How To Use Freshwater In A Sentence
Fly fishers in the salt water environment need something entirely different to their freshwater counterpart on the chalk stream, as does the angler who fishes big reservoirs.
North African catfish live in a variety of freshwater environments, including quiet waters like lakes, ponds, and pools.
A continuing supply of freshwater from streams entering the lake would have stimulated the growth of algae and other freshwater organisms, resulting in a mix of brackish and freshwater species.
Duke also points out that freshwater black bass, the familiar largemouth and smallmouth, are found in 49 of the 50 states.
The jar contains a preserved Pterophyllum scalare freshwater angelfish from the Amazon, and the watercolor artwork in the background is by Agassiz’s illustrator Jacques Burkhardt.
Pandas and Man at Harvard - The Panda's Thumb

These parasites infest the gills of freshwater fish.
Alabama's Gulf Coast extends over 32 miles of beaches along the Gulf of Mexico and inland areas of live oaks and pines, freshwater lakes, rivers, bayous, and coves, all showing an abundance of birds.
The feeders can be proper freshwater patterns filled with mashed mackerel, worm and bread, the bread acting as binder and scent soaker.
The river channel meanders through wide tidal freshwater marshes of cattail and sedges (Carex spp. and Scirpus spp.), with stands of saltmarsh cordgrass along the upper banks.
Catching brown trout among seaweed is a strange experience for someone used to freshwater fishing on the mainland.
I am not an aquarist, but my wife has a 44-gallon freshwater tank that is always crystal-clear.
Along with 680,000 freshwater fish released, it should mean that our fishery has a future.
The main courses are dominated by marine and freshwater fish, including the ubiquitous pike; or else game - rabbit, pheasant and duck.
This interviewee himself took pleasure in regrowth forest and spent much of his recreational time fishing, catching marron (a freshwater crustacean, Cherax cainii) and bush walking.
Bringing it back to Freshwater: it looks as though he was given a simplistic test scheme which he could game by playing the short-term rote memorisation card with his classes, while pandering to his own religious prejudices.
Freshwater: The Board's rebuttal case - The Panda's Thumb
The acanthopterygian family (_Labyrinthici_) contains nine freshwater genera, and these are distributed between the East Indies and South and
On the Genesis of Species
The sediments include lacustrine freshwater limestones, silts, marls, occasional sands and local lignite.
They knew there might be the occasional saltie as well as the smaller and more benign freshwater crocodiles, but had ancient knowledge to deal with them.
‘In September a thresher shark was spotted near Turbot Bank, off Freshwater West,’ said Mark Burton, assistant marine conservation officer at Skomer Marine Nature Reserve.
It also has hybrids of the two, as well as the indigenous false gavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) and five exotic species: South American caiman (Caiman crocodilus), New Guinea freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae), Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), broad-spouted caiman
Chapter 7
She said that the investigators’ report seemed “omissive” and therefore slanted against Freshwater.
Freshwater April 29 & 30: Exploiting kids - The Panda's Thumb
Introducing salt-tolerant crops such as salicornia could utilise millions of hectares of unproductive arid land while conserving valuable freshwater resources and providing both material and economic returns to local inhabitants.
Water Conserve: Water Conservation RSS Newsfeed
Freshwater gar (various species), especially spotted and longnose gar resemble needlefish in body type/form.
"Fly" Fishing with Spider Silk and Kites
Foraminifera, or forams, are abundant marine and freshwater amoebae with granulose, reticulating pseudopodia.
Influxes of saltwater can ‘burn’ and destroy aquatic vegetation such as pondweed, najas and other freshwater and brackish water plants that serve as prime duck fodder.
Some of the species that live in the ocean but enter freshwater to spawn are sea lamprey, Atlantic sturgeon, alewife, Atlantic salmon, arctic char, and American eel.
The freshwater sawfish, a ray, is related to stingrays, skates, sharks, and other fishes with cartilaginous skeletons.
Cichlids are mainly found in the lowland, freshwater areas of tropical and subtropical regions.
