulka (pear-shaped fiddle), tambura (fretted lute), and tupan (cylindrical drum).
  • Back then, a plunge in Impressionist prices touched off an art market crash; bears fret that the same thing could happen now if contemporary art prices go south.
  • Father stirred fretfully, trying to throw off the heavy quilts.
  • Otherwise, on whose authority do those censorious correspondents write who continually fret and complain because a dynamic world language cannot be constrained within the dilapidated palisade of their rusty rules?
  • The cast includes a seasoned drunk, a honey-tongued scandalmonger, a veteran who can never quite synchronise lines and moves, and a fretful worrier anxiously seeking the motivation for every piece of comic business. Noises Off - review
  • But then there’s that troubling second case to deal with, and this is probably one that has the labels fretting: “You mean they downloaded the song for free, they liked it, and they still aren’t giving us any money?” Free and legal MP3s
  • * NOTE* To minimize confusion we call the chords that we play by the position … not the pitch, meaning we call the 7th fret chord "A" when in reality it is actually "A flat All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • It is made with rosewood on the fretboard and a hardtail bridge.
  • I mean I've fretted over the cost for seven months now, right?
  • When he spoke, his voice, though fretful and agitated, was deep and noble.
  • VIKTORIA CONSTANTLY fretted v that there was no way to communicate with her parents. LASTING TREASURES
  • Barmy British eccentricity rules the waves once again this Saturday as 16 straining, muscled hearties heave, two tiny coxswains fret and shout and, tradition assures us, Cockney urchins bedecked in blue scuffle alongside on the towpath scragging each other and hollering "C'mon Horx-ferd!" or "C'mon Cym-breege! Boat Race still takes British sport's venerable cream cracker | Frank Keating
  • I assume your fretfulness about the actual shades of blue is a stab at humor. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
  • They are sallow, fretty, plain little things, but I'm conscientiously liking them as hard as ever I can. Jane Journeys On
  • there was a simple fret at the top of the walls
  • His disheveled hair became even more messy when he ran another fretful hand through it before he started the engine.
  • Hands loosen, feel for the rosewood frets, dance over the tense nickel-plated strings. The Movement of Strings
  • We've been mired in a sea fret for days now.

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