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How To Use Frenzied In A Sentence

  • Beneath them, he seemed to see her innards in frenzied motion, as though she had snakes nesting in her. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Ten days of frenzied reporting had not been stilled by increasingly angry Downing Street statements.
  • In the final match, Lara scored yet another hundred but this was so frantic and frenzied that it could not stop the Australians from winning the match and squaring the series.
  • The tribesmen were all bunched together in clumps, and they too seemed frenzied with excitement.
  • In the end, despite these tight controls, the US-backed generals failed to win a majority of the vote, securing a plurality only through frenzied last minute stuffing of the ballot boxes.
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  • Throughout Thursday, the rush on Celtic merchandise in the big shopping centres of Dublin was frenzied.
  • From rowing lake and canoe rapids to velodrome and swimming pool, the cheers of frenzied spectators have been spine-tingling. The Sun
  • You mean with the approach of the season when everyone wants to blow a huge chunk of their cash on useless junk in an irresponsibly frenzied consumeristic orgasm ... and they're finding themselves without credit or as much spare cash as usual ... they're feeling a little extra down about the economy? CNN Poll: Optimism on economy fading
  • Overall, he was a cool and composed point of reference for his team amid the general frenzied activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, no matter how frenzied or freaked-out a song gets, there is always, somewhere, a sense of order and proportion.
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • People were shouting and cheering in frenzied exultation.
  • The bunch fills the road, riders snorting, heaving and blowing hard as they try to extract maximum effort from their tired bodies for one final frenzied lunge towards the line.
  • She says her illustration of a frenzied cat with a serpentine body always provoked immense laughter from children.
  • He commands this role, speaking in a frenzied bark of orders, put-downs and overwrought egomania.
  • As part of a plan by the new Democratic majority to create the impression of frenzied hard work, the House has also boosted its workweek from a bankerly three days to five, and the Senate has trimmed its other spring break — two weeks in April — by half. Calendar
  • Two premises became vacant recently and there has been frenzied speculation about who might take them over. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1810 he survived a frenzied attack by his valet, though scandal insisted that Cumberland had been the aggressor.
  • That frenzied chorus of hot air was used to try to whip up a hurricane designed to alter public opinion.
  • On the opposite wall to my left hung a gigantic plasma screen displaying a frenzied montage of flitting text and graphics.
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • A frenzied grouper blundered into Neil, striking his arms and legs. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Parents created a frenzied crush of their own as they crowded around Gardai, begging for news of their loved ones.
  • Yet despite the frenzied media attention there has been little to report. Times, Sunday Times
  • You bring to life in vivid detail an aspect of WWII that we haven't heard a lot about: the frenzied evacuation of the Germans as the Eastern front crumbled and the Russians advanced. A conversation with bestselling author Chris Bohjalian about his novel, Skeletons at the Feast
  • a frenzied look in his eye
  • Two people were injured and a third left in shock yesterday after an axeman ran amok before launching a frenzied attack inside a historic abbey.
  • It's tonnes of fun, dancing and drinking cheap beer to frenzied mandolin picking while one of the vets oversees, clad in grey flannels, blazer, beret, and a strip of medals.
  • Let me stop here, before this devolves into another frenzied and unfounded rant.
  • It is impossible not to be reminded of the frenzied media reportage that has become the mainstay of American television news coverage.
  • Catullus brings forth the frenzied, almost feral, aspects of Bacchus's followers driven mad with drunkenness and hedonism, whereas Ovid concentrates on the romantic or emotional experience of Bacchus and Ariadne's encounter.
  • Shoals of yellowtails congregate like frenzied groupies around them, hoping to grab a free lunch.
  • The prophets who'd predicted the tempest had been proved correct: The frenzied waters had indeed thrown up an unprecedented catch. EVERVILLE
  • The tribesmen were all bunched together in clumps, and they too seemed frenzied with excitement.
  • She's being called impossibly glamorous -- the French president's new wife is drawing frenzied comparisons to Jackie Kennedy Onassis. CNN Transcript Mar 27, 2008
  • Then why this grand spectacle, starting from titillating anticipation to frenzied post-mortems after the budget is unveiled?