There were freshwater pearl drop earrings and a matching five stringed pearl choker, framed in delicate rose gold.
Many species of tropical freshwater, marine and coldwater fish are being successfully bred by fishkeepers all over the world.
The bichir and other primitive freshwater fish have a pouch opening from the gut to enable them to breathe air.
Abstract: The freshwater sawfish Pristis microdon is a critically endangered elasmobranch.
Breaking News: Ontogenetic Depth 2.0! - The Panda's Thumb
Pond fish culture yielded 2550 tonnes, or 6 per cent, of freshwater fish for local consumption.
Other important plant species in the freshwater habitats include pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), tape-grass (Ottelia alismoides), and buckbean (Nymphoides peltata).
Yellow Sea saline meadow
The sediments include lacustrine freshwater limestones, silts, marls, occasional sands and local lignite.
These compounds, widely distributed among freshwater and marine organisms, are cyclohexenone or cyclohexenimine rings conjugated with imine or amino acids substituents.
Most of the existing wetlands are freshwater, coniferous scrub/shrub wetlands, with small palustrine forested wetland complexes as well as Atlantic White Cedar wetland complexes.
2009 March « Beachwood Historical Alliance
Catch of common carp was generally high during 1958-1975 and has decreased since; harvests have approximately doubled for buffalo fishes, catfishes and freshwater drum during 1945-1999.
Two major categories of freshwater ecosystems can be defined as lotic (flowing water) and lentic (standing water), but large variation in size, characteristics, and location is exhibited within each.
Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
Duke also points out that freshwater black bass, the familiar largemouth and smallmouth, are found in 49 of the 50 states.
OTEC can be used to power a grazing plantship, where the economic opportunities would include: next generation fisheries, marine biomass plantations (from which methane and various biofuels can be produced at sea), electricity (plus hydrogen can be electrolyzed) and freshwater.
Patrick Takahashi: The Blue Revolution Is the Optimal Solution for Japan
The bichir and other primitive freshwater fish have a pouch opening from the gut to enable them to breathe air.
Specific will tell, can choose freshwater shrimp, crab, soft - shelled turtle .
I'm generally inlands, so I'm looking at this from a freshwater scenario.
Raw Eyeballs and Life-Saving Lures
Cormorants and anhingas live in freshwater wetlands, swamps, lakes, rivers, and estuaries (wet areas near the ocean where freshwater and saltwater mix).
Hypoxia occurs below the freshwater driven pycnocline from late February through early October, but it is most widespread, continuous, and severe in June, July, and August.
Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem
The prominent species are: Coregonus lavaretus, known as houting in its purely freshwater form, or as powan (Loch Lomond in Scotland), skelly (the English Lake District), and gwyniad.
They also suggest that even if some Barrow's Goldeneyes molt on freshwater lakes near the littoral zone, most males frequent the brackish waters of estuaries similar to their wintering habitat.
Microplastics have been discovered widely distributed across the bottom of the St. Lawrence River, the first time such pollutants have been found in freshwater sediments.
The elver is the baby freshwater eel that is born in the Sargasso Sea south of Bermuda and drifts over to Europe on the Gulf Stream in the spring. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
By contrast, freshwater holes and streams are generally considered cooling for the body and the light breeze of the north wind is said to strengthen it.
The Turtle Conservation Fund has listed the 25 most endangered turtles to highlight the survival crisis facing tortoises and freshwater turtles and to unveil a global plan to prevent further extinctions.
There are also small areas of azonal limestone and freshwater swamp forests.
Western Java rain forests
They commonly occur as free-living, photosynthetic and marine unicells and also include endosymbiotic, parasitic, heterotrophic and freshwater taxa.
Like the freshwater eel, congers undergo considerable morphological changes prior to spawning.
With cultch either lacking or covered in slime from the freshwater inundations, a terrible downward spiral could be at hand.
Times, Sunday Times
The loricas of these Trachelomonas cells collected from a small, freshwater pond exhibit the characteristic orange pigmentation often seen in the genus.
