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[ US /ˈfɹɛʃ/ ]
[ UK /fɹˈɛʃ/ ]
  1. not containing or composed of salt water
    fresh water
  2. original and of a kind not seen before
    the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem
  3. not soured or preserved
    sweet milk
  4. not canned or otherwise preserved
    fresh vegetables
  5. having recently calved and therefore able to give milk
    the cow is fresh
  6. not yet used or soiled
    a fresh sheet of paper
    an unused envelope
    a fresh shirt
  7. with restored energy
  8. improperly forward or bold
    don't be fresh with me
    Don't get wise with me!
    an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
    impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
  9. free from impurities
    fresh air
    clean water
  10. (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
    fresh ideas
    a fresh start
  11. imparting vitality and energy
    the bracing mountain air
  12. recently made, produced, or harvested
    fresh lettuce
    fresh bread
    a fresh scent
  1. very recently
    a freshly cleaned floor
    they are newly married
    grass new washed by the rain
    a newly arranged hairdo
    we are fresh out of tomatoes
    newly raised objections

How To Use fresh In A Sentence

  • You know that moment when really liking someone turns into a radiant love - overwhelming, a little frightening and almost exasperatingly fresh?
  • Divide half the mixture between 4 glass bowls, then sprinkle with a few fresh raspberries and a bit more crushed honeycomb. The Sun
  • (Not to be confused with what we call cookies)To serve Devon, or Cornwall clotted cream would desecrate a good southern biscuit (and be a waste of the cream really, I prefer it on saffron buns)a bit of plain cream, fresh butter, and cane syrup poured over a hot biscuit is ambrosia. Scones, Cream and Jam - a West Country cream tea
  • The four of us stayed for a couple of nights in the Rest House at Takoradi, which gave us a few hours to walk the beaches and paddle in the ocean, and to luxuriate in the fresh sea breezes after the heavy atmosphere of the interior.
  • About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years.
  • Add a little freshly sliced green chilli or a hint of chilli powder if you wish. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's refreshing to meet someone who is so dedicated to their work.
  • During the next patrol, at about 10 p.m., however, our men found fresh footprints on the wet ground.
  • Our spa facials will leave you with clean skin that glows with the freshness of youth.
  • Freshly baked apple pie makes a tasty dessert.
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