  • A girl runs frenzied, searching, sometimes stopping briefly to pick some flowers eager but not bright, hopeful and wanting.
  • Housework has been relegated to an occasional frenzied panic in between working on my projects and my beloved blog gets written mostly in my head.
  • With no elaborate courtship ritual, males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds.
  • For example, trance supposedly explains both fear-based, cataleptic, frozen rigidity and delight-based, ecstatic, frenzied mobility. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress , overwhelm , resentment , and guilt are just a few consequences.
  • As they questioned the Algerian fugitive, another man who was in the flat launched a frenzied attack with a kitchen knife.
  • Already provoked with sharp pins on which ribbons flutter gaily, the bull rushes frenziedly out and stands in the middle of the arena, looking confused by the roar of applause.
  • But he was right the Republicans were doomed from the start when they said NO and the conservatives followed suit because of people like Becky and flush and got all frenzied up. Think Progress » Former Bush speechwriter tells GOP: Democrats’ passage of health care is actually ‘our’ Waterloo.
  • Whether the men mistook my charge for a frenzied attack or not, they fled from me, allowing me to reach the body safely.
  • A major inquiry is to be launched into how a psychiatric patient killed a grandfather in a frenzied attack.
  • The government camp has reacted to the mounting protests with frenzied denunciations.
  • Why the frenzied rush to munge the entire biomedical industry without thinking things through? A few thoughts on relationships
  • At times you need to follow prompts on the screen in frenzied action, other times you need to press or move buttons and joysticks slowly on-screen or risk failing at an attempt. GAME REVIEW: Heavy Rain (PS3) « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Significantly, the on-site Job Placement Center, normally a frenzied mecca for the field, closed a day early.
  • The infant boy dropped a weed from his tiny hands and burst into frenzied weeping.
  • Gail was becoming frenzied and was attacking randomly in the hope that he would get lucky.
  • They came at him from every direction, not moving with their usual shuffle, but in a frenzied kamikaze attack.
  • Got to Thomas Paine park at about 7pm; only 20 or so people there …. at about 8pm a few marketing people started handing out really cool T-shirts, stickers, Gotham Newspapers and Keychains to a frenzied crowd of about 300; then a couple of guys showed up randomly in scant Batman attire; fitting to say the least …. Citizens For Batman Unite - New York and Chicago Meet-Ups! «
  • Ho! Pentheus, thou that art so cager to see what is forbidden, and to show thy zeal in an unworthy cause, come forth before the palace, let me see thee clad as a woman in frenzied Bacchante's dress, to spy upon thy own mother and her company. The Bacchantes
  • His struggles were becoming more and more frenzied, a wild look creeping into his blue eyes.
  • The alcohol and the gyrating male bodies onstage combine to bring the women to a state of frenzied rapture.
  • With no elaborate courtship ritual, males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds.
  • Unlike these other works, however, this work is less an organized musical collection than a sound collage that works at a frenzied pace.
  • News stories often shift - or are shifted by skilled spinmeisters - from the original story to a frenzied critique of the coverage.
  • But along the shores of Scotland's most famous loch the apparent disappearance of the legendary monster has sparked frenzied speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last night there was frenzied speculation about who will join the judges. The Sun
  • After years of frenzied lending, their excesses came home to roost. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most intense and powerful scenes in your novel is, of course, the one where Ustath Rashid is executed in the National Basketball Stadium in front of a frenzied, animal-like mob, all screaming for his execution as a traitor. Hisham Matar - An interview with author
  • On Monday, after a frenzied period of work, a third of the speed restrictions will be lifted as quickly as they were put in place.
  • I think people enjoy that frenzied panic of preparing for impending danger.
  • The songs are frequently manic and frenzied but just before you burn out they slow down and become melodious.
  • a frenzied attack
  • This, coupled with the frenzied yells of the supporters, makes even the most mundane fight a thrilling event.