My country is on the eastern side of Melville Island where people today hunt for magpie goose and go fishing for freshwater barramundi.
She was enraptured by the sight of two young men sitting in half barrels trying to sink one another whilst staying afloat in a freshwater pond.
He used freshwater raceway systems to measure how much time was required for fish to eliminate off-flavor.
Aquaculture is often cited as another source of schistosomiasis infection, and it may be when pisciculture of freshwater fish is concerned.
Chapter 8
Many species of tropical freshwater, marine and coldwater fish are being successfully bred by fishkeepers all over the world.
He regarded the iron phosphate strengite to be the typical form of authigenic phosphate in freshwater deposits.
Other officers are involved in specialist work on matters such as ornithology, marine and freshwater ecology, palaeontology and genetically modified organisms.
Many parts of the world have available brackish water resources that could be tapped and purified to augment limited freshwater supplies, but traditional desalination processes such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis consume significant amounts of energy.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
(an African freshwater fish also known as the gray bichir) has "[i] ncredible fish armor [that] could suit soldiers.
Evolution News & Views
The area of transition from freshwater glades to saltwater mangrove swamps is a highly productive zone that nurses great numbers of commercially valuable crustacea.
Everglades National Park, United States
While in freshwater, Chinook Salmon fry and smolts feed on plankton and then terrestrial and aquatic insects, amphipods and crustaceans.
Freshwater: Tightening the vise is the next entry in this blog.
The resurrection of Omphalos - The Panda's Thumb
The current threats to its habitat include road constructions and shore developments, which either infill the habitat or alter freshwater flow across the shore.
These streams are occupied on the south slope by a subset of the fish that characterize freshwater rivers in the Orinoco Basin in Venezuela, including cichlids and characins.
SDS - substrate - PAGE method was modified and to characterize the proteinases from the digestive organs of freshwater fish.
They are commonly found along the continental or insular shelves as well as freshwater estuaries or mangrove marshes.
The old village of Freshwater is picturesque, but the new lodging-house portion, only lately sprung up because it has become a fashion with doctors to prescribe Freshwater as a holiday and sanitary place, is hideous in its newness of fiery red brick and freshly uptorn earth.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
Their goal: to assess the conservation status of giant catfish, stingrays, gars, carp, salmon, sturgeon, and other freshwater fish species that grow to at least 6.5 feet in length or 220 pounds in weight.
Freshwater larvae in the act of phoresy while attached to a water beetle.
Let them disperse
Fisheries for arctic freshwater and diadromous fish are conducted in all polar countries including Canada, Denmark (Greenland), the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States (Alaska).
Impacts on arctic freshwater and anadromous fisheries
Freshwater fisheries as described here include those for species that live their entire lives in freshwater, such as lake trout, and those for diadromous species such as Atlantic salmon.
Impacts on arctic freshwater and anadromous fisheries
Eurypterid associations can often be distinguished and related to environmental conditions, such as marine, lagoonal or estuarine, or brackish to freshwater faunas.
Almost half the reserve area is formed of marismas - freshwater marshes on accumulated clayey silt - where the Guadalquivir river delta has been deflected and ponded by a coastal sand spit (~27,000 ha).
Doñana National Park, Spain
New Mexico: Non-toxic ammunition required for common moorhen; sora, a freshwater marsh bird; Virginia rail and snipe with shotguns, as well as dove, band-tailed pigeon, upland game or migratory game birds on all State Game Commission owned or managed areas.
Iowa in middle of lead-shot skirmish
The freshwater mussel cannot continue its race without the unconscious co-operation of the minnow, and the freshwater fish called the bitterling cannot continue its race without the unconscious co-operation of the mussel.
The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
The house was in the Atlantic boreal region where the salinity of the open sea was around 35 percent, but inshore a little less from freshwater streams and rivers.
Bird Cloud
Within its boundaries, Brazos Bend has clearly defined areas of gallery forest, freshwater marsh, coastal prairie and mixed hardwood bottomland.
