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How To Use Frequenter In A Sentence

  • Both camps - the ecstatic Sundance fans and the confused multiplex frequenters - will have to hold off until then.
  • Over on the other side of the world, the mere mention of the word was sufficient to conjure up whole crowds of its historic frequenters, and to send trooping through my imagination endless groups of wits and dandies, pamphleteers and bravos, and bohemians of Grub Street. COFFEE-HOUSES AND DOSS-HOUSES
  • They were hatcheck and cigarette girls, dancers in chorus lines, singers with small bands and combos, and glamorous frequenters of night spots.
  • Young Gainsborough, who spent three years amid the works of the painters in St. Martin's-lane, Hayman, and Cipriani, who were all eminently convival, were, in all probability, frequenters of Slaughter's. All About Coffee
  • Multas superuacuas obseruant ceremonias, quia respiciunt in vanitates et insanias falsas: solem et lunam praecipuè adorant, eisque frequentèr genua curuant, et ad nouilunium, quicquid est magni estimant inchoandum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
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  • How are the morals of the people to resist a doctrine which teaches them that the rich only can be criminal, and that poverty is a substitute for virtue -- that wealth is holden by the sufferance of those who do not possess it -- and that he who is the frequenter of a club, or the applauder of a party, is exempt from the duties of his station, and has a right to insult and oppress his fellow citizens? A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • As a frequenter of both Paris and Versailles, Saint-Germain soon became one of King Louis’ most trusted advisors.
  • My Merriam-Webster 11th Edition, the standard medium-size 'Merkin dictionary, has "boulevardier" as showing up in 1871 as "a frequenter of the Parisian boulevards, broadly: MAN-ABOUT-TOWN". Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • But it would be criminal for the State, at its expense, i. e., at the expense of the entire population, to maintain dens for the smoking of opium and to hire special persons to minister to the needs of the frequenters of these places. Deja Vu
  • Don't believe a word he says," interrupts Madame Ashley, springing suddenly to her feet, and commencing to pour out her phials of wrath on the head of the poor parson, whom she accuses of being a suspicious and extremely unprofitable frequenter of her house, which she describes as exceedingly respectable. An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
  • Tiring of this, he joined the army and became a well-known frequenter of all the London night clubs, where he was always surrounded with the ladies. Archive 2009-03-01
  • They tend not to be frequenters of high-art institutions.
  • Dad is an avid frequenter of discount supermarkets.
  • Post-um: Best Jokes Ever anyone a gun show frequenter? I'm your best friend now, Barack!
  • Impressio tam fortis in spiritibus humoribusque cerebri, ut extracta tota sanguinea massa, aegre exprimatur, et haec horrenda species melancholiae frequenter oblata mihi, omnes exercens, viros, juvenes, senes. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The one was a strict observer of the laws of propriety and an almost exclusive frequenter of fashionable society; the other, on the contrary, had an unmitigated scorn for the so - called proprieties and so-called good society. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • For I am well known as a frequenter of his rites, my worship of him is no new thing, my priesthood has received the smile of his favour, and ere now I have expressed my veneration for him both in prose and verse. The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura
  • Unde et nos pie credimus, confidimus et speramus, quod Theothocos, sancta polorum terreque potentissima imperatrix, inter alia loca dominacionis sue ortum sibi deliciarum preuiderit, elegerit et constituerit istud sanctum monasterium ex antiquo, in quod libenter perambulauit et frequenter, clausum Dei custodia circumdedit et protexit diligenter, ex quo orationum feruencium et uirtutum omnium spirauit odor suauissimus habundanter. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • With these phantoms, priests were sometimes mingled, frequenters of this ancient salon, and some gentlemen; the Marquis de Sass***, private secretary to Madame de Berry, the Vicomte de Val**, who published, under the pseudonyme of Charles – Antoine, monorhymed odes, the Prince de Les Miserables
  • He knew Debussy, his alleged predecessor as Grand Master—they were both frequenters of the great Paris salons—but then a hoaxer would have selected public figures whose paths were known to have crossed. The Sion Revelation
  • He knew Debussy, his alleged predecessor as Grand Master—they were both frequenters of the great Paris salons—but then a hoaxer would have selected public figures whose paths were known to have crossed. The Sion Revelation
  • There are good reasons why some might think this was the wrong thing to do with hard-earned money collected from lottery players who tend not to be frequenters of high-art institutions.
  • It is that he had a morbid fascination with death and he was also an enthusiastic frequenter of public executions.
  • Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim or handle of their ceramic cups.
  • Speak, ye ballroom frequenters, how would you skip, even with the light of brilliant eyes to encourage you, if there were not what you call a jolly good supper somewhere in the background? Red Rooney The Last of the Crew
  • They were hatcheck and cigarette girls, dancers in chorus lines, singers with small bands and combos, and glamorous frequenters of night spots.
  • Other frequenters of the cemetery I see before me — dark, silent figures, figures of persons whom still unsevered cords of memory seemed to have bound to the place for the rest of their lives, and compelled to wander, like unburied corpses, in quest of suitable tombs. Through Russia
  • It is of course understood that Albert resided in the aforesaid street, appeared every day on the fashionable walk, and dined frequently at the only restaurant where you can really dine, that is, if you are on good terms with its frequenters. The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Iesus Christus frequentèr instruebat suos discipulos, et populos, magnáque miracula exhibebat, atque deprehensae mulieri in adulterio omnia peccata dimittebat. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville

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