  • Now that frenzied chorus of hot air is being used to try to whip up a hurricane designed to alter public opinion.
  • He'd love to write a collection of essays on speculative fiction and, in a fit of frenzied conceitedness, his long-suffering epic fantasy sequence about a wizard who tattooed souls. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F Part IV
  • Granted, I'm terrible at making beds, so that's not saying much when comparing to me, but put her daymaking skills against the Swedish champion bedmaker in a frenzied contest of making and mocking and many more m-words, and she'd still win. Bard Diary Entry
  • The park was a chaos of frenzied movement, bodies launching over the fence, brickbats and clubs swinging.
  • There is similarly frenzied activity all across the country.
  • England is considering the possibility that its World Cup dream could lie in tatters seven weeks before a ball is kicked, and a frenzied southern media is horror-struck.
  • He launched a frenzied personal attack on the economist, criticising everything from his economics to his politics.
  • As we go to press, media interest in him is little short of frenzied.
  • As she says in her book,"The Joy of Ritual," "To some, the word ritual evokes a vision of frenzied, naked savages beating tom-toms as they dance around a blazing fire... Jennifer La Lima-Ortmuller: Vision 2011: Presence And Connectedness Through Ritual
  • Frenzied with wine they rushed through woods and over mountains uttering sharp cries, waving pine-cone-tipped wands (thyrsi).
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ever since Ride the Ducks came to town, I've watched those vessels drive by, its frenzied tourists quacking away.
  • Once the bridge was negotiated, I saw the slow rise of a hill, carefully manicured on both sides of a narrow walkway with procrustean green fields, dotted in places by crabapple trees that attracted fleets of frenzied wasps when the season fermented in sick sweetness, falling fruit mashed muted viridian in streaks and lopsided buttons across the sidewalk. Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
  • Those watching joined hands and danced round the bonfire amid an air of frenzied excitement.
  • Yet the conservative press tries to keep us all in a frenzied state of fear and loathing, constantly awaiting the next mugging and poised to shoot the next burglar.
  • The frenzied stage show is more manic than a Hollywood depiction of a psychiatric ward.
  • In this, you're entertained right along with your current state of biorhythms, which is frenzied.
  • The greyhound, which appeared as Jessie in the hit film, was badly injured in a frenzied attack by a pit bull terrier.
  • Timothy Dwight, the fervently reactionary and comically pompous head of Yale University, was a strong Federalist supporter who predicted that the accession of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency would lead to "a frenzied dance of Jacobinism. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • Overall, he was a cool and composed point of reference for his team amid the general frenzied activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • His victory is the result of two weeks of frenzied phone and online voting after we whittled down ten finalists from more than 25,000 entries. The Sun
  • He got into the face of men who were killing innocent people in whatever frenzied state of mind possessed them.
  • Over in Germany, the gold rush is now so frenzied you can buy bullion from a vending machine. The Sun
  • The pop beauty's passion for low-cut tops and short skirts has come under frenzied media scrutiny recently, defying her past status as a style icon.
  • The next few days will be a series of frenzied meetings with pals, with former employers and old friends.
  • He recalled the frenzied repair work, the relief when the second start had been made-and the final debacle when the caterpillar track had jammed. Reach For Tomorrow
  • He has started 29 postseason games, and Saturday night in frenzied Yankee Stadium he gets a chance to be their hero again by keeping his team alive in the World Series against the Florida Marlins in Game 6. - Pettitte keeps his focus
  • Among writers in the North Ibsen began to hold very much the position that Whistler was taking among painters and etchers in this country, that is to say the abuse and ridicule of his works by a dwindling group of elderly conventional critics merely stung into more frenzied laudation an ever-widening circle of youthful admirers. Henrik Ibsen
  • Every single one of those hornets is frenziedly furious and you're the cause of their ire.
  • CBS's new midseason series " Mad Love" has high spirits to spare—the sort, admittedly, bordering on the frenzied, which is the only kind that writers of young-couples TV comedies know. The Spawn of 'Criminal Minds'
  • Kindly, gratefully and adoringly Jason made love to her and she to him, replacing the frenzied passion of their past couplings with an exploration into genuine lovemaking. I.O.U.