Occurring along the northern promontory of Ujung Kulon near Tanjung alang-alang is a seasonally inundated freshwater swamp forest.
Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids.
Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
The bay includes salt marsh, shallow and open water, tidal channels, mudflats and numerous islands, and a freshwater pond.
Anyone aged 12 or over who fishes for salmon, trout, freshwater fish or eels in England or Wales must have an Environment Agency rod fishing licence.
A variety of turtles lived in the rivers, along with gar, freshwater clams and snails, crayfish, and alligators.
Today, however, things are improving for our largest native freshwater fish.
The position, shape and size of the vaterite in the freshwater non-nucleated pearl samples are primarily confirmed by micro-laser Raman-mapping technology.
The total influx to the marine Arctic from rivers is 0.18 Sv [9], about 2.5 times the “freshwater” flux of the Pacific inflow through Bering Strait.
Marine Arctic
The development of aquiculture (780 ha) creates reproductive and nutritive stresses to the detriment of local freshwater ichthyofauna.
Cuban wetlands
In fact he doubted very much if this fast-flowing freshwater stream harboured denizens capable of inflicting such damage.
In these two species, the young smolt when they are barely 1 inch 25 mm long, allowing great numbers of juvenile salmon to migrate to the ocean from even small areas of freshwater spawning habitat.
Trout and Salmon of North America
The key to the transformation is that the oxygen has increased the number of invertebrate the fish feed on from about five to 30 including freshwater shrimp, water louse and a caddis which only thrives in pristine waters.
This is best exemplified in the distribution of the freshwater fish fauna, where the lowland streams have the highest species richness, the second peneplain fewer, and the upper peneplain streams support a limited fish fauna.
Sri Lanka montane rain forests
The latter are freshwater fish, living in slow-flowing rivers.
The key to the transformation is that the oxygen has increased the number of invertebrate the fish feed on from about five to 30 including freshwater shrimp, water louse and a caddis which only thrives in pristine waters.
Secondary gills are found in Ancylids, which are freshwater limpets adapted to life in fast-flowing streams.
In his newly renovated laboratory on the second floor of the Lillie Building, Dionne is studying the sense of smell in the mud puppy, a large freshwater salamander.
At that time the carp, the most intelligent freshwater fish, was regarded as virtually uncatchable.
Times, Sunday Times
Besides figuring out a way to eliminate the snakeheads from the Crofton pond, the group is likely to recommend searching for snakeheads in other freshwater bodies.
The Napartulik fossils are mummified (compressed and desiccated) plant remains that were buried in a freshwater, low-oxygen environment that limited decay.
Freshwater streams, estuaries, and the open ocean are all important habitats.
He reported that freshwater crab was a popular food among many tribes of northeastern region.
The arapaima is the largest freshwater fish with scales in the world.
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The classically educated amongst us will recognise it as an anagram of ‘Naiads’ the freshwater nymphs from Greek mythology, who dwelt in brooks and springs.
Freshwater was referring to what he characterized as discrepancies in some materials that allegedly came from his science classroom.
Freshwater: Board members, and the black bag - The Panda's Thumb
We have a freshwater fish tank community of tetras, catfish, gouramis and loaches.
The leptocephalous larvae travel back to freshwater habitats in Taiwan, mainland China, Korea, and Japan.
Depending on the species, they may be found in freshwater, brackish, or marine areas including estuaries, swamps, marshes, and tidepools.
Farther down, where freshwater met salt, a dozen little estuaries nourished tall stands of marsh grass and dozens of species of wildfowl, from the elegant Canada geese to widgeons with calls like rubber duck squeeze toys to the long-legged, long-billed lesser yellowlegs.
Fire and Ice
The freshwater sawfish, a ray, is related to stingrays, skates, sharks, and other fishes with cartilaginous skeletons.
Increased freshwater aquaculture, poultry and grass - based animal husbandry and other supportive efforts.