  • Once the pound went through $1.24, activity became more frenzied. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frenzied from all the drama, the savages in the audience brayed in a united, primitive chant.
  • Julian worked at a frenzied pace to synthesize physostigmine in the laboratory and was successful in what experts consider one of the most difficult syntheses in history.
  • The warning from the Department of Homeland Security sparked a frenzied rush on supermarkets and hardware stores.
  • The combination of percussion and reeds, and the frenzied pace of some of the pieces, creates some uncanny parallels with Moroccan trance music.
  • This level of formal, constricted thought is liable to get more relaxed people whipped up into a frenzied rage.
  • Instead, a frenziedly spirited troupe of backing dancers is left to pick up the slack, while Britney clambers aboard various moving parts of machinery and is wheeled around like an ancient maiden aunt being taken for her morning perambulation in a bath chair. Britney Spears review
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sowho are these merchants of noise, who work so hard, and so unobtrusively to dominate our attention, while hiding their malignance behind the frenzied smiles and desperate flim-flam of others who more effectively command our loyalty, respect, admiration and even doting adoration? Have you a radio or tv?
  • It was only the start of a day of frenzied police activity across London.
  • As it came to a stop, it widened the frenzied cluster of moths surrounding the yellow platform light over his head.
  • More than that, O'Reilly is apparently acting like a frenzied, territorial catarrhine: Archive 2007-01-01
  • Will this push him too far and lead to a frenzied attack?
  • Thus they began to reap the rewards of a year of desperate, frenzied activity.
  • She pushed Sampson's nose away as the retriever attempted to play with the frenzied bird in the girl's arms.
  • Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a local shopkeeper.
  • the prosecutor's frenzied denunciation of the accused
  • Frenzied last-minute negotiations continued yesterday between a number of regional powerbrokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will this push him too far and lead to a frenzied attack?
  • My main objection to Levant, apart from his logorrheic style and his deliberately misleading summaries of human rights cases, is his frenzied attempts to be edgy. Archive 2009-09-01
  • In false military dress, Garlin had the crowd frenzied with a great performance.
  • Another aspect of relief operations is the welter of frenzied calls by the media to evoke sympathy and monetary and other contributions.
  • Twenty minutes of watching the diehard clubbers doing their frenzied thing on the floor and we're ready to leave.
  • A subtheme is the clash between the traditional lifestyles of caboclos and rubber tappers and the frenzied expansionism of cattlemen and soy farmers. The Green vs. the Brown Amazon
  • When the lovely daughter tries to lay the blame for her own transgression on a bewitchment, Nell and her grandmother suffer terrible consequences from the frenzied folly of a superstitious community.
  • Oregon has an important steel pipe business that is benefiting from the frenzied construction activity in America's oil and gas sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • The frenzied opposition to Darwinism today is clearly based upon fear that scientific naturalism will undermine religious faith.
  • Recalling the frenzied press outside, he had his answer. The Shattered Blue Line
  • His clear signal that the job is almost done sparked frenzied speculation he is ready to stand down. The Sun
  • It's a frantic, frenzied melee, something I imagine a planet collapsing in on itself might sound like.
  • Bull elephants, when inclined to mate, enter a frenzied state called musth; they fight with each other for possession of the cow elephants, and become a menace to everything in their path; many humans are killed at this time. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • ‘The frenzied addiction to art,’ wrote Baudelaire, is a canker that devours.
  • Ahmed guides us through the flat, desolate landscape with a complicated series of frenzied taps, hand wiggles and screams (we can only assume this is delight at our driving).
  • Eight of the illuminating plastic road safety boxes were smashed to pieces in a frenzied attack in the early hours of Sunday morning.
  • If the bobber is still visible when the flag pops up, blame the wind or a frenzied shiner. How To Ice-Fish With A Sounder
  • Editors may be more skeptical of authority today, but they do not all believe the Harlem boys were railroaded by a frenzied press and a zealous prosecution.
  • The director moved her sometimes space-challenged charges skillfully, eliciting overall an antic tone that brought a kind of unity to the often frenzied goings-on.
  • we rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere
  • the frenzied elephant was in musth
  • Elysées "to the frenzied cries of the populace saluting its victorious army, and greeting with wild applause" Pétain, who kept Verdun inviolated, "" De Castelnau, who three times in the fray saw a son fall at his side, "" Gouraud, the Fearless, "" Marchand, who rushed on the On the Edge of the War Zone From the Battle of the Marne to the Entrance of the Stars and Stripes
  • Not only that: the sinful, disorderly, unsubduable passion torturing Amfortas, for a moment tortures equally Parsifal, whose nature is thrown by it into a horror of self-hatred, and casts itself upon frenzied prayer for deliverance and pardon. The Wagnerian Romances
  • Her sudden willingness to talk, against the advice of her lawyers, has sparked frenzied speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overall, he was a cool and composed point of reference for his team amid the general frenzied activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • For two hours we shouted and clapped ourselves into a group of frenzied, adrenaline-charged nutters cheering each other on, urging everyone to overcome their fears.
  • In contrast to the rest of the country, hotels, offices, villas and high-rise apartment buildings are going up at a frenzied pace.
  • She was torn between seeing what Scott was up to and getting caught up on her mending, which had piled up during the frenzied preparations for the fair.
  • In a frenzied rush of limbs, they spilled out of the car.
  • But in those who have seen it, Pop Idol seems to have aroused a frenzied passion.
  • The shadow emitted a terrible sound, an awful wheeze of frenzied laughter suppressed until it became strangling.
  • She stocked up on great glass jars with screw tops and loaded a supermarket trolley with every long-life, freeze-dried, vacuum-packed item of food she could lay her frenzied hands on.
  • The police officer was pulled to the floor in a stranglehold in a ‘violent and frenzied’ attack by a drunken man when she tried to caution him after a fight in Bradford.
  • After years of frenzied lending, their excesses came home to roost. Times, Sunday Times
  • a frenzied mob
  • But in the frenzied world of speed dating it's all you've got before crunch time.
  • The water is no longer green; it's frenzied, white froth.
  • The reason this photo touches a nerve right now is because it hits, in the most graphic and "unspun" way, at America's frenzied resuscitation effort in propping up Afghanistan, its political system and especially, its military. Progressive Bloggers
  • It was greeted with frenzied enthusiasm, despite sounding like a clumsy, punky novelty. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd gone from an organized woman of smooth purpose to a frenzied frump bearing a strange resemblance to a headless chicken.
  • The new songs show Pedro The Lion's move towards more darker material, showing off an ability to go from slow-core-ish dirges to frenzied beat-heavy rock numbers.
  • She span off into a frenzied panic that could only be alleviated by rushing round to the neighbour's for a cup of tea.
  • This leaves bodacious praise for Michael Healey, Martha Ross, and Marjorie Campbell who each float in and out of scenes with frenzied performances that are equally significant to the success of the play.
  • The taproom was a frenzied melee of punching, kicking, and shouting bodies. Conan The Hunter
  • A wave of frenzied buying pushed the index up 136.2 points.
  • The word of the day is “corybantic,” defined by AWAD as “wild; frenzied; uncontrolled.” Inspiration on a Tuesday
  • We do not see him best from frenzied activity. Christianity Today
  • When iconic images are tied to compelling content, they can still cut through our frenzied visual landscape
  • So any criticism of Mel's increasingly desperate attacks is frenzied is it that does seem rather overheated, it seems to me that if the word frenzied Is to be banded about would be better put use describing some of the more ridiculous attacks on Obama from the blogs like this one & those that comment on them. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • His run turned into a frenzied gallop, his face thrust out to the fans.
  • Where once a bit of mindless graffiti or frenzied roundabout action might have been enough to attract the attention of passing policepersons the new craze is public penetration.