We can be 140 kilometres from the sea, and yet there'll be bronze whalers, stingrays, the highest level of freshwater turtle diversity in Australia.
Their range of frozen foods is supplemented with vitamins, and suitable for marine and freshwater tanks.
One transparent catfish, Micromyzon, has thick bones and armor plating but is among the tiniest of freshwater fish: an adult specimen carrying eggs measured just one-third of an inch long.
Densely vegetated ditches with temporary standing water can be an important habitat for freshwater molluscs.
There's still room for the indoor pond filled with koi that eat out of your hand, not to mention the 15 aquariums and terrariums housing all manner of fish and reptiles, from freshwater stingrays to a bearded dragon lizard named Rex.
Abstract: The freshwater sawfish Pristis microdon is a critically endangered elasmobranch. snip
Breaking News: Ontogenetic Depth 2.0! - The Panda's Thumb
Sediments from this locality yield a mixed freshwater and saline fauna.
As a chelonian keeper, Chris has worked with several tortoises, and north American freshwater turtles.
In freshwater, their main predators are burbot, lake trout, eels, bass, walleye, and whitefish.
As in other island hotspots, there are two distinct groups of freshwater fishes in the Caribbean: on smaller and younger islands, most fish are species that are widespread in marine waters but also enter freshwater to some degree, while on the larger and older islands of the Greater Antilles, there are several groups that occupy inland waters, including gars, killifishes, silversides and cichlids.
Biological diversity in the Caribbean Islands
It causes major environmental problems in freshwater aquatic habitats.
Individual quotas have been introduced in certain pacific fisheries (e.g., for abalone, herring, geoduck, sablefish and halibut), and in freshwater fisheries.
Tests for dissolved oxygen were carried out at each freshwater site and all nine were compliant with the national standard set for this parameter.
The scientists found that primitive freshwater plants provided the ancestral stock from which all of the earth's green land plants are descended.
In addition to the many products, freshwater mussels act as water quality indicators.
The term "diadromous" refers to any fish that migrate between saltwater and freshwater.
Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, United States
Talking about water spiders, years ago back in England I kept a diving bell spider Argyroneta aquatica in a freshwater aquarium which contained lots of plants and many other local critters.
Huge spider with hairy legs
Dominant features of the refuge include freshwater marshes, lakes, meadows, alkali flats, rimrocks, and sagebrush and juniper uplands.
It contains 20 per cent of the world's unfrozen freshwater and has been listed as a World Heritage site.
They discovered that small beads could be carved out of the shells of freshwater mussels and inserted into oysters to artificially form pearls.
Schram considered Paulocaris to be a brackish to freshwater organism and Mamayocaris to be nearshore marine.
It is the lake cusk or freshwater ling and could be utilized on our tables; but the wolffish, the rock blenny, the angler or goosefish, the skate, and twenty other kinds, are of great value as food.
Canada's Fishery Resources
Nothing in nature is immortal, but some clams can live centuries and a tiny freshwater creature called a hydra lives a very long time, at least until its pond dries up.
Author Explores Quest for Immortality
The preserve has 11 freshwater lagoons, one of which guests can snorkel, providing a rare glimpse into a world of fish and turtles.
Loch Ness is the largest body of freshwater in Britain, containing more water than all the lakes and reservoirs in England and Wales combined.
These species include the giant barb (a type of carp), the giant freshwater stingray, and the river catfish.
In exchange for some selections from Gragelouth's stock, the fanner additionally provided them with substantial supplies of dried fish, fruits, crayfish, and freshwater oysters, as well as vegetables from the garden.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
The principal meats were pork, beef, mutton, and sometimes freshwater fish taken from the river.
It was glorious waste; down below the casks were swilled and scrubbed out with freshwater, and the swillings drained into the bilge whence the ship's pumps would later have to force it overboard at some cost of labour.
Hornblower And The Hotspur
Use the spear for nabbing medium-size freshwater fish like bass and catfish, or ocean fish such as grouper and flounder.