  • At the same time, the pacing is less frenzied, the attitude toward the semi-autobiographical protagonist free of narcissism.
  • Several frenzied hits on the F5 key seemed to have brought things back to my most recent post.
  • The system works very well and what it all boils down to are frenzied matches with arsenals of moves available to those who take the time to learn the intricacies of the palate.
  • Frenzied last-minute negotiations continued yesterday between a number of regional powerbrokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • That prompted another frenzied shake of my boxer shorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The party mood spilled into the game with French tricks and flicks on show for a frenzied audience.
  • Two teenagers carried out a frenzied attack on a local shopkeeper.
  • It certainly can provoke the same frenzied preparations, the choice of a simple, white percale dress, a special hairdo. Patrizia Chen: Jane Austen and Tango
  • I stress I know nothing about the woman herself, but the background to his defenestration – hate mail from pro-life and animal cruelty groups, frenzied character assassinations from the ghastly Cristina Odone, and an unspeakably unpleasant piece of twit-gloating from the even ghastlier Nadine Dorries soon afterwards – is inescapable. Arise, geeks
  • Nay," declared a dumpy figure with big ears and the frenzied face of a maniacal toadfish, "we must work together to defeat the likes of the late and unlamented Susnam Evyndd, may his pure and noble soul lie corrupted and befouled forever. Kingdoms of Light
  • Then again, what you refer to as "upbeat" we might describe as "frenzied. The Full Feed from
  • The dancing is uninhibited and as frenzied as an aerobics class.
  • On a set of constantly shifting black and white panels (think fine lace), the eight dancers make use of a frenzied vocabulary, whether in quicksilver entrechats, whiplash pirouetting, or angst-ridden arm gestures.
  • Now that frenzied chorus of hot air is being used to try to whip up a hurricane designed to alter public opinion.
  • Oliver Stone 's frenzied style of psycho-historiography may be well-suited to #43, but his countermyth isn't this season's top ticket. GreenCine Daily
  • The keyboardist flies across the keys with the frenzied energy of a tap-dancing hummingbird.
  • The frenzied activity, she supposed. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • When not on campaign, he fluctuated between frenzied activity and languid repose.
  • Well, Three Fools Comedy does the same thing with Shakespeare, cramming all 37 of the Bard's works into a frenzied hour and a half, then sugaring the whole thing with ham-handed slapstick.
  • Now that both Turks and Syrians had grown used to being prisoners and to obeying us, they were less likely to think independently -- in the same way that a new-caught elephant in the keddah is frenzied and dangerous, but after a week or two is learning tricks. Hira Singh : when India came to fight in Flanders
  • A thousand frogs who had been silent for two years were calling to each other in the wash… a monumental chorus of deep lusty ba-booms, frenzied clicks and seductive chirrups.
  • The snarling grew frenzied accompanied by the sound of claws scratching frantically against the side of the door. LOST SUMMER
  • Then why this grand spectacle, starting from titillating anticipation to frenzied post-mortems after the budget is unveiled?
  • In a near-riot, the crowd's frenzied attentions grew so insistent that people had to be lifted out of the way to let Collins through.
  • Remarkably, Mr. Veronesi sustains the opening scene's excitement as he stirs a psychological ferment from almost no action—a condition that Pietro calls "frenzied stasis. In Translation
  • There is a Hassidic story about a rebbe who saw a frantically busy man, and he asked the man where he was running in such a frenzied rush.
  • This must be one of the most frenzied 18 metres cubed of space to be found anywhere.
  • Now that frenzied chorus of hot air is being used to try to whip up a hurricane designed to alter public opinion.
  • Such frenzied activity should be a gift for the urban historian. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the evening wore on the dancing got more and more frenzied.
  • Great tails lashed in frenzied anger about us, razor-like talons cut our limbs and bodies, and a green and sticky syrup, such as oozes from a crushed caterpillar, smeared us from head to foot, for every cut and thrust of our long-swords brought spurts of this stuff upon us from the severed arteries of the plant men, through which it courses in its sluggish viscidity in lieu of blood. The Gods of Mars

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