I mean, they live basically off the fishing from the world's second largest freshwater lake.
Although the term "anadromous" refers only to those fish that spawn in freshwater and live most of their lives in saltwater, it is often used interchangeably with "diadromous.
Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, United States
WWF Australia freshwater program leader Nick Heath says DERM's study is the "smoking gun" and APVMA must ban diuron immediately.
The Australian | News |
My favorite freshwater fish was sold to me as an “emerald goby”.
Think Progress » Arizona legislature demands immigrants and President of the United States verify their status.
We have searched for Hox and ParaHox genes in several flatworm groups spanning from freshwater triclads to marine polyclads and, more recently, in the acoels, the likely earliest extant bilaterian.
Irrigation, of course, not only depletes groundwater but reduces surface flow too, with dams and diversions that cause downstream desertification and the loss of productive wetlands and freshwater fish stocks.
The cladocerans are excellent osmoregulators, occurring in freshwater to hypersaline environments.
Some researchers believe that the two lineages of marine and freshwater sticklebacks are an example of evolution in action, since records indicate that some of their adaptations have occurred in only the past 10 years.
Hydra lives in freshwater, lacks a ciliated planula, and has clearly lost a medusa stage during its ancestry.
The freshwater banded killifish and the anadromous rainbow smelt increased in abundance from August into September.
Researchers say the fish shows how fins on freshwater species first began transforming into limbs some 380 million years ago.
The present “freshwater” flux through Bering Strait is about 0.07 Sv [8].
Marine Arctic
There were freshwater pearl drop earrings and a matching five-stringed pearl choker, framed in delicate rose gold.
Contained within the wetland basin are 264 species of freshwater fish.
The sediments were deposited under alternately freshwater and marine conditions.
Although the term "anadromous" refers only to those fish that spawn in freshwater and live most of their lives in saltwater, it is often used interchangeably with "diadromous.
Anadromous Fish Conservation Act, United States
Kiddie pools often are a source of giardia, which is normally associated with food-borne outbreaks or freshwater, such as springs or creeks.
The Daily News - News
On the valley floor, freshwater and alkaline soda lakes support a staggering array of birdlife.
Giant cutgrass is a common plant in freshwater marshes, along with pickerel weed, sawgrass, jewelweed, water parsnip and smartweeds.
North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, South Carolina
I have broken the journey to dive on Sweden's west coast and on some freshwater wrecks in Lake Vattern.
Fossil zygospores have been used to infer paleoecology of the regions in which they occur, suggesting that shallow freshwater pools or lakes were present in the past.
This astaxanthin-producing microalga is naturally found in arctic marine environments as well as freshwater rock pools all over the world.
Forever Young
American paddlefish are mainly freshwater fish but can survive in brackish water.
In fact, there are only two authenticated cases of passive dispersal in freshwater triclads.
Of this,(Sentence dictionary) 4 million cubic kilometres is a reasonable estimate for the freshwater we could extract.
Vitamin A-lacking diet influence body volume dehydroretinol-rich freshwater fish
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The movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers, or saltwater intrusion, is usually caused by ground water pumping from coastal wells.
Fishing is another popular activity as the lake is home to 87 varieties of freshwater fish.
Other officers are involved in specialist work on matters such as ornithology, marine and freshwater ecology, palaeontology and genetically modified organisms.
Sixteen species of New Zealand's native freshwater fish have been recorded in the region including the threatened giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus), short-jawed kokopu (G. postvectis), and the inanga (G. maculates) whose young are considered a culinary delicacy.
Westland temperate forests
Pagkatapos ng maganda ang ilog lumba-lumba freshwater, ang baijis, nagpunta ang mga patay noong nakaraang taon sa Tsina, ang Intsik na pamahalaan ay nagsimulang pagkuha ng malubhang mga hakbang patungo sa ekolohiya sustainability, batak lahat hihinto upang mapanatili ang huling babae Yangtze pagong sa planeta buhay para sa mga baboy, at pagtatag ng bansa Unang National Park . »2007» Disyembre
‘Here, we supervise students and carry out research on the ecology, genetics and conservation of freshwater and marine molluscs in the rivers of the Amazon basin,’ he explains.
Most commonly they will feed heavily on bloodworm, a little on freshwater shrimps and occasionally upon snails and mussels.
The eelpout-burbot, lawyer, ling, or freshwater cod-is a voracious, deep-dwelling fish that looks like an eel on a serious course of steroids.
Mushing, Eelpout, and Butterballs
In the Sandy Pond area, you'll enjoy the beauty of fragile barrier beaches, dunes, lagoons, and freshwater marshes.
And it's even possible to buy an island in the waters of Lake Nicaragua, famed for its freshwater sharks.
In winter, the Mew Gull inhabits coastal waters, and is commonly found in estuaries, river mouths, and freshwater ponds close to the shore.
One would expect that dragonflies are already flagship species of wetlands and freshwater, with which they are closely associated.
Climb the wide ladders back aboard the Aggressor after your dive and indulge in a hot freshwater shower.
The bichir and other primitive freshwater fish have a pouch opening from the gut to enable them to breathe air.
Punta Cana also has a number of unique natural features like freshwater lagoons and coastal mangroves that make it a delight both for visitors and environmentalists.
Jwalapuram, for example, is an ancient type of Indian geological formation known as a Purana basin, which contains highly fertile soil and abundant freshwater springs protected from contamination by the surface ash.
Signs of the Times
The giant catfish, the world's biggest scaleless freshwater fish, is in danger of extinction and listed as an endangered species in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
This month entering its 25th year, the festival celebrates a fish of many names -- burbot, eelpout, pout, ling -- a freshwater cod that breeds beneath the ice and feeds most willingly after dark.
The Craziest Ice Fishing Tournament in the United States
A number of other invertebrate species, including beetles, harvestman, spiders, millipedes, and freshwater mussels are specialists on habitats modified by old Redwood and other conifer forests and maintain very local distributions.
Northern California coastal forests
In fact he doubted very much if this fast-flowing freshwater stream harboured denizens capable of inflicting such damage.
Ontogenetic depth partitioning by juvenile freshwater sawfish Pristis microdon: Pristidae in a riverine environment
Breaking News: Ontogenetic Depth 2.0! - The Panda's Thumb
In general, development rate is 1.5 to 2 times slower in freshwater calanoid copepods relative to their brackish or marine counterparts.
I reckon if you have a selection of Clousers minnows and Deceivers in various colours and hook sizes, then you can probably catch most of the salt and many freshwater fish.
The word mojarra has been translated as many things, from bluegill to sunfish, so it is no wonder that several kinds of freshwater fish in the market are likely to be dubbed "mojarra" for lack of another name.
A Guide to Mexican Fish and Shellfish - Part Two: Las Delicias del Mar
The reserve lands also include upland and bottomland hardwood forests, freshwater marsh (Typha, Cladium), submerged aquatic vegetation (Ruppia, Valisneria) and unique bog habitats (Sarracenia, Drosera).
Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Alabama
Aquatic habitats include freshwater (lakes, rivers, streams, muskets, and freshwater marshes) and marine (intertidal and neritic zones, estuaries, fjords and upper inlets).
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, United States
The fish kill stretched about 17 miles downstream from the Ozark-Jetta Taylor Lock and Dam, and included about 83,000 freshwater drum and 1,000 other fish, including yellow bass, white bass, bluegill and sauger.
Mysterious Bird Deaths In Arkansas Solved?
This month entering its 25th year, the festival celebrates a fish of many names -- burbot, eelpout, pout, ling -- a freshwater cod that breeds beneath the ice and feeds most willingly after dark.
The Craziest Ice Fishing Tournament in the United States
For example, the freshwater diversion project disrupted seafood harvesting by coastal communities, and as a result of lawsuits brought against the project, local oystermen have been awarded more than $1 billion in